Mrs Smith Meets a Celebrity by GarySmith69

Mrs Smith Meets a Celebrity by GarySmith69

(Writers Note: Let’s imagine for a moment that all those endings to “February Sucks” ended happily okay maybe not, having read most, but not all of these types of stories I thought I would write about a strong couple in a “Wife meets her Idol” type of story It seems most writers have focused on how the original story ended badly for everyone, but let’s just imagine if Mr’s Smith is the target of an ex American Football player it might end differently. This just a bit of fun from my point of view. One last thing, this story is not a RAAC story nor is it a BTB story, it’s probably something in between.)

(Writers Disclaimer: In this story there are instances of Sharing and Swinging and Unwilling Cuckoldry. They are simply tools for this story nothing more. On a personal level I believe “Swinging” and “Sharing” and “Cuckoldry” willing or non willing, should not be part of any marriage, just my personal view. Of course if you object to this view stop reading now. Also a spoiler alert the two main characters are not in this lifestyle.)

Mrs. Smith meets her Idol.


(Introduction: The night/morning before)

My wife and I are a bit drunk, we have gone out to a nightclub near us and we are having a very good time, we have danced, we have drunk champagne and we have had sex outside in the carpark. I know its not the sort of thing 40 year olds should do, but what the hell.

Carrie, my wife, looked gorgeous in her little red dress, it showed off her slim toned body, her height made her toned legs very noticeable, my wife has very long legs, and the cut of the dress showed off her modest cleavage. With her wearing high heeled shoes and her long blonde hair hanging down her back she was very noticeable.

My wife is tall for woman, approximately 6ft, I’m 6ft 3inches. I’m well built, not huge but bulky. We both made people look at us, one of those reasons is Carrie is a very good dancer, by that I mean she can sway and keep rhythm with any song, she is also a very sexy dancer.

Many times over the years we have been told to get a room while on the dancefloor. Tonight was no exception, Carrie pressed against me, rubbed my cock with her hands and was rubbing her arse against me while I stroked her vagina and rubbed her nipples. Twice bouncers came over to us and told us to stop dancing, we did get a round of applause as we left the dancefloor to get some drinks from the bar to cool off a bit.

While my back was turned several men wanted to dance with Carrie, but she turned them down. One particular obnoxious arsehole kept pestering Carrie until she finally had enough and grabbed his arm swung him around and shoved him against the bar. She put her knee in the middle of his back and with his face pushed down on the bar said into his ear,

“I said no, twice, if you ask again I will break your arm and damage your knee, I don’t care if I get arrested it will be worth it…now fuck off…”

With that she let him go, he fell to the floor groaning, the two friends he was with picked him up and apologised then walked away.

I turned around and smiled at my wife, she gave a “what” look. We then drank our drinks, I took my wife’s hand and we walked out of the club. When got outside Carrie ran to our car leaned back against the bonnet and pulled up her dress and slipped off her knickers she then opened her legs almost “Basic Instinct” style.

I didn’t need a second invitation, my cock was rock hard and soon I was pounding inside my wife’s very wet vagina, I slipped her dress down and kissed her perky breasts licking her rock hard nipples, soon we were both gasping in pleasure.

“Yes, Gary fuck me, it feels so good…that’s it just there…yes Gary…yes my husband oh yes that’s it….”

Soon she was soaking my trousers with her juices, as her muscles tightened on my cock I shot deep inside her vagina. I collapsed over her and she wrapped her arms and legs around me pulling me into her body and milking my cock at the same time.

Eventually we came down from our orgasm induced high. We tidied ourselves up as best we could got into the car and drove home, I probably shouldn’t have drove home, but we got home safely. As soon as we got in the house our clothes came off and we showered together bringing each other off before heading to the bed where we leisurely made love and then fell asleep in each others arms.

We woke up to a message from a friend of ours Shelly, apparently she had invited us and some other friends to an ex American Football players restaurant/nightclub apparently he wanted to meet Carrie and was happy to give a signature on a photo. The text said something about meeting up at 7.30pm this evening and dress to impress.

We turned to each other, I spoke first, “What do you think? Are you up to meeting a famous ex American Football player?” I said with a certain amount of amusement.

She frowned at me, “Of course I want to meet him, well you know I have been watching his games and it might be fun meeting him.”

“Okay if you are sure, but remember he might not be what you imagine.” I said kissing her on the lips.

We climbed out of bed and showered again and then spent the day doing the housework and catching up on our part time jobs. Soon the evening arrived and we got ready, we both dressed to impress. We got a taxi to the restaurant.


(The Evening)

My wife and I were sat watching our friends dance and drink an eat, we were in a very posh restaurant owned by an ex American Football star. My wife Carrie knew more about him than I did, as we are both English we haven’t watched a great deal of American Football but apparently this ex player was a “Linebacker” back in the day, and apparently very successful, but that doesn’t really mean anything to me.

This ex player’s name is Leroy Jenkins and looking at him as he walked around the establishment he was certainly intimidating, he was easily 6ft 4inches tall and once was probably muscled too but now he was just, BIG, I mean tall, broad shouldered and a large body, some people would say he has let himself go.

But he trades on his name and his money, he also had a winning smile that seemed to charm a lot of women, it also helped that he is rich, in fact rumor has it he has enjoyed many women, mostly married or so the rumors are many women young and not so young, single and not single women have enjoyed his company as for him having sex with them? Well again that might be just rumors these women never told their stories, most likely they were paid off.

Like everyone else we have heard he has broken up at least 5 marriages and that he was named in the divorce proceedings by the husbands if everyone. My wife and I were invited here to the restaurant by Leroy himself, through Shelly and her husband Dave, and our other friends were also invited, apparently, Shelly, a friend of about 5 years sent Leroy a photo of my wife in a strappy top and shorts, the photo was taken on a recent holiday to Greece, Shelly pretended to be my wife and sent the photo and asked Leroy for a signature over the photo.

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