The Amulet of Aphrodite Ch. 01 by edstevens94301,edstevens94301

Hey guys! It’s been forever since I’ve published a story.

Here’s a new one that I wrote for myself a long time ago, and finally decided to share.

I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I’m have idea and script for an adult visual novel. If you are a graphic artist and are looking for an author as a partner, please DM me.


David Anderson studied the new chemistry teacher Ms. Smith. She was short, perhaps five feet tall without heels. She was wearing a bulky jacket today, as she almost always did. However, her shapeless clothing didn’t fully conceal her thin frame, with narrow shoulders and almost no hips.

David thought Ms. Smith’s best feature was her face. She always had a kind expression, with thick, black rimmed glasses framing warm eyes.

As soon as the new teacher had arrived at their school, David had liked her. Although they didn’t get many chances to talk, David felt an easy connection with her. He felt relaxed and confident around her, as if they had known each other for years.

“…That’s why rare earth metals are used in virtually all modern electronic equipment,” Ms. Smith concluded.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. The class began to pack up their things.

“Class hike tomorrow! Don’t forget to bring rain gear!” Ms. Smith announced as people began to trickle out.

David walked out to his locker with Greg Adams, his best friend.

They were a mismatched pair. David was average height and size, while Greg was tall and thick, built like an ox. They were best friends and known each other since elementary school.

“So what do you think of our new chem teacher?” Greg asked him.

“Ms. Smith? She’s cool,” David said. “I liked today’s lecture.”

“You like all her lectures, man,” Greg said. “You’re such a teacher’s pet.”

“No, I’m not,” David said just a little too quickly.

Greg stopped and stared and David. “Woah, man. A bit defensive much? You’re not sweet on Ms. Smith, are you?”

David said, “No, of course not.”

Greg was like a dog with a bone when he found something to hold on to. “You are, man! Wow! Why Ms. Smith?”

“Ssshhh….” David said. “Keep it down!”

“Oh, sorry,” Greg said. He leaned in and said in a loud whisper, “Why do you like Ms. Smith?”

“I don’t like Ms. Smith,” David protested. He paused a beat. “But even if I did, so what?”

“I mean, I can see wanting to get it on with a teacher,” Greg said. “The forbidden fruit and all that. But if you were going to go after a teacher, Ms. Smith would be the last person I would pick. She is so un-hot.”

David was bothered by this. “Come on. She’s not that bad.”

“Not that bad? Woman’s as flat as a board! My twelve year old cousin has more curves than her,” Greg said.

“Really? Are you sure? She’s always wearing teacher clothes,” David said.

“I can tell,” Greg said, grinning. “Can’t you?”

David said. “You’re a breast guy.”

“And proud of it,” Greg said. “Gimme a pair of big jugs any time. Something I can grab,” he said, crudely mimicking a palming gesture, as if he were holding a pair of basketballs.

“There’s more to chicks than tits, Greg.” David said.

“Yes,” Greg responded with mock seriousness, “there’s also ass.”

David snickered. Greg was an idiot, but he was David’s best friend. “Some girls have personality, wit, and… that special something. A spark, maybe.”

“Nah,” Greg said dismissively. “Dating a girl without great tits only makes sense if you can’t find a girl with great tits who will date you. And if you can’t find a girl with great tits, you get a girl with good tits. And if you can’t find that, you should just give up.”

“You’re an idiot, Greg,” David said, laughing.

“And proud of it,” Greg said, guffawing. “Hey, but seriously. If you’re going to go after taboo booty, make sure it’s HOT taboo booty, all right? Don’t waste your time with Ms. Smith.”


Marisa Smith held up her shirt and sighed. She was going to hate this hike. She disliked public events outside the classroom because she never knew what to wear.

The truth was that Marisa Smith felt intensely self-conscious about her appearance. Her face was okay, but it wasn’t anything to write home about.

She was most insecure about her body. When she was a girl, as other girls had begun to fill out, she maintained the same boyish frame. Throughout high school, she had looked with jealousy around the women’s locker room at the bodies of her classmates as they had filled out through adolescence.

With another sigh, she picked a loose fitting pair of sweat pants and a billowy windbreaker. Hopefully she could hide in these.


It was a warm, sticky afternoon. The class chattered excitedly as they followed the dark and windy path. The combined science classes of Thompson High were on their long-planned trip, a hike through a hilly forested area. Dark clouds had gathered over the sky.

The last two people in the line, just barely keeping up with the rest of the group, were David and Greg.

“So,” Greg said, looping one meaty forearm around David’s shoulder. “What do you think of our little hike?”

“It’s nice,” David said blandly. “I feel like we’re in elementary school again.”

“Yeah, but the girls are so much hotter now,” Greg said. “Like Eleanor.”

Just ahead of them, walking by herself, was the homecoming queen, Eleanor DeRoyal. Eleanor was a senior, like both Greg and David. Apart from being the homecoming queen, Eleanor was the head cheerleader and a top honors student.

Eleanor was gorgeous and carried herself in a way that showed she knew it. She had raven black hair accenting a dynamite figure, the curves that should have belonged to a woman of 30 years rather than girl of 18. A cloud of the most popular boys in school seemed to always follow her around. She never gave guys like Greg or David the time of day.

“Eleanor’s all woman,” Greg said. “She must have the best breasts on the entire West Coast.”

David punched him on the arm. “God, you’re such a caveman. Eleanor isn’t just a pair of breasts, you dumbass.”

“Eleanor’s body is a work of art, like the Venus de Milo or some shit. No, she’s like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,” Greg said, leering at her.

“You should go up and talk to her,” David said.

“Nah, I’m good,” Greg said. “I’d prefer to just stare at her ass.”

“Idiot,” David said, laughing.

“And proud of it,” Greg said, guffawing. “Maybe I will go see if Eleanor could use some stud muffin company.”

Greg jogged ahead of Greg to chase the beautiful teen. David watched him tap her on the shoulder and then strike up a conversation.

For the next few minutes, David walked by himself. Although Greg could act like a Neanderthal, he was very fun to hang out with.

David was so distracted that he failed to see Ms. Smith tying her shoes in the middle of the path. He tripped over her and fell sprawling to the ground.

“Oh my god! Are you okay!” Ms. Smith said. As she bent over him, her glasses slipped down her nose.

“I think so,” David groaned, dusting himself off. He stood up and looked down. He had skinned his knee and scraped his hands.

“You’re bleeding!” she squeaked.

“No big deal,” David said. He was more than a little embarrassed. “Sorry about my clumsiness. Are you okay?”

“No, no, this is all my fault. I’m so sorry,” she said.

David grinned, “No problem, Ms. Smith.”

Nobody else had seemed to notice his fall, and the rest of the class had continued their hike and were now out of sight. David dusted himself off again and the two of them began to walk together.

“Can you explain to me what all you high schoolers are all doing on your phones nowadays?” Ms. Smith said. “People seem to be looking at their phones all day everywhere they go.”

David thought for a moment. “The same things that adults are doing. Surfing the web, e-mail, that kind of stuff.”

“Really? Why do people need to fiddle with the phones during class?” Ms. Smith asked.

“Well, a lot of people like to chat with each other,” said David.

“Chat? With their phones?”

“Yeah. You can send each other short messages that go straight from one phone to the next. You’ve heard of texting, right?”

“Oh, texting! I use AOL Instant Messenger,” Ms. Smith said.

“Did people use AOL with their typewriters?” David asked.

“No, of course not. How would Instant Messenger work with a typewriter?” Ms. Smith said. She looked over at David, who was grinning broadly at her.

“Are you making fun of me?” she said in mock outrage, punching him lightly on the arm.

David felt a tiny thrill at this flirtatious gesture. “Careful, or I’ll have to report you to the school board,” he said. “For abusing a student.”

“I think the students at this school could use a little more abuse,” Ms. Smith said jokingly. “They are far too comfortable with the faculty.”

David laughed out loud. It felt great to be spending one-on-one time with his cute chemistry teacher.

The two of them had fallen behind the rest of the group. A few drops began to come down from the menacing gray clouds overhead.

“So all that phone stuff is chat?” Ms. Smith asked curiously.

“Different people use different chat programs. Most of my friends are on WhatsApp. But the hot new thing is Snapchat.”

“I’ve never heard of that one. What is Snapchat?”

“It’s an app where what you send doesn’t stick. It disappears in like ten seconds after you send it.”

“Disappears? Doesn’t that make it harder to read?” Her brow wrinkled in confusion.

“It is harder to read,” David laughed. “But that’s the point.”

“How could it be good to have chats that disappear?” Ms. Smith said.

“Well… sometimes people want to send things that they don’t want to stick around forever.”

“What, like secrets?” Ms. Smith said, her eyes wide.

“Secrets are one possibility,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

“You look like you want to say something. Go on. What else do people like to send?” Ms. Smith asked.

“Are you sure you want to know? This isn’t really an appropriate conversation for a teacher and a student to be having,” David said conspiratorially.

Ms. Smith looked around. They had fallen behind the rest of the class and she didn’t think anybody could hear them.

“C’mon, David, you can tell me,” she said softly, leaning in conspiratorially. “Just pretend I’m one of the girls.”

This was the closest David had ever seen his teacher’s face. For the first time, he noticed that she had freckles on her cheeks and nose. She’s very cute, he thought.

“Sometimes people like to send pictures of themselves that they don’t want other people to keep,” he continued carefully.

“Pictures they don’t want other people to see?” she asked.

David nodded slowly, choosing his words slowly.

“An embarrassing picture,” he prompted. “Maybe one that a girlfriend would want to send a boyfriend?”

Slowly, the answer dawned on her.

“Wait…. Really? In high school? Girls send pictures of… of themselves. In high school?” she stammered.

They walked for a minute while she digested the fact that an eighteen-year-old girl would send sexy pictures of herself.

“They’re called ‘sexties,'” David said. “Like ‘selfies’ but with ‘sex.'”

“Yes, I got it, thanks,” she said. “Isn’t that illegal?” Her eyes were open wide.

David shrugged. He was surprised at the naivety of his teacher.

“And do boys ever send girls pictures of themselves?” she asked.

“Well. Yes. It has been known to happen.”

“No! Pictures of their private parts?” Ms. Smith was genuinely shocked at this. “Have you ever done this, David?”

David paused. This was getting into sensitive territory.

A sudden burst of thunder cut off his reply. Suddenly, the skies opened up, and it began to rain steadily. David wiped the water out of his eyes, and said, “C’mon, we should try to find the others.”

They hustled to catch up, but the rest of the group had disappeared. The rocks had become slick, and small rivulets of water were flowing over our path. The walk was slow and treacherous.

Suddenly, David became worried and said, “Are we still on the trail?”

Ms. Smith looked down, “I’m not sure. I was following you.”

David looked around. “We haven’t seen the group in maybe fifteen or twenty minutes, right?”

Ms. Smith said, “Maybe more.”

Now they were both worried. As if to emphasize their plight, another peal of lightning flashed overhead, and the rain began to fall even more intensely. It was pouring in sheets now, and they were both thoroughly soaked. The rain was ice cold, and they both felt frozen.

“We have to find shelter,” David said.

Ms. Smith nodded, wiping the water back from her hair.

David looked around desperately. “A cave!” he said, pointing to a dark round circle on the mountain next to us. She nodded, and clamped her hand on David’s back.

“Lead the way!” she shouted over the deafening downpour.

David and Ms. Smith picked their way through the storm to the mouth of the cave. It was about a hundred yards off of the trail.

They finally arrived. The cave was dark and damp, but at least they weren’t getting rained on.

“Wow,” Ms. Smith said. “Look at all that water!”

“I don’t have to,” David said, “I can feel it in my socks.”

They looked around. The cave was made of a dark grey stone. There were patches of bright green fungus growing almost fluorescently on the mouth of the cave. It was difficult to say how far the cave went, but the blackness seemed to stretch on and on.

The cave was freezing cold. Its dark walls were slick with water from outside, and there seemed to be a current of wind passing through to freeze their bones. David hopped in place, rubbing his arms and trying to stay warm.

Ms. Smith sneezed.

“Are you okay, Ms. Smith?” David looked over.

“I’m fine,” she lied. She was freezing, her clothes drenched from the icy rain outside. She brushed off some of the excess water from her windbreaker and sweats, but her clothes were soaked through.

David looked at her worriedly. They watched the icy rain pour down outside. It collected in little frozen pools that seemed to suck heat out of the cave.

After a minute or two, Ms. Smith felt a series of shivers pass through her body.

David looked at her and said worriedly, “Ms. Smith, are you okay? It’s freezing in here.”

“I’m not cold,” she lied. She pursed her lips tightly together and shook her head.

David wanted to press the point, held his tongue.

Finally, they sat next to each other at the cave mouth. Their breath puffed out in big steaming clouds. David felt frozen stiff, and he rubbed his arms desperately to try to stay warm.

Finally, he said, “Maybe we should huddle to stay warm.”

Marisa Smith looked into David’s eyes, and nodded. She moved in closer to him, and he put his arm around his teacher.

David didn’t know it, but Marisa Smith was beginning to feel more and more confused about her feelings for David.

David was her favorite type of student: serious and hardworking, but without being stuck up. From the first class, he had asked intelligent questions that showed he was digesting the material and learning in a way that other students were not.

She also thought he was very cute. He dressed neatly and didn’t seem to care what others thought about him. He was always confident and collected, and spoke honestly and carefully.

He had a kind of seriousness that made her think he could pass for a much older man. If Marisa didn’t know for a fact that he was an eighteen-year-old high school senior, she would have guessed that he was in his twenties. She was only twenty-two herself.

And his hair was always tousled, unkempt in a way that made Ms. Smith want to reach out and fix it for him. She longed to see if his lips were as soft as they looked.

Not that she would ever lay a hand on him, though. That was strictly forbidden. Each teacher had been given careful training from the first day on job on the kinds of contact that were appropriate and inappropriate with their students.

Student-teacher relationships with any degree of romance were strictly forbidden. The principal had warned them that there would be no lenience to any proven accusations of sexual misconduct with students. Any teacher caught with a romantic relationship with a student would be fired and then turned over to the police for prosecution.

So Ms. Smith had kept firm boundaries between herself and her students. She was very careful to avoid the appearance of any impropriety and tried very hard to maintain her image as a teacher in front of them.

A field trip like this made it hard to maintain that image. The group of hikers, students and teachers alike, were sweaty from the hours of hard walking. Everyone was dressed in clothes intended for a long trail. Parts of the path were narrow, and Ms. Smith had noticed keenly when she had nudged into David and felt his manly body brush against her.

And now, with his arm around her, it was impossible to think of him as just a student. He was bigger and taller than she was, and he was so warm. His presence felt incredibly masculine.

To David’s surprise, Ms. Smith put her head on his shoulder. He looked over at her. Her hair smelled faintly of coconuts.

“Do you feel better?” David asked quietly.

“Much better,” Ms. Smith replied.

“Tell me about your own high school. You went to Thompson High too right?” David asked.

“Yeah, I did go to Thompson,” she said drowsily. “But it sucked.”

“What?” he said. “Why?”

“No reason,” she said softly. She felt like falling asleep in his arms.

“You’re very cute, Ms. Smith,” David said firmly. Without thinking, he took her hand in his.

Her eyes popped open. She stared at his hand, now surrounding her smaller one. His hand seemed to engulf hers.

She wanted to tell him that holding her hand was inappropriate, that he should definitely not be calling her “cute,” but she looked up at him.

David looked back steadily into her eyes.

“Thank you, David,” she said.

Marisa Smith felt a suddenly desire to kiss him. David, her student. He was just a boy, right? Or was he a man, with his lean body and steady voice. The moment felt right. She felt so confused.

She closed her eyes…

David saw her eyes close. He saw her face turn towards him, so close that he could see all the freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her mouth opened slightly. Wisps of steam from her breath. She was his teacher, an older woman. Did she really want to kiss him? Kissing his teacher was the most taboo of taboos, but David couldn’t deny this feeling. Maybe he had a sliver of a chance…

There was a crack of thunder outside. Startled, Ms. Smith opened her eyes. She sensed his hesitation and turned away. She knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, but she felt… rejected?

She stood up, quickly loosing her windbreaker and tossing it off over her head. The wet fabric sprayed David with little droplets.

He could now see her t-shirt, which clung damply to her body. For the first time, David saw his teacher’s body in clothing that was more revealing than her typical teacher outfits.

To his dismay, he saw that Ms. Smith was flat as a board, just as Greg had said. Her breasts were just two bumps underneath her wet, clinging shirt. They didn’t lift the material by more than a centimeter or two. She wasn’t wearing a bra. She doesn’t need one, David thought with a tinge of disappointment.

He quickly tried to hide his reaction.

“See? Don’t you feel better?” David said quickly.

Marisa Smith was a perceptive person, trained by years of rejection. She did notice, just for an instant, the look of disappointment on David’s face. Disappointment at her body. She felt crushed.

No matter how mature David looks, he is still male, she thought. And men have never liked me.

She sat down again, this time farther away from him.

They waited in quiet after that, watching the rain continue to pound the forest outside. There was another flash of lightning.

Both of them yelped in terror. A figure appeared in the mouth of the cave.

David’s heart pounding, he squinted to see who it was. It was Greg.

“Thank God I found you two,” he said. Greg’s bulky frame was sopping wet, his sweats and jacket soaked through.

An intense feeling of relief came over David at the sight of his friend. Without thinking about it, David gave him a big hug.

Embarrassed but not unhappy, Greg said, “Settle down there, big guy. We’re not alone, you know.”

David pulled away.

Ms. Smith had reacted as soon as Greg had entered the cave. She covered herself up with her windbreaker, turning away from them until she had put it on again.

Greg extended his hand, and said in a formal voice, “Good to see you, dear Chemistry Teacher Smith.”

David asked him, “Where is everybody else?”

“We found some thick trees maybe a half mile up, and all the other students are there with Mr. McDougall. I came out to find you guys, to make sure that you hadn’t twisted an ankle or something,” he said.

“Thanks for coming to look for us,” David said. “That’s pretty awesome of you.”

“How could I not? You’re my best friend,” Greg said. He paused and said diplomatically, “And I’m glad I found you too, Ms. Smith.”

Ms. Smith crossed her arms over his chest. “Do you boys need a moment?” she said jokingly.

“Ha ha,” David said.

“So this is quite the place you found here, Dave-kabob. What the heck is in here?” Greg said.

“We’re not really sure,” Ms. Smith said. “It’s dryer than the outside though.”

“Where is that wind blowing from? I have to check it out,” Greg said. With that, he walked deeper into the darkness of the cave.

Ms. Smith and David were both silent, staring incredulously at the inky blackness of the cave mouth. It wasn’t a place that either of them wanted to explore.

“We should make sure he’s okay,” Ms. Smith said finally. “I’m pretty sure the principal wouldn’t be too happy with me bringing only one of you home from this trip.”

Tentatively, they began exploring the tunnel from the cave. It was dimly lit by sporadic patches of the fluorescent green fungus on the walls.

At least it was warmer, away from the freezing rain outside.

After a few hundred yards, they heard a shout, “Holy crap! Guys! Guys!”

Holding his hands out in front of him, David shouted, “Where are you Greg? Are you okay?”

“Better than okay!” he said. “Come over to the right?”

Instinctively, David took Ms. Smith’s small hand in his. The darkness of the cave felt less oppressive when he was holding her hand.

Marisa Smith felt her heart jump in her throat as she felt him assertively take her hand again. His hand felt rough and she felt small next to him.

I could get used to this, she thought.

They followed the sound of his voice, feeling their way along the dark cave. They walked for about fifty yards, with Ms. Smith following David, still holding hands.

Suddenly, the two rounded a corner, and saw something that could not possibly belong in the cave. It was a perfectly squared off, marble pillar. Illuminating the pillar dimly were patches of the fluorescent green fungus. Greg was standing directly in front of the pillar.

Ms. Smith quickly released David’s hand when they emerged into the light. Better safe than sorry, she thought. I have to be a professional. Nobody can know about my burgeoning feelings for David Anderson.

“How did this get here?” Greg said. He pointed at the pillar. It was made of white marble, carved with smooth sides. The base of the pillar was a neatly hewn square, about six inches high and twelve inches on each side.

“The pillar is clearly manmade,” Ms. Smith said. “Someone must have put this here, but I have no idea who.”

“How did they arrange the fungus?” Greg pointed.

It took David a moment to see what Greg meant. Staring at the wall, it slowly dawned on him that the green fluorescent patches weren’t randomly dumped in place, as they would be if they were natural. They radiated in a concentric whirlpool pattern, from the top of the pillar.

David went over to touch the fungus patterns. “It doesn’t feel evil or weird to me at all. It all feels peaceful, somehow,” he said, “Look how beautiful and elaborate these patterns are.”

“And what is this?” Greg said, pointing.

Ms. Smith and David peered forward and looked. On the top of the pillar, just inches from Greg’s outstretched pointer finger, was a triangle-shaped metal object. The object was about the length of a finger on each side. It was brown. No, not brown, just very dirty, David thought.

On top of the clean white pillar, the dull, dirty triangle looked very out of place.

“Don’t touch it!” Ms. Smith said sharply. Looking at her, David realized that he had been reaching my hand slowly forward. “We don’t know what it is.”

“How could it be dangerous? It’s just a piece of metal,” David said. “And I want to look at it.”

“I do too,” Greg said, and reached for the triangle.

But David beat him to it. Quickly, David picked up the dull brown triangle.

When David first touched the triangle, he felt a small spark, almost like a burst of static electricity. It didn’t hurt, and he held the triangle curiously in his palm. It was surprisingly heavy for its size, like the weight of a thick dictionary. The metal was warm, warmer than it should be, David thought.

“Can I see it?” Ms. Smith said, holding out her hand.

“After me,” Greg said. “Pass it over here.”

“I just picked it up,” David said, turning it over in his hand. “Give me a minute.”

They both watched him run his fingers over the surface of the triangle. It was etched with some type of carving, but David couldn’t make out the designs.

“Wait!” Ms. Smith said suddenly. “Listen!”

They stopped and were still.

“I don’t hear anything,” Greg said.

“Exactly,” Ms. Smith said, “That means that the rain is over.”

As the three of them walked back to the entrance of the cave, David slipped the triangle into his jeans. It felt warm and heavy in his back pocket.

When they arrived at the entrance of the cave, they saw that the rain had stopped completely. They re-joined the other students and the other teacher chaperone, Mr. McDougall.

By common agreement, they all spoke nothing of what they had seen in the cave.


The next Monday, school continued normally. David talked to Greg during lunch.

“Did you take the triangle with you?” he asked.

“No. Dropped it,” David lied.

“Oh really? Are you sure?” Greg asked. “I thought you’d kept it.”

“Nah. It was probably just a piece of junk,” David said. Looking back, David didn’t know why he had lied to Greg. It might have been an instinctual response to protect the triangle.

“Maybe we could go back and look for it sometime,” Greg said.

“Yeah, maybe,” David said noncommittally.

Ms. Smith asked David to meet with her after school that day. They met in her classroom about twenty minutes after the final bell signaling the end of school had rung. The halls of the school were largely empty.

“Did you take the triangle?” she asked. She looked nervous. Her voice was even more squeaky than usual.

“I did,” David said. A small voice inside him whispered: Why did you feel more comfortable talking about the triangle with your chemistry teacher than your best friend?

“Can I see it?” she asked.

“It’s at home. I stashed it in my closet to look at later,” David said.

She pursed her lips. “Maybe I could go over and take a look,” she said.

It was surprising to David that a teacher would want to come to his home.

David agreed and gave her directions. They drove in separate cars. David’s parents were still at work and wouldn’t be back for hours.

“Can I get you something to drink?” David asked his teacher nervously. He had never had any teacher over to his house before. Especially not one who he had a crush on.

“No thanks,” she said. Ms. Smith felt nervous too. She had never been to a student’s house before. This felt taboo, and she was nervous that someone would stumble in on them. She knew that going to a student’s house by herself was inviting all sorts of trouble. Especially a student who was so cute.

They went to David’s room, where David’s bed was still neatly made as he had left it this morning. He shrugged off his backpack.

Ms. Smith hesitated. She had changed into a sweater after work, but she was only wearing a tanktop underneath her sweater. Would David laugh at her if he saw her wearing so little?

But his room was very hot, so she sloughed off her sweater. David again smelled a hint of coconut as she shook out her hair. Underneath, she was wearing a grey blouse. It fit her thin body closely.

Now that David knew what she looked like, he had no expectations of her body.

So what if she is flat, David thought. She is so cute! And Greg is wrong. Breasts are far from the most important thing in a woman.

They went into his closet and David pulled the brownish triangle out of a shoebox where he’d left it the previous day. It still felt warm to the touch, and David handed it to Ms. Smith.

She looked at it. “Let’s try washing it off,” she said.

They went to the bathroom and carefully scrubbed the brownish dirt off the strange triangle with an old toothbrush. Dirt from the triangle washed off into the sink, revealing the triangle’s copper hues. Although it was worn and burnished with age, the sides of the triangle weren’t dented or dull. They were smooth and even, as if the triangle had been made recently. There was a very small loop fixed to the middle of one of the edges, about a centimeter or two in circumference.

As they scrubbed the triangle clean, they found that one flat edge of the triangle had Greek symbols carved into it.

It read “Αφρodit μεταμόρφωση”

“What does that say?” David said.

“I’m not sure,” his teacher replied. “It looks like Greek though. Let’s check a Greek dictionary.”

They opened up David’s laptop and did an online search for a Greek dictionary.

Painstakingly, they matched letters until they had translated the words “Aphrodite Metamorphosis.”

“Aphrodite metamorphosis? What does that mean?” David said, poking the triangle where it lay on the table.

“I don’t know,” Ms. Smith said, studying the triangle. They were sitting closely together on his bed, hunched over the triangle.

David snuck a glance at his teacher. Her eyes were so pretty. They were sea green, and sparkled with an inner light. Staring into them, David felt as if he were underwater looking out at the sun. He felt like he could just drift asleep in those welcoming pools.

She saw him looking over at her and blushed. “What?” she said, smiling. She nudged him gently with her hip.

David was thrilled at this little flirtatious gesture. He had a big grin like an idiot.

Ms. Smith turned the triangle over and over in her hand. Staring at it closely, she said suddenly, “Oh, I get it.”

“Get what?” David asked.

Ms. Smith looked around his room. “Do you have a thin cord?”

“Actually, yes,” David replied. He went to a shelf where he had a leather shoelace in a jar. He got it down and handed it to her.

Ms. Smith fed the shoelace through the small circle on the edge of the triangle. Then she tied the ends of the shoelace together and hung the triangle around her neck. One point of the triangle hung downwards, right at the middle of her chest. The necklace lay flat on Ms.Smith’s blue shirt, right between the two mosquito bumps on her chest.

“Oh, I see,” David said. “It’s some kind of necklace.”

Ms. Smith held the necklace up, rubbing her fingers over the words. She said, “It’s heavy, huh?”

“Yeah,” David said. “I think it’s made of solid bronze.”

Ms. Smith rubbed her finger over the amulet again. “What were those words on the amulet again? Aphrodite Metamorphosis…”

Just when she finished the last syllable, the amulet let out a short, quick burst of light. The flash happened so quickly that David wondered whether he had imagined it. What happened next was definitely not imagined.

As the smoke cleared, David shouted, “Ms. Smith! Are you okay?”

Ms. Smith groaned. She had fallen to the floor and was lying there.

She sat up and said, “I’m fine! I’m fine… But I feel different.”

She looked at her hands. They felt… bigger?

She looked down at her chest. Her eyes widened.

She pulled herself to her feet, and stumbled over to the full-length mirror on the door of David’s closet. She looked in it and gasped in shock.

She was much taller. She had been about five feet tall before; now, she was even taller than David, perhaps a full six feet.

Her hair had changed color and had grown out suddenly, lightening from a mousy brown into a rich set of blonde locks.

But these change paled in comparison to other changes in her body. On her chest were two very new, very large breasts.

The material of her blouse had been stretched to the bursting point by her prominent, jutting orbs. The thin material was held together by a couple of buttons that looked inferior to the task of containing her twin mountains.

Tony could see skin of her breasts poking through the overstretched material of her broken apart shirt.

What just happened? David thought. My teacher is suddenly stacked!

Ms. Smith touched the mirror with her left hand, almost trembling at the sight of her reflection. “Oh my God!”

Her eyes were riveted to her new body. For a few minutes, both of them were silent while she examined herself in wonder.

Her breasts were two cantelope sized mounds which stood out prominently from her toned, slim body.

She thought: Are those… mine? They jiggle when I shake! I’ve never had breasts before! They’re heavy! I have suck in my tummy and pull my shoulders back just to stand up straight.

And my waist! Wow. I have a real hourglass figure now.

She rubbed her hands on her sides and thought: are those my hips? Wow! I’m so curvy. And look at my thighs. They’re so full and soft, and they quiver just a little bit with every step I take.

She looked down at the rest of her body, saw long bare legs. The skirt of her dress fit her well when she was five feet tall, but was now much too short for her, and barely covered her ass.

David thought that Ms. Smith resembled nothing so much as a Greek statue from a museum. Those statues had been carved by master craftsmen thousands of years ago as idealized versions of beauty. Ms. Smith had been transformed to look just like a buxom Greek statue, brought to life.

In the museums, the statues weren’t standing around half naked, David thought wryly. She looks really sexy like this! Wow!

“Are you feeling okay?” David asked with concern. “Does it hurt anywhere?”

Marisa Smith took a deep breath. She sat down on his bed. It felt good to get off her feet. She exhaled sharply. She said, “I’m not hurt. I just can’t believe this has happened. It must be the amulet. It’s transformed me somehow.”

“The amulet transformed you,” David said in wonder. He looked over at her again. “You’re sure that nothing hurts?”

She patted herself to check for injuries. She turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. “I don’t think so. I feel fine,” she said.

She took a few steps, a bit unsteadily. The balance of her new body was different, and she felt a bit awkward and ungainly.

David stopped and stared at his teacher, every detail of her shapely body burning into his mind. Her new body was ostentatiously curvy, with a thin waist swelling to full, well-fleshed hips and thighs.

Her shirt fit so tightly that it seemed to outline every luscious curve of her buxom new body. Her breasts stood out proudly, not sagging at all despite their size and prominence. Her tiny skirt was so short that David thought he could make out the edge of her panties beneath it.

Ms. Smith looked at herself again in the mirror, this time critically. She touched her long, blonde hair, saw her flat tummy and full chest.

“This shouldn’t be possible,” Ms. Smith muttered. “I have to weigh much more than I used to, and it’s impossible that mass would be created out of nothing…”

She folded her hands in front of her and squeezed her arms together experimentally. Her new breasts bunched together, forming a deep furrow of cleavage.

I have cleavage! She thought. This is impossible, incredible, amazing!

Tony’s eyes popped at the sight of his teacher.

In the mirror, Ms. Smith felt his eyes fixed on her body. She began to breathe more heavily as she realized that the boy’s attention was locked entirely on her. She felt his gaze caress her body, looking at her chest, her shirt, her skirt.

Ms. Smith turned away from the mirror, and extended one leg behind her, pointing it so that her toned calves and thighs were fully displayed. Her feet were bare. Her smooth white legs were mouth-wateringly long.

She turned around, twisting at the waist. Her tiny skirt didn’t fully cover her rear, and she could see the bottoms of her round bubble butt just peeking out.

“Look at these legs!” Ms. Smith murmured. “My legs were like bony little toothpicks before. Now these are legs!”

David watched his teacher check herself out in the mirror. “You don’t seem unhappy,” David said carefully.

“Well, I’m shocked. Don’t get me wrong. But look at me! Don’t I look incredible?” she said with wide eyes.

David nodded. He was happy that his teacher wasn’t angry about her transformation. But he wasn’t altogether sure how he felt about it.

“I don’t know how the amulet worked… but look at all this!” She gestured down at her lush body.

Ms. Smith thought a moment. “The strangest part is when I look in the mirror, I expect to see myself. But instead, I’m seeing this stranger. She’s taller than me, and… bigger. My first response is actually, well, actually the stranger is too beautiful in an intimidating kind of way, and I want to leave and hide. But the stranger follows me.”


Ms. Smith said, “There’s only one time I’ve felt like this way before. I was a little girl, at an age where my friends were just starting to go through puberty. That Halloween, I wanted to be Wonder Woman. So I went with my mom to the Marshall’s, and we picked out a Wonder Woman costume. I remember thinking, even then, that the costume I’d chosen was kind of skimpy. I put it on.

“I don’t know if you are familiar with the Wonder Woman costume. There are these teeny blue shorts with small white stars from the American flag on them. There’s this red halter top, with gold trim. The halter top is low cut, and way too small. It looks more like a swimsuit than a uniform. Wonder Woman is a symbol for strong women, though, and she manages to pull off the costume without looking like a slut.

“Well, I put on that little costume, and I looked at myself in the mirror. The biker shorts made my legs look really long, just like Wonder Woman’s legs. The halter top didn’t really hold anything, but I could squint my eyes and pretend that I had breasts like Wonder Woman’s.

“It felt amazing. I didn’t know I could look that hot, and I could barely recognize the person who looked back at me.”

“So what happened?” David said.

“Well, of course, my mom took one look at that costume and made me take it off. I think she made me go as Little Bo Peep that year.”

They both laughed. It felt good to relieve the tension in the room.

“But I never really forgot what it felt like, to have a beautiful stranger stare back at me from the mirror. All my life, I guess I’ve really been told that I’m plain.”

“You’re not plain,” he protested. Automatically, he took her hand with his and held it. They were sitting on his bed together.

Marisa Smith looked with gratefulness at David. He was so cute. His hair was as unkempt as ever. He was so earnest with those soft brown eyes. Even though I’m half naked, he’s just concerned with how I’m doing and how I’m feeling.

She thought back to how his lean, strong body felt holding her back in the cave. She suddenly felt a strong warm sensation between her legs.

Oh my God! She thought. Am I getting hot over David? He’s just a high school student!

“Well, I like these changes,” Ms. Smith said, turning back to David. “And I have you to thank. If you hadn’t found that amulet, none of this would have happened.”

She got up off the bed, went back to the mirror. She looked back over one shoulder to David, making sure that he was watching. She adjusted her hair, raising both arms above her head and pursing her lips.

I look delicious, she said. I hope David thinks so too.

Then she turned back towards David. She sauntered to where he was sitting on the bed, her hips swaying slowly.

She moved forward until she was standing between his knees. She rested one hand on each of his shoulders. David found his face level with her breasts.

She looked down at him. She stroked his cheek gently. She wondered if she should kiss him.

David was speechless. Was this sexpot in front of him really Ms. Smith? Ms. Smith, the shy, socially awkward chemistry teacher who hiked in baggy clothing? Ms. Smith, who couldn’t believe that high school students would sext pictures of themselves?

The Ms. Smith he knew was a woman he felt like he wanted to protect, to shelter from the world. This blonde woman, she was so aggressive, she was so sexy, she was so forward… he felt intimidated. David looked away.

“What’s wrong?” she said, sensing his shift in mood. She pulled back from him.

“It’s nothing. This is just too sudden, Ms. Smith,” David said. “So sudden. So crazy.”

The events of the past hour had been totally out of control, thought David. Ms. Smith had somehow transformed! How had this happened? The amulet which they’d found in the cave. Was it magic? Was there really magic in the world? And were there really gods like Aphrodite?

The stories of the Greek gods had persisted for hundreds of years, he mused. In modern culture, in popular books, in movies, the same characters and themes had somehow managed to survive more or less intact. What if they were true? What if the old stories had some kernel of reality to them?

“I understand,” Ms. Smith said, pulling away. She saw that she was moving too fast for him. She sat next to him again on the bed. “You’re right.”

“You don’t seem bothered at all that you’ve transformed,” David said. “How come?”

“I guess… this seems like an improvement to me,” Ms. Smith said. “A big improvement.”

“An improvement? Why?” David said.

Ms. Smith continued, “You’re really sweet, but no one gets to go through high school and college with beauty blinders on.”

“What does that mean?” David asked earnestly.

Now it was Ms. Smith’s turn to be pensive. Without looking at him, Ms. Smith began to speak quietly: “One time, in high school, a boy saw me without a shirt on. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was changing in the girl’s bathroom, and Tommy Taylor wandered in. Tommy Taylor was a fat kid who smelled like day old garbage. Anyways, either he had gone into the wrong bathroom, or he had deliberately snuck in to take a peek at me.”

“What happened?” David asked.

Ms. Smith looked down and spoke very quietly. “Well, he saw my chest while my shirt was over my head. I was helpless, my arms tangled up in my shirt. I… wasn’t wearing a bra. He ran over, and pushed me down. I landed hard, on the dirty, wet floor of the bathroom. Then he just laughed and left. Afterwards, he told everybody at school that his tits were bigger than mine were.”

“I am so sorry. That is really terrible,” David said.

“Yeah. The sound of that laugh.” She shuddered. “It’s been burned into my head. Every time I hear that hideous laugh of his again, I want to cover myself up.”

There was a long moment of silence.

“I’ve always thought you were really pretty, Ms. Smith,” David said, looking away from her. “Even before this transformation with the amulet.”

She looked at him closely. “I do believe you mean that, David. We have a special bond, don’t we?”

Marisa Smith again felt the strong warmth between her legs. Startled, she crossed her legs. Is this what it feels like to want somebody? Is this what lust feels like?

Her head swam. Could she really cross the teacher student boundary? It seemed incredible, impossible. But here she was, in David’s bedroom, yearning for more. Yesterday, she had been in her own body, not in the body of this Greek goddess. Her skin yearned to feel his touch.

What would it feel like to be fucked by David Anderson?

He’s so very cute, she thought. She bit her lower lip. But he doesn’t seem to be on the same page as me. Maybe I have to get him in the right mood.

She closed her eyes and leaned back on the bed. Slowly, deliberately, she spread her knees, enough so that her tiny skirt slid up her thighs.

David and his teacher were both seated on his bed across from the mirror. Through the mirror, David’s eyes widened when he saw how she was sitting. She had spread her knees, and with her short skirt, he could look right up between her legs!

David jerked his gaze away. He felt guilty for looking at his teacher that way. But she seemed lost in thought, and she didn’t seem to notice that he had peeked at her. His eyes wandered back to the dark area between her legs.

Jesus! There was the crotch of her white cotton panties, clear as day! They fit very tightly on her, the thin fabric barely containing the wonders beneath. He thought he could make out a thin dark vertical depression down the middle of her panties where the skin tight fabric covered her pussy.

Is that cameltoe? he thought. Is she wet?

Ms. Smith leaned into him, so that their faces were almost touching. She slid her seat until she had pressed herself deliberately up against his chest.

He stared, taking in the sight of her heaving bosom pressed up against him. The feeling of her breast smushed into him was electric. He couldn’t believe this was the same woman as his shy teacher!

“Do you think I’ll change back?” she asked him. “Or will this transformation last forever?”

“I don’t know, Ms. Smith. Do you want it to?” David asked hesitantly.

She rested her head on his shoulder and set her hand on the inside of his leg at the knee. David’s leg tingled as she slowly stroked the inside of his thigh. “Do you like me like this?” she said, looking into his eyes.

David stared at her face. She definitely has Ms. Smith’s eyes, David realized. The same beautiful, sea green eyes. And her freckles — the same freckles that David had seen in the cave on that fateful rainy day.

Whatever the rest of her looked like, this was the same woman. David suddenly felt relaxed, and grinned at her.

“I’m just happy that my teacher Ms. Smith is in there,” David said.

“I’m still here, David,” she said softly. “Just better.”

She closed her eyes again, and put her hand on his. Their hands were almost the same size. She stroked his hand gently with one finger. He hesitated, not sure what to do.

After a moment, Marisa Smith realized that David wasn’t taking the bait. She decided to take her seduction one step further.

“Do you want to see them?” she asked softly. She pulled away from him enough to sit up straight on the bed.

“What? See who?” he said.

She gestured down at her chest. “These babies. We should make sure that I’m… healthy. I mean, with a transformation, anything can happen, right? I could have two aliens under here.”

David laughed, in spite of how awkward the situation was. It was still Ms. Smith, with her nerdy sense of humor.

“Yeah. We should check for aliens together,” David said. He was not a complete idiot.

Ms. Smith stood up, and went to the mirror. She fumbled with the button of her shirt, but then had a wicked thought and stopped herself.

This is too delicious, she thought. He can help me take off my shirt. “David? Could you help me with this?” she said.

“With what?” he said.

“With this shirt. These little buttons are just so hard on my fingers,” she said.

David hesitated. What was she asking?

She went to him, putting her arms behind her back and thrusting her chest forward.

“Please?” she said. “Help out your poor teacher.”

Wow! David thought. She is so hot.

He reached up slowly, his hands almost trembling.

There were only two buttons holding her overstretched blouse together. He touched the bottom one. Sure enough, the fabric was holding it in place so tightly that it barely budged. Her size change had stretched the fabric of her shirt to the point where it would not yield to normal force.

His fingers fumbled with it, and it popped open with a sudden motion. Even more of her sexy stomach came into view.

The room was silent.

David said, “Only one more. Are you sure you want me to do this?”

“Yessss…” she hissed, closing her eyes again. She inched closer to him, thrusting her chest forward so that it was only inches away from him.

All at once, the button gave way, and David saw her blouse burst open. He fell back on his butt.

Ms. Smith gasped involuntarily and reached up to cover her chest. She was now topless, wearing only her tiny skirt. David got only a brief glimpse of her bare breasts before she quickly covered herself with her hands and arms.

They both stared at her breasts for a moment in the silence of the room.

“Do you like them?” she asked David, turning towards him.

Her hands weren’t big enough to cover all of her breasts. David found the rounded lower curves and curvy cleavage showing past her arms and through her fingers intensely erotic.

“Yes,” he said. He stood up and stood just a few feet from her. “You look amazing.”

“Do you want to see the rest?” Ms. Smith asked. She loved how intensely focused he was on her, on her body.

“Yes,” he said. “Please.”

“You have to ask,” Ms. Smith said. “Ask to see my tits.”

David was shocked that she wanted him to do this. But she was so gorgeous.

“Show me your breasts, Ms. Smith,” he said. “Please show me your breasts.”

“My tits,” she corrected him. “Not breasts. Tell me that you want to see your teacher’s tits.”

David would have said anything, “Ms. Smith. You are my teacher and you are so fucking hot and I want to see your tits.”

Pleased, she loosened her grip, and rested her hands at her sides.

David went to her and carefully brushed her blonde locks back from her chest. For a minute, both of them just watched as she took slow, deliberate breaths, causing her breasts to rise and fall gently.

Dear reader, I know there are no pictures in this story. So it’s not really fair that you can’t see Ms. Smith’s breasts for yourself, and have to content yourself with my pittance of a description. Suffice to say that my words are far insufficient to do justice to the wonders David beheld that evening.

Her breasts gave off the overwhelming impression of roundness and fullness. They were the size of large grapefruits, and appeared perfectly symmetrical. They were shaped perfectly, rounded on the bottom and sloped gently on the top in a teardrop shape. They were large, and stood out proudly on her tall, athletic frame. Her areolas were a dark pink on her fair skin. Despite their size, her breasts didn’t sag, but stood up high and firm on her chest.

“Magnificent,” David breathed, drinking in their perfect size and shape. “Absolutely magnificent.”

“Really? You like them?” she said, looking down at herself. Her chest was flushed with a mix of excitement and embarrassment as she felt his direct gaze on her skin. But she did not cover herself, and he continued to drink her body in.

“They’re amazing,” David said. He took a step closer. He leaned down until his face was only inches away from her chest. To his gratification, she didn’t draw away. He saw little bumps on her areola.

“Can I touch them?” he asked.

She lowered her eyes and smiled, nodding slightly.

“Let me sit down,” she said.

She sat on the couch, amazed at how raptly the boy was staring at her.

He’s going to touch my breasts! Ms. Smith thought with a nervous thrill. This is so wrong, but it feels so good.

She licked her lower lip. Her eyes followed David as he went to her, her direct gaze challenging him and goading him into action.

Almost hypnotized, David sank to his knees in front of her. He gently put one hand on each knee, spreading them. He knelt between her spread thighs. He placed one palm on Ms. Smith’s knee, then moved up to caress her fleshy thighs.

Ms. Smith stroked his cheek with the backs of her fingers. David looked up, into her dark blue eyes. She ran her hand through his hair, intertwining her fingers gently with locks of his hair. She smoothed a stray lock of hair on his head, murmuring with satisfaction that she could finally straighten his tousled hair for him.

From this distance, her breasts looked like baby moons, dominating his entire field of vision. Her breasts were perfectly identical, in both size and shape. He stopped to study her nipples. Each was about the size of half dollar, and was covered with tiny, raised bumps that dotted the surface.

In awe, David reached up with his right hand and cupped the bottom part of her left breast gently. He hefted it experimentally. It was heavy and firm. When he let go, her full tit bobbed in place and settled back into place on her exposed chest.

A mélange of new sensations shot through Marisa Smith. She had never felt a man touch her before, not on her stomach, not on her hips, not near her sex.

In her old body, she had been so flat that she had never really had breasts. When she would touch the area around her own nipples, she felt nothing more than if someone were poking her in the arm.

These new creatures on her chest, on the other hand, seemed to have a mind of their own. Were they composed entirely of nerves? She was keenly aware of every tiny movement, and his effort to take off her shirt had caused her breasts to shake and jiggle. With every brush of his hand against the bare skin of her breasts, bursts of pleasure surged through her.

Ms. Smith sucked in her breath and closed her eyes. Her tongue brushed against her lower lip slowly and sensually. Her lips were pursed, full and sensual.

Then he placed both hands, palms upward, under her breasts and lifted slightly. They were warm and felt dense. Tiny goosebumps formed on her areolae.

With his palms on the sides of her tits, David used his thumbs to trace her areolas. The skin of her areolas was slightly textured, rougher than the smooth surfaces of her breasts.

Every nerve of Ms. Smiths’ breasts was on fire. She had never felt so sensitive, so alive before. New waves of sexual desire crashed over her. “Oh, God, this is just unbelievable.” Ms. Smith said.

Unconsciously, her knees began to squeeze him, gripping him slightly while he continued to feel her chest.

Encouraged, David used his thumbs to trace the edges of her areolas in slow, luxurious circles. He carefully avoided her nipples with his strokes. She responded by sighing and leaned her head backwards, bracing herself with both arms on the bed while continuing to thrust her breasts forward.

Now, David used the backs of his fingers to touch her sensitive nipples for the first time. Ms. Smith gasped as he touched them, but did not shy away from his touch. They hardened and lengthened minutely. They were like perfectly smooth pebbles, as if an artist had drawn them in.

I wonder how far she’ll let me take this? David thought.

He leaned forward into her breasts. David gently nuzzled the top portion of her breast with the tip of his nose. He slid his cheek on the inner slope of her breast, luxuriating in the feel of her firm orbs on his face.

Now he began to work on her nipple. Still using his nose, he began to trace her aureole in little circles. He passed his nose over her hard nub, feeling it bend and spring back into shape. He began to flick it gently with his face, passing her nipple again and again over his lips.

Ms. Smith’s head was tipped back, and her eyes were closed. She was trying desperately to avoid crying out from the pleasure. She tried to stifle a cry by putting her knuckle in her mouth, biting hard on her finger.

David now used his lips more fully, being careful not to wet her breast. He traced long lines up the lush lower curve of her tit and along the impossibly round upper slope. His teacher’s incredible body felt glorious on his face.

He leaned back, and sat on his haunches. “Can I suck on them?”

“Suck on them?” she looked at him, slightly dazed. “Isn’t this enough?”

“Sucking isn’t so different from touching,” he said softly. “It’s just touching with my tongue.”

“That’s too much,” she said softly. “I’m your teacher.”

He placed his palms on her stomach. Her stomach was flat and toned. He rubbed outwards, until his hands had moved around her thin waist. His hands roamed upwards, tracing her body, feeling the curves of her womanly waist and hips. She moaned in response. From his vantage point between her legs, he could actually feel the heat begin to radiate from her crotch.

When David reached the sides of her breasts, he stroked the outer curves again.

David pursed his lips and blew a stream of cool, focused air onto her exposed nipples. To his delight, her nipples hardened again, lengthening slightly to his lustful gaze. She sighed and her knees squeezed him again.

David continued to stroke her breasts, savoring the feeling of her soft skin. The weight of her tits on his palms. The tiny bumps on her nipples.

Marisa Smith was reveling in it. She whispered, “Maybe you could suck my nipples just a little bit, David. Just for a moment.”

“Are you sure?” he said, my eyes locked on her orbs.

She nodded, biting her lower lip gently.

With relish, David stuck out his tongue, and licked her. He didn’t start with her breast, but licked her stomach and belly button first. Her skin didn’t have a particular taste, but it felt taut and warm. She had goosebumps on her stomach.

She laced his fingers through his hair, and he continued to lap at her abdomen. She leaned back to help him. Moving downwards, David began to lick the sensitive area of her hips just above the waist of her skirt. She writhed a bit under his ministrations, and her breath came in short pants.

“No, David. Not my pussy,” she moaned.

In response, he pulled himself up and flicked her nipples with his nose again.

“Just my tits, okay?” she said breathily, her eyes closed.

He leaned into her breast and slowly licked her, with the flat of his tongue, right on the top edge of her areola. In response, Ms. Smith groaned loudly and squeezed him tightly between her knees.

Moving downwards, he circled around the edge of her areola with his tongue. Then he licked the bottom edge of nipple with the flat of my tongue. He continued to circle her nipple like that with his tongue.

David turned his head, rubbing his left cheek against the outside of her left breast, reveling in the feeling of the soft titflesh on her face.

Finally, he opened his mouth wide and took his teacher’s nipple into his mouth.

Her breast was far too large for him to fit into her mouth, so he contented himself with engulfing as much tit flesh as he could manage. Ms. Smith groaned again. “That feel so good. Suck my tits, David. Suck my big fucking tits.”

David released her breast, leaving her nipple with a transparent coat of saliva. Then, he swirled his tongue around and around her areola, in concentric circles. The teacher began shuddering with desire as he circled her tit again and again, making narrower circles and then broader ones, and then narrower ones again.

She pulled him in tighter, rubbing his neck, then his upper back and shoulders.

He could feel her trembling slightly as he worked. He squeezed her large tits gently, squeezing a bit more of further into his mouth. He felt the small bumps on her aureola stand up as he worked. He pursed his lips and sucked his teacher’s breast as hard as he could.

Her body swayed back on the bed as waves of sensations swept over her.

“Oh, David, I can’t believe you’re sucking my breast. Oh, God, that is so good,” she said, her head lolling back as he worked.

Then David took her nipple between his teeth, and bit gently, just nipping the edge of her gorgeous tit.

Ms. Smith cried out suddenly, pulling his head hard into herself. Her legs closed also, pinning him between her knees. The heat from her crotch was intense. She began kissing the top of his head, in between her own groans. “Ungghh… Unggghhhh!!!!”

She’s orgasming, David realized. Just from my work on her breasts, this woman is orgasming.

His head was planted right in the center of her cleavage, and David continued to kiss the inside valley of her breasts while waves of pleasure swept through her.

David pulled himself away to drink in the sight of his teacher. She was still wearing only her skirt and panties, naked from the waist up. Her beautiful face was scrunched up in pleasure, her mouth open wide with her gasping cries. Her long blond locks spilled out behind her. She had gripped the sheets of his bed so tightly that the once neat setup had become a rumpled mess.

David waited for a moment while his teacher collected herself. She was gasping, and her chest heaved with her breaths.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” she said, with her eyes closed. “This isn’t me at all.”

“It was pretty fantastic.”

Her eyes popped open. She grabbed his hand. “I just can’t believe that I… uh, came to pleasure so easily. That felt so good.”

David sat back on his haunches and studied his half naked teacher. God, she looks so hot like this, he thought. Still clad in just her panties and thin skirt, her blonde hair now mussed from perspiration.

After a moment, David stood up. He ripped his shirt off, then undid his belt and slid his pants down quickly.

She looked up at him, and her eyes drifted down to his crotch. His bulge stood out clearly from his shorts.

“Oh,” Ms. Smith said in a small voice. “Well, I guess that’s fair.”

“I want to fuck your tits,” David said firmly.

Marisa Smith’s eyes widened in shock. Fuck my tits? “Isn’t what we’re doing enough, David? I’m still your teacher,” she said unsteadily.

But while she spoke, she put one of her hands into her lap, pressing it tightly to her crotch. His hands and tongue had already made her orgasm once. How would his cock feel on her breasts? She closed her eyes, her long eyelashes cast downwards. Her mouth opened slightly, her tongue touching her lower lip.

David stood up over her. She looked up at him, and he saw the lust flicker in her eyes.

“Take off my underwear,” David said.

Unsteadily, she reached forward and hooked her fingers in his waist band. She slowly slid them down releasing his dick from its confines.

David’s penis bobbed free. He was already at full mast, the head fully engorged to an almost bursting state by the sight of his teacher’s gorgeous body and the actions they had just done.

Ms. Smith gasped audibly. She had never seen a man’s penis before. David’s tool was larger than she had expected, and looked almost like it had its own life as it pointed and bobbed in front of her face. Its bulging round head was an angry purple. His pubic hair was black and wiry, and she could see his testicles.

“It’s bigger than I expected,” Ms. Smith murmured. She reached out one hand to touch it with her fingertips. “It’s beautiful.”

Her face had reddened, and she was breathing heavily.

David was surprised and gratified at his teacher’s reaction. She looked like she had never seen a man’s penis before. Could Ms. Smith, who was several years older than him, be a virgin? She didn’t look unhappy to see his cock, either. Her expression was one of fascination, if anything.

What made him really turned on was that, under this statuesque goddess, it was his chemistry teacher who was about to suck his cock. David stepped forward, and she widened her knees so that he was standing between her legs. David’s stiff cock was pointed directly at her face.

She leaned forward, and touched his cock tentatively with her lips. It was much warmer than she had expected, and the tip was already wet from his pre-cum.

Look at her eyes, David thought. So damn sexy.

She opened her mouth, and the head of David’s cock passed her soft full lips. Her mouth felt very hot.

She looked up at him with the tip of his cock in her mouth. She began to lick his bulging helmet, tentatively. She began to lick around the cock head, taking in just the tip and an inch of the shaft. She swirled her tongue around it, tasting it.

Marisa Smith felt a man’s penis in her mouth for the first time. It was warm and fleshy, and the slit was salty. She realized that she liked it.

She used one hand to delicately rub the sensitive underside of his shaft. David let out a small moan of pleasure when her hand reached his balls. She stroked the sensitive skin there, first with her soft fingertips, then with her hard nails. It felt amazing.

She began to take more of him into her mouth. Now she engulfed perhaps half of his cock. David felt the tip rub up against the roof of her mouth. He began to thrust his hips forward slightly, rocking forward and back. She tightened the seal of her mouth of him, and it looked amazing to see his cock pass in and out of her beestung lips.

David reached down and stroked her long blonde hair. He brushed her cheek with his fingers. She looked into his eyes, her beautiful blue eyes reflecting a mixture of trust and desire.

He let his hands wander down to her pendulous tits, hanging free and bouncing slightly as she worked on him.

He had an idea. He leaned back and pulled his cock head out of her mouth, with a slight popping sound.

Without a word, both of them stared at the purple head of his penis. It was coated with her saliva. Holding his cock in his hand, he bent forward, guiding his cock down her chin, past her elegant neck and chest. Finally it rested on the top of her right breast.

Gripping it in his hand, he rubbed her nipple with its tip. Ms. Smith sighed and her hand snuck down to press against her crotch again.

“You can’t tell anybody about this, David,” she said, staring at his cock as it bobbed up and down over her breast. “I would be fired.”

“Who would believe me?” David said. “I want you to wrap your tits around my cock. I want to cum on your tits and face.”

Marisa Smith wanted the same thing. Although his words were rude and abrasive, she longed for the feeling of David’s beautiful shaft on her sensitive breasts.

Still kneeling, she inched forward until his cock was just between her breasts. Using her arms, she pushed the outer edge of each breast together, leaving his cock buried in the warm pocket of her titflesh. Her full breasts were able to meet easily on top of his cock, forming a visually pleasing line of cleavage. The head of his cock poked out like a friendly visitor at her neck, through the round hills she had formed.

Thinking of the pendant, David whispered, “Thank you, Aphrodite.” He began to thrust his hips in and out of her phenomenal valley.

Looking down on Ms. Smith was a sight that David would never forget. Her beautiful topless torso, glistening with sweat. Her elegant features and deep green eyes smiled up at him.

She was squeezing her large breasts together, surrounding his cock with her pillowy breasts. Looking up at him, Ms. Smith asked, almost shyly, “Do you like my body?”

“You’re perfect, Ms. Smith. Absolutely perfect,” David said.

David rocked backwards slightly, drawing his cock out of the chamber of her cleavage. The movement slid the length of his shaft across the middle of her luscious tits, and David sighed at the smoothness and warmth of her breasts on his cock. When it had emerged fully on the other side, he pushed it back through again, easily penetrating the soft warm fold between her breasts.

“Does that feel good?” she asked, pushing her tits tighter for his satisfaction.

“Yes, Ms. Smith. It’s fantastic.”

Marisa Smith was giving the first titfuck of her life, and she couldn’t believe how good it felt. Her breasts were so sensitive that she felt his every ridge and vein on his shaft.

Ms. Smith pushed her tits together and then loosened them slightly, in a rhythm of repeated contractions around the shaft of David’s cock. Her mouth was open and her brow furrowed as she concentrated on enhancing his feelings of pleasure.

“Yes, David. That’s it. You’re such a good student, David. Fuck my breasts, David. Fuck your teacher’s big tits,” her voice picked up excitement as he slid back and forth through her hot channel of cleavage.

David’s hands were holding onto her shoulders, her slim upper arms, then cupping her hands in his own. As he pumped back and forth, a little bit of precum leaked from his cock and moistened the middle channel between her breasts.

David felt amazed that his teacher’s breasts were causing her so much sexual stimulation. He used his fingers to lightly stroke the tops of her breasts, enjoying the sensation of her tits on his fingers and his cock at the same time.

“You’re so hot, Ms. Smith. I can’t believe I’m fucking your tits,” David gasped.

With his continued motions, she was more and more excited until she was screaming and he pistoned in and out. “YES! David!!! Unnghh! Yes! Oh God, don’t stop! Fucking your teacher’s tits! Fuck these fucking breasts, you big bastard!”

Shocked at her language, David continued to work himself towards a climax. Quickly, the sight of his teacher’s naked body, along with the feeling of pleasure from having his cock squeezed between her mounds, caused him to edge up to orgasm. For a few moments, the only sounds that were heard were their cries and the sounds of skin and body sliding and slapping together.

“Cum right on me!” she shouted. “Unggh… Do it now, or I might just go!!! Unggh… I’m cumming now!!!”

At her words, he felt himself on the edge of climax. As he pulled out for one last thrust, she pushed her breasts together and formed an extra tight passage. His member pushed in, forcing its way through the hot channel.

David cried out and his cock began jerking, emitting thick globs of white semen in short bursts. The semen landed on the top of her chest and neck, splattering her breasts and face. At the same time he began to orgasm, his teacher cried out, arching her back hard and whacking his ass one last time with her thrusting stomach. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her own climax swept over her.

After they had finished, David leaned down to kiss his teacher, full on the lips. She returned it hungrily, her tongue snaking briefly into his mouth.

After cleaning herself up, she borrowed a sweatshirt and drove herself home.

That night, as David took off my pants to sleep, he felt a hard triangular object in the back pocket of his jeans. It was the amulet of Aphrodite.

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