Taking Advantage of Daddy by Madam Secret

Taking Advantage of Daddy by Madam Secret

My step father was so hot…I had to have him! , It was a hot spring day, almost summer, but not quite. We only had 3 more days of school left, and I would be a Sophomore next year. I couldn’t wait to get a job and start saving money for a car. I made it a personal goal to buy a car before school started, even though I wouldn’t be 16 until October.

There was only 2 hours of school left, and I was in 5th period Health class. Mr. Robinson, the Health teacher was also the boys football coach. I think every girl in school had a crush on him, but he knew it too. I would catch him looking at everyone’s ass and tits.

He didn’t do it real obvious, but everyone knew he did it. My friend Lana and I made it our mission to drive him crazy in class. After 4th period gym class, we would take a shower, and deliberately leave our panties in our gym bags. That particular day, we had on mini skirts. When we saw him looking our way, we would cross our legs, but do it slow and swing our legs extra wide. I know he saw our little hot cunts.

I could see the bulge forming in his pants. He was about 6’2″, and had big hands and feet. I figured his cock was pretty big. He was in his middle 30’s, and had his head shaved bald like a lot of black men do. It was so sexy. His smile was absolutely perfect, and it made me melt when he flashed it around. Lana and I would nibble on our pencil erasers and stare at him intently to see if he would look at us.

It was all a silly high school game. We knew, as well as Mr. Robinson did, that he could never lay a finger on us. The bell rang, and everyone was gathering their books when he said, “Stacy and Lana, can I speak to you two for a minute?” We looked at each other and half smiled, but at the same time blushed. I didn’t know what I would say if he asked why we had our pussies out for him to see!

The classroom cleared out, and we made our way to the front of the room. “Yes Mr. Robinson?” Lana said in a sweet voice. My pussy was burning up, and I could have swore the whole room smelled like pussy juice. “You girls just got out of gym class, right?” We nodded in agreement with him. “Well, maybe tomorrow I will get the same show I did today. Is that too much for your favorite teacher to ask for?” He smiled that killer white smile, and looked at us. I was in shock at first, I didn’t know what to say.

“What are you talking about, Mr. Robinson?” I asked in a coy voice, knowing damn good and well what he meant. Mr. Robinson made his way around his desk, and stood, leaning back, with his butt resting on his desk. “Well, I mean, you’re both going through so much trouble trying to get me to notice you have on no panties, I just wanted to let you know, I noticed.”

At that, he pointed toward his crotch, and you could see his dick had grown and swollen, and was now resting on his thigh. It had to be at least 10 inches long. We both turned beat red as Mr. Robinson smiled his little devlish grin. “Yes Mr. Robinson.” He nodded, “good, that is all I wanted to say.” With that, we both went out into the hallway, and gasped. “Oh my goodness! That was amazing! Mr. Robinson noticed our pussies!”

We both laughed and headed to our next class. My crotch was on fire by this time. I can’t believe a thirty something man noticed me. That got me hotter and hotter. The final bell rang, and I dashed to the bus. I always sat in the back seat, you know the little half seat. I loved to sit back there.

I was one of the last ones to be dropped off, so I had quite a ride. There was only 3 stops before mine, but everyone else was up front. The bumpy ride didn’t help me with my horniness. I reached down and ran my finger up and down my slit. It was slick with cum. I had never played with my self on the bus. I spread my thighs and let my fingers slide up and down my slit.

The aroma of my hot pussy was drifting up to my nostrals. I kept my pussy lips open with my left hand, and rubbed my clit with my right middle finger. God it felt so good! I kept my eye on everyone, making sure no one came to the back of the bus for anything. No one was paying any attention to me at all. I was rubbing my clit faster now, and I could feel my skin getting hotter.

I know my eyes were glazed over with lust as I stroked away at my little pleasure button. I glanced at the driver, and I was shocked when he was looking directly at me through the large mirror above his head. I took my hands out of my crotch immediately.

He had a perverted grin on his face. He knew exactly what I was doing, and it was too late to take it back. Chuck was a greasy looking guy with shoulder length brown hair. A little on the heavy side, but not totally fat. He kept looking up at me and smiling. My stop was the next one, and I could finish this when I got home. No way was Chuck going to get off on me playing with my pussy. Pervert!

I checked the mail, and walked up onto the front porch. My Great Dane, Samson met me with a wagging tail and the unconditional love that he was always so willing to give. I went in the front door, and was surprised to see my step father John was at home already. “Hey, what’s up?” He said. “Not a thing. It was an easy day at school, and I don’t have any homework, so I’m pretty good right about now!” I smiled.

John was pretty hot himself. He reminded me of Mr. Robinson. Same pretty smile, and same bald head. He was a couple inches taller than Mr. Robinson, and very well built. My Mom had been dating black men for as long as I could remember. Most people think I’m mixed with African American and Caucasion, but I’m not. I have naturally curly hair, and an olive skin tone, but I’m white.

My Grandmother was Cherokee Indian, so we all have a darker skin tone. I don’t mind when people make the mistake. It’s almost amusing to me. “Hey, there’s a letter from my school in the mail!” I said, wondering what it could be about. I walked over and gave it to John, and he said, “Well, I hope you’re not in trouble young lady! Don’t make me have to turn you over my knee and beat your ass!” he laughed. I just laughed right along with him.

John was pretty fun, and I knew he was a pervert. He looked at porn on the computer all the time. I had to say one thing for him though, he didn’t just look at a certain type of woman, he looked at them all. Fat, skinny, short, tall, big tits, small tits, big asses, little asses, young, and old. I often signed on under his screen name to see what he had been looking at. John opened the letter and it was just something about thanking everyone for a successful school year, and hope to see us all back next year.

No big deal. He put it on the stand next to his recliner, and said, “that’s too bad! I was hoping I could give you a good spankin’!” “Yeah right!” I laughed with him. “I don’t think so! I’m too old for a spankin’!” I said as a matter of factly, and walked toward the kitchen. “Hey Stacy, come change the channel, would you?” He asked. The remote to the TV needed new batteries, and we hadn’t gotten them yet.

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