Friday Nights by Vintageboy

It’s difficult to find a good start for my story. A relationship with your own father doesn’t just start. Still I feel the urge to write it down. For him as much as for myself. Some memories are blurred where others stand out as if it happened yesterday. I’m 23 years old now and a lot more aware of the different emotions that are involved in my story.

Right before the summer after I had turned 8 my parents got divorced. As far as a split goes it was fairly painless. I hated it of course, but there were hardly any big arguments or lawyers involved. My dad got weekend custody and I stayed with mom during the week. My mom coped with it pretty well but it wasn’t hard to see my dad felt guilty. I don’t know if he blamed the split on himself or felt guilty cause he wasn’t able to give his son a proper family home.
It doesn’t really matter. He made up for it with our ‘Friday Nights’.

After school I would go to my dad’s new home and we would order pizza or get junk food and rent/download whatever movie I wanted to see. I could stay up as long as I liked, despite the fact I often fell asleep during the movie, and since I was raised as a nudist clothes were optional.
And on some days I could even have a bit of sherry coke. Cola mixed with sherry. He mixed it 1 to a 100 or something and I could barely taste the sherry, but it was the thought that counted.
Friday nights were our nights. No rules and nothing but fun. We both loved it.
Soon after this tradition started I would spent my entire week just waiting for Friday Night.

After a few months we added something extra to it. While waiting on the pizza or download we would quickly get a shower. Afterwards I would lay down on a towel with my head resting on my dad’s thigh. Throughout the entire movie he would rub and massage my back. Even if I had fallen asleep his warm hand would never leave my back. He got incredibly skilled at squeezing the muscles in my neck, almost instantly send me to dreamland. Even to this day there are only a few moments in my life where I was as happy as I was then. Lying naked on his leg watching an 80s action movie.

When spring had arrived and the evenings slowly got warmer my dad left his bathrobe and sat down naked with me. I didn’t mind it that much. The bare contact of my cheek against his leg was comforting. Pressing my ear tightly against his leg I could hear his heartbeat faintly under his skin.
And whenever I felt like teasing I would lift up my head and use the points of my long hair to tickle him.
Something did happen though. The first time I fell asleep during the movie while my dad was nude, I woke up nearing the end of the film with a warm and sweaty hand. Disoriented by my nap it took me a while to figure out what I was holding. It was really warm and soft. It felt like nothing I had gripped before. I squeezed it and it gave way like rubber.
Slowly I turned my head and look at my hand. I retracted it like I had burned my hand. I had been gripping my dad’s thing. Not just a little, but my entire hand had been wrapped around his cock. My heart was pounding and I felt embarrassed. I quickly looked up to dad to tell him I was sorry.
But he was smiling at me. He lay his large hand on the side of my head and ruffled my hair.
“Had a nice nap?” he gently asked.
I chose to ignore what I had just done and nodded to him. Feeling better I turned my head to the tv again and watched the end of the film.

The week after the same thing happened. I woke up halfway through the movie with that same weird sensation in my hand. That weird rubbery warm feeling in my palm. Again I jerked my hand back, fearing what my dad would think. Again he ignored it. He kept his eyes fixed on the tv and rubbed my back as he always did. I tried to watch the movie but I was too distracted now. Why did his feel so different. I knew how it felt to hold mine and it was a bit similar. Yet his was so big and so soft. And why did it feel so weird touching it. I had touched his belly before, and his face, and his legs and hands and arms. Why did that thing feel so different to touch. Almost as if I did something really wrong.
I turned my head to my dad and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep again. But through my lashes I stared at his cock for the longest time. I examined the hairs around it. The thick veins running left and right. How his skin hid the upper part of his cock. I tried to remember as much of it as I could, so I could look at mine the next day and see what the differences are.
At some point I fell asleep and I woke up during the credits of the film again holding his thing tightly in my left hand. My dad ignored it as before, and thinking I was asleep he lifted me up and brought me to my bed.

The week after that I had been too nervous about falling asleep during the film I watched the entire thing without a single nap. I felt a bit disappointed when the credits started rolling. I actually had wanted to fall asleep. Just to see what would happen. On the other hand the film had been pretty awesome so I still had had a great night.

The week after that I knew something was up. My dad picked me up from school, where normally my mom would drive me to him. He was really excited about something. When we got home I figured out why. Proud like a puppy he showed me the dvd he had bought.
The very first Friday Night we had watched an animated Pixar film. This week a part 2 had come out on dvd. We were going to have our own little party. It would be a special special Friday.
We didn’t order separate pizza but a party one. Big enough to feed a family. And I was allowed a little extra sherry in my coke today. After we had stuffed ourselves with pizza and I had finished my coke and lay down on my dad he stopped the film.
Again excited as a puppy he told me to hold on. He pushed me softly off him and walked out of the living room. When he came back he was holding a bottle with a brown liquid in it.
He opened it up and pushed it under my nose. It smelled great. It was a fresh type of smell and it reminded me of the sauna at the nudist resort.
My dad sat down and I let myself fall onto his thigh again. When he dribbled the stuff on my back I shivered and yelled from the sudden coldness. Dad chuckled and quickly spread the stuff all over my back. It felt beyond amazing. The slickness of the stuff made his hands feel like warm water flowing over my body. It was crazy. I hugged his entire leg and closed my eyes in absolute bliss.
Being stuffed with pizza combined with his massage and the sherry I fell asleep within minutes after he started on my back.

Perhaps it had been the sherry. Or his great massage or just the vibe in general. It doesn’t matter really. When I woke up and felt my hand around his thing I didn’t jump up. I kept it there.
I was still facing the tv but I knew without a doubt what I was holding in my hand. Tightly, as if I was holding a teddy bear in my sleep. I didn’t dare to move nor look at it. I just held it and tried to focus on the film. Dad was still rubbing my back with that great liquid all over it. I relaxed a bit.
Then my dad sat up a little. It was a tiny motion but the sudden movement caused me to jolt. I retracted my hand and made a small gasp. I felt caught.
Dad had heard it and he chuckled lightly. His hand left my back and I felt really embarrassed now. But he softly grabbed my left hand. I felt his large warm hand close gently around mine and his thumb caressed my inner palm. He slowly moved my hand to his crotch. I turned my head and looked at dad. He was smiling friendly and his blue eyes shone. His eyes locked with mine and he kept staring at me while he placed my hand on his cock. He spread his own hand and lay it over mine, keeping my hand firmly on his thing.
“It’s really ok to touch it.” He said. “I don’t mind.”
He kept his hand on mine for a few more seconds and then placed it on my back and continued his massage while watching the film. It took me a while to get a grip on everything but finally I relaxed and closed my hand around his thing. I lay my head down on his thigh again but watching his cock rather than the film.

It was pretty great. I was hesitant at first but the longer my dad was just watching the film to more I started investigating. It tested the weight of him. I let my hand trail all over the length of his cock, feeling the little bumps of his veins. The best part of all were his balls. I poked it softly and to my utter surprise they moved. Not a whole lot but the skin kind of flowed as if they lived a life on their own. The hairs around his crotch tickled my palm. Every time I left his cock to investigate something new I lay it sideways on his thigh, for safekeeping. At some point I tried to lay it down but it didn’t really go down. Instead of being flat against his leg it curved a little. Fascinated it grabbed it and squeezed it. To my utter shock it throbbed back in response of my squeeze. I let it go as fast as I could and saw that with every heartbeat it got bigger. Every throb made it rise up as if it was climbing an invisible ladder. Finally it stood up high, pointing to my dad’s face. It was so so big. It looked completely different. All the veins really stood out now, and at the tip between the little folds in the skin I could see his red skin peeking out. I thought I had done something wrong to my dad.
But again he completely ignored me and was just watching the film. Sometimes he chuckled softly to some of the jokes. I didn’t dare to touch him anymore though. I just watched his hard cock with fascination and waited until it was over.
It took almost ten minutes for it to go down again. I had to hold my laughter when it happened. It just went down as if it was deflating. In one steady movement it shrank and fell down.

I sighed with relief when it was all soft and quickly touched it again. But this time it almost immediately went right up the moment I gripped it. I kept my hand on it and felt the blood surge into it. I fought it a little. I didn’t let it go up but held it pointing at me. With every second the strength increased. Finally I had enough of it and let it go. It shot up and slapped against my dad’s belly with a soft pat. This time I couldn’t hold my laughter anymore.
Dad joined me in the laughter and rubbed my shoulder. The movie had ended and the night was over. He softly pushed me off him and he got up. He stretched himself with a groan and showed me the full length of his hard cock. I stared at it with big eyes. It looked huge like this. Dad noticed my stare and kept his pose.
“Do you like looking at it?” He asked.
I didn’t really know how to respond. I just faintly nodded.
Dad smiled and bent over to me to give me a kiss on my forehead.
“good.” He said.
After that he brought me to bed and left me in my room, thinking about touching him and how it felt.

Our mutual touching became instantly an addition to our Friday nights. The next week wasn’t a special special one. Still I asked him to use that stuff again. I didn’t just love how it felt, but I had smelled really nice the next day. When I asked him my dad thought about it for a while.
Then he made an offer. “I’ll use the oil again, but, only if you touch my thing again.”
“The entire movie?” I asked. Dad slowly nodded with a smile.
“Why?” I asked.
He crouched in front of my and softly grabbed my shoulders.
“Well, you like it when I massage your back right?”
I nodded in reply.
“Well dad likes it when you rub me there. Unless you really don’t want to though.” He added.
I didn’t mind it that much and it sounded fair. So I nodded again. “It’s ok.” I told him and quickly undressed. As promised I touched and caressed his thing the entire movie. I didn’t fell asleep once and kept watching the film while with my left hand touched him over and over. He got big a few times but after a while it always went down again.
So after that night I would touch him there every Friday as he would rub my back. Both of us enjoyed it thoroughly.

It was precisely one year after the divorce it all changed. I noticed something was wrong the moment I stepped into my dad’s home. He was always cheery on Fridays. Always. But today he was quiet, distracted and just distant. He gave me a quick hug and then ordered a pizza without even asking me what I wanted. When we picked a movie, something we always did together, he just went with the very first movie I pointed at. I don’t think he even saw which one I had picked.
We ate our pizza without talking. Afterwards instead of pouring a glass of sherry for himself he grabbed the entire bottle and took a few gulps of it. He didn’t rub me this time. He lay his arm across my upper back and placed his hand on my side. Holding me tightly. His other hand had closed itself over my right hand. He often let go to take another few gulps of the bottle.
I didn’t know what was wrong but I felt an incredible urge to make him feel better. It was awful to see my dad like this. I increased my effort to touch him. I moved my hand faster and with more force on and around his thing. It got hard and I kept going. I didn’t care it stayed hard as long as my dad wouldn’t be so sad.

We both paid no attention to the film. All my dad did was hold me and empty the bottle and I was focussed on my massage.
About 10 minutes after the bottle had been completely downed he hugged me tight and said he loved me. It wasn’t uncommon for him to say that but this time it felt intense and real.
He released his grip on me and placed his hand on my hand and folded around it. Forcing my hand to grip his hard cock. He spread his legs a little and I repositioned myself on his thigh again while holding him.
“Look” dad whispered and he moved our hands downwards towards his balls. The skin on his cock moved with our hands but his cock itself kept standing up. Slowly the big red end of his cock was revealed to me. It was as weird as beautiful. I felt the skin move as if it was a sleeve. About halfway on his cock we stopped. The skin was stretched downwards and his head was fully exposed. It shone a little like it was wet. Then he moved our hands up again, sliding the skin back over his cock hiding his head from my gaze.
“Like this” he whispered. And did it again. Our hands moved downwards revealing his shiny head, only to go back up again and cover it.
Then he released my hand and let me do it myself. I gripped him as tight as I had with his hand covering mine and pulled it down, and back up again. Dad made a pleasant sound and started rubbing my back. It was a funny sensation in my hand and I enjoyed myself pulling on his skin.
Again and again I did it. Up down up down, in a steady motion. I could feel my dad relax more with every tug I made on his cock. I softly chuckled when I saw his balls bounce a little to my movements. As little puppets dancing in joy. Up down up down.
Dad’s hand left my body for a moment and I heard him turn the tv off. All the background noises died in an instant and all I heard were the faint squishy noises his skin made whenever I pulled it down.

Instead of rubbing my back Dad placed his hand on my face. Cupping it with his palm and using his thumb to caress and tickle my lips. It was a pleasant feeling. My head was cushioned between his large hand and warm thigh. I noticed he talked a bit funny when he spoke to me.
“You are the most beautiful boy in the world.” He whispered. The comment made me feel giddy.
Mom often said stuff like that to me, but it was the first time I heard Dad say it. I felt warm all over and pressed my face softly against his hand. Encouraged by his voice I moved my hand faster. Dad groaned a little and whispered a thank you to me.
His cock felt harder than ever. The skin felt like it was wrapped around a rock. I squeezed even harder and dad groaned in return. The hand on my face went to the back of my head and gripped me pleasantly. But the longer I jerked him the more pressure he put on my head. It first felt as a hug but slowly he started pulling me closer to him.
“I love you so much.” He whispered. He breathed heavily and I could tell I was doing something to him. I didn’t knew what it was though.
He said it again in a voice filled with love “I love you so much.”
I turned a bit red. I could feel how much he meant it. His hand took an even firmer grip on me and his other hand closed around mine again. Holding his cock with my hand.
We moved down together but when I wanted to go back up he held my hand there. Keeping his skin down so his red head was exposed. Slowly he started pulling it down so his cock pointed at my face instead of his.
He softly nudged me with his other hand.

“Give it a kiss.” He whispered. At first I thought I had misheard. But he waggled his cock close to my face.
“Come one.” He said in a friendly pleading voice. I looked at it for a few seconds but then wanted to refuse. Touching it was ok, putting my mouth on his thing was just wrong. It would probably taste horrible. I shrugged my head from under his hand and looked up at him.
What I saw made my heart jump. For the first time since the divorce he looked actually happy. His eyes were shining so bright and there was a permanent smile on his face. The look of happiness mixed with pride when our eyes locked. He gave me a fast and cute wink and I felt him move his cock again. I couldn’t refuse. I had no idea I could make my dad this happy. I knew my dad loved me, but this was something different, something new. I used my free hand to prop myself up so I could bring myself closer to his crotch.
Slowly I moved my face closer and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and quickly did it as if I was eating vegetables. Quickly I planted my lips on his red head and made a kiss sound. Dad let out a long and loving sigh when my lips touched him. I pulled my face back again and licked my lips before I could stop myself. To my surprise it didn’t really taste that bad. Just a bit salty.
Dad closed his arm around me again and shook me softly.
“Yes, thank you.” He said happily.

He arched over to kiss me on the top of my head. His movement caused his cock to move to my lips again. Feeling so proud of making my dad happy I quickly gave it another kiss. I felt my dad kiss me.
“Hmmm, yes” he softly whispered close to my ear. He leaned back and kept his cock pointing at me.
I didn’t really think about it. I just did it. I gave it another kiss and another. Over and over.
Dad kept encouraging me. Saying he loved me and that I was beautiful. He caressed me everywhere with his free hand and with his other he started pulling on his skin again. I kissed the tip and when I let go he pulled the skin up and down so I could give it another kiss. We fell into a steady rhythm. All I saw, smelled and tasted was his thing. I felt warm and giddy and a bit wrong, but I didn’t care.
After a few minutes my dad slowly let go of me. He pushed my face away and I let his cock go.
A part of me was glad it was over yet another was sad. I didn’t like kissing him there that much but I wanted to make him happy.
“Just watch” He softly said and started moving his hand over his cock really fast. I hugged his thigh again and waited. My head shook a little to his movements and I liked the little massage it gave me.
Faster and faster dad went. I could hear him breathing really loud now and he closed his eyes.

Then dad broke. Or I thought he did. White stuff shot out of his cock. I really couldn’t believe it. It shot out of it. In thick long gushes it sprayed over his own belly. The room was filled with a musky bitter scent and dad let out the longest groan. I was in shock and completely confused. What had I done?
Dad talked in short burst of words as if he had run 10 miles. “thank you thank you thank you.” He kept repeating while more stuff shot and dribbled out of his large cock. It was quickly over though. Just like someone had pushed a button my dad relaxed and stopped talking. He sank deep into the couch with a long sigh and a little hmmm. He still jerked on his cock but really slowly now. Squeezing out one last load of the smelly stuff. Then it was really over. Dad let go of his thing and it fell onto his tummy, making even more of a mess.
He took a few deep breathes and then looked at me with the biggest smile. More slowly now he thanked me again.

I got up so I could look at the stuff on his body. It was everywhere. Spots were on his chest and tummy and all the hairs around his crotch had white splotches in them. Dad slowly arched over, making sure his dirtied chest didn’t touch me, and gave me a thick slow kiss on either of my cheeks.
Locking his blue eyes with mine he said “I’m so lucky to have you.”
Again his comment made me feel pleasantly giddy. Dad got up and left the room to clean himself.
When I was alone I sat there feeling so proud and really confused as well. It was weird but beautiful to see my dad so happy. But I had no idea what just happened. I looked down at my own thing. To my surprise it was bigger than usual. It wasn’t standing up like dads but still, it was halfway there. Smiling a bit I tried the same thing. I grabbed the skin and pulled it down, revealing my head. It went easy and I only had to move the skin a tiny bit to reveal my head. Then I went back up again, and down in a steady rhythm. Never had my cock gone so fast from soft to hard. Only 4 pulls were needed to get it pointing to my face.

Without realizing my hand started to go faster. I felt something happening. This warm ball in my lower tummy started to form. Not really hot but warm. It got bigger. I felt it spread to my balls and legs. The faster I went the hotter it got. I squeezed harder and the ball spread over me like a blanket.

Then my dad got back. The moment I heard the door open I jolted up and covered my hard cock with both my hands. I turned bright red and felt caught.
Dad walked over to me with a smile on his face carrying the pleasant smelling oil in one hand. He quickly sat the bottle down on the floor and he crouched right in front of me. He gave me small kiss on my forehead and grabbed my shoulders. Letting his hands slide down he trailed both my arms until his hands reached mine. Carefully as if opening a present he pulled my hands from my crotch. Exposing my hard throbbing cock.
Dad smiled at me and his lips folded inwards, as if he was looking at a tasty pizza.
“Let me thank you for real now.” He said. I could still hear the sherry in his voice but I ignored it. When he showed me the bottle of oil I broke out a smile of my own and flung myself to the couch on my belly, waiting for his lovely massage.
“No turn around.” He said.
I listened but looked at him with a frown. That was new. When he saw the look on my face he rubbed my chest. “Don’t worry. I’m going to repay you for what you did for me. Just close your eyes and think of something…. Exciting.”
He had to think about the last word. I relaxed more but still looked at him with a frown. Something exciting?

Dad slowly started to spread the oil over me. Starting at my chest and making little droplets of oil all over me. While he was doing that he explained it a bit better. “Just think of something that makes your heart beat faster.”
I listened to him. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something.
Dad started his heavenly massage. He started all the way up my chest, spreading his hands so they lay on my like a blanket. In slow circle movements the spread the oil all over me. Engulfing me with the good smell. With every circle his hands went down a little. Going over my tummy slowly to my crotch. I knew that was his goal. I could feel it, but I kept my eyes closed. I tried to think of a rollercoaster or something similar exciting.
When he first touched me I made a loud gasp for air. Even though I had expected when I felt his warm hand close around my cock and balls a jolt went through my entire body.
Dad chuckled softly and rubbed my belly with his other hand. “Just relax.” He said.

I couldn’t think of anything exciting anymore. Even though I had my eyes closed I could see red everywhere. That ball of warmth that I had felt before was churning away in my tummy now.
Dad started moving his hand around. It suddenly felt as if he possessed eighty hands. The slick oil was everywhere and my cock and balls were warm and being touched on every inch.
I felt him do so many things I didn’t know what was what. I kept my eyes closed and just let it happen. Both his hands were on and around my crotch now. I felt him tickle the soft skin between my balls and dirty spot. He touched and pulled on my loose skin. He revealed and hid my head and cupped my balls. So much happened.
With every breath I took I started making a soft ‘ah’ noise. It was embarrassing but I couldn’t stop it. Dads hands were everywhere.
The he gripped my cock with one hand. Holding my stiffy between his fingers. His other hand was upside down, his palm over my balls and his finger slid between my skin right on top of my dirty spot. I wanted to stop him but I couldn’t speak. His hand started to move up and down in a fast but steady rhythm. Pulling on my skin in the same way I had done with him. Faster and faster.
That ball in my stomach unfolded until it spread all over my body. My legs kicked and my hips moved on their own, pressing my cock harder and deeper into dads hand while making his finger rub all over my butt.

Then something unexpected happened. My entire body relaxed for a second. Like water I fell back onto the couch. I let out a weird long sound and the ball in my tummy rushed back into life. In a steady pulse my entire body shook. Like a second heart beat I felt the ball pulse and pulse. I couldn’t see anything nor hear except for that ball making that weird feeling like a wave. Again and again. Something dribbled out of my cock and my balls felt painful. I noticed that the pulse matched my dads hand. With every jerk a jolt of pleasure and warmth shot through my body. All my muscles pulsed and contracted. I let out more sounds and finally a warm pleasant blanket dropped all over my body.
I couldn’t breathe nor think. I felt wonderful and embarrassed. Dad let go of my butt but kept a grip on my cock, jerking the last pleasurable jolts out of it. He towered over me and gave me the longest kiss on my lips. I could taste the sherry in the air but I didn’t mind. I didn’t mind about anything anymore. I didn’t feel wrong about kissing his thing, nor about making weird sounds.

I felt good.
When dad broke the kiss he kept his face close to mine.
“How did it feel?” He softly asked. I smiled and answered in a whisper. “Good.” I closed my eyes again and relaxed while dad started massaging me again. The rest of the evening was just a bliss.
My mind and body were somewhere between dreamworld and wakefulness. Every touch from dad felt wonderful. He gave me a massage everywhere. Starting at my face and neck going all the way down to my feet. There he slowly flipped me over and went back up again. He touched my butt and dirty spot several times intensely but I didn’t feel embarrassed anymore. After that weird moment before I couldn’t feel embarrassed with dad anymore.

I’m not sure when I fell asleep but I woke up a few hours later. Not in my own bed but in dads. My naked body was pressed against his and he had both his arms wrapped around me. I snuggled my back more onto his body and sought out a hand. Once I had found it I used it as a pillow and fell back to sleep. Read 41073 times | Rated 66.7 % | (24 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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Please login or register to rate this story , 4 comments »anonymous readerReport  2013-09-04 19:11:50 Love this please keep going Stormdragon1

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