Stable Hand by Susan Dini

Introduction: Horseback Riding Weekends , I began riding horses when I was 10 years old. I would go riding every Saturday or Sunday during most of the year except for the most severely cold winter months. Now at the age of 15, I have matured into a young woman with a pretty good figure. I've grown into a 34 D cup bra. Finally some of the boys in high school were beginning to notice me and I felt pretty good about myself. Even better than that, there was a new stable hand at the riding academy and he was beginning to take notice of me. I was flattered because I didn't know how old he was but I knew he was much older than I or any of the boys in high school. Maybe because I was impressionable teenager I immediately got a crush on him. He was much more mature than the boys I knew in high school besides he seemed to notice me right away and began paying attention to me from day one. As a result I began to hang around after my ride watching him groom the horses and engaging in small talk. Then one day while he was grooming a horse and the horse got a tremendous erection and he smiled and looked at me saying,” I wish I were hung like this horse I wouldn't have any trouble getting dates.” I smiled and replied, ” You don't need to be hung like that to get dates I'm sure your attractive enough and hung well enough as you are.” Even at the age of 15 a girl like me knows that , that comment was a come on and invited a follow-up from him.I was not to be disappointed as he replied, ” How would you like to find out how well hung I am?” My response was,” Maybe someday.” ” What's that supposed to mean?”, he replied. I replied, “Well I might consider it sometime in the future, but I'll have to think about it.” Then he said ” Start thinking the future begins tomorrow and if you wait too long you may miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.” Then he laughed and told me he had to get on with his chores and he sort of dismissed me. I smiled, said goodbye, then climbed on my bike for the two-mile ride home. I had trouble sleeping that night thinking about, Jack the stable hand and, the conversation we had that afternoon. I finally masturbated and fell asleep.

It was an awfully long week, but finally Saturday rolled around and I could go to the riding academy for my usual Saturday ride. I was aroused and very nervous just thinking about seeing Jack today. I believe I was falling in love. Because I was a teenager I guess a lot of people would say that it was probably puppy love, but to me it was the real thing. The bike ride seemed much longer than normal I was filled with anxiety in anticipation of seeing Jack today. I know today that I had what most men would call hot pants yes I did have the hots for Jack.

As I rode into the barnyard I could see that Jack was engaged in a conversation with one of the women who boarded a horse here at the academy. I was disappointed because I had to deal with Slim the other stable hand who saddled my horse and got it ready for my ride. As I rode out of the barnyard to go on one of the trails I saw that Jack were still talking with the woman and I was filled with envy, because I could not get his attention it seemed as if the other woman was more important than I was, she was not pressed for riding but rather dressed in street clothing and I could see that she was fairly attractive. Jealousy is a terrible thing and as a result my imagination went wild and I had Jack falling in love and not wanting to be bothered with a kid like me as a result I did not enjoy my ride at all.

When I returned to the stable I felt relieved to see that the woman had left and I thought maybe now I could get Jack to notice me. When I saw Jack I tried not to let my jealousy show, but I could not resist letting him know that I had noticed that he had been talking to that woman. I tried to act as if I was kidding, besides it gave me an opportunity to open to conversation about what had been on my mind all week so I asked, ” Who was woman you were talking to when I got here?” He responded, “That was Mrs. Miller, she boards her horse here and she was just giving me some instructions relative to her horse's care. “Oh I thought maybe you were discussing how well hung you were with her,” I replied. “No nothing like that,” he responded. Then he went on to talk about something completely different which was a bit disconserting to me because I wanted to talk about a possible sexual encounter which he had hinted at the week before. Thankfully I did not have to bring up the subject because after the short conversation about nothing in general he did zero in on our conversation relative to how well the horse was hung when he asked, ” Have you decided whether or not you want to find out how well hung I am?” I responded, “I have thought about it, but I am not quite sure I'm ready to go all the way with you yet.” He responded, ” That's to bad because I think I am falling in love with you and I thought that maybe you had to same feelings for me.” I didn't know how to respond but finally I said, ” I do have feelings for you, in fact I'm very attracted to you, I guess you could say I was falling in love with you too. Jack respond, ” Well there's only one way to find out for sure and that's by consumating the relationship with a sexual encounter which in any case will probably be pleasing and satisfying to both of us, the only thing in our way is your inhabitions why don't you try to put them aside and take a chance. I finally got up the courage to accept his challange saying, “We'll have to find a safe time and place.” He stated, “Tuesday is my day off can we get together on Tuesday afternoon?” I thought for a moment, I couldn't or didn't want to tell him I was supposed to be in school, then I realized that on Tuesday afternoon's I had a study hall and gym class both of whichI could easily skip so I agreed to meet him on Tuesday afternoon. Needless to say I was excited as I rode home on my bike.Again another sleepless night during which I masturbated several times.

Sunday and Monday lasted forever and they were filled with fantasies about what might happen Tuesday afternoon. I was also filled with feelings of anxiety and reservations about what I was about to get into, however my overwhelming sex drive would not allow me to back out now. Finally it was Tuesday afternoon I put all my books in my locker. This was the first time I would ever go home without any books or homework, luckily I had good grades and I would be able to claim that I had felt ill the night before so I couldn't complete my homework. Since I didn't want Jack to know that I was still in high school I told him I would meet him at the bus station which was several blocks away from school. I saw his pickup truck at exactly 1 p.m. he pulled up in front of the bus station and I got into the truck.

He took me to his apartment which was a typical not to well-kept bachelor apartment. I was about to be introduced to more than I had bargained for because shortly after our arrival he removed some marijuana from his freezer and rolled a joint which he began to smoke and then he offered me a drag. My first reaction was to refuse buddy coaxed me saying, ” This won't hurt you in fact it will relax you and you'll enjoy the afternoon more.” I took a hit after he instructed me how to do it. Next he led me into his bedroom where we sat on the edge of the bed and he began to kiss me eventually forcing his tongue into my mouth and then sucking my tongue into his mouth. We continued French kissing for several minutes while he unbuttoned my blouse and slipped his and inside my bra and played with my breast.In just a few minutes my blouse and bra were removed and I was topless so he could suck on my nipples. I did not want to the appear too inexperienced and I thought I might know what to do from some of the novels I've read so I began to unbutton his shirt and once he was topless I began to suck on his nipples and I could tell he was very pleased.Next he pulled off my skirt and panties then removed his own pants.Now we were both nude and I wondered what would come next when he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled my head down toward his lap encouraging me to kiss his member. Remembering what I read in the novels I knew this was expected of me. I ran my tongue across my lips moisting them before planting a good wet kiss on the head of his cock.He held me down there, I am sure encouraging me to take his cock into my mouth. Again I knew what was expected so I slowly allowed my lips to part accepting his cock into my mouth and I began sucking allowing him to control my bobbing head. I found this experience to be more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I don't know how long I gave him head but after a while he pushed me back on the bed spread my legs and after putting a condom on he entered my vagina for the first time ever. I had lost my virginity it was a really great feeling. This was everything that I ever thought it would be and more. I knew at that moment that I would be sexually active, in fact very sexually active,for the rest of my life. He continued to fuck me for about 10 or 15 minutes until he ejaculated. I didn't cum and therefore was receptive to being fucked again and again during the course of the afternoon. In between fucks he encouraged me to suck the cock to bring about another erection. After being fucked for the third time I finally was able to cum. I knew then that I could not be satisfied with just one fuck I would always have to be fucked multiple times to be satisfied.

During the next four weeks I must have matured four years as Jack introduced me to more marijuana,more variations of oral sex, anal sex and he exposed me to my first pornographic film. He was encouraging me to be more uninhibited during our sexual encounters so he rented a pornographic film to illustrate uninhibited oral and anal sex. I'll never forget the film or the star. The film stared Little Oral Annie and she exuded pleasure while sucking cock, swallowing cum and getting fucked up the ass. Jack encouraged me to take his cum into my mouth and swallowing it. I always wanted to please Jack so although I thought it was distasteful I agreed to do it. The taste of his sperm was terrible it was very very bitter and I told him. Then he said if I kept swallowing I would aquire a taste for his cum besides he said if I loved him I would do it because he wanted me too. Finally he introduced anal sex by making believe he forgot to get condoms and knowing how frightened I was about getting pregnant he encouraged me to take it up the ass. At the time I hated it.The first experience was painful and I complained about that, but again he assured me that eventually I would aquire a taste for anal sex. I was sure at the time that he was wrong, but now I know he was right and have no idea how he knew what he was talking about.

After four weeks I had learned a lot had some very pleasurable experiences and some that at the time I didn't feel were pleasurable. Jack had more to teach me in the fifth week of our relationship, but that's for another time I'll share those experiences at some later date.

I can just remember Jack saying, “If you love me you'll do them.” Guess what them is? Read 40593 times | Rated 62.1 % | (76 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 7 comments 2Report  2005-12-10 02:13:28 good concept…poorly written…you rushed through without any detail…what does Jack look like, how big was his cock these are things needed to know to paint a mental picture…nice effort…5/10 READERReport  2004-11-12 14:29:09 Badly written. Good ide for a story thou 2

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