Private Chat by Confessor,Confessor

Since we married there have been few times that we have been apart for any length of time. I have had to spend some weeks away and you, the occasional couple of nights. Neither of us likes those times – we are comfortable being around one another. On this occasion though, I had to stay for work while you went visiting relatives near Boston. It was summer and you were free to travel. They are your relatives, so I feel like a plus-one when I do meet them, so this gave you quality time with them. At least we were in the same time zone, so it was easy to stay in touch.

On the fourth day of being there, you drove to Boston for a leisurely stroll and, when stopped for a rest, you called me from a small coffee shop. I was pleased you remembered to take your new earbuds so we could talk without so much background noise. As I was working from home at the time, I answered and walk away from my desk for a while.

You were telling me about something on the wall of the coffee shop but I’m not understanding you. You were never very good at describing things! I said I’d call you back and hung up, then called back with a video call so you can show me what caught your eye. As interesting as the display of coffee harvesting tools was, I am more interested in looking at you. As you angled the camera to your side, I could see down your blouse and have a great view of your bra. I said I’m pleased you wore something nice, but it takes a few moments before you realized what I’m talking about. At least you didn’t cover straight up and seemed pleased that I had noticed. You needed to go to the restroom but promised to call me back.

A few minutes later you did and, from the sounds, were now outside in a park of some kind. I don’t remember this from our time walking around Boston, so you try to tell me about it. Again, describing does not work so well, so I suggest a video call.

This time you called me back with video enabled and gave me a quick view around. You were sitting on a simple bench set back from the road a little way, with a few small trees around. It’s more like an alcove or gazebo than a park. The coffee shop was still visible off to your side. “That looks nice,” I say, “but not as nice as the previous view.”

You held the phone away a bit and show me around again, but this time more like a selfie, showing yourself there. I was stunned to see you took your bra off so now you’re showing me your barely covered boobs. I asked you to lean forward a little so I can see better and am very turned on by the wonderful view. You also undid a button or two I think, as your top was now open enough to show a lot of cleavage. I told you just how sexy that was and how I wished I could be there.

“Why? What would you do?”

I told you that it all depends on how many more buttons there are on that top. “It’s a dress, not just a top, and it unbuttons all the way.” You’re so sexy when you tease!

“I don’t want to get you in trouble or arrested but, since I can’t be there, I would love to see more of you.” I was hoping you would find somewhere quieter to show me. Instead, you leaned forwards and I found myself looking straight down your dress. Then you put the phone down in front of you, explaining that it’s resting against your bag. “And I thought you only leaned forward to give me a thrill! This view is lovely too though.”

You looked around nervously and told me that it was quiet around there. You were straddling the bench which had your dress lifted to your knees. I told you it looked a little tight and uncomfortable like that, and suggest you undo one or two buttons at the bottom, so it is not pulling so badly. You slowly undid a couple, then kept going until it was unbuttoned at least halfway up your thighs. This allowed it to open, and you to get some sun and air to your legs. From my low angle, I could also see that your panties matched the bra you had on in the coffee shop, so I asked, “Did you plan this, or did you dress sexy for someone else?”

“Partly for you, and partly for me.” You said as you discretely undid a couple more buttons from the top. It was hard for me to see but I think there could only have been six or eight of the closely spaced buttons left done up. I could now see all the way down to your belly and, if the wind were to blow, I’m sure I would have got to see your boobs in all their glory. You were keeping it from blowing completely open though, so it was left to my run-away imagination and memory to fill in the blanks.

I asked what you were planning for the rest of the day, and you said there was nothing specific. “Everyone else is out so I have the day to myself.” I wish I had you to myself right then! You continued, “I would show you more but that would not be fair.”

“You can tease me if you like. I don’t think that’s being unfair at all.” I say, hoping you’ll take the hint and stay like that a while longer.

You give me a look and say, “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s not fair that you’re seeing me, and I’m not seeing you.”

The conversation went on like this:

Me: “Can’t you see the phone like that?”

You: “Yes, but all I see is your face, and it’s mostly in shade too.”

Me: “I’ll go through to the breakfast room, where there’s more light. Just a min.”

You: “That would be a good start.”

Me, from the breakfast room, “Is that better?”

You: “A little. I can still only see your face though. I want to see more.”

Me: “How much more?”

You: “I want to see as much as you are seeing of me.”

Me, taking off my shirt: “Is that better?”

You: “Much, but I still can’t see your legs like you can see mine.”

I prop my phone on a bar stool and sit on the chair.

You: “I still don’t see your legs.”

Me: “Should I take my sweatpants off too?”

You: “Yes, but don’t rush.”

I did as I was instructed, trying to make it slow and seductive, but I suspect it just looked fumbled and goofy. It’s a good thing I wore presentable boxer shorts today. Sitting back down, now only wearing my shorts. “How about now? Is that better?”

You: “We’re getting there”

Me: “Wait a minute! You can see more of me than I can of you, now. I say that’s not fair!”

You, looking around for a while, to see if anyone has noticed you: “Wait a minute.”

Me: “I can wait longer than that if you’re going to show what I am.” I am still enjoying the view as you are looking around and saying lots of nothing. Building courage or waiting for something, I wonder.

You: “OK, I think they’ve gone. Is this what you had in mind?” as you stood up, still straddling the bench. I see that there are only a few buttons done up and, with you standing like that, the skirt opens almost enough to see your panties. The top was open to your belly button, but the gap was not wide enough to see much more as you are holding the sides. Looking around again, you started to undo some more of those tantalizing buttons. Down to only one, you look around again, then at me, and undo the last one. You were now standing somewhere by a street in Boston, holding your dress closed over nothing more than your panties. Then you quickly opened the dress for a couple of seconds before closing it again!

Me: “You are amazing!”

You, sitting down and doing up most of the buttons again: “That’s all I’m showing you out here. I need to go get another drink. Talk later?”

Almost before I could answer you picked up your phone and bag and are walking back to the coffee shop. We agreed on a time and I tried to get back to work. Not that I could concentrate on much with that picture of you in my mind!

A little while later you sent me a message. “If you like this, send the same back.” I’m not sure what you mean until a picture pops up too. You had taken a picture of yourself in the restroom of the coffee shop, I’m guessing. It was of you in a big mirror taking your own picture, with your dress fully open this time. I wonder if anyone came in while you were taking that.

I replied, “You want me to try and mimic the picture?”

You: “Yes. If it’s not good enough, you won’t get any more.”

Me: “I’ll do what I can.”

I added a picture taken in our bathroom mirror, trying to copy your pose, and sent it.

Me: “How was that?”

A few minutes went by, so I think you were hoping for different or more. Then you: “That works. Keep an eye on your phone.”

Over the rest of the day, and the next couple of days before you came home, we exchanged more pictures. Some are relatively tame and some are distinctly X rated. I must have done an acceptable job in response because the last one was in the car when you got back. In our garage, sat in the car, wearing nothing but a smile. The message said, “Can you help me?”

You might have meant help with your bags but that’s not the sort of help you got. I hope you’ll send pics like those again.

This was how we started our teasing messaging. As time has gone on, you have become more of an exhibitionist and sometimes the messages are more than just flashing. Perhaps I should share more of those stories with our readers here. What do you think?

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