Road Tripping Pt. 14 by Stagger_Lee44,Stagger_Lee44

Readers, this a fictional road story set in the 1980’s, before cell phones and the internet as we know it today. There is pot smoking and use of “Magic Mushrooms” in this story. There are also group bisexual encounters in this part. All sexualized characters are fictional and over 18. This is part fourteen of a many part series. I hope all have enjoyed it so far. Any constructive feedback is appreciated, Thank You S. L.

Molly awoke at 8:20 after what felt like the best sleep she had in weeks. There was no pressure to be anywhere for a while and she even just took five minutes to lay in bed and watch a smiling Lou sleep. The need of the bathroom and smell of coffee soon had Molly up and pulling on one of the white sun dresses she had bought for days like this. Hailey was in the kitchen in a faded yellow one when Molly almost silently came around the corner after her pit stop and startled Hailey who laughed at herself, smiled, and asked how she was feeling today and how she liked her coffee.

“I feel awesome, and I take cream and two sugars please. It smells so much better in a kitchen than in a restaurant.”

“I bet it does. You two have been on the road for weeks now and from what you said neither of you had ever done anything like this before.”

“No Hailey it has been a crazy, wonderful, and joyous time with Lou following the Grateful Dead and all the people we have met, and all the places been and things we’ve done so far. A month ago, today I had just been laid off from my job and had no idea what I was going to do with my life other then move back to my mother’s house with my tail between my legs.”

“I think I’ve hurt a few brain cells out here with all the weed and mushrooms in the last month, but I have learned so much about myself and the world around me. Some of it has been really strange but it has also given me some answers to very old questions about myself, and I think made me a better person. I know I’m a much happier person since I met Lou and everyone else!”

“Aside from some sheets and towels from last night we got caught up on our laundry. Hailey said with a smile as Molly returned it and enjoyed the first sip of her coffee. I know you two want to clean out the car and do some laundry so you should be able to do some soon.”

“Yes, we need to get some done and I have to go through my stuff as does Lou and see what we need and what we have not needed and can send to my mom’s. Lou planned all this trip before we met, and he wants to send some things back east and we have to try and wash out our tent. Everything got so filthy in Arizona.”

“No problem, Molly. We had enough rain there are no water restrictions this year so you guys can wash it all.”

“It will also make it easy for Irv to be able to tell all the dead wood out there and cut a lot of that brush back and make things safer for us in these woods.”

Lou came out of the room in old shorts and an older faded tie-dye. “I heard you need some brush cut down. Least I can do is give you guys a hand while we are here. How much land do you guys have here?”

“We’ve got about eight acres and all, but a half-acre is heavily wooded and needs to be cut back. We will take all the wood and use it in our wood stove and fireplace in the winter.”

“After I clean out Andromeda and go through our stuff, I can help you guys. The fresh air and exercise will do me good. I can do my laundry later or tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry Lou, I’ll do yours too after we sort it all out and we get the tent and tarps clean. You help Irv and Hailey, and I will get all ready for us on the next leg. Do you have a vacuum we can use on Andromeda to try and get the rest of the dirt out of her?”

“I agree Molly. Hailey said: I got a vacuum for the car. Let’s feed the men a good stack of pancakes and send them off to the woods for firewood after he gets the car empty. We’ll get all clean in here and get ready to feed them again after a trip to the store.”

The smell of the pancakes cooking, and coffee got Irv moving just after nine and soon all were eating and agreeing that it was a good day to get at the dead brush and trees while he had help and it was only in the sixties out.

Hailey and Molly gathered all the dirty stuff from their playroom and soon had a first load in as Lou kept bringing in their bags and set up the tent and hung the tarps over their clothesline. They washed the tent inside and out and it came out looking mostly new and there were no holes or torn places in it yet. Their three tarps, two beach umbrellas, and awning for the car were all in good shape after cleaning and once dry they were packed away and ready.

They cleaned the coolers good and took all the tools out and got the rest of the money and tickets out of the secret compartments in the dash without anyone seeing. Molly was going to do their books while she could and bury some more of their cash deep in the car unless Hailey knew where she could change some of this into travelers checks.

Lou and Irv finished cleaning out the car and Irv said he could quickly build a box to put the log in for ease of packing and by the time Lou as done putting his tools back in the car Irv had a plank box that fit the log well and it could now ride easier on the back deck behind where they kept the coolers on the road.

The last thing Molly went to sort inside was her everything bag she just dumped on the large kitchen table and Hailey seeing all the loose money they were carrying along with the envelopes that came out from places in the car she did not see.

“Holy Shit Molly I see why you were asking me about travelers checks. You guys have way too much cash on you. You guys did good out there with all the stuff you sold, and I know you do good with your choices in food.

We do more than well enough so far and that’s why we will never charge any of our friends for food. It would be wrong, and we have been really fortunate out here. Lou planned for this whole trip very well and all of our tickets and camp sites were already paid for by him before we met, and he bought our car six months ago and knew she was in good shape and had her made as ready as possible for the ride and she has been great for the whole time.

The way things are now we can tour through the year and have no money worries. They had a little over three thousand dollars in cash on them and soon Molly and Hailey were off to the nearest town for a stop at two stores and her bank to get two thousand of their cash into travelers checks. Two hours later they were back with bags of food and new underwear for Lou and Molly and a fresh ten pack of socks they would share.

Lou and Irv were sitting on the porch sharing Irv’s pipe and having some juice when the women got back and told them to go and get some fresh clothes on for lunch. Lou had told them he had put the next load in but did not want to fold the dry ones without a shower first.

Lunch, fresh shirts, more sunscreen, and bug spray and the men were sent off to the woods with their implements of destruction. They were working in an ever-expanding arc around the house slowly widening the clearing and building good piles of dead brush for further cutting.

All of their blankets and bedding took a while to do, and Molly was soon helping Hailey get the spareribs ready and baking a cake, in between bowl hits. After packing up most of the clean clothes they were taking with them and a few from Hailey, Molly took a pitcher of cold lemonade and the packed pipe out to the sweaty men, saying she would be out here to help tomorrow.

At 4:30 Hailey called the men in saying we don’t want you too tired and you both got a lot done today. “I bet you cleared over an acre near the house, and we will have enough firewood by the end of tomorrow. Both Molly and I will be out to help you two some more tomorrow.”

Soon Lou and Irv were sent to the showers and had their fresh clothes laid out for them on their beds and they came into the kitchen just as the food was about ready. After they all were eating and just relaxing after a good day of getting things done and hanging out with cool people doing them. Andromeda was now completely clean, and half of their stuff was already packed and ready. The tent needed another day to dry but the rest of their camping, cooking equipment, coolers, and tools were clean ready for the road as soon as they were.

Molly enjoyed hanging out and a day of domestic life after over three weeks on the road. It also gave her time to organize their stuff better than before with April mixing all their clothes and them just throwing things in bags half the time. In a week it would be a mess again, but they got rid of some things they did not need and would go to the post office to send a box back to April tomorrow with more pictures, rocks, and some souvenirs she had collected for April, her dad, and her sisters. She had also made some phone calls to Sara, her father, and tried Megan who could only talk for five minutes before she had to leave for work and Marta who she left a message on her answering machine.

Lou called his folks in Florida and said hi and told them where he was and that they would be there in less than a month. They had also gotten some of their pictures of the road and had a laugh over the digging pictures until Lou told them how much he sold the rocks they dug for a few days later. He also had to swear to his folks he was not dealing drugs like April had asked Molly when she told them what they had sold and for how much.

After the calls they were all eating the ribs and other awesome sides Hailey and Molly had made for them and it took some willpower to save room for some of the chocolate cake that was on the counter calling all of them.

“After we eat we should smoke and just relax for an hour or so before we go and have some very dirty fun. We hope last night was just a preview. Have another glass of water you two and save all you can for later and we will have a real wet time in the shower and more after. Are you two cool with all of that?” Hailey asked with a wide smile.

Lou and Molly smiled at them and each other and Molly spoke. “I loved everything we did last night, and I want to learn more ways to have all kinds of fun. I think everything in your pussy and all that comes from their cocks taste great to me!!”

We will have to have the men fill both our holes tonight and maybe they will fuck each other’s assholes and get some of our toys out tonight. It did not take seconds after the cake slices were done before the pipe was filled and Hailey was rolling a joint. In ten minutes, all were stoned and kissing the other.

“I am so done with clothes today!” Molly said as she got up from the table and took off the white sundress that was still wet from her sweating and working at the sink and laundry earlier.

Hailey followed her and both women were sitting there smoking and sharing a shotgun hits and renewing their exploration of the other woman’s breasts. Mine were like yours two kids and thirty year ago Molly, but I would never get them pumped up. I love sucking my nipples when we fuck too much.

“Molly laughed and told her. “I have lost about a dozen pounds and all the dancing and fun exercise with Lou firmed mine up and now I can barely get them to my lips. In a few years we will have some kids and they will be back in my mouth again, but I’m going to keep taking my pill for at least four years we think, and Star has predicted.”

“That’s cool we had our two when I was twenty-two and twenty-four. I got my tubes tied a year later and after they moved out we were able to convert the room upstairs. We miss having them here but they both live in California and do visit often. One or both of them may be at some of the July shows too depending on if they can get the time off and if we get tickets.”

“It could be a large gathering of people we know when we are here in July with Sara and our friends from Arizona joining us too. It should be a great time for all.” Lou added he and Irv took off their shorts and shirts to join the women smoking and relaxing at the kitchen table naked and getting ready for the night ahead.

Molly and Hailey had fixed up the “playrooms” and put some of their toys up there ready for a night of fun. It had taken most of their self-control to keep from using them on the other while the men were out clearing the brush.

They were all pretty high and they talked of doing one of the two types of mushrooms they had with them and sharing a trip with Hailey and Irv tomorrow. Lou said he would take them out to wherever their favorite restaurant was for dinner as a thank you for all you have done for us then we can come back here and trip and have even more fun.

All liked the idea, and they knew a small steak and ale house about twenty miles away that was awesome and a trip there after brush clearing would be a great way to start the night.

Shortly after they all held hands while going up the spiral staircase the playrooms and heading for the shower to get the latest layer of dirt off and see who was ready for any contests tonight.

This time they all started in a corner or the large bathroom to give them the longest possible open area and Lou went to lead off since he really had to go and was the defending winner. Soon he was aiming at the opposite corner and his first stream reached about a foot from the base of the wall.

As his stream started to slacken Molly and Hailey took ahold of his half hard cock and began to spray him all around and both stuck a finger into the almost clear stream from all the water they had drunk all day.

Irv had a look of excited desperation on his face, and he quickly took Lou’s place in the corner and had his own half hard cock spraying close to where Lou had landed but it appeared not beyond before his own stream began to slacken and the women were again playing with and spraying his cock all around.

“Just short Irv, Hailey declared and soon she was in the corner with Molly spreading her lips and helping her balance while leaning backwards and soon she let out a powerful stream that landed some splashes just beyond Lou’s and soon Irv was kissing her while he and Molly were splashing her pee all around and hitting their legs and feet with her warm river.

Molly recovered from playing with Hailey and quickly moved into her spot and cracked her back before stretching backwards and had Hailey holding her lower lips wide as she let out a powerful stream that went six inches beyond the others and was splashing the base of the wall.

“Holy shit I win, Molly shouted as she calmed herself enough not to jump up and down and hit her head or worse fall as she kept peeing as Hailey was now fingering her in earnest letting her flow over her hand as Lou was now kissing her had Irv was beginning to finger her asshole as her knees went a little weak and the first waves of pleasure ran through her whole body.

It did not surprise her when Hailey withdrew her fingers from her still dripping pussy. What surprised Molly was Hailey thrusting them into her mouth as she knelt before her and began to suck and lick her soaked and still dripping pussy and thighs, cleaning and licking all with her very busy tongue.

Molly soon was lost in the waves of pleasure her tongue was bringing as she sucked on her soaked and tart fingers. Many times, Molly had done this on her own while satisfying her “Hot Pants” in the bathtub alone, but this was another step in her fantasies of kinky sex she had dreamed of over the years.

Lou and Irv were making out and watching Hailey pleasure Molly before she had a chance to say anything. Both men were hard from all going on the room and soon they went over to turn the shower back on and then Irv went to suck on Lou’s cock as his wife was working on Molly’s pussy.

Little of the warm water was hitting Molly but she did not care. Her mind was focused on the pleasure Hailey’s tongue and returning fingers were bringing her. The one thing she did notice when she opened her eyes for a moment was the look of pleasure on Lou’s face as Irv was sucking him off and fingering his ass.

Both of them were near to their first strong orgasm of the night from all the older couple were doing to make them cum soon. Molly was the first to cum as she pinched her nipples and squirted all over Hailey’s face and mouth, with several strong pulses from her widely spread pussy.

Seconds later Lou all but shouted he was going to cum and Irv was ready to take the large load of cum from all the pent-up excitement of the last twenty-four hours. He smiled as Lou filled his mouth and was up on his feet soon sharing a deep cum filled kiss with Lou and hoping he would return the favor.

Hailey was kissing Molly deeply as soon as Irv was sharing a kiss with Lou. For several moments they all kisses and swapped with Lou kissing both Molly and Hailey as Irv shared Lou’s cum with the women.

Molly and Lou smiled at the other and went to their knees and both began to lick and suck on Irv’s cock and Hailey’s dripping pussy.

Lou was quick to clean up the trail of pre-cum all along Irv’s cock and soon was pumping small amounts into his mouth as Irv moaned and kissed Hailey deeply.

Molly had her tongue sucking on Hailey’s long and pulsating clit. Molly first coated her fingers with her soaking pussy after licking the first tart layer of her slit and thighs from the contest and hand play after. Molly grew more excited at where all this was leading and how Hailey was slowly training both of them and how Lou was responding to all they were doing.

Once her fingers were soaked with Hailey’s dripping pussy, she began to probe and play with her asshole and soften her up for more play back there the rest of the night. Hailey held her head in place and relaxed her asshole as much as possible to accept Molly’s two fingers as she came and again soaked Molly’s face and chest under her gushing pussy and the shower.

Lou was also playing with Irv’s ass while he was sucking most of his cock into his mouth and down his throat, surprised how easily he did this and how good everything felt. It was so much better than the hurried encounters where he was worried someone might walk in on him and his friend in the dorms. This was a much better way to do these things with a free and uninhibited couple like Irv and Hailey.

Soon Irv was moaning and saying he was going to cum soon as Lou worked his fingers deeper into him and felt him swell more in his mouth before the flood of cum soon filled his mouth. Next to them Hailey was filling Molly’s mouth with her own flood of cum running down her face and chest, mixing in with the warm water from the shower.

As both of the standing couple’s orgasm’s subsided Lou reached for Molly and they shared a deep kiss before carefully standing to share a kiss with Irv and Hailey. For the next moments all just stood and shared their tongues between the four of them and all of the flavors their passions had brought from them.

Irv went to turn off the water and soon they were back on the mattresses of the other room and sharing a joint and talking and lightly stroking each other’s bodies and building excitement for the next part of their evening.

Molly and Hailey had laid out three dildo’s including Molly’s blue one and three vibrators that they had between the two women. They had left the strap-on pieces for another night. These would be plenty of stimulation for all the fun they hoped for tonight. Molly and Hailey had been talking and both were hoping to get double fucked by the men tonight and have them Cumming in both their asses and pussies at the same time or close to it. It had been over five years since Hailey had last done this and Molly had never done anything like this before, but she was anxious to try it and feel the fullness of two hot cocks in her at once.

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