Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3 by Darkone82

Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3 by Darkone82

Where the fuck are those God damn Condoms? , Near miss story#3:

Diana Birthday Pool Party with Jackie

Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party .we both known this just might be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for.

We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to make our plans. But neither one of us want an repeat of the last time. So we set about make some concrete plans for Diana birthday party . Over next few week we hash out many plans out before or after we had daily phone sex which that started day after our first near miss which was good thing I guess helped out a lot during wait for this opportunity to come.

One very first items that check off our plans where the fucking condoms because if remember from first story we waste a lot of time talking about whether or we going go ahead without a condom or not. This time the plan was for me to buy a pack of condoms no later than day before Preferably the week of and hide them in my room so my mom won’t find them(if you remember for the first story with Diana she was one who throw monkey wrench in that plan)

The next few week seemed to fly by and Jackie and I had basically had came up with at least two plans so far but much of plan A hinged on whether or not the pools was going to be open or not to the public. For in pass when had gone other pool party the family had rented the whole pool for the party. Because plan A was If it was closed to the public than Plan was for us move off away from rest of party group and find place in pool to get it on

(only issue with this plan was how would I put condom on) now if pool was open to public we would still attempt plan A but we would have extra careful and try our best to not get caught. Plan B was only to come into play of plan A was total busted. Plan B we would have to wait until we left the pool when back Diana house and hope like hell we could find a place at Dian grandma house that is it they was enough time left. But we know it most likely would be quickly and that not really how you would want the most special time in both of your life to take place. You would want it instead to be long drawn out and very passionate if get what I’m saying here.

Well by the time week before the party rolled around both the excitement and overwhelming urge had took over Jackie and daily phone sex sessions. I have tell you during that week we had some best phone sex we had in long time. It was great don’t get me wrong but we both wanted the real thing and we both by now was praying for this to be successful.

Don’t think either one of us could take another set back like we had last time because we both known it might be LONG time before we got another opportunity like this to finally to make care of business if know what I mean.

Well the morning of the pool party. As soon we got up eat breakfast did what we had to in morning. As soon we finish we were on the phone as quickly had we could’ve. We when over our plans at least three to four time while on the phone

Our excitement and dissipation was off the Charts. We couldn’t hard control ourselves. If everything when plan we would be lovers by end of day.We talk right up until it was time to leave the house checking and double checking every at least four or five time .

I had packed a lite brown Tupperware with world globe on front of it I put my swimsuit and towel into the bag . “ please whatever you do baby don’t forget to put that pack of condoms into the bag … you did buy them right and please tell me you bought them babe” ask Jackie

I told her “ yes babe I bought them yesterday while on lunch and I’m putting them into bag as we speak” I walk over to the Dressler and got the pack condoms out from their hiding space and place them into bag. But hide from view by my towel just in case.she had check and double check to make sure that those condom where in the bag. Each time I give her same answer “ they are in there the bag I promise babe”’ I said to her.

Well time had came for us to leave the house head to Diana for party. So right before hang up she had check once more time and again they were there so we hung phone up when got into our cars and ahead towards Diana house. On the way over to Diana house I don’t know if more excited or nervous about what I hope when down today. Trying not to think about what things could go wrong but knowing how close we came the last time it was starting to weigh heavy on my mind. Seeming Diana house come into view help me put my mind at easy a little.

Getting out of car in front of Diana house and making my way to the door. I thought to myself as I walked towards the door of Diana house “Let everything go according to plan

Plz Lord.” I took deep breath and let it out as reach up knocked on Diana front door. Moment later Diana opened the front door and when inside. I shock to find out I was the first one to arrive

So Diana show me to basement so I could change into my swimsuit.after doing that I stayed down there until Jackie arrived so her grandma won’t see me.

Oh that one thing I left out during our planning stage her grandma wouldn’t know I was there.

I can’t remember why that was but we had basically sneak behind grandma back to see each other. I think it because we couldn’t ever get do anything when her grandma was around or some shit. But any who my face lite up when i saw Jackie come bounce down the stairs. She ran up give giant hug we kissed a little. She didn’t seem want let me go. Well had been little bit since we had saw each other.

“ Babe I missed you to but you really need go get ready the party going be starting soon.” I said to her as kiss her gently on lips and she turned around when into bathroom change. Oh if we had time I would took her right on spot. Hopefully very soon i could and enjoy every min of it .

Well few minutes later Jackie came out of bath room wearing this dark gear one piece swimsuit very tight show up all her many sexy has hell curves of her body. I know it would easy as hell get to her in that just slipped the bottom area near her vagina to side slip it right into it . Just seeing her in nearly made my cock stand at attention. But I keep it under control didn’t want have to rub one out before we got started.

Well finally about ten min later all Diana guest arrive at her house and so had her than boyfriend Jay had show up and everyone has either changed before coming over or we’re about finished. I was kind shocked only about five or seven people has show up with Diana popularity at this time.

So once everyone had gotten ready we left Diana house. All of us with swimming bag in hand made our way cross the street . We had walk all but less than a block to get to pool. Once we arrive at pool both Jackie and my heart sank when we noticed the pool was open to the public. When I saw this I turned towards Jackie softly say “ fuck!” So soft only Jackie who standing right beside could heard it .

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