Enjoy Yourselves Pt. 07 by furiousmunchingnoises,furiousmunchingnoises

hello! thank you for reading. feel free to skip down to the dotted line, this has nothing to do with the story, just a little something i wanted to say beforehand.

first things first, a public service announcement:

I do not believe that incest is a morally right thing to do. I have not nor will ever have any desire to engage in any kind of sexual activity with any of my immediate family members, and I am appalled that anyone finds their parents or siblings a suitable sexual partner. Or their underage children. Pedophilia is disgusting mental disorder and if that’s what you look for in incest porn, get out. Everyone in my pornagraphic works is and will be 18 and above, thank you very much.

hellooo. sorry this one’s a bit short.

please enjoy, and leave a comment! i would love to hear some constructive criticism and improve my work.



That morning back at the house, Mr. Wellman left the house and slammed the door behind him. Alex immediately turned to her mom and said, “Well that was fun.”

“Ughhh.” Amanda put her head in her hands and collapsed onto a stool.

“That was fun, right?” Alex asked, concerned.

Amanda took a few deep breaths before responding. “We were this close to getting caught.”

“Yes, but that’s what made it so hot.” Amanda flinched as her daughter wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “God damn, Dad really got you wound up.” Then Alex grinned. “Or was it Eddy?”


“OooOoo! Moooom.”

“I meant yes to–you know what I meant.”

“Yeah.” Alex rubbed her mom’s shoulders. “Seriously though. Are you gonna be alright?”

“Yes. No. Maybe.” Amanda put her head back in her hands. “I’m processing a lot right now Alex.”

“Gotcha. So am I.”

“I don’t mean his dick.”

“What do you mean? It’s the thing we’ve been thinking about nonstop for the last three days.”

“Well. Not anymore.” That was a lie. She was still thinking about it. Amanda had a feeling she wouldn’t stop thinking about it now that she had finally bit the bullet and fucked her son. That twelve inch monster cock would haunt her wet dreams for the rest of her life. Or… if they could get some kind of arrangement going…

No. She said it would be a one time thing and she meant it. Never again. Once was close enough. Good lord. Her husband was literally standing in the garage less than twelve feet away. Amanda’s hands were still shaking. And her legs.

“Mmhm.” Alex said with a smug smile. “Gosh mom. You sure are shivering a lot. I could grab you a blanket if you’re cold or something.”

Amanda gave her daughter a look of contempt.

Alex responded with a shit eating grin. “I know I’d be thinking about it nonstop if I’d been able to take that cock for a spin…”

“Didn’t you say you were leaving?”

“I was, but then my options opened up.”

“Just get out of here.”

“Can do. And hey.” Amanda looked up at her daughter. “We didn’t get caught, so relax. Everything will be fine.”

Alex stepped outside and drove off. Amanda collapsed on the counter, her head buried in her arms. She knew that everything was fine. It was the possibility of things becoming not fine that worried her. She gave into temptation once, would she do it again?

The door to Mr. Wellman’s office opened with a slam. Finally. Eddy wondered if his dad spent most of his time at work sleeping. It was seven at night and he had just woken up. Maybe it was his father’s side of the family that he got his sleeping problems from.

“Alright, then.” His dad sniffed. “C’mon.”

Was he mad at Eddy? But he hadn’t done anything wrong. Well, yes. Yes he had done many things wrong, but they were so bad that his dad would be going apeshit on Eddy if he knew about them. So it had to be something else.

Eddy opened his mouth to ask, but stopped himself. It was probably best to leave this be. He didn’t want his dad sniffing around his business. There was no need to stir things up. If his dad wanted to talk to him about something, he would.

“I’m dropping you off at home.” Mr. Wellman’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. They were almost home. Eagle’s Shares was only a five or six minute drive from their house. Eddy probably could have walked home, but again, he didn’t want to piss his dad off for no reason.

“Where are you going?”

“The bar. I need a fuckin’ drink.”

Alright then. Mr. Wellman was an alcoholic, but he rarely talked about it in front of his kids. He normally said he was going out or something. The tone of his voice urged Eddy to ask him what he could have possibly done wrong. But he kept his lips sealed.

He pulled up to the curb and Eddy stepped out of the car. Before he could touch the door, Mr. Wellman slammed it shut himself and sped off.

Alright then. Eddy turned and walked into the house.

All the lights were out. The house felt empty. Eddy felt uneasy. He looked around warily as he walked through the kitchen. It felt like a bunch of people were going to jump out and yell “Surprise!”

But no one did. He made his way up the stairs and looked in his room. Empty. He could crash on the bed, he was exhausted. But he was also hungry. Eagle’s Shares provided a very poor lunch, and he hadn’t had anything for breakfast. Where was his mom? Alex went out all the time, but his mom liked to stay at home.

He made his way down the hall and slowly opened the door to his parent’s room. There, Amanda lay with the covers pushed to the side. Eddy’s heart beat in his ears. It was dark, so he could only see a few outlines, but it looked like she was naked.

Was… was it for him?

He let himself inside and slowly closed the door behind him. Eddy tiptoed as quietly as he could over to the side of the bed and more carefully examined his mother. She wasn’t naked. She was dressed in a silky nightgown. It barely covered anything, and even what it did was clearly visible. Her puffy nipples poked against the tin fabric. Eddy’s cock strained against his jeans.

Amanda’s big, milky tits were practically begging to be squeezed. He reached out to grab them–

His mother’s gentle snore made him freeze. She was sleeping. Of course she was sleeping. Even though he’d cum three times today, Eddy’s balls ached. They were full again and they wanted to be empty.

But she was sleeping. That was a big no. Even if his mom told him she wanted to be fucked awake, he would feel weird doing it. And she had not told him to fuck her awake.

Defeated, Eddy was about to leave when Amanda stirred in her sleep. Her arm moved up and bumped into the prominent bulge in his pants.

Before he could back away, Amanda instinctually grabbed at his junk. He yelped, but she didn’t wake up. Like a shark sniffing out blood in the water, his mom had found his cock and was now gently caressing it. She squeezed his cock and then hefted his package like she was weighing it.

“Mmmm.” She hummed dreamily. His dick swelled rapidly, straining against his pants. “So big.”

Should he leave? This still felt wrong. But it felt so good. Eddy’s hips bucked and Amanda cooed.

“Settle down big boy.” She murmured, “I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry.”

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