New Swinging Neighbors by CrazyDaveTrucker60,CrazyDaveTrucker60

No one under eighteen years of age in sexual situations. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is a complete coincidence. This is first and foremost a fantasy. Try not to bring too much reality into it. Yes, my characters are flawed. Yes sex takes place. This is an erotic story. There is a bit of incest, not much, but if that offends you stop reading now. It’s all in fun, tongue in cheek. Yes it’s a bit over the top. It’s a tall tale!

Please be kind in your comments.


New Swinging Neighbors

“Donald, life is too short. Carpe diem man, seize the day! There is my web address, and the lawyer’s number, and my sister Jean’s number. I appreciate you taking care of the place while I’m gone.” Ralph said to me. I could see he was quite anxious to leave.

“It’s ok Ralph, I’m sorry I’m not going with you. What’s the plan?” I asked my recently widowed neighbor. I know he missed his wife terribly; her death had hit him very hard.

“Don’t have one. Gonna head south for the first time in a long time. Just me and the big motorcycle. Got my two daughters I want to see. One in Florida, one in Texas…” He thought for a moment. His face changed. I saw the anguish on his face. I knew what he was thinking about.

“Ralph, it’s practically on the way. You know you will regret it if you don’t at least try.” I tried to reason with him.

“Not a word in four years Donald. Not a fuckin’ damn syllable! Four long years.” Tears were in his eyes. My neighbor had real issues with his boy. Well now his son was a man. Sort of. That was the problem.

“He is your son! Just show up at his doorstep. At least he can’t ditch you, or dodge you then. I’m going to pray for the both of you. As you say, carpe diem.

“Even if he is rude to you, you are his dad. Period. Please forgive him. I know he was a little shit to you. Be the better man. Try to remember when he was young. You can’t live with this hole in your heart.” I said it and I meant it. I had tears in my eyes. His pain was my pain too. Almost exactly the same as his pain.

“Hey, you should talk. Once or twice a year for four goddamned years. Those two daughters of yours…” Ralph was well aware of my issues as well. We had no secrets from each other. We commiserated all the time.

“No, no stop there. I know what it’s like to be a brand new parent. And one is in Pittsburgh, and the other is in Cleveland, so they can’t be here just like that. That’s 300 and 400 miles for each.” I made excuses just like a lot of parents did. I had recently run out of excuses for them.

“Which you drive every single year. To each girl’s…” I interrupted him.

“-That’s just it. They are not girls anymore. Five kids and two husbands between the two of them. The divorce hit both of them very hard. They both seemed to think she was the good one, and I was the bad guy.” This was nothing new. My friend knew all about it.

“You didn’t cheat, she did Donald.” Ralph knew the truth, all the gory details.

“I don’t know if they truly understand that. And then when she…” I couldn’t say it.

“When she passed away. Do they have any idea how she died?” My neighbor knew exactly what went on because I had drunkenly told him one night. Told him the whole damn thing. The truth still hurt me, even now. I didn’t want to face it even now, after she had passed, and it didn’t really matter anymore… but it fucking did matter to me.

“I never spoke of it. I never mentioned AIDS, or any of her…shenanigans. They think it was strictly cancer, and I suppose it was that quite literally… but we both know what led up to it.” I blinked back tears. Goddamn her!

“They still blame you,” Ralph said quietly.

“You know, she really did me a huge favor when she cut me off. If we were still having sex-…” I shuddered to think about those other horrible consequences that never happened. Thank God for small favors. She had unwittingly done me a giant favor by not having sex with me.

“…-You would also have contracted HIV as well. Yeah, she did you a pretty big favor. What happened with the will? You gave her two million in the divorce. Even after all the medical bills were paid, there must have been quite a bit of coin left over.” At that point who cared about the money? I think he was just mildly curious.

“Quite a few medical bills and final expenses. I did get the whole life policy from twenty-five years ago. For some reason she never changed the beneficiary, which was me. She also knew quite well that when I pass, everything that I own goes to the kids. That was half a million, but somehow I got a million dollars from the insurance. I didn’t argue with them.”

“Double indemnity. No, I mean didn’t she leave you anything?” Ralph didn’t know he was picking at a scab. But hey, she’s gone now.

“Oh sure, but most of the money went to the kids. She still left me four hundred thousand. I was not expecting anything after the way she and I split up. I mean catching her with him… It really hurt me bad. So four hundred thou? Better than a kick in the head I suppose. Maybe she felt a bit guilty, and wanted to make some kind of nice gesture. Her last words to me were ‘I love you.’ I said it back, but after what she put me through, I’m not sure if I really meant it.” My eyes teared up.

“She already gave you the kick in the head! You have to admit, $400k is one hell of a nice gesture!” Ralph always looks on the bright side. Even when everything turns to shit, he finds a silver lining somehow.

“Maybe. Or perhaps she just remembered how well I managed our investments. She knew where all the money will go to eventually, so that 400k is already almost 700k. She was always a smart woman. Except for when she let her pussy do the thinking for her.” I was thinking how shitty things were when I said that. Her behavior was beyond bad, bordering on evil. No, I take that back. It WAS TOTALLY EVIL. She had treated me brutally in her behavior.

“Hey, there are millions of guys that think with the little head. She just made some terrible mistakes thinking with her… I wonder if…” Ralph tried to swallow the last sentence.

“What? Go ahead and say it. I’ve made my peace with what happened.” I spoke quietly.

“She had menopause pretty young. It would just have to affect her thinking. Then you caught her, then you divorced her, and by that time she had contracted HIV. She must have been a bit fucked up in the head there at the end. Did she ever apologize to you?” Ralph was really pushing all my buttons today, but I don’t think he was aware of it. He did not mean to. Some of these unanswered questions ate at me like an acid. I don’t think I will ever know. Her behavior was pretty fucked up towards me, to put it mildly.

“Yeah, I guess. Not an apology per se, but better than nothing. I don’t know if she ever told the kids the truth or not.” Another question that I had no good answer for: only a few poor alternatives.

“Should I show them the evidence now? I don’t know. I don’t want to tarnish the mental picture they have of their mom. It’s never good to speak ill of the dead, even if it is the God’s truth. I guess I will have to continue to be the bad guy.” I said that but I wished it was not so. I wrestled with the question STILL.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. I’m out of here. Are you ok with showing the house now and then?” Ralph said in a rush, obviously he wanted to be on the road. I’m not sure why he was in such a hurry as I knew he still had a bunch of things left to do before he left. I guess he was thinking about his terminal status, and how much time he had to spend with his children. Despite what he said, I knew that he was determined to see his girls one last time before he passed. He was itching to get going.

“No problem. Hey the price you are asking for the house is way low. How come?” I asked.

“Buyers market right now. I am taking a hell of a bath at this price. I’m not going to give the place away.” Ralph said.

“Well if you went a smidge lower, I would love to buy it.

‘Cause at the current price I can’t rent it out and make any money,” I explained.

“How much of a smidge?” Ralph asked.

“Like take fifty thousand off the top. At that price, I could rent it out and make a few bucks. I can’t at your price.” I thought he will never take $50k off his price, not even for me. He was already low as it was. I felt like a cheap asshole for even suggesting it.

“Tell you what. I’ll do you one better. You got fifty thousand dollars? I’ll sell it to you for just that, fifty thousand, with the proviso that if I ever return, I have a place to stay. It doesn’t have to be in the big house. I would be fine with the apartment in the barn. It would be a life estate. And you send me twenty percent of the net rental income, after taxes and everything.” He was dead serious. “Don’t say I didn’t give you a hell of a nice birthday present.” That was a huge present!

“Why? Your house is worth ten times that easy,” I asked him. “Maybe more than that!”

“I’m never coming back. I have an inoperable brain tumor. The doc gave me a year or two at best. And don’t tell me about this treatment, or that… Been there, done that! Still got the cancer.

“So I bought the bike, I’m gonna go see my daughters and hopefully see my son. I didn’t know how to tell you… He is in prison on drug charges. If you have the house when I die, my son can’t sell it to buy more drugs. I have already provided for my daughters and my grandchildren. They have money coming in trust funds and big insurance policies. I cannot just give him money, or he will just buy more drugs. He even told me he would do just that, straight out! I can’t allow that. If you have the house, then he can’t do that after I am gone. I have tried everything I know with that boy. The drugs make him a totally different person. I have to get rid of this place. His sisters would share it with him if they got it. They don’t want to know about the money and drugs. They are still in denial about their little brother. This is the best solution for me.

“I want to try to be happy with the time I have left. The life estate is if the doctors come up with a miracle cure. You never know. Hell, if I do somehow wander back, you think I might be able to stay with you? You only have five big bedrooms!” He was being very sarcastic. They weren’t that big.

“Nope, it’s the barn for you pal. Gonna fill my house with wild wicked women. Maybe naked ones…Of course you can always stay with me you idiot. You’re my best friend! Hell, these days you are my ONLY friend…You really serious about this?” I had to make sure. There was a lot of money involved here.

“I have all the money I’ll ever need. What I don’t have is time. I want to do this for you. I will stay here a few extra days to get all the damn paperwork finished. This is really important to me. You helped me with my son, I helped you through your divorce, and her funeral, you really helped me when Iris passed away… I want you to have a little something for all those bad years we spent together. I bet we spent more time with each other than with the wives! Hey we never cheated on each other!” We both laughed about that. He hugged me. We both had a tear or two.

“What I don’t want is that three a.m. call about the toilet stopped up, or the furnace is not working. Or the damn taxes are due. That will all be on your shoulders. You sure you want all that damn stupid bullshit?” He asked me. I actually thought about it for a half second.

I mentioned my tentative plan, “Well, I was thinking about switching houses, rent out my old house, and live in yours… That way, I might convince my grandchildren to come home for the summer. Your place is way bigger, and I could fit both families in it. Plus there is the big pool and hot tub. My pool is way smaller.

“The question is ‘if’. ‘If’ I can convince them of my real innocence. ‘If’ my hardheaded daughter’s will ever forgive me. ‘If’ I can get them here. Lots of big ‘ifs’.” I spoke with a bit of determination. Not much of a plan, but it was all I had.

“I’m really gonna miss you my friend. I know this is something that you just have to do, but that don’t make it feel any better. Ralph… Why don’t you stay one more week, and we both get drunk out of our minds?” I said again to my friend.

“Don, I’m sorry I gotta go. I just have to go! I must. And I will certainly miss you as well.” He replied. We hugged. He made a call to his lawyer. We finished the paperwork the next day. It all went pretty quickly as his lawyer was on the ball. He was well aware of Ralph’s medical condition. I didn’t know lawyers could work that fast. Unless?… That dirty dog had it all set up way ahead of time!!! He knew! He damn well knew! He had planned this for me. That sweet son of a bitch.

A few days later after all the paperwork was signed and done, I was the proud owner of two houses, little five bedroom and his huge eight bedroom home. Ralph had his fancy-assed Harley all gassed up, and he was itching to get going.

“Bye my friend. I don’t think we will see each other again in this life. Good luck with your daughters. I will see you again my friend. Thank you Don.” Ralph said as he shook my hand. We hugged. We both cried. I knew that it would be the last time. So did he. I said a silent prayer for him.

“No, thank you Ralph! Safe travels. God bless you and good luck. Call me from the sunshine state.” We hugged one last time, and then he was gone with the roar of the motorcycle. Ralph had been my friend for so long, but he had to do this before he passed. I certainly did understand what he was doing. I prayed for him again.

I was not happy about Ralph leaving, but about my plan, I was happy. Painting and fixing up the big house with the big pool and hot tub made me feel like I had a chance to see my two gorgeous daughters again, to be with my wonderful grandchildren. I was cleaning, painting, fixing. It felt like a plan. It was good to be doing SOMETHING. I loved to work with my hands. The interior was painted and cleaned up in just a few weeks. I painted and fixed up the outside to match the interior. I was painting the little house as well, taking care of the little maintenance stuff that all houses require after a while. The little house had a small pool and small hot tub as well. I brought in the pool guy to check both pool systems and hotubs. More chores and periodic maintenance. But I was happy to get it all done. The two homes looked great. For once in my life, my honey-do list was complete!

Then the two letters arrived. One from each of my girls. Well now they are both adults, grown women, making their own big decisions. They had both decided to disown me. ME, their father! Four years after the fact! They had convicted me without knowing the truth, without any doubt, and never even having spoken to me about it. Should I tell them the truth? I wanted to badly, but their faces at the funeral… I am not sure that the truth would even change things at all. They thought their mom was a fuckin’ saint. Well they got the fuckin’ part right! Oh yeah. They got it all ass backwards, everything.

After all the shit I had gone through, both my daughters had totally blamed me for everything that happened with their lying, cheating, bitch-on-wheels mother. As if I had some magic power to cause her cancer. Like it was ME that cheated, and cheated, and lied about it again and again, instead of her. Their mom really was some kind of fuckin’ saint in their eyes. If only they knew…

What they didn’t know was really how she got sick. I absolutely didn’t want to tell them about their mother’s little extra curricular sexual activities. That left me to be the bad guy in their eyes. Well ain’t that a damned kick in the head? She gets a complete pass from my kids, and I get all the blame, for all the shit that I NEVER did. I never ever broke my vows, even at the very end when it all came to light.

Their dirty slut mother got to me from beyond the grave! How fuckin nice. I am damned if I do, and I’m damned if I don’t. If I told them, then I was a bad guy for speaking ill of the dead, just being self serving! If I did not… well I was just fired as their father. I decided the best course of action was to do nothing, because both of my girls… Once they got something in their head, it was like it was etched in stone! Most likely even if they saw the true, completely, absolutely incontrovertible evidence, they would try to twist it around like a spin doctor to blame me again. I guess I had my own answer. I would leave them both a big packet of evidence with all the pics and x-rated videos of their mother for them to examine after I had passed. Then I would hopefully be exonerated, even if it was slightly posthumously! Maybe. I wouldn’t put money on that bet.

I just can’t win this deal. I was beaten by a dead slut of a woman. And she was fuckin’ dead! Even after all this, she could still hurt me.

On top of that, I received a check for two hundred thousand dollars from Ralph’s lawyer. My old friend Ralph had died in a terrible crash just south of Baltimore. I never knew! His daughters had buried him, but never even bothered to even let me know he was gone.The little bitches did not tell me about the funeral. I don’t even know where he was buried. What the hell did I ever do to them? I guess I’ll call back the lawyer. This is just heartbreak on top of heartbreak. The only good thing was he died instantly.

He never got to Florida or Texas. He is now reunited with his first love, Iris. He wanted to give me a few bucks for all the years we were good neighbors. I just got a bit richer and a bunch lonelier. I missed Ralph and his good cheer. He was a good man, and a good friend. I missed him.

I scrapped my big plans for my girls and my grandkids. They were not coming, ever. I decided to rent out the eight bedroom home, and maybe the barn apartment as well. I really didn’t need the money, but maybe a nice family could have a decent home. I was just Heartbroken once again. What had I ever done to deserve this?


I first met Mr. and Mrs. Bianca in March when the big house was put up for rent. They were from Long Island New York. Within a week I had five couples interested in renting the place.

I had quickly narrowed down the field to the Biancas, based on income and credit scores, plus they had three very pretty daughters in college here in the greater Allentown area. One daughter was in Lehigh, one girl in Penn State, and one girl in Muhlenberg. I shuddered at the costs of college, times THREE! I hope they got a few scholarships.

I could easily understand why they needed a local address. They were currently paying ‘out of state’ rates for all three girls schools! Plus, I guess they wanted to be near their kids. Long Island is a pretty good long ride to Allentown. Where I lived was roughly twenty minutes from all three lovely campuses.

I did wonder why they needed eight bedrooms. Hell, they have only three daughters! What did they need with an extra four bedrooms? Still, three daughters was a lot.

Poor Mrs.Bianca was gonna get all their dirty laundry! But she would get their hugs and kisses too. I kinda envied her that. I missed my own daughters something awful.

For that matter, the girls could stay here, safe with their folks and would not have to pay a huge room and board fee. By renting my house they would be saving many tens of thousands of dollars.

“Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Bianca. I’m Donald Fielding, but please call me Don.” I introduced myself.

“I’m Dr. Bianca, this is my lovely wife Donna. Please just call me Al.” He was soft spoken. He looked like a professor with his dark glasses and tweed suit. He had very soft hands of someone who never ever worked with his hands.

Mr. Bianca was a full professor at NYU. I think he taught some kind of business courses. He had that kind of aristocratic aire about him, but he was still very friendly. There was something off about him, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. He made me feel uneasy, but I had no idea why.

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