The Fisherman’s Nude Sister by darkmind222,darkmind222

The Fisherman’s Nude Sister

For the record: All characters engaging in any sexual activities are at least 18 years of age!

A huge thanks to my editor RFFAST for his hard work fixing all my errors.

My Sister Lisa and I had a wonderful life growing up on a small farm outside our little town. We would get off the bus in the afternoon and drop our bags near the back door and run off into the paddocks or down at the creek to play until the darkness told us that it was time for dinner. Like all the other families in our area, my Father worked the farm, and Mum looked after the house.

My Sister was always the life of the party, talking to anyone and able to make friends easily. Where I couldn’t speak more than six words to anyone until I had known them for over a year. At school, she had a large group of friends that hung around like groupies, and I had two mates I had known all my life. I left school as soon as I could and worked anywhere, I could use my hands. After my eighteenth birthday, I got an offer to work on a fishing boat and set myself up to leave. All I had left was to tell my parents and, of course, Lisa.

“I got a good offer to work on a boat. I will be gone for eight months and earn more than I can in three years working here.’ I said, and Dad just nodded his head.

Mum was relatively restrained, but I could tell it was not her favourite news. On the other hand, Lisa was devastated and in tears the second my leaving registered in her fifteen-year-old brain, wailing at me not to leave her. I had no idea she would react like this, as I didn’t think we were that close. Her reaction startled me, and I saw a tear come to Mum’s eye as Lisa curled up in my arms sobbing.

I left the following week on the train to the city. I waved back at my family from the window, as Lisa and Mum both tried to smile, and Dad dug them both in the ribs, but was still unable to lighten the mood.

I was just walking off the platform in the city when I saw a man totally out of place here. He looked about as foreign to me as I was to the rest of the people bustling around us. “You must be Conner.” He said, with a big smile.

“Glad to meet you, Captain John.” I said, holding out my hand.

The following day we boarded the boat, stocking it with food. My education began with the Captain showing me how to repair the nets and were soon heading out to sea. I threw up for the next twenty-four hours straight the moment we went out past the heads. I got over it soon enough as I didn’t see land again for over a month. I worked hard and worked long hours, but I learned something new every day.

The months at sea with just the two of us were a blessing as I got along better with Captain John and the fish than I ever had with ordinary people. And after the second season and at Captain John’s urging, I applied for my Captains’ license, so I could drive the boat any time he couldn’t. I almost couldn’t believe it when Mom told me it had been over four years since I had been back to the farm and pleaded with me to come home for Christmas this year. I knew I couldn’t refuse, as I thought there might be some engagement news on the cards for Lisa who would be, Shit! My little sister would be nineteen by now.

I got off the train and was surprised that only Dad came up to greet me. “What’s going on?” I asked, before he got a chance to pick up my bag.

“Your Mum’s in the city with Lisa. She is having trouble.” Dad answered, and I could tell he was not saying something.

Two days later, Mum drove up the driveway and jumped out of the car, tears streaming down her face. She leapt into my arms, pulling Dad into her too.

“What?” I asked, as she was almost strangling me.

“We have lost her.” she said, and a chill went through my body.

“What do you mean we have lost her. How the fuck can we have lost Lisa? She is only a kid.” I said, but Mum couldn’t even speak.

“She is nineteen, Conner, and the drugs have her now, with marks on her arms and scratches on her face and body. She is lost to us now. All we can do is walk away and hope she survives.” Mum said in tears, as I looked at Dad, and he just stared off into the distance.

“How do I find her, Mum?” I asked, as I saw how defeated they were.

“You can’t get her, the pimp watches everything from the corner, and he has a gun stuck down inside the door of his car.” Mum said, her head hung low as we sat out under our old tree.

“Is he the one supplying the drugs?” I asked, and Mum nodded.

“Mum, I won’t be back for a long time. Know I love you both, but if I do this, I’m going to take her away, somewhere that no pimp can ever find her. If you don’t know where I’m taking her, you can’t tell anyone who comes looking.” I said, and went to pack my bag.

“Don’t bring her back here, Conner. I can’t forgive her for what she has done.” Dad said, and I saw the light go out of his eyes.

“She is my Sister, and I will get her out or die trying. It’s a shame you can no longer see the Sister I remember.” I said, as the taxi pulled up to the front gate.

I caught the next train to the city, checking out the corner Mum described. I spotted the beat-up old car and the tall ugly strung-out prick that was driving it. I watched as he talked to one girl, then another and then got back into his car. I looked again, not believing my eyes, the first girl he spoke to was Lisa, and I hadn’t even recognised her.

Mum’s description of my Sister’s condition had been kind. She was all skin and bone, her ribs showing from under the skimpy top she wore. I walked to a hire car company I had spotted a few blocks away and rented a car for a few days, nothing flashy, just something unmemorable. I drove around the block a few times with a hat pulled down over my face and a pair of dark glasses covering my eyes. I undid my long hair and let it cover my face before driving up to the corner.

“Are you looking for a good time?” The other girl asked, and she looked in about the same shape as Lisa.

“What’s the price for two hours?” I asked, and she told me four hundred.

“Too rich for me.” I said, and rolled around the corner to pull up beside Lisa.

“Want to party?” She said, leaning in the window and pulling her top down enough to show me most of her breasts.

“What about two hours.” I said, in as gruff a voice as I could muster.

She looked over to the first girl, and I saw her hold up four fingers. “Three hundred.” She said, and I nodded.

She put out her hand for the cash, and I pulled out my wallet. She took it and ran back to the old car with the money. It took a few minutes until she came back and opened the door. She had pulled an old coat over her shoulders when she sat in the seat.

I drove away from the corner, trying not to look at her and give myself away. I saw her removing her panties as we went and putting them into the oversized bag she had placed between us. “Do you have a room, or are we parking?” She asked, and I hardly recognized her voice, as there was no innocence left in it at all.

“I have a place for us.” I said, and I saw her trying to check me out.

“Why are you hiding your face like that?” She asked, as she slipped her fingers into the door handle.

“Lisa, let go of the door.” I said, as I hit the accelerator and looked her right in the eyes.

“Oh, God no! Conner!” She said, and the light came on inside the car. I reached over and slammed the door shut and gripped onto her spindly arm.

“No! Fuck you, let me go.” She screamed, and punched my hand.

“I’m taking you away from this city.” I said, but she had other ideas and scratched at my arm.

“Fuck you, let me out.” She said, as I could feel the blood dripping from the marks on my skin.

“I will knock you out if I have to. That’s happened before by the look of your chipped teeth.” I said, and gripped her arm tighter to let her know I wasn’t kidding.

She was like a trapped wild cat as she turned in her seat and kicked at my body, exposing her bare pussy to me in the process. “Let me out, you cunt.” She screamed.

“I’m not the one selling myself on the street. Now sit still.” I said, shaking her and bouncing her light body off the door frame.

“At least Jackson’s there for me.” She said, as she settled down for the moment.

“Well, where is all the money you make?” I asked, but I already knew the answer.

“He is holding it for me.” She answered, stupidly.

“Putting it into his crack pipe, more like it.” I said, as I looked at the stranger beside me.

I drove for the next hour with one hand on the wheel and the other holding her arm. I didn’t stop even with her throwing a fit every half an hour or so. She ended up mostly naked with her top and skirt both gathered around her waist. She was so out of it that she hardly noticed that her Brother could see all of her body. She used to be so beautiful, but now her breasts had no fullness. Her body was covered with marks and bruises and her bones poked out from her skin at every joint.

I pulled up to the small port I had the boat tied up to and dragged Lisa along the dock as she kicked and screamed all the way. I pulled her onto the boat and threw her into the forward cabin and locked it from the outside.

I messaged the rental company and told them where to find the car and told them to bill my credit card for any additional charges for the retrieval. When I stepped back onto the boat, I could hear everything in the forward cabin being thrown onto the floor. “Let me the fuck out of here.” She screamed, as I listened to another piece of furniture hitting the back of the door.

I started the boat, threw the lines, and puttered out of the harbor to the sounds of crashing and banging and a lot of “Fuck you Conner!”, coming from below. I motored out to sea and cruised all night. It was all quiet downstairs by the time the sun was coming up from below the waves. I knew it would be stormy for a while, but it was beautiful and peaceful for the moment.

It was midday when the pounding started again. “I’m going to be sick.” She yelled, through the door.

I opened the door, and Lisa rushed at me with a frying pan in her hand, swinging it wildly, trying to hit me anywhere she could. I sidestepped her, and she fell forward onto the deck, regaining her feet standing on guard with the pan still clutched in her hand.

“Take me back.” She said, looking at me threateningly.

“I can’t.” I replied, as we bobbed around in the swell with the noise of the engine idling in the background.

“Take me fucking back fuckwit.” She yelled, and waved her pan around.

“I have a quota to fill, and I will take you back when I’m finished.” I said, and she came at me swinging.

I easily pushed her to one side as she didn’t have any sea legs. I took the pan off her and threw it below with the rest of the mess. She fell back on her ass on the deck, her legs spread, but this time she had her panties on, so I didn’t get an eye full of pussy. “Then I will swim.” She said, and sprung up and dove over the side.

I rushed to the rail and looked down at her splashing around in the water, and she didn’t even know what direction to swim in. “It’s about a week’s hard swim that way. But you should be aware of what hangs around the back of fishing boats waiting for scraps to be thrown over.” I said, and she began looking around nervously into the water.

“How do I get back up there?” She asked, as she jerked her head at every splashing sound.

I threw her a ring and dragged her up the back of the boat. She scratched her knees and elbows on the side, but she already had plenty of marks and bruises on her body, so these were nothing new. I saw her looking at the knife I had on the rail for cutting snagged lines as she stood wringing wet on the deck, and I moved between her and it. “Before you go killing me, you have to know you will never find land without me. I will only take you back when I have my Quota filled.” I said.

“And how long will that take?” She asked, as I revved up the engines again.

“As long as it takes, so pray for full nets.” I answered, and ignored her punching my arm.

The first day, I thought it was seasickness, but she didn’t get over it. Then I realised it was withdrawal from the drugs. She was throwing up every hour and not eating, and she shivered the whole way out to the fishing grounds.

“You can fuck me all the way back to the city. All you have to do is turn around.” She said, when I came down to the cabin to find her naked and spread eagled and offering herself to me.

“I love you, Lisa. Put your clothes back on.” I said, as I turned and left, the vision of her naked body now refreshed in my mind.

“I fucking hate you, cunt.” She yelled, then I could hear her throwing up again.

The next time I ventured below, she was again naked, but this time on all fours. “You can have my ass as often as you like. Just take me back to the city. I’m dying, Conner. I need some drugs.” She said, holding her ass cheeks apart, and leaving nothing to my imagination.

I stepped down into the cabin kicking aside the wreckage on the floor, as I looked at her ass winking at me. I took another stride closer, and she wiggled her ass at me invitingly. Smack, Smack, Smack, sounded out as I rained the blows down on her upturned ass while I gripped her skinny hips, holding her from escaping me.

“Stop, Stop!” She yelled, and when I finished covering her ass with red handprints, I let her go.

She scurried away to the end of the bed, curled up, sobbing as she looked at me over her knees. “You are not a piece of meat. You are my Sister and a farmer’s Daughter. I know you have forgotten that now, but you will remember it soon enough. Your body is not for sale, and your love is far too valuable for anyone to buy, at any price.” I yelled, even though she was only a few feet away.

“I need drugs.” She sobbed, still cuddling her legs.

“There are no drugs for four hundred nautical miles. You are shit out of luck. Now don’t come out of here until this cabin looks like it did before you started tearing it apart.” I ordered, and left feeling dejected.

I hadn’t seen her much for the next day and a half. I did pass her food and got a glimpse of her but with clothes on this time. I had made it to the fishing grounds and began preparing to put the nets out. I worked hard with only myself on the boat to do everything. Captain John had done it solo for years, so I knew I could do it. I only turned on the autopilot for a few hours of sleep while I jogged in position between fishing runs.

I fished for a week and still no Lisa on the deck. I knew if I broke now, and she got a small win, she would take a mile, and I would be back to square one. I pulled up beside the processing ship to offload my full tanks. They lowered the tube and sucked out all the fish from my hold. I was just catching the fresh supplies they lowered to me when Lisa came out onto the deck. “Are we finished?” She asked, before throwing up over the rail.

“No. that’s just the first load.” I answered, and pulled away from the bigger ship.

“How many more?” She asked, still looking terrible.

“A lot, if the fishing keeps up the way it’s been going.” I answered, as we steamed away from the other boat.

“Please God, take me home, or I’m going to jump overboard again.” She said, walking to the stern rail.

I put the boat back to idle and walked out of the wheelhouse and to her side. “Watch for a second before you decide to go swimming back to shore. Wait for it. Now that’s what’s waiting for you down there.” I said, as we saw a giant bronze whaler Shark cut through the wash behind the boat, looking for any fish we threw over.

“But I’m so sick, and I need something to take the edge off.” She whined, like a little girl.

“More drugs are the last thing you need. Maybe some work will keep your mind off your sickness.” I said, as I dragged her back into the wheelhouse.

I began to throw her some wet pants and a jacket and pulled out some old boots from under one of the benches. She took forever to put the gear on, but when she was finally dressed, I ushered her out onto the deck. I showed her how to stretch the net out and started putting it over the side. She was of very little help, but at least she wasn’t complaining or throwing up; well, not as much anyway. Once we had the net out, I steered while she rested down in the cabin. From what I could see, it was mostly back in livable condition.

“Ok, get your gear back on; it’s time to haul in the catch.” I yelled, and waited for another age for her to appear.

I showed her how to wind up the ropes as I pulled in the nets and had her stand well clear as I brought the ball of writhing fish over the rail. I pulled the rope at the bottom of the net to spill the flapping fish into the sorting tubs. “Ok, these are the ones we are looking for. Throw the rest onto the chute, so they go back into the water.” I said, as I held up two fish for her to see.

“What about the shark?”

“He will only get a few, the rest will slip away pretty fast when they realise who’s waiting.” I answered, as I began the long hours of sorting.

We sorted that load, and I caught a few hours sleep before I dropped the nets again. This time Lisa was a little more helpful, but only just. She cooked us up a meal, one of Dad’s recipes for savory mince, that had all the vegetables thrown in with the meat. “That’s good, Sis. You might be of some use yet. Did you have some?”

“A little, and it hasn’t come back up yet.” She said, and I stifled a smile.

“Good, we are about to drop the net again.” I said, and she groaned.

It was another twelve hours of hard work later that she took off her wet gear and dropped onto the bed still covered in dried salt and sweat. I checked on her a few times, and she looked like she used to years ago, angelic and innocent as she slept.

“Wake up, Lisa.” I said, as I shook her shoulder.

“What the fuck, Conner.” She countered.

“You need to take the watch.” I said, and she rubbed her eyes.

Half an hour later, she came up from the cabin, smelling fresh and clean. “That’s half an hour. I won’t be able to sleep.” I said, looking at her with disdain.

“I had to shower.” She said, shooting daggers at me.

“Shower on your own fucking time, not mine. Now sit here and wake me if a boat looks like it will cross in front of us, and don’t touch anything.” I said, and went below.

I showered quickly, ignoring my erection as I was too sleepy to deal with it right now, and I hit the rack. My alarm rang out after three and a half hours, and I climbed up the stairs. I looked at the Captain’s chair, and no one was there. “Lisa!” I yelled, and looked under the counter on the other side of the wheelhouse to see her waking up at my yelling.

“What the Fuck were you thinking.” I screamed, as I slammed my fist down on the map table, making everything jump in the air before clattering back to the tabletop.

“What?” Lisa asked, her eyes wide.

“What if another boat hit us from the side? We would go down in seconds.” I said, shaking at my stupidity at trusting her.

“Then we would get saved. Right?” She asked, her ridiculous reasoning now becoming clear.

“We wouldn’t last ten minutes in that cold water. We are hundreds of miles past the reach of any rescue by air, and it would take hours for the coastguard to reach us anyway. They would be wasting their fucking time even trying.” I said, as I pushed her out of my wheelhouse.

I was furious with her and went about my fishing without acknowledging her existence, setting the boat to jogging in position while I got a short sleep between casting the nets. I hauled and sorted the fish by myself before catching another short nap and doing it again.

Another forty-eight hours later, I had calmed down enough to eat a meal with Lisa as she sat on the chair across quietly eating. “I’m sorry.” She said, without looking at me, her face dimly lit by the instrument lights.

“I get that you want out, and when you are clean and sober, we will talk about where you can go. But I have to make payments to the old owner of this boat, and if I miss them, I have to give it back.” I said, and she took a quick glance at me.

“You brought this boat?” She asked, still looking at her food.

“All I brought was a big debt. The Captain was retiring and was going to sell it from under me. He offered to self-fund me, but now I have to deliver because I don’t want to let him down.” I said, talking to Lisa more in the last few minutes than I had to anyone in the last few years.

I hit my mark on the digital map and put on my wet weather gear and stepped out onto the deck to start dropping the nets into the water. The sea was picking up, and I struggled to get the nets into position when Lisa, also clothed in wet weather gear, came to my side. She pushed the net to the edge then stretched it out like I had shown her last time.

The waves were breaking over the side by the time I had the wire out to the length I wanted, and we were both drenched as we closed the wheelhouse door. “Do you still fish in this weather?” Lisa asked, as she stripped off her coat and boots.

“The fish don’t care what’s happening on the surface.” I said, as I steered into a giant wave that washed white water across the deck.

“Are we safe?” She asked, her eyes as wide as dinner plates.

“About as safe as you can be on a boat. I have seen it worse.” I said, but my heart was racing just the same.

I struggled through the night with Lisa coming up from below with a fresh cup of coffee and checking that I was awake. But there was really no fear of me sleeping as adrenalin was running through my veins. As we could see the sky brightening on the horizon, the wind and waves began to drop a little, and I took the opportunity to pull the net in and drop and sort the fish. Lisa again appeared to help me with her gloves taped to her jacket, like she saw me do.

Although it was still raining heavily, the waves had dropped to a manageable level, and I was able to turn on the autopilot and get a few hours sleep while Lisa sat in the Captain’s seat, promising to stay awake this time.

“Conner, there is a lady on the radio saying something about ping pong. But she keeps repeating it.” Lisa said, as she shook my shoulder.

“Pon Pon?” I asked.

“That’s it!” She said, and I jumped out of my rack.

“Pon Pon, Pon Pon, Pon Pon, we have an emergency beacon from the ‘Lady Rose’.” The coast guard announcer said, and a chill went through me.

“Oh, shit, that’s only an hour from here.” I said, as she called out the coordinates.

“Did they sink?” Lisa asked, but the look on her face said she already knew the answer.

“It could be a false alarm. At least, I pray it is.” I said, as I rapidly pulled in the nets, dumping the catch this time. I moved the throttle to full and turned towards the Lady Rose’s last known location.

“Coast Guard, this is ‘My Lisa,’ and we are heading to that location to assist in the search. We are an hour out. Over.” I said, into the radio.

“My Lisa, the Coast Guard cutter is five hours away. We thank you for your help. Coast Guard out.” Came back through the speaker.

“Five hours in that. Oh my God.” Lisa said, as she looked out into the churning waves

We hit the coordinates and found nothing, then I checked the wind and currents and tried to work out what direction someone would float if they were overboard. “I think he will be in that direction.” I said, turning and zig zagging outwards from that spot.

We steamed back and forth across the path I thought someone drifting would take, as Lisa stood on the bow in her wet weather gear, searching the water. I had just got word that the Coast Guard cutter had arrived on the scene and two smaller boats from the same port as the Lady Rose. Then I saw Lisa waving frantically to the port side and pointing into the sea. I turned in that direction and slowed to a crawl running out onto the deck.

I looked over the side as Lisa came to my side only to see what I had been dreading, a man in a lifejacket bobbing face down in the waves. “My Lisa to Coast Guard Cutter, I have found a body, I repeat I have found a body. Over.” I croaked into the radio, trying to swallow the knot in my throat.

“Coast Guard Cutter to My Lisa. We will send a skiff to retrieve him. Out.” The call returned, and I watched the body until the inflatable skiff came alongside and hauled him into their boat.

I stood in the wheelhouse, unable to process my feelings when Lisa came up from below, her hair wet but now in one of my dry tee-shirts. She took one look at me and burst into tears, rushing into my arms and blubbering into my chest. I held her as the tears streamed down my face. And even though I didn’t know him well, it was sad to see another fisherman lost to this life.

“We found him, and now he will go home so his family can bury him. Most never get that.” I said, and Lisa hugged me tightly.

“There was no boat upside down or bits floating around. It was not like the movies at all.” Lisa said, as the sobs slowed.

“No, they just silently slip under the waves with very little fanfare.” I said, kissing her cheek.

“Was this boat always named ‘My Lisa’.” She asked, as we headed away from the Coast Guard ship.

“No, a new owner usually renames the boat when you buy it.” I answered, and she quickly hugged me, kissing me on the cheek.

“I didn’t know you still thought about me after you left.” she said, hugging me as I drove.

“Always.” I said, into her neck.

She sat across from me as we made our way back to our fishing spot. She made us coffee and even some food as I put the boat on autopilot and was able to eat. “I will keep watch if you want to get some sleep.” Lisa offered, and I was too tired to argue.

“I think we are there, Conner.” Lisa said, as she shook my shoulder some hours later.

“Thanks, Lisa. I will be up in a second.” I said, trying to hide my morning wood.

I took a quick shower and stroked my cock. I hadn’t taken care of it since Lisa came on board, so it only lasted a few minutes before I splashed my cum into the drain. I went up the stairs directly in the line of sight of Lisa’s naked bottom as she bent over the map table in just my old tee. Her pear-shaped bottom was now smooth and unblemished after a few weeks of better food and no drugs. It still had some filling out to do, but it was a sight to behold to someone who hadn’t had a girlfriend in many years.

I shook my head and climbed into the Captain’s chair, and steered in the direction I wanted to set the nets. “Are you ready to set?” I asked, as I drank the last of my coffee.

“I’ll put on my gear and meet you on deck.” She said, pulling off the tee as she climbed down the steps, and this gave me another glimpse of her naked body from the side.

Her body was coming back to life, and her breasts were fuller and had that wonderful ski-slope look that I remembered from the last time we were together some years ago. Her bruises were almost gone leaving just a yellow haze on her skin. She looked soft and smooth again like a woman should.

We put out the nets and spent the next few hours in the wheelhouse talking as I set up the mapping computer to track where I started my run, and I showed how I log how many fish I caught for future reference. We headed down to haul the nets and dump and sort the catch. I let Lisa sleep for a few hours and then went down to wake her.

I stood at her bedside for a few moments, her beautiful breasts with her erect nipples spilled out from under her covers. I almost bumped into them as I ducked my head below the top bunk and was face to face with them as I ducked back out. “Lisa, time for your watch.” I said, from outside the top bunk so as not to embarrass her.

She came up to the wheelhouse a few minutes later, her first coffee in hand. “Did you get an eye full of your sister’s titty Conner?” She asked, with a big smile on her face.

“This would never happen.” I answered, as I smiled at her and passed the wheel over to her.

“I don’t mind you looking, Conner. I’m getting pretty spiky after being on this boat for weeks.” She said, and looked out the window.

This process repeated day after day, and Lisa became an incredible help. Captain John said I was a good worker because I grew up on a farm. It seems Lisa was the same way, as she picked up the skills and became stronger and faster every time, we pulled the nets. Sorting was the slowest task by yourself, but the second pair of hands made it much quicker and more enjoyable as she began to joke and play around as we worked.

I pulled alongside the processing ship, and they lowered the boom to take off the catch. I saw Lisa looking up at the men working on the deck above us and wondered if she wanted to leave. “Here is your chance; they will be going back to port in a week or so.” I said, as Lisa watched them unloading us.

“I can’t go back to that. I will be back on the drugs in a week.” She said, and I let out a sigh.

“I’m glad you see clearly enough to know that.” I said, and hugged her to my side, getting some wolf whistles from the deck above us.

“You wish.” She said, waving and smiling at the men.

They lowered the fresh supplies I ordered, and we were back underway. “Where next?” I asked, as the fishing numbers had been dropping where we were for the last few days.

“I was going to ask about that. The nets were getting lighter.” She said, and I showed her the numbers.

“What about we try here? The numbers were good there two years ago.” I asked, giving her a chance to choose.

“I like it, and it’s about the same depth if I see the chart right.” She said, and I couldn’t help smiling as she was learning the business.

I set a course for the spot Lisa chose, and I set the autopilot. Lisa went below to make some food, and I watched for other boats as close to the processing ship was the most dangerous place to be. The smell coming up from below was divine, and by the time Lisa came up the stairs, I was already drooling. “That smells incredible, Lisa.” I said, as I took the plate.

She sat across from me on the bench. As we ate, I noticed she parted her legs in my direction. We finished our meal, but she didn’t move, only giving me an even better view. Her habit of wearing my old tee-shirts did nothing to help as they only came down to just below her pussy.

“I’m still not going to take you back.” I said, nodding to her display.

Lisa didn’t respond. She came around behind the Captain’s chair and hugged my neck, and whispered into my ear. “I know, but I’m horny, and you are the only boy on the boat.” She said, and kissed my neck.

“Incest is illegal.” I said, as she moved back to her seat.

“What country are we in?” She asked, and I thought about where she was going with this.

“We are in international waters.”

“Then what are the rules?” She asked as she pulled up the hem of the tee.

“I don’t know the rules, but I don’t think you should be showing me your bits.” I said, with all the willpower I had left.

“What if I just play with myself in front of you, no touching?” She asked, and I let out a groan.

Lisa took a swipe of her tongue across the tips of her fingers and dropped her hand to her pussy as she sat back on the bench. She brought one foot up onto the seat, showing me her pussy in all her glory. The light blond hair had grown back over the weeks, and her outer lips parted, revealing her inner wet lips opening at the slightest pressure from her fingers.

“Take it out, Conner. It looks like it’s cramped.” She said, as she looked at my crotch.

I know I should have resisted, but she looked so beautiful sitting there with her pussy splayed out and her fingers probing and pulling her lips in exciting directions. I undid my fly and fished out my cock, and as soon as it was outside of its confines, it sprang to full attention.

“Yep. I knew it would be a nice one.” She said, as she strummed her clit.

I looked at her pussy as she let her knee drop to the side, spreading herself out for my viewing pleasure. Her fingers dipped into her opening, wetting her fingers, then used the moisture to circle her clit. I took hold of my cock and began slowly stroking it. I pulled the skin down, and the foreskin rolled off the head, exposing the glans, as I heard a moan escape Lisa’s lips.

“It’s beautiful, Conner.”

“Yes, you are.” I said, and she smiled, raising her other heel to the bench and letting the knee drop to the side as well.

I watched her fingers plunge into her opening then out to circle her clit as she began to rock her hips in time with the strokes. I tried to match her pace with mine, but she was going too quick, and I felt myself edging towards my climax. I reached for the toilet roll on the counter that I kept there instead of tissues. I quickly rolled off a good bundle around my hand.

“I’m going to cum.” I said, but it was obvious what was happening as I was hunched over the paper in my hand.

I shot wad after wad of sperm across the paper until it was going soggy in my palm, then I scrunched it up and wiped the tip as the last drops of my cum seeped from the end. I looked up to see Lisa with her mouth hung ajar as she strummed her clit, with two fingers of the other hand plunging in and out of her opening. She bucked her hips as she stared intensely at my softening cock and began convulsing around her fingers.

“I needed that.” She said, as her legs were still splayed apart as she relaxed back against the cushion.

“I don’t know how to feel about it.” I said, as I tucked my cock back into my pants.

“Well, the amount of sperm you shot onto that paper meant you needed it too. You know you can get cancer in the balls if you don’t drain them every now and then.” She said, still resting back, recovering.

“I get that, but watching your sister jilling off is probably frowned upon.” I said, still looking between her legs as her wetness seeped from her opening and trickled across her rosebud.

“Not out here in the middle of the ocean. There are no police to catch us.” She retorted, as she wiped the flat of her finger from the gap between her rosebud and her drooling pussy.

She ran the finger between her pussy lips to her clit, picked up the trail of juice, and brought it to her mouth, then proceeded to lick it off with a smile.

“Mmm, but I do taste good.” She said, as she dropped her feet to the floor and picked up the plates and disappeared down below.

The end.

See my profile for more information.

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