A Lifetime of Adventures Ch. 03 by Ghostwalker,Ghostwalker

(With input by IrishLass and editing by LarryInSeattle)

When I woke up the next morning, the sun was just barely cresting over the horizon, the birds were making their usual morning chatter, and, most importantly, Naomi was still lying next to me. At some point, we’d both rolled onto our sides so we were ‘spooning’.

My right arm was under her head, her raven-black hair fanned out like a halo, while my left arm had slid between her arm and chest and was now dangling down, her right breast firmly planted in my hand. Her body was pressed back against mine, molding to the contours, her panty-clad ass pressing firmly against my morning hard-on.

“Fuck,” I thought as I tried to slide free from her, the morning need to use the bathroom was overriding my desire to stay where I was.

“Mmmmmm, don’t go,” she mumbled, still half asleep.

“I’ll be right back, I promise. I just have to use the bathroom.”

“Okay,” she said as she rolled over onto her back, her breasts completely revealed. “But make it quick. Suddenly, I need to do the same.”

I quickly took care of what needed to be done and passed her on the way back as she headed in to relieve herself. She, playfully, rubbed her breasts against me, giggling.

“Tease,” I called after her.

“And you love it,” she replied as she closed the bathroom door.

“Love,” the word was flashing in my mind’s eye almost like a warning. It’s the one thing virtually everyone wants and everyone is afraid of. The idea of commitment to one person, the daily routines, the constant compromises, the end of a way of life … and the start of a new one. “Could I be …? Was that why everything felt so different last night? Was it possible after just three days?” The questions were like a whirlwind as they flew through my mind.

“Penny for your thoughts,” she whispered as she silently slipped up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and tenderly kissing my back.

I turned in her arms, wrapping mine around her shoulders. “I … ummmmm … this is gonna sound nuts … but I love you.”

“I love you too,” she replied, nonchalantly.

“No, I mean, I LOVE you.”

The look on her face told me she was having the same battle in her mind that I’d just had in mine … and so I waited.

“It’s only been three days,” she said, with a tremor.

“Yeah, I know. Maybe that’s why I’m … hell, what am I?” I laughed. “Scared, excited, confused … all the above?”

“Whatever it is I think it’s contagious because I feel the same way,” she said, softly, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

We stood there a few moments, absorbing what we’d both just said. Then we heard a noise coming from the apartment below.

“Jen?” we said in unison.

Together we tiptoed to the partition wall that allowed us to look down into the lower apartment. Jen was stretched out on the couch, sleeping in the clothes she’d had on the day before, a blanket half-pulled over her.

“We better go down and check on her,” Naomi whispered, tenderly.

We quickly dressed and then stole down the stairs like a pair of thieves.

“Looks like she had a rough night,” I whispered, noting how Jen’s hair was messed and her make-up was streaked.

“That’s not the worst of it,” Naomi said, pointing to the garbage can sitting on the floor next to the couch and the pair of panties Jen held in her hand.

“Looks like she tied on a good one and did a lot more than spend time with her friends.”

“Would you two stop screaming!! My head is killing me,” Jen mumbled as her eyes fluttered open.

“Sorry,” Naomi whispered.

“I must look awful,” Jen said as she sat up.

“I’ve seen you look better,” I replied, trying to make a joke of the situation.

“Just what I need … a comedian,” Jen said, glaring at me.

“I think I’m gonna go make some coffee,” I said, realizing I’d stepped into an area that even angels feared to tread.

“Good idea,”” Naomi said as she sat down on the couch close to Jen.

“Wanna talk?” I heard her ask as I left the room.

Figuring it was best to leave them alone to talk, I puttered around the kitchen. Scrambled eggs, dry toast, and a pot of strong coffee were waiting for them when they joined me.

“Feeling any better?”

“Yeah. My head is still killing me but that pot of coffee and a bottle of aspirins should do the trick.”

“I’m not the greatest cook but some eggs and toast might help too.”

“Thanks, but I’m not sure my stomach could handle anything right now. Besides, I have a class in an hour.”

“Class?? Fuck!!” I almost shouted as I looked at the clock. “There’s no way I’m gonna make it to mine this morning.”

“You can borrow my car. I might just crawl back on the couch and die,” Jen groaned.

“Thanks but … I think I’ll …” and then I saw the look on Naomi’s face. I knew, instantly, that she and Jen needed more time to talk. “I’ll just head back to my place. I can review the text for today and make sure I grab this afternoon’s lecture so Dr. Gillis doesn’t get too pissed with me.”

“That’s right,” Jen said, lifting her head from her hands. “I forgot he’s your mentor for your thesis.”

“Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a brilliant man … but he’s also a real pain in the ass.”

“Speaking of pain,” Jen interjected, as she picked up her cup of coffee. “I think I’m heading back to the couch. My project isn’t due for another week so it’s not gonna kill me to miss today’s class … or tomorrow’s … or the day after’s,” she laughed, weakly as she left.

“So what happened?” I asked Naomi the moment Jen was out of earshot.

“She did like she said she was gonna and met up with some friends. Unfortunately, Matt showed up too. They got into a fight and one thing led to another. When it was over, she left and went to one of the bars near the campus. That is when things get a little blurry. She ran onto some guy named, Gary …”

“Yeah, I know him. Not the best pick of the litter.”

“Anyway, she remembers him buying her a drink and then she doesn’t remember anything until she woke up sitting in her car. Her panties were laying on the floor on the passenger’s side.”

“He probably doped her,” I snarled.

“Luckily, Jen has been on the pill since she was 14, for medical reasons.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that this could be date-rape!”

“The keys word being, ‘could be’. Unless, there are witness’s there’s no way to prove it. Besides, Jen says she doesn’t feel like she got fucked last night.”

I gave her a quizzical look.

“God, men can be so dense sometimes! A woman, and I mean any woman, can tell if she’s had sex or not, no matter how gentle and considerate her lover might be,” she finished as she stroked her fingertips across my cheek.

I blushed, while at the same time felt my cock jump in my pants.

“I better get going. I still need to unpack and get ready for this afternoon’s lecture.”

“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll see you later?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I replied as I leaned over and kissed her. It felt like a 220-volt charge as it coursed through me, igniting the desires that I’d been fighting to keep under control.

“Wow!” she whispered as we pulled apart. “You BETTER get out of here or Jen is gonna hear a whole lot more than just you and I whispering to each other.”

“Promises, promises,” I teased as I grabbed her ass and pinched it.

“Ohhhhhhh,” she replied as she lightly hit my shoulder. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

I laughed as I left the kitchen, said good-bye to Jen, and grabbed my bag as I headed out the door. Twenty minutes later, I found myself entering my apartment. Nothing major; a kitchenette, a small living room, a bedroom just big enough for a queen-size bed, and the bathroom. The typical bachelor’s pad.

I’d barely gotten my bag unpacked when my phone rang.


“Hey, lover.”

“Hey, yourself.”

“Little change in plans. Jen called a girlfriend and she’s gonna go to the girl’s place for a few days. She says she just needs to get away … especially since Matt knows where she lives. Which means you and I have the evening all to ourselves.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“So why don’t you meet me at Timothy’s at around 8?”

“Isn’t that the fancy joint down in the business district?”

“Yes, so dress nice. See you at 8.” And she was gone.

The rest of the day flew by and Dr. Gillis didn’t even seem to notice that I’d missed the morning lecture. I got home in plenty of time to get dressed ‘nice’, including a suit and tie, and make it to Timothy’s by ten minutes to 8. Naomi was already there.

“A man who can be someplace on time,” she purred as she kissed me on the cheek.

My mouth hung open, slightly. She looked gorgeous.

She was dressed in an asymmetric, black dress with a spaghetti-strap on the right shoulder while the left shoulder was bare. The front of the dress ran diagonally to scoop just below the armpit but the most eye-catching feature was the sheer black panel that ran from just under her right breast, across her stomach, revealing her belly button, to her left thigh. A slit along the left side opened to reveal her long, toned legs and the pair of 3-inch, black heels. There was no way she could have been wearing any underwear but she acted as if things were as ‘normal’ as could be.

“You look fantastic,” I mumbled.

“Thank you, sweetheart. Just what every woman wants to hear from her man,” she finished as she slid her arm through mine and we entered the restaurant.

“Good evening, ma’am,” the maitre d’ said.

“Good evening, Carl.”

“Your usual table is ready.”

“Thank you,” she replied as she followed him.

“Usual table?” I thought. “What the hell?”

I held her chair for her as she gracefully took a seat, making eye contact and nodding to a few people around the room.

“Okay, I’m confused,” I leaned over and whispered so only she could hear me.

Before she could reply, the maitre d’ returned with a bottle of wine and poured a glass for each of us.

She took a deep breath and a sip of wine before beginning. “The past few days we’ve lived in your world, and I’ve loved every minute of it, but I wanted you to see what my world’s like too.”

“Wha …? I guess I still don’t understand.”

“Do you remember when I told you I’d been a high-class escort?”


“Well, …” she said in a soft, low tone as her eyes darted around the room.

“You mean these people?”

“Some of the men, a few of the women, and one couple; of the people that are here right now.”

“I … ahhhh … I’m not sure what to say.”

“If you take your Professor’s advice this is one of those times when it’s best not to say anything,” she whispered as she raised her glass and nodded at an exceptionally beautiful older woman. “A few here may think you’re a ‘date’ and a few others might think you’re my ‘boy-toy’ which is why I wanted you to see what you’re getting yourself into.”

“Okay,” I said, quietly.

“There’s also something else I wanted to talk to you about and I thought this might be the best way to bring up the subject.”

“What’s that?”


I gulped. “That’s not hard. I don’t have any. Every cent I’ve made has gone to paying for my tuition. In fact, the closest I have to money is the loans I’m gonna have to start paying off when I graduate next month.”

“Hmmmmmm … one month.”

“Yep. That’s why I’ve been sending out resumes every day or so.”

“You’re not one of those guys that’s gonna get all wrapped up in his job and forget about everything else are you?”

“God, I hope not! There are far too many things I wanna do with my life.”

“Good,” she paused and took a deep breath. “Because I have plenty.”

“Plenty of what?”


The shocked look on my face must have said volumes.

She leaned over and took my hand, asking, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just …”

“Let me explain what I haven’t told you about myself. As of this morning, I’m worth just under 10-million dollars.”

“Ten-mill …” I choked on the wine I was sipping.

“That’s another reason I’m the ‘black sheep’ of the family. My father is from a VERY conservative family and he still believes that a woman should rely on her husband to provide for her. When I struck out on my own he disinherited me so I did what I had to do. I worked, I saved, and I invested. Right now, I have about 2 million in cash or liquid assets, another million in jewelry, and the rest in stocks or business investments.”

I sat there silently looking at her as if I’d never seen her before. “So why are you telling me this now?”

“Because I wanted to be completely honest with you. I wanted you to know everything there is to know about me … good and bad.”

I suddenly felt as if I didn’t belong there or more specifically with her. “I think I better leave.”

“Why?” a knowing look in her eyes.

“I dunno. Maybe because you’re way out of my league.”

“Was I out of your league this weekend?”

“No, but then you were just Jen’s sister. Now … now you’re the millionairess that I’ve fallen in love with.”

“That’s all I wanted to hear,” she said as she caught the maitre d’s eye.

“Yes, ma’am? Is there a problem?”

“Everything is just fine, Carl. I just think it’s time for my friend and I to leave. We have a lot to talk about.”

He pulled back her chair and she stood, staring at me, expectantly.

I slowly stood, not quite sure what to do. She looped her arm through mine and stood there, staring at those around her.

“Ladies and Gentleman,” she began. “Many of you know me, or know of me. I just wanted to thank you all for the time you’ve allowed me to spend with you. I know this may sound crazy but it’s my way of saying ‘Good bye.” I’ve found what … or rather who, I want and so I won’t be coming back,” she said as she turned to me and kissed me. Not the polite kiss one person gives another while they’re in public but a long, deep passionate kiss that told everyone in the room that we loved each other.

As we left, the older woman who Naomi had shared a toast with raised her glass once more saying, “Good luck. It looks like you’ve got a keeper.”

“I do,” Naomi said loud enough for the people at the table to hear.

Once we were outside, she tossed me a key from her handbag. “Here … it ‘s the Benz over there.”

I stopped and looked at her, at the key, and at the car. “Why do I suddenly get the feeling that I am a ‘boy-toy’?”

She froze in place. “I’m sorry. This is kinda new for me too. The longest relationship I’ve ever had was 6 months so the idea of a lifetime is kinda freaking me out.”

I took her in my arms and looked into her eyes. “It’s freaking me out too but as long as I’m with you I’m sure I, or should I say we, can make it.”

“You know flattery will get you everywhere,” she purred in a deep sensuous tone.

“Yeah? Like where?”

“My … no … OUR apartment, and our bed.”

“Now, you’re talking a language I can understand.”

She laughed as she looped her arm in mine and we headed to her car. Her apartment was less than 5 minutes away so it seemed we were there in an instant. It was twice the size of Jen’s and at least 5 times larger than mine.

Her living room was filled with contemporary furniture in various shades of white and blue and her kitchen looked as if it had come straight out of one of the cuisine magazines. A hallway led from the living room to a series of doors, all of them closed.

“This is the guest bedroom,” she said as she led me down the hall and opened the first door. It doesn’t get used much that’s why the door is closed. And this is the bathroom,” she continued as she opened the second door. “Nothing really special,” she said as she moved on to the next door. “And this is my office.”

It suddenly occurred to me that we’d never really talked about what she was doing for a living now.

“I know it’s a mess but …” she left the rest unsaid as I looked over her shoulder at what could best be described as the scene of a paper mill after a tornado. Papers were laying about everywhere; on the desk, on the floor, in the overfull trash can, and on the draftsman’s table.

I stared a the mess, a pattern slowly emerging. The colors and shades, the patterns. “So have you sold any of your designs yet?”

She looked at me, shocked that I recognized the semi-organized disaster area. “A few.”

I stepped into the room only to have her take my arm and draw me back. “We can talk more about this later. Right now I wanna show you the rest of the apartment.”

“Lead the way,” I said as I bowed slightly.

“You are a character,” she laughed as she moved past me.

The heady fragrance of her perfume went straight to my head as she led me to anther door that opened to a stairway.

“Welcome to my hide-away,” she purred as she went up the steps, her ass swaying in my face.

“Arrrggghhh,” I groaned.

“Did you say something, darling?”

“No … nothing at all.”

“You’re sure?” she asked again, this time spinning at the top of the stairs so my face was directly in line with the junction between her legs.

“You are such a tease,” I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up off her feet.

“PUT ME DOWN!!” she squealed in delight.

I slowly released her, my body rubbing against hers as she slid down.

“Now who’s the tease?”

“Payback’s a bitch.”

“You’re right. I can be a real bitch and right now I feel like my body is on fire and the only thing that’s gonna put out the flame is your cock buried deep inside me,” she whispered as she nibbled on my earlobe.

I cupped her ass in my hands, and noticed the bed in the center of the room. I stumbled over to it and, playfully, dumped her onto the mattress.

“Weeeeiiiiiiiii,” she giggled before spinning around onto her knees, and lowered her head onto a pillow as she lifted her ass into the air. “Come here, big boy,” she continued as she pulled up the bottom of her dress proving that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

I leaned forward, instantly, and spread her ass cheeks apart. There, almost hidden beneath her heart-shaped bottom, was her womanly treasure. Her nether lips were already swollen from desire and her juice coated them.

I dropped to my knees, and spread her ass as far as I could. Then, she shifted her legs spreading them even further. “Do it,”‘ she pleaded.

I stuck out my tongue and drove it forward piercing her ‘holy-of-holies’.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhh,” she hissed like a steam engine releasing pressure.

I lowered my hands using them to spread her ass cheeks while I slid my thumbs between her legs and pried her pussy lips open.

“Ohmigod,” she croaked. “Such a bad boy. Licking your lover’s cunt like that. Arrgghhhhhh.”

I slipped my tongue back inside her, slurped hard, and was rewarded with a mouthful of her juice.

“EEEEIIIiiiiiiii,” she squealed. “Fuck me … I’m so damn wet … Do it, baby … now,” she groaned.

I stood and unzipped my pants, pushing them and my boxer briefs down to my knees before stepping closer. My cock head ran across her pussy lips and bumped against her clit.

“Ohmigod … ohmigod … ohmigod,” she chanted.

Then, I grabbed her hips, squeezing them as hard as I dared and slammed my cock into her.

“FUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!” she screamed, the pillow barely muffling her voice.

I paused for the briefest of moments to let her get used to the intrusion of my member.

“Do it … ohhhhh baby … please.”

I pulled almost all the way out, took a deep breath and drove forward, burying myself until my balls slapped against her clit and pussy lips.

“Harder … harder … Rip me apart. Pull my hair … ohhhhhhh. Fuck your bitch.”

Her words lit a primal desire in me unlike anything I’d ever felt before. I grabbed her hair with one hand and her dangling tit with the other, as I pounded into her, a wet, squishy sound coming up from between her legs as I drove into her harder and harder.

“Arrgghhh,” she growled as she pushed herself back against me. “Fuck … fuck … yesssss … Now, spank my ass … ohhhhhhhhh … spank my ass … turn it red … punish your bitch!”

I knelt up, pulled my right hand back and brought it down on her right ass cheek. “Slap … SLAP … SLAP.”

“Harder … harder. Ohmigod. Slap the other cheek too.”


I thought I’d seen her at her wildest but now I realized I’d barely seen anything.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. So good. Hurts so good.”

I went back and forth, dealing each cheek several hard slaps, turning them into red orbs of quivering flesh.

“Oh … fuck me,” she called out. “Don’t stop. So close … gonna cum soon.”

I bit my lower lip, hoping to hold off my own orgasm for just a few more minutes. “Gotta do something … anything,” I thought. Then I caught sight of her crinkled asshole looking up at me, daring me. “Why not?”I asked myself as I slid my finger between her reddened orbs and pressed against her forbidden hole.

“What are you … oh fuuuccckkkkk. Not there … not there. Ohmigod! I’m gonna cummm. Ohhhhhhh,” she yelled as she threw back her head and arched her back, driving her pussy back against me, the muscles of her pussy walls sucking me in right up to the base of my cock.

There was no way I could hold back. “Fuuucckkkkkkkkkkk,” I groaned as my cock exploded. Each thrust ending in a spurt as my cock head crashed into her depths. My cum splattered across her pussy walls coating them, as it sought to find a way into her womb.

“Give it all to me, give me every drop!”

I was gasping, my breathing shallow and uneven, my legs shaking violently, as I continued to pump into her.

She was writhing and squirming as her own orgasm tore through her. Her pussy was milking my cock, sucking cum from me.

I gave her one last thrust and had to stop, my cock being too sensitive to continue.

At the same time, she squeezed me with her pussy getting a couple of more drops, leaving me feeling as dry as the Sahara Desert. Then, I eased out of her, a low groan echoing in my chest, When I looked down, I noticed strands of our combined juices still connecting us and gobs of our juices dribbling down her legs to pool on the sheets below her.

“Un-fucking-real. Look at that,” I gasped.

“I don’t have to. I can feel it,” she wheezed, softly.

Unable to stand, I sat on the bed, tenderly brushing my fingertips over her reddened ass. “Sorry.”

“Why?” she asked her head still resting on the pillow, her ass still in the air.

“I … ahhhhhh … got a little carried away.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she said as she turned around and sat down next to me. “It turned me on. You know, the pain/pleasure thing.”

When I didn’t say anything she turned her back to me and I immediately knew what she wanted. I unzipped her dress and helped her slide it off.

She threw it on a chair and climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees, wiggling her ass at me as she pulled back the sheets and slid under them. This time she didn’t pull them up to hide her breasts but sat there waiting for me. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I’d hope so after what you did and said in the restaurant tonight,” I replied as I stripped and slid into the bed next to her.

“Do you think I’m crazy?”


“You, me … the whole thing is still so new,” she murmured as she slid down in the bed.

I followed, wrapping my arms around her, and kissing her on the nape of the neck as I answered. “Yeah, its new but like you keep telling me, we have a whole lifetime to get used to it.”

The next weekend, we moved what little I owned into OUR apartment.

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