You are Definitely Going to Hell by Bamo68

As soon as I enter the classroom for morning registration, Clive pulls me to one side. “So how likely is it that they will turn up on Saturday?”

Nicky joins us as I say, “I don’t know, Clive. I’m not sure how reliable they are. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, I’m thinking of getting a haircut on the way home Friday. Want to come?”

“Nah, I say. My mother would have a heart attack if I asked for another when it took her a month of nagging to get my last one.” Both Clive and Nicky burst into laughter at the memory of my mop top before my birthday.

The bell sounds, and we take a seat so or form teacher can take the register. It only takes five minutes, and we all pile into the main hall for morning assembly. It’s the most boring part of the day. To make it worse, the six formers have to sit on chairs around the side and watch the younger kids.

The rest of the day seems to drag, and lunch is taken up with talk of the big four-way date. I shake my head in disbelief at all this planning. I must have been asked to say which girl was which a hundred times. They were making quite a racket, and I noticed some teachers, including Jill Peters, looking our way.

“Guys, guys, settle down. We are getting looked at,” I say.

They look to where I am and apologize to those still looking. To my relief, the bell goes, and we make our way to the last three periods of the day. Usually, a double lesson is followed by the last class of the day. Today is double Math, and it is painful at best, even if I find the lesson easy.

It’s raining when the last bell of the day goes, so I make my way to Jill’s lab. She’s busy putting the last things away in the cupboard when I tap on the door frame and walk-in.

“Hi Rob, good day?” She says when she spots me.

“Yeah, nothing I couldn’t handle,” I reply.

She smiles at me, “couldn’t grab that pile of exercise books for me while I finish locking up.” I walk over, pick the books up, walk to the door, and wait. Thirty seconds later, Jill walks out of the backroom, putting her coat on, and holding her keys in her mouth. She locks the classroom door, and we make our way out to her car.

It’s a relatively quiet drive home, and it’s not until we get to the dual carriageway that she turns to me and says, “ready for tonight?”

“I think so; the talk we had this morning gave me some confidence.”

“Yeah, me too.” She half-smiles as we hit the roundabout, allowing us to get on the right side of the road to turn off into our street.

Like every other day, we pull into her drive; we get out of the car and walk into the house. Jill goes straight off into her bedroom, and I, as usual, go into the lounge and sit on the sofa.

I hear Jill click the locking mechanism on the front door’s chub lock. That way, no one can get in even with a key. She walks in with a terry towelling bathrobe and hands it to me. “Hear, this should fit you. Get naked and slip it on.” She goes over to the gas fire and turns it on to warm the room slightly. Returning to her bedroom, she gives me a warm smile.

My nerves start to kick in now I have to take my clothes off. I take everything off so they are quick and easy to put back on. My shoes are slip-on’s, and I put my socks the right way round with one in each shoe. My trousers are folded on the back of the armchair, my shirt and pants are folded on the seat. I slip the robe on and nervously sit back down.

The five minutes it took for Jill to come back into the room were the longest of my life, and the moment I saw her approach the door, I felt my heart speed up even more, if that is possible. She gives me a nervous smile as she re-enters the room. It’s obvious that she is naked underneath as she closes the lounge door.

She walks over and sits down next to me, “shall we stand and disrobe together?” All I can do is a nod in agreement. She smiles again to set me at ease as she stands in front of me and holds her hands out to help me to my feet.

We stand there looking into each other’s eyes as we simultaneously undo the belts and let out robes fall open. Neither of us wants to be the first to look down, so we both push the robes from our shoulders and let gravity do the rest.

We both take a deep breath as we stand there naked. “Okay,” Jill says. “After three, we look at each other……..two…..three.”

My eyes drift down, taking in each inch of her naked body. First, I follow the lines of her neck down to her shoulders. Then down to her incredible tits. I can’t tell you what size they are, but if you cup both hands together like you are filling them with sweets, then one boob would fill the inside. Her nips are sticking out and about the size of the end of my index finger. Her areola is the size of a fifty pence piece and is a little wrinkled. They sag just a little under their weight and have faded tan lines. My eyes drift further down over her flat stomach to a small patch of dark hair. Once I have my fill of looking at her pussy I start to notice things like her painted toenails and how her waist goes in against the flare of her hips. The one thing that strikes me is how smooth her skin looks and almost blemish-free.

A hand touching my cock makes me jerk out of my trance. My eyes quickly focus back on hers. “I don’t know what you were worried about; this is a very nice cock.” I gasp as she lifts my semi-erect cock up. “How much bigger does it get?”

“There’s still a bit to go yet,” I say. With that, Jill starts to pull my foreskin back over the head. I take in a short breath, “careful; it will need lubrication if you want to do that.”

She looks back up, biting her bottom lip, “I know this wasn’t in the lesson plan, but do you mind if I just see it fully erect?”

At this moment in time, I just don’t care what she does as long as she keeps doing what she’s doing. I manage to say, “no, it’s fine,” in a tiny voice.

Jill spits into her hand and surrounds the head. She works her saliva into the head and under my skin. She works backward and forward, her saliva making excellent lubrication.

I feel my cock getting harder when all of a sudden, she stops. She goes down, so her head is the same level as my cock, and says, “that is one nice cock.” Standing back up, “Right, I think we’ve wasted enough time.” Thinking for a moment, she says, “Rob, you sit down here.” I sit on the centre seat of the sofa, and she puts a knee on either side of my legs and straddles me sitting on my lap.

My eyes are level with her incredible breasts, and my eyes go from one to the other as I wait for the lesson to begin. Jill starts telling me the facts about her breasts. She points out each part and the best way to stimulate the sensitive areas.

“Would you like to touch them and suck my nipples?” She suddenly says.

“Does a bear shit in the woods,” I say without thinking. This caused Jill to laugh and her boobs to jiggle up and down. I find this truly mesmerizing.

I bring my hand up, caress the skin with my fingertips, and then cup her left breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. I move my hand to the side a little to enable me to run my thumb over her areola and nipple. Her nipple instantly starts to harden; I glance up and see Jill’s eyes are closed.

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