Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 23 by Pippa76,Pippa76

As soon as i made contact with daves leg he turned quickly to look at me.

I was still staring straight forward at the screen but could see him out my peripheral vision.

For that brief period while he watched me, time seemed to pause, everything stopped.

This was it….what would he do?

It must have been only a few seconds we stayed like this….but.. oh my….it seemed to last forever.

Eventually, dave did move again.

And it wasn’t to push my hand away.

While i continued to ignore him, staring straight ahead, i noticed him lean forward slightly to look past me at john.

He was checking what my husband was doing….that look for approval once again….oh so sweet….

But john appeared not to notice, still engrossed in the film.

Dave moved back in his seat, continuing to look at me briefly, then slowly returned his gaze to the film….leaving my hand where it was.

Mentally breathing a sigh of relief….so….i was over the first hurdle….now to push this forward.

With excitement consuming me from within, i slowly began to stroke up and down daves inner thigh, gently at first, using the tips of my fingers.

Instantly receiving another sharp movement from daves head, as he looked at me again, this time watching for longer.

Still i refused to return his gaze, staring straight ahead as though oblivious to what my hand was doing.

Dave again leaned forward to look at john, this time more noticeably, perhaps trying to catch my husbands attention?

It appeared not to work, as far as i could tell john was still unaware of what was going on…..oh god…..i can tell you….in those first few moments i was being eaten alive by excitement and anticipation.

But was there still a chance my advances would be rejected? The tension was killing me, but i must take it easy, had to.

Keep it at this level for a moment.

He again slowly returned his gaze to the screen.

However, this time when he did so, dave slumped back lower in his seat moving position.

Opening his legs wider….giving me more access to him….

I knew then, the moment he did that, i had him.

This really was it. His little movement, not only told me he was happy and comfortable with me touching him….but wanted me to continue.

Lots of emotions now flooded into me, relief… excitement…the anticipation of what was to come….oh…i was almost salivating at the thoughts and images which only recently were just imaginings… now about to happen.

Along with these serious emotions, another more light hearted one had sneaked in and in a typical moment for me i had to stifle a giggle.

This sometimes happens at ‘serious’ moments and the reader may remember this from other encounters I’ve written about.

I’ll quickly explain what had tickled me.

Basically, the way dave moved so i could ‘stroke’ him better, reminded me very much of a friends dog.

A big rottweiler who is as soft as a brush.

The dog acts just like dave did, you’ve only to stroke him a little bit and he collapses before you, gets real comfy laying on his back with legs wide open for his belly stroked.

It was only a brief flashback but a humorous distraction for myself.

Who’s mind now, was not just full of the heady mix of excitement and anticipation but also…. curiosity.

It’s always extra special, ‘having a feel’, that first time.

Still staring straight ahead i let my hand wander higher and higher up the inside of daves loose fitting, baggy shorts.

My god he’s hairy! That was my first thought as i explored higher.

Using my nails now, gently scratching the inside of his thigh…up and down…up and down.

Dare i risk a glance at him?

No….not yet…I’m enjoying this….oh so sweet anticipation too much.

However, it didn’t take long for my curiosity to make the decision for me.

Because of the angle i was doing this from my right hand could only go so high.

I had to move position, get closer, and use my left hand….if i did, that would be it, there would be no more pretence….if indeed there was any left.

With the film getting closer to its end i made my move…

Removing my right hand from under his shorts i turned towards him in the seat and quickly resumed my caresses with my left hand.

Now at this better angle i had much more access and slid my hand all the way up daves hairy leg…to his groin.

I made eye contact with him now, slouched back in his seat….the same moment i made contact with his cock….yep…john was right he didn’t wear underwear.

And he was already almost fully erect.

At that first contact between us, daves mouth opened wide at what would have been an audible gasp if not for the loud film noises.

He was staring right at me while i explored his most intimate area…..the film…. forgotten.

His eyes, in the gloom seemed to twinkle. His face occasionally lit by the flickering from dark to light on the big screen.

Daves eyes conveyed both anxiety and excitement at what i was doing.

As we stared at each other i saw him glance quickly away past me towards john.

It appeared he was asking me in a silent gesture…’what about your husband?’

I answered that question with my next movement, which was to wrap my fingers around daves hot, hardening shaft….and begin gently wanking him… under cover of his shorts.

Watching closely as he briefly closed his eyes and said something, which I’m sure i would have heard as ‘oh..yes!’, if not for the background noise of course.

This auditory deprivation bringing a new dimension to the already intense experience.

Daves cock now felt fully erect, it was good and hard, i would guess the length as the same as my huabands, however it was thicker and had more ‘heft’ to it.

Yes, it was bigger than johns, but not much bigger.

Also there was something different about the end of it.

Nothing odd, just different….i was intrigued.

I would later that evening, find out what that difference was.

But for now it appeared that any nerves dave possessed, were rapidly evaporating in the heat of the moment.

Shifting position in his seat, sitting up a little, quickly going for his shorts zipper….trying to pull it down but thumbling, his eagerness getting in the way.

While dave wrestled with the zipper, i explored further down the length of his throbbing shaft….going for his balls.

Upon finding the target my mouth fell open and if not for the background noise, anyone nearby would have heard me say, “oh…shit!”

My exclamation caused by two things, firstly and the minor of the two, dave is very hairy indeed around that area.

Actually i was to discover that he’s hairy all over but particularly so down there.

I could hardly get my fingers through the thick curly undergrowth!

But the biggest surprise was the size of daves nut sack and contents there in.

My ‘ex’ harry, was big all over, but it appeared all of natures blessings had gone into daves balls…. they are huge.

I could hardly get my hand to cover them.

However, unfortunately i had no time to explore this giant package, that would have to wait.

Daves excitement had caught up with him, he’d got the zipper down, fished his stiff cock out the shorts and was eagerly presenting it to me…

Withdrawing my hand from up the leg of his shorts i quickly grasped it, while looking briefly around, making sure nobody was looking.

All clear but, the film was ending….only moments left until the credits rolled.

A sense of urgency gripped us both as dave sat up in his seat and without hesitation we both kissed… for the first time.

He held my head with his right hand, our tongues quickly finding each other as my hand got busy with his fat cock.

That moment brought a rush of excitement that i had not felt before, because as our tongues entwined… deep gasping breaths coming through our noses….i suddenly felt johns hand groping my left breast….he had at last noticed what was going on and had decided to join in.

The sensation of his hand suddenly there on my tit, making me almost jump, I’d been so focused on dave.

Breaking off our kiss, looking around briefly, catching my husbands eyes twinkling in the gloom so close behind me.

That brief fleeting glance captured the intensity of the moment perfectly, for in his eyes was mirrored my own fervent emotions…

As predicted….this really was it.

Returning my attention to dave i dribbled some spit into the palm of my hand and resumed wanking him, our lips joining once more, tongues writhing.

The bristles from daves moustache and beard tickling and prickling my lips and face, a new sensation and one that i was enjoying.

My mind was flooded with sensation, not being able to hear the affect i was having upon dave seeming to intensify the experience.

John was going straight for my already swollen nipple, he had his hand right in past the top and easily under my bra, pinching and twisting the swelling bud, causing me the most intense pleasure…

Meanwhile daves tongue explored my own, his breath coming faster and faster through his nose, his hard cock within my slick grasp, my hand working hard and fast, arm aching….i could feel him close….feel him beginning to tense up…

And then, it happened.

I felt him push his hips forward in the seat, lips pursing and tightening up against mine, breathing briefly stopped….

I didn’t hear his groan of pleasure but felt it, the vibration through my mouth from his.

Then the familiar humping, powerful spasm.

Within my slick grasp the first twitches could be felt, however i immediately realised to my surprise….this was no ordinary climax.

At that time in my life i hadn’t encountered anything like it.

The heavy, powerful pulses i could feel pricking my curiosity, causing me to break off our kiss and gaze down in fascination….

I’d heard of ‘heavy cummers’ before from our travels through the porn world, but never actually seen it….at first hand.

As i watched, transfixed at the spectacle before me, i could just hear johns excited comment from close to my ear, “oh yes!…. shit!”

He’d stopped fondling me and was watching what I’d made our friend do, with the same awe as myself.

Shit indeed…

Thick ropes of pearly spunk flew through the air, one after another, hitting the back of the seat in front of us.

I could feel the throbs each time just before it became visible in the gloom, shooting outwards with such force.

It went on for seemingly too long, in the end i was left wondering where it was all coming from.

I even had time to have a good look around, making sure nobody was watching.

Eventually it did stop and i refocused my attention on daves face.

He was panting, sweaty and looking first down at the mess he’d made, then quickly turning to look at me.

His eyes full of happy relief, briefly interrupted by a more serious expression as he noticed john was watching from up close behind me.

The look on my husbands face appearing to instantly put him at ease…

John approved.

I couldn’t see the look on johns face at the time, but he later told me in answer to my question about it, that he was grinning and nodding at his friend.

However, this important first acceptance could not be properly savoured.

We had a problem.

During these exciting few moments we had been so engrossed in each other that we’d failed to notice the film was ending, credits going up…. auditorium lights coming on.

Johns word ‘shit’ used as a crude exclamation of excitement only recently was now put to more appropriate use by a still panting dave, to accurately describe the situation we now found ourselves in.

People were standing up, surely someone would see….

I quickly moved to get some tissues from my bag, cum dripping off my hand as i did so.

Retrieving the tissues i handed some to dave who promptly began cleaning himself in a comically frantic way.

After wiping my hand clean i got to work on the seat in front.

With more light now available the full extent of daves remarkable ability was revealed.

It was everywhere.

Oozing down the seat in front of us, dripping onto the floor where a small puddle had formed, with a trail of big drops leading back to daves seat, which also, was stained.

Honestly, it looked like someone had just chucked a couple of mug fulls of the stuff about.

Amazingly, it seemed to have missed his shorts which were dry and unstained.

With the hurried cleaning now complete and daves shrinking cock returned to his shorts we were ready to leave, and not soon enough.

As we all stood up i noticed a couple nearby who appeared to have seen us, they were obviously paying us a lot of attention.

There was little we could do, and just proceeded to walk out the aisle then down the stairs towards the exit.

With the curious couple moving ahead of us, looking around occasionally.

Nosy sods.

As we made our way out, following the crowd past the giant screen and closing credits….i reached out for daves hand.

Which he accepted, holding my own in a firm grip, a little smile.. then we shared.

John, my husband, followed on….

behind us.

End of chapter 23.

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