The Photographer And The Undergrad by Lumiere_Amie,Lumiere_Amie

My name is Jacob, and I am a photographer. I’ve had a camera in my hands for most of my life. After high school, I attended college and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a minor in photography. I’m quite good at it and my work has appeared in major publications. Landscape photography is my joy. Growing up I spent hours hiking, camping, and hunting, enjoying the outdoors. I’ve traveled the world just to capture an outdoor experience. But, creation doesn’t pay you to take its photo, and while I have been published in some outdoor magazines it is a highly competitive field. Nowadays, everyone has a camera in their pocket, and they can rival some of my portable professional equipment. What pays the bills, and has been published the most, are my portraits. Weddings are lucrative but bridezillas and momzillas do exist and are stressful to deal with. What I’m best known for is my erotic photography. I have a knack for making anyone look sexy in a photograph. They say sex sells and that is true. I’ve done everything from dating profile photos to full nudes. I have even photographed for men’s magazines. Having been a photographer for about ten years now I’ve seen a lot of things. This is just one of the many stories that I hope to share with you.

This story begins with a young woman named Kayla. I first met her when I was working with the local community theater. She took part in the youth summer theater program starting in her freshman year of high school. She was nothing much to look at then, but she did command attention. She had an incredible singing voice, and that earned her a prominent role in the productions. She was also perky and boisterous. If she was in the room then you knew it, and she always made an entrance.

I watched as she blossomed during the four years that she participated and by the time she graduated from high school all the boys were lusting after her. Hell, even I had impure thoughts about her. The last time I saw her she still had a bit of baby fat but that didn’t detract from her beauty. Her long brown hair shone under the stage lights and her green eyes could captivate the audience. Her full lips graced an expressive mouth that was made for the stage. As a high school senior she could play quite an age range. If dressed in a loose costume that covered her D-cup breasts she could play a pre-teen, but dressed in something form-fitting she could be a full-grown adult temptress. Those breasts and her fantastic ass could stir any man’s hormones. Kayla graduated and went off to college out of state. I hadn’t seen her since but I would occasionally see her mother and inquire after her. I learned that she had gone on to study theater arts and hoped to someday make it to Broadway. With her personality and looks, I ventured that she would no doubt accomplish her goal.

A nationally known comedienne came to town for two shows on a Friday and I was able to get a free ticket, center stage, and about five rows back. I was looking forward to the evening, and since there was no set work or photography to be done I planned to just enjoy myself in my perfect seat. Little did I know how perfect it would be. Before the start of the show, the theater served refreshments in the lobby, allowing patrons to mingle. I was having some wine and talking with a few of my colleagues from the theater’s technical team when I heard someone call my name.

“Jacob! Jacob!”

The voice came from across the lobby. Casting my gaze in that direction I spied an arm waving in the air, a woman’s arm. I followed it down and there was Kayla, smiling at me and making her way through the crowd, trying not to spill her drink. As she reached me she wrapped one arm around me, her drink in the other, gave me a tight squeeze, and gazed up into my face.

“Jacob, it’s so good to see you! It’s been so long since I’ve come here to the theater. I was hoping I would see you tonight!’

Looking down at her I was captivated, my breath was taken away. This woman pressing her body against me had the same luxurious brown hair and sparkling green eyes that captured the attention of audiences, but the baby fat I remembered was gone. Her face was lean, her nose was perfectly feminine.

“Kayla, it’s good to see you!” I responded, “You’re right, it has been a long time, three years if I remember. You must be in your final year of college now.”

“Yes, I just started my senior year. I am enjoying it immensely.”

“I’m glad to hear that, we need entertainers.”

“And you?” she asked, “Still capturing moments?”

“I am,” I said with a smile, “every chance I get. I have a wedding I’m photographing tomorrow. You probably know them, Cassie and Brian?”

“Yes! That’s why I’m in town. I’m one of Cassie’s bride’s maids. How fortunate!”

“Ha, ha, yes it is. It’s been a long time since we spent a weekend together.” Referring of course to the years we spent at the theater during the youth program.

Just then the light dimmed twice, accompanied by a chime–time to take our seats.

“Where’s your seat at?” Kayla enquired.

“E-10, and yours?”

“E-11! Oh, how grand! We’re seated next to each other!” She wrapped an arm around one of my biceps and briefly laid her head against my shoulder. “Would you escort me to our seats?”

“Gladly m’lady,” I said with a smile. We started across the lobby to the entrance nearest our seats. Entering the theater with this gorgeous young woman on my arm would probably cause a stir among those who know me. Oh, how the rumors will probably fly. Oh well, I thought.

We took our seats. I saw several colleagues looking us over. I nodded and smiled at them. The show started and the comedy was brilliant. The audience laughed at every joke. Several times Kayla gripped my arm as she laughed. About halfway through the show she wrapped her arm around mine and laid her head against my shoulder. She let out a big sigh.

“I’m very glad we came tonight,” she whispered.

The show concluded and we stood to leave. I followed her down the row of seats to the aisle, and I found my gaze repeatedly drifting down to her round bottom. Those impure thoughts from years ago were returning, only now I didn’t have to be ashamed of them. Now she was an adult, a full-grown, gorgeous woman.

As we stepped out into the aisle she took my hand.

“So we don’t get separated,” she said with a smile.

We slowly worked our way back to the lobby. She pulled me aside, out of the crush of patrons leaving.

“What a lovely evening,” she said, “great entertainment and even better company. I hope you enjoyed yourself too.”

“Very much,” I admitted, “and the company was quite lovely.”

I gazed into those iridescent green eyes and she blushed and glanced away.

“Could I buy you a drink, Kayla? I’d love to hear about your college experience. There’s a quiet bar just around the corner where we could talk.”

She glanced at the lobby clock.

“All right, but just one. We both have responsibilities tomorrow.”

We rejoined the flow of patrons and soon we were on the street. A few minutes later and we were at the bar. We ordered drinks and settled in.

“So tell me, what productions have you been in at school,” I asked.

“Well, my freshman year I was one of the orphans in Annie. It was that show where I was able to make a big impact on the faculty of the theater department. I was given a solo that year at the Christmas musical performance.”

“I’m not surprised. I remember you as having a strong voice, you could project very well.”

“Thank you,” she chuckled, “most of the kids back in high school said I was a loudmouth.”

“Kids, what do they know,” I grinned.

“Sophomore year I was cast as a named character. I played Mona in the production of Dames at Sea.”

“Ah, the diva, no offense but I think that was perfect casting.”

“No offense taken,” she laughed, “you are not the only one to ever make that observation. Then last year I was cast as Marcelle Cotte in Hotel Paradiso.” “Impressive, and this year?” I asked.

“The production is Chicago and I am cast as,” she paused as she drummed two fingers on the table, “Roxie Hart!” she squealed.

“Wow! The lead role. Your senior year is going to go out with a bang that’s sure to get you noticed! Congratulations!”

“I am so excited. It’s always been one of my favorite musicals and Roxy is my favorite character.”

We had finished our drinks and the waitress came by and asked if we wanted another round.

“No,” said Kayla, “we need to be going. It’s a busy day tomorrow. C’mon Jacob, walk me back to my car.”

I paid the waitress and we stood to leave, Kayla took my hand again and led me out the door. On the street, she continued holding my hand. I asked her if there was anyone significant in her life.

“No, not that I haven’t tried dating. You know how it is when you’re preparing a production. The hours are insane and there’s no time for anything else. Of course, there are always gorgeous theater guys around trying to get into my pants. I’ve had a few lovers at college but nothing that has become romantic,” she sighed, “What about you Jacob, any women in your life?”

“No one of significance,” I sighed, “during wedding season I’m crazy busy, and after that, I try to get outside as much as I can. Then there are those women who see my photography business website and can’t reconcile themselves to the fact that I spend a lot of time with semi-naked, and even fully naked, women as a business.”

“I can understand their insecurity. You probably get propositioned a lot.”

“I do actually, but not from the models that I hire for the risqué stuff. They’re very professional. It’s the bridesmaids, the women wanting professional portraits or boudoir shots, and even the mothers of kids I photograph, that are propositioning me.”

We had reached her car. She turned to face me and then stepped close and pressed her body to mine as she gazed up at me. Here in the harsh light and deep shadows of the parking lot, her hair shone like a freshly painted mural, still damp from the artist’s brush strokes. A shadow fell across part of her face but the light caught one of her eyes and it glowed emerald green.

“I understand those women too, you’re a handsome man, Jacob,” she whispered, “You know, in high school, you were my biggest crush.”

“I had no idea,” I stammered. This was nowhere near how I thought my evening would end.

“Kiss me, Jacob, for old times’ sake,” she whispered. She rose onto her toes, closed her eyes, and offered me her lips.

I could not resist, I didn’t even try to resist, I had wanted this for years. My heart pounded in my chest, so much that in that instant I feared it would explode. I knew that once I kissed her I would never have to go back to fantasizing about it, I would forever have carnal knowledge of her lips, the lips I had dreamt of kissing, the lips that I ached to feel pressed against mine. This green-eyed goddess from my fantasies was here, I was wrapped in her arms, and she was offering me a taste of her lips.

Kayla looked a bit frightened as I stood there gazing into her eyes. I’m sure she was wondering why I was hesitating. She had made an advance toward the man she’d fantasized about for years, her high school crush. The fact that I was ten years her senior mattered not to her hormone-sotted brain. Yet here she stood, offering me her lips, revealing her desires. She had made herself so vulnerable, so out of control. Realizing that my hesitancy was hurting her I encircled her in my arms. Our lips met. I felt an electric jolt course through my body. Our lips parted and our tongues danced. Years of mutual passion came pouring forth from both of us. We kissed for what seemed like forever and when we finally stopped we just stood there holding each other, our foreheads pressed together, panting.

“I don’t know what old times you were referring to because I’m sure I would remember if this had ever happened before,” I said to her, between breaths.

“I guess it was just my fantasies,” she said, trying to catch her breath, ” When you hesitated I nearly fainted. I thought maybe you didn’t feel the same.”

“I was in shock, I couldn’t believe my fantasy was coming true.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.”

“If it wasn’t for the likelihood of being arrested I would pin you against this car and make you scream my name.”

“Mmm, and I would let you. But not here, and not tonight.”

“I can’t wait long, I crave you. Don’t be a tease.”

“Trust me, I want you.”

I took her hand and placed it on my crotch, my cock was at full attention.

“Think about this as you try to sleep tonight, as you bear witness to your friend’s wedding tomorrow, and know this, I will plunder you with it, at the first opportunity,” I growled to her.

She pushed herself away from me.

“Please, Jacob, let me go. This is happening too fast. I’m sorry, I’ve let this go too far tonight,” she said as she got in her car.

She started the car and put it in gear but before she drove away she looked at me through the window. There were tears on her face.

“I’m sorry,” she said before disappearing into the night.

I stood there, dumbfounded. What the fuck had just happened? I walked to my car and all the way home I wondered what I had done wrong. I barely slept.

The next day, I arrived early at the wedding venue. It was an event center, a huge space designed to host large events. I prepared my equipment, and as the wedding party began to arrive I started taking candid photos. I rotated between the two changing rooms.

At one point, when I entered the bride’s room I noticed that Kayla had arrived. She approached me as I was in a corner of the room changing lenses.

“Jacob, about last night,” she began in a whisper, “I’m sorry.”

“You told me that,” I snapped.

“I know b…,” she began.

“No buts, you were cruel to me. For years, I have been thinking about you, fantasizing about you. Then last night you show up out of the blue and admit that you feel the same. Then, you kiss me as no woman has ever kissed me before. But you shattered the mood when, inexplicably, you flee, like a frightened little girl.”

I was a frightened little girl!” it was nearly a shout. She caught herself and looked around. All of the bridesmaids looked at us.

“Is everything all right?” asked Cassie, the bride.

“Yes, everything is fine, Cassie, Jacob, and I were just disagreeing. I’ll keep my voice down, I apologize,” she replied.

One of the other bridesmaids opened the shirt that she was wearing, exposing her breasts.

“I’d be happy to satisfy you, Jacob,” she cooed, “would you like to put your lips on these?”

“Put those miniature tits away, Adalyn. He’s a real man, why would he want cherries when he can have these melons,” she growled, grabbing her breasts to accentuate the message.

“Stupid slut,” she said under her breath as she turned back to me, “I suppose that happens at every wedding,”

I nodded in agreement.

“So, I can have those melons?” I asked.

“Yes, Jacob, you can. Last night I was a frightened little girl. Everything was moving faster than I expected. I was light-headed from the passion in our kiss, and then you talked about pinning me against the car, and you put my hand on your cock and he talked about plundering me. I was suddenly a naive little girl alone in a parking lot at night with this worldly man and I panicked.”

“I can see how you might feel that way. I didn’t mean to scare you,” I told her.

“Please, don’t apologize, I was a fool.”

“I need to get back to work, Kayla,” I handed her my card, “Decide whether you are a woman or a child, then call me with your decision.”

I turned away from her and resumed photographing. The wedding and reception turned out beautifully and everyone seemed to have a good time, except for Kayla, who seemed a bit sad. I felt sad for both of us. We might have screwed up something that we both wanted.

As the reception wound down I packed up my gear and left. I didn’t hear from Kayla for a week. My phone rang one evening and I answered. I assumed it was a customer.


“Jacob? It’s Kayla.”

“Hi Kayla, how are you?”

“Well, the child has been crying all week, and the adult keeps telling her that she’s a snot-nosed little bitch,” she said.

“I’m sorry to hear that, it sounds like you have yet to make a decision, so why did you call? I’m not going to waste my time on a child.”

“I need some photographs for my actor’s portfolio and I was hoping you would take them for me. And, I was just hoping I could see you again, maybe it would help me make my decision.”

“I’m sure there are photographers closer to you that could do an adequate job. I don’t think we should see each other again, Kayla.”

“Please, Jacob,” she pleaded.

“Kayla, you are a child in a woman’s body and that’s something I don’t want to deal with. I’m too old for that crap. Maybe if you grow up we could see each other. I need to go, Kayla,” and I hung up on her.

Life returned to normal after that, the fall wedding surge came and went, and I took a break by going south to Panama to photograph the canal. I hired a boat, sailed from Panama City to Colón, rented a car back to Summit National Park, and hiked the area for several days. I returned home just after the New Year and spent time in my studio editing my photographs and submitting them to several online magazines. I also developed several project proposals for potential customers.

Towards the end of February, I picked up a job for a local Gentlemen’s club. They were refreshing their marketing materials and website so they needed photos of the dancers as well as some interior shots of the club. I scheduled a makeup artist and the girls brought their outfits. One afternoon, while photographing the dancers I heard heels softly clicking behind me, near the studio entrance Assuming it was one of the dancers arriving late I motioned to the side door without looking.

“Makeup is in there, come back when you’re dressed and ready,” I said without turning around.

The heels continued to approach me. Turning around, I realized it was not one of the dancers, it was Kayla.

“I hadn’t planned on modeling today, I’m certainly not dressed for this job,” she said with a smile.

“All right, ladies, let’s take a break. Be back in fifteen minutes,” I said to the dancers.

“What are you doing here?” I asked Kayla.

“I figured if you were going to avoid me I would have to force you to give me your attention, so here I am,” she looked around the room at the dancers, all in various stages of undress, “They’re very attractive.”

“Not really, take away the makeup and the padded bras and they’re not too impressive. Most of them wouldn’t get a second look if I saw them walking down the street. Stripping is all about the illusion, just like theater.”

“Well, I don’t feel threatened by any of them,” she said.

“That’s good, you really shouldn’t feel threatened, you’re much more attractive than any of them.”

“So why are you ignoring me? How can I prove to you that there is an adult in this amazing body if you won’t see me and give me a chance?”

“Kayla, I can’t get you out of my mind. I ran to Panama to try and forget you but that didn’t work. Ever since that kiss, I…”

She pressed a finger to my lips, stopping me mid-sentence.

“Shh, I understand, I feel the same. I don’t want you to forget me, and God knows I can’t forget you. I crave your touch, Jacob. I don’t expect us to become romantically involved, all I ask is for one night with you to satisfy my fantasies. I don’t understand how one man can make me so mad and at the same time make me so wet.”

She kissed me softly. It was all I could do to restrain myself.

“Why don’t I come back when you’re done here? I’ll show you something none of these girls have. I’ll even pay you for the photographs, I need more for my portfolio. Would five o’clock work?”

“That will be fine,” I stammered. She turned and I watched her walk away.

Turning back to the dancers I told them, “Break time is over ladies, back to work.”

As they wandered back to the camera I heard one of them say, “It looks like our photographer finally got a boner, I was beginning to think he was gay.”

It was true, that kiss from Kayla, though brief, had spurred my cock to action and it was tenting my slacks.

I finished the job but felt distracted the rest of the afternoon. As the dancers were leaving one of them approached me. She was blonde with large breasts that were well displayed by the deep v-neck of her blouse.

“If you’d like, I could help you with any tension that might have built up today,” she said as she stepped close.

“Any other day I would probably take you up on that offer,” I told her, “but I need to save it for that hot little piece that interrupted us earlier.”

“Have it your way,” she said, “but come see me dance sometime. You might change be interested in what I have to offer.”

As she walked away I checked out her ass. I decided that I would go see her dance some night.

The makeup artist, my friend, Michelle, came out of the room I had set up for her. Her kits were on a pull-behind cart.

“Thanks for the job Jacob, that was quite interesting. I’ve never done makeup for strippers before,” she said with a chuckle.

“You’re welcome,” I told her, “You did a great job today, they all looked like respectable little whores.”

We laughed. I handed her a check. “For services rendered,” I said with a wry grin.

She took the check from me and stepped in close. “You know, Jacob,” she whispered, “I could render some, shall we say, personal services if you’d like. I’d even tear this check-up, no charge for the day.”

How many women could proposition me in one day?

“I appreciate that Michelle, maybe some other day, all right? I’m a little distracted this afternoon.”

“Did your visitor have anything to do with that? She’s quite the tasty morsel.”

“You saw that? Yes, she’s been a distraction for several years. I hope that tonight I can resolve our issue.”

“Well, if that doesn’t work out you know how to reach me,” she said as she walked towards the door.

I busied myself around the studio, cleaning lenses, putting batteries on to charge, and setting up for a photo shoot of Kayla. A little before five o’clock I heard the door open, her heels clicked on the hard floor again. I turned to greet her and noticed that she still had the coat on from earlier, which she had not removed during her brief visit, but instead of the slacks she had worn then, there were only stockings on her legs.

“Welcome back, Kayla,” I said with a smile, “Ready for your photo shoot?”

“I am,” she smiled, “but we need to have an understanding before we start.”

“What’s that?” I asked, sure that this was going to be more childish nonsense.

“First, I do need photos for my portfolio, so I am paying you for those. Second, I intend to show you more than I would ever show anyone else, I want you to see what you’re missing out on. Third, I want to have sex with you tonight but I will not do it here in this studio. If you like what you see and you want to have sex then you need to take me home and take me in your bed. And finally, I’m getting naked for this session but you, dear man, must remain clothed.”

“Sounds reasonable to me but I have one condition myself, you have to agree to anything I want in bed. If you want to be with an experienced man then I’m going to teach you a few things.”

She stood there staring at me. That condition seemed to be causing her some anxiety, as it was intended to.

“What’s wrong, Kayla? Are you still a scared child? Do you want to be with a man or do you want to run back to your college boys? What will it be Kayla?”

Accusing her of still being a child angered her and she slapped my face.

“I’m tired of the comparison to a child, Jacob!” she screamed, “I may not have traveled the world but that doesn’t mean I’m not a full-grown woman with needs and desires. I sought you out, I arranged for us to sit together at the theater that night, all because I’ve had this desire to feel your touch ever since high school!”

She stood there in front of me, her face was red and she was breathing hard.

“Maybe the fact that I still want to fuck my high school crush makes me a child, maybe I need to move on from my childhood fantasies, but those fantasies are very grown up today, Jacob. When I think of you, of us, my thoughts are very adult now. Some might cause even you to blush! So if you still want this body then act like it, stop pushing me away with this accusation of being childish!”

I was in shock, from the slap and the rage in her voice. They say hell has no fury like a woman scorned and suddenly I was a believer. I was speechless. We stood there staring at each other and gradually her breathing slowed. She took off her coat and stepped close to me, pressing her tits against my chest.

“Are we going to do this, Jacob? Photograph me that is? Photograph me the way I want?”

“I –I –yes,” I stammered, “I guess I owe you an apology.”

“There is no guessing, you do owe me an apology,” she hissed.

“You’re right, I’m sorry to have treated you this way. It’s apparent to me that you are a woman who knows what she wants, please forgive me.”

“Apology accepted,” she grinned.

I bent down to kiss her. “I’m so turned on, I want you, Kayla,” I whispered

“No, not here,” she said, almost panting, her deep green eyes almost begging for it. This exchange was as exciting for her as it was for me. We kissed.

“Slow down, we still have a photo shoot to conduct,” she said.

As she stepped towards the backdrop that I had unrolled I finally noticed what she was wearing. Other than the heels and hosiery, she wore a black midi-length pencil skirt and a white, sleeveless, cropped sweater. It was a very good look for an aspiring actress’ portfolio.

“Ready?” I asked as I stepped behind the camera. “Just pretend you have an audience and that you’re demonstrating your range of emotions.” I let her free-pose for a few minutes just to get relaxed and then I instructed her on a few poses that she would need for her portfolio, headshots, full body shots, etc. We took a break from photographing and I pulled up the photos on my computer. She was pleased with the results.

“All right Jacob, now we’ll see how much you like what I have,” she said. She stepped back in front of the camera and paused a moment waiting for me.

“Ready,” I said.

She began by turning her back to me and looking over her shoulder, giving me a sultry look. She reached back and lowered the zipper on the back of her skirt then let it drop to the floor. She kicked it aside. Under her black skirt, she was wearing a stretch satin micro skirt that hugged her hips and upper thighs. It was emerald green and had a short slit on one side. I could not imagine her bending over without exposing her glory. It was so short that it left several inches of her tender thighs exposed above her stay-up stockings.

She strode around, emoting for the camera, posing with her feet apart at times. Eventually, she stepped back to the center with her back to the camera and bent ever so slightly at the waist, a surprised look on her face, and the slightest hint of red below the skirt. I had considered that she might not be wearing panties but somehow she had found a pair that didn’t give her panty lines under that body-hugging skirt.

“Do you like what you see so far, Jacob?”

“More than you know,” I said.

I always had a floor fan sitting just out of camera view and she strode over to turn it on. She got her hair involved in the posing now, sometimes blowing back from her face, sometimes swirling around her face. She didn’t need instruction, she knew exactly what she wanted, so I just clicked the shutter.

Her next move was to pull her crop sweater over her head, still facing away from the camera. She tossed it aside and it fell near her discarded skirt. A strap of red lace crossed her back.

I figured this was about to get good so I changed my camera shutter to burst mode and made a slight exposure adjustment to compensate. Now the camera would capture images in quick succession as long as I pressed the shutter button.

She paused and looked over her shoulder at me, a grin on her face and one eyebrow raised.

“Are you ready for this, Jacob? I’m going to show you my tits now. My tits that you’ve never seen before. Have you fantasized about this moment, about seeing my tits?”

“Yes, I’ve fantasized about sucking and kissing them, and cumming on them.”

“Such a naughty man, Jacob. Let’s see if you still want to do all those things after you see them in real life.”

With her back to me, she opened the front clasp on her bra but held the sides together as she turned to face me. The emotion on her face turned to an open-mouth look of surprise.

Whirr went my camera, like a muffled sewing machine, capturing over five frames per second.

She slowly opened her bra and then tossed it aside.

Whirr, Whirr. Sweet Matilda, those breasts! My cock strained against my slacks, yearning for freedom.

She faked modesty, covering her breasts with her hands, then parted her fingers to reveal her nipples. Whether through excitement, or the rush of air from the fan, they were standing proud, like little soldiers at attention. She transitioned from modest to slutty in the blink of my camera’s eye, suddenly cupping her breasts and presenting them, as if for inspection, while puckering her lips to kiss at the lens.

Whirr, whirr.

She turned sideways to the camera, facing the fan, threw her shoulders back, and reached behind herself as if grasping at the hem of her skirt. This had the effect of lifting her breasts, raising her nipples as if pointing towards heaven.


The only thing on my mind was her breasts. I wanted to cover them with kisses, suckle her nipples, put my face between them and let her beat me into submission. My finger on the shutter button was on autopilot. Rarely did I have a woman this shapely, in this state of undress, in front of my camera lens. She was shaped like the woman-of-the-month in a men’s magazine, not at all like the exotic dancers from earlier in the day. She would have put them all to shame.

Whirr, whirr

“What do you think, Jacob? Aren’t my tits fantastic? Don’t you want to make them yours?”

“God yes, I want those tits, Kayla.”

She laughed. “Wait until what comes next!”

Next, the satin skirt joined the pile of discarded clothes. I quickly discovered how she avoided panty lines, a strapless stick-on thong made of red lace. A small wedge of fabric covered her on the front and was connected to a heart shape that rested at the top of her cheeks in the back. There was no sign of hair anywhere on her body other than on her head. She modeled momentarily with the thong on, and then, she grasped it and peeled it off.

“Might as well not be wearing anything,” she giggled as she stood naked before the camera.

“You look incredible,” I said.

“I know,” she smiled, “what do you think? Do you want to take me and make me yours? Is your cock hard for me, Jacob?

I just stared at this goddess in front of my lens.

“I thought so,” she huffed.

She went back to modeling, showing it all until she noticed the overstuffed leather sofa along a wall. Curling a finger at me she strutted to the sofa and laid over one arm, her breasts cushioning her against the leather and a huge grin on her face.

“You’ve done photo shoots for men’s magazines before, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, I’ve never seen one, so why don’t you talk me through it, like I’m going to be Ms. April”

I did as she asked, barely able to keep my hands off her.

“Looks like you’re enjoying this,” she said, looking at my crotch. I looked down and saw a dark spot in my khakis where precum had soaked through.

I instructed her through several poses common to the magazines, and a few more that I particularly enjoyed. After finishing with those, I asked her if there were any other shots she wanted. She asked to review what I had captured so far, so I gave her a robe that I kept handy, and set her in front of my desktop. She started to scroll through the images.

“Jesus, Jacob, there must be five-hundred photos here!” she exclaimed.

“Welcome to the life of a photographer, hundreds of images for that one perfect shot. Thankfully this is all digital now.”

She continued to scroll slowly. Reaching the end she turned to me.

“They look great for as far as they go.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Have you ever photographed pornography? Specifically, a woman masturbating?”

“No, I haven’t done that,” I admitted.

“Well, you’re about to, join me over at the sofa again.”

She strode over to the large tote bag she had brought with her. She retrieved a bottle of lubricant and a dildo that looked like a cock. She gave me a wicked smile as the strode back across the studio.

She laid the dildo and lube at one end of the sofa and then snuggled into the corner of the other end. With one foot on the floor and the other on the seat, she began to caress her breasts.

Whirr, whirr

She touched all over her body before one hand settled between her legs and she stroked her pussy.

Whirr, whirr, whirr.

The more my camera captured the harder my heart pounded and my cock strained against my zipper. I was going mad with lust for this woman.

She spread her labia, giving my camera a perfect view, she was pink and damp. She slid one finger in, and then another. She moaned and squeezed a nipple with her other hand.

“Oh, Kayla,” I moaned.


“I’m cumming Jacob, capture it,” she moaned.

I stepped back from capturing close-ups between her legs, I captured shots of her entire body and close-ups of her face while she was in the throes of orgasm.

Whirr, whirr, whirr

After coming down from her orgasm she retrieved the dildo and held it in her hands, admiring the head and veins. She kissed and licked the head as she looked into the camera lens.


She licked the shaft, her tongue tracing the veins, and then she took most of it into her mouth. My heart was pounding, my breathing shallow and quick.


Extracting the simulated cock from her throat, she asked, “Do you like having your cock sucked? I’ve not sucked much cock so I’ve been practicing with my friend here.” She applied lubricant and then began dragging the head between her swollen, pink, lips.


“Is this what you want to do to me, Jacob? Do you want to rub the head of your cock between my wet pussy lips?”

“Yes,” I croaked.

“What about this?” she asked as she slowly inserted the cock into her pink, parting her lips. I held down the shutter button and kept it depressed until the fake cock was buried deep inside her.


“I want you, Kayla. I need you, I want to fuck you all night,” I said breathlessly.

“One more orgasm and then you can take me home, Jacob, this can all be yours.”

She plunged the fake cock into her depths again, and I knelt close to capture the action. I could hear pussy making slurping noises as the dildo was pistoning in and out, and I could smell her scent. Her finger found her clit and she began to quiver. She arched her back, raising her hips off the sofa, and screamed.

“I’m cumming Jacob! Aaaaahhhhhh, fuuuuck, yes, yes, YES!”

Whirr, whirr, whirr.

She plunged the fake cock deep inside her as her whole body shook, eventually she collapsed back onto the sofa and lay there, panting.

I couldn’t take anymore, I stood up and began removing my shirt.

“NO!” she exclaimed as the rose off the sofa, “The condition was that you stay clothed. If you want me you have to take me home.”

I froze, remembering our early conversation. How was I to know then what she had planned? I was mad with lust now. There was nothing on this Earth that was going to stop me from having her tonight. We stood there for a moment just staring at each other, both of us panting, her from her orgasm and me from the overwhelming desire to fuck this gorgeous young woman.

“Do you want me, Jacob?” she softly spoke, it was nearly a whisper, “Do you want to touch me, taste me, and take me? Do you want to make me yours for the night, Jacob? Do you want to thrust into me like that fake cock, and fill me with your cum? Do you, Jacob?”

“I want all that, Kayla. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman before.”

“Then take me home.”

I came to my senses and pulled my shirt back on. Naked, she strode over to the tote bag and placed all her belongings into it before putting on her coat.

“You’re not getting dressed?” I asked.

“Why?” she asked, “You’re taking me home and undressing me the moment we get through the door, aren’t you?”

I just nodded. My brain was flooded with intoxicating amounts of serotonin and adrenaline. All I could find the sense to do was nod.

She stepped close to me and gazed up into my face with those breathtaking green eyes.

“Have you lost the ability to speak, Jacob? Cat got your tongue? I certainly hope not because I need to feel your tongue on me. Take me home now, Jacob. I’ve waited years to feel you inside me and I don’t want to wait anymore.”

Somehow, through the fog in my brain, I was able to find my keys. Returning to where Kayla stood I grabbed up the tote bag and escorted her to the door. After locking the door we walked down the hallway toward the building exit, the sound of her heels clicking on the floor was like the ticking of a clock, counting down the moments until I could get her home and have my way with her.

Exiting the building, the cold night air was a shock to my system and served to clear my brain fog. We made the short walk to my car where I opened the passenger door. She entered the car and I closed the door behind her. I opened the rear door and placed her bag behind her seat and then closed the door and made my way around the car. I opened the driver’s door and took my place behind the wheel, closed it behind me, and started the car. I looked at her, she was rubbing her coat where her nipples would be.

“My nipples are so hard, I hope they don’t cut through this fabric,” she said as she turned to me. Her lips curved up into a grin. I put the car in drive, pressed the accelerator, and pointed it towards home. She laid her head back against the headrest and continued rubbing her coat on her nipples as she softly moaned. When the inside of the car warmed enough she opened her coat, fully exposing her body. As she pinched her nipples and her fingers wandered down between her legs it was nearly all I could do to maintain my composure. It was soon apparent that this licentious woman had intentions of distracting me, driving me into a lust-filled state again. She just looked at me and smiled.

The drive to my house took us briefly onto the interstate. There was little traffic tonight, save for a few scattered big rigs. As I approached the first truck from behind and signaled a lane change to go around him she told me to slow down as I reached the driver’s window.

“I’ve always wanted to flash a trucker!” she said, excitedly.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked.

“No, I’m not. Just think of it this way,” she said as she touched my thigh, “you’ll be helping me fulfill a fantasy, and God only knows what I might do to the man that helps me.”

As we approached the driver she turned in the seat to give him a full view of her tits. I couldn’t see the driver but I could see her reaction. She squealed and held her tits up for him, then blew him a kiss. She then sat properly in the seat and made a production of rubbing her pussy as she looked up at him. Taking her hand out from between her legs she stuck her wet fingers into her mouth and sucked on them and then waved goodbye to him.

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