The Yellow Pages Girl – Part 2 by P_Anderer

I couldn’t help but try to imagine the position that the three people would need to get into, in order to achieve that, but before I figured it out, Gemma explained.

“I got him to lie on his back, propped up by some pillows, then I got on top of him, in like a reverse cowgirl. Then I leaned back, until my back was on his chest. His wife got in between my legs, so she could suck his balls and lick his cock as it went in and out. She kept pulling it out, would give it a nice suck, then push it back into me. When he was right inside me, she gave my puss a lovely licking too.

“It was a great position, as he was able to play with my tits and nibble my neck at the same time.

“After he finally pumped inside me and he slipped out, she then cleaned me up with her tongue and mouth. That was her real fantasy — to lick her husband’s cum out of another woman’s pussy.”

Gemma’s hand had drifted off of mine and her fingers were now pressing hard into the seam of her jeans between her legs.

“I really enjoyed that one. She made me come really hard, so it only seemed polite to return the compliment. That was the first time I ever tasted pussy… well, apart from my own, of course.”

I had no problem vividly imagining the bedroom scenario that Gemma had described and didn’t realise that my eyes had almost closed, as her words washed over me. Having someone recount such an erotic, real-life experience was really quite a turn on. I could feel juices pooling in my vagina and guessed that tissue must be soaked through.

Slowly, Gemma got up and moved round near her bed. Then she purposefully unzipped her jeans and peeled them down her legs, kicking them off in a heap on the floor. She stood back up, facing me, just wearing her t-shirt and panties. Given that I was sitting, and she was standing, my face was about eye level with her stomach… so it only needed the slightest glance down to see that her light blue panties had a massive wet stain at the front. In fact, they looked absolutely soaked.

Without a word, she slid them over her hips and allowed them to fall to the floor, her completely hairless pussy now on display, her inner lips pouting, shiny with her dew. She reached over and picked up her two toys, then flopped down onto her bed, barely a few feet away from me, as if oblivious to me being there.

I felt rooted to the spot and could only watch as she picked up the little silver bullet and switched it on. She jolted as she touched it to her clit, then sighed as she applied more pressure to hold it there. Then she started to draw slow circles, round and round her clit, then up and down over it.

Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was becoming more ragged, her legs giving little twitches as she hit a particularly sensitive spot. Then she used her thumb to rotate the dial on the controller. The buzzing sound increased in frequency and soon her whole body was jerking in response to the stimulations. I couldn’t help but be transfixed. The air was heavy with the scent of her sex.

Moments later, her back arched, her body went rigid, and her spare hand grasped and twisted into one of her breasts. She was bright red in the face and made a sound like she was being strangled. Seconds later, she took the toy away from her pussy, flicked it off and dropped it beside her on the bed, her body still spasming, her breath coming in ragged little pants.

Now both her hands were gently kneading her breasts as she gradually came down from her climax.

Finally, she turned slightly on her side to face me, still breathing deeply, her eyes only half open.

“Oh my god,” she sighed. “That was fucking amazing. I haven’t come that hard in ages.”

My heart was thudding. Was I excited by what I’d seen? I don’t know… I was feeling very turned on before. Maybe I was… it was kind of beautiful, almost innocent to watch. But what I did know, without any doubt at all, was that I had been leaking so much, that I was now sitting in a puddle of my own juices, which had obviously soaked through my jeans as well.

I didn’t say a word; I just got to my feet, then unbuttoned my jeans and slid the zipper down. Slipping my hands inside them, I swept both my jeans and panties down my legs, where they fell to my ankles. I glanced down. The tissue paper, my knickers and my jeans were all sopping wet.

Gemma leaned over the side of the bed and looked down too. “Oh wow,” she murmured. “Someone’s more than a bit turned on, by the look of things!”

I stepped out of the pile of wet clothing, freeing my feet from the constraint. I bent down to pick up the panties, heavy with the weight of liquid they had soaked up. I dangled them between my thumb and forefinger for her to see. “Yeah, embarrassingly so,” I admitted.

I not only felt embarrassed at the way my body had betrayed me, but I was also – somewhat irrationally – annoyed at Gemma for getting me in that state.

Then, on a complete impulse – and to this day I have no idea why I did this – I suddenly threw them at Gemma, hitting her square in the chest with them.

“See what you’ve done to me! This is all your fault.”

Gemma was wide-eyed as she stared at me, clearly wondering what the hell had snapped in me; but then she raised the panties to her nose and inhaled, sighing. Then she parted her lips and started to gently suck on the flimsy material, which only moments before, had been pressed against my most intimate area. She just moaned into the fabric as she sucked my juices from it.

Her eyes were filled with lust, as she finally, slowly drew the garment from her mouth. “Oh god… you taste good,” she sighed. “And you talk about me being a dark horse! I didn’t see that one coming.”

“No, but now you’re going to see me coming,” I retorted, picking up my little silver bullet from the desk, before dropping down on my bed, my legs parted, and knees raised. “That is what you wanted, after all.”

Gemma gazed at me, an imploring look in her eyes. “Yes… I would like that, very much.

“Oh, Char, I don’t want to spoil the moment, but please do something for me…

“Please take your top and your bra off. I’d love to see your boobs… not had the pleasure yet…”

‘Oh, what the hell’, I thought. My bald pussy is on full display, so…”

A moment later, I was completely naked, reclining on the bed. I switched the toy on and tentatively touched it between my swollen lips. Fuck! That was intense, like an electric shock going straight to my clitty.

It took a few seconds to get used to the harsh intensity of the sensations, but I was soon swirling it around my clit, over my peehole, then down into my entrance, gathering up the pooled moisture, before bringing it back, to saw up and down, over my clit.

Oh, I was in heaven! The sensations were radiating out from my clit, zapping through the hard-wired connections to my nipples. I pinched one nipple, then the other, with my spare hand. Soon I was able to speed up the toy, which took the sensations to a new level. The pleasure was so intense, it was almost torture. I was totally lost in the delicious torment, as the little toy worked its magic.

But my orgasm still eluded me… I was close, but not over the edge yet. I felt the need to be filled. I was tempted to cram my fingers into my aching cunt, but I had a better idea…

“Gem,” I panted, and just pointed to the pink vibe lying on the desk. She understood immediately, sprang off the bed and grabbed the other toy. She switched it on and handed it to me, as she sat down on the bed beside me, her soft bottom touching my thigh. I thanked her with my eyes and positioned the buzzing, squirming head of the vibe at my entrance. I was so wet, it slipped in with little resistance. I groaned as I felt its girth stretch me, fill me, the wiggling head dancing around my insides.

With one hand working the fake cock in and out, the other was occupied with teasing the bullet over and over my clit, with more and more rapid movements. I could feel my body quaking as my climax stated inexorably building, waves of pleasure radiating out from my clit and my cunt to my nipples, then all over my body.

Without warning, Gemma suddenly leaned in and fastened her mouth round my nipple, then gently bit into it, before sucking it hard, into her mouth. I cried out, in shock and utter pleasure, as a toe-curling climax crashed through me, leaving me quivering and gasping for breath.

Almost immediately, the intense vibrations from the bullet became too much for my over-sensitive clit, so I moved it away and groggily switched it off. The pink toy was still squirming and buzzing away inside me, so I reached down and silenced it, leaving it inside for my cunt muscles to contract around in spasms.

Gemma was still gently suckling on my nipple as my orgasm started to subside. I gently lay my hand on the back of her head, to send a message that it was OK. She finally let go and sat up, gently stroking my matted hair with her hand.

“So, Char, how was that then?”

“That was…” I was struggling to think of words and was still panting. “Verging on mind-blowing. Utterly amazing.”

I reached down between my legs and slowly, gently eased the pink toy out of my pussy. My muscles contracted and it popped out with a soft plop. I held it up for a moment and looked at it. It was shiny with my slick juices. I was just about to drop it on the bed, when Gemma caught my wrist.

“May I?” she asked. Leaning her head forward, she guided the toy into her mouth, swirling her tongue round it and wrapping her lips round the rigid shaft. She worked it in and out of her mouth, as she would a real cock, licking and sucking all my juices from it, until she seemed satisfied it was clean.

“You taste even better after you’ve come,” she declared, with a lascivious grin on her face. I was in a daze. I’d left my comfort zone so far behind, nothing seemed to be fazing me anymore. Besides, I’d just had probably the best orgasm of my life, so I couldn’t really object about anything, and just decided to go with the flow.

Gemma gently moved my foot up the bed a little, causing my nearly limp leg to fall outwards slightly, exposing my pussy even more. She leaned over to look more closely, before tentatively tracing a fingertip down my wet slit. I shuddered as she brushed it against my sensitive clit.

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