Midnight Move Ch. 03 by UnquietLust,UnquietLust

Author’s note: I am sorry for the delay; I mentally lost the threat of this story for a while and was unable to produce anything I felt worthy of submitting. Hopefully this will make up for the delay. I won’t be giving up, but please understand that chapters won’t be appearing quickly, I am not as prolific as some here. I also self-edit, and am admittedly not the best so I apologize in advance for that.

Mom lay on the bed, thoroughly and completely fucked out. I had used her and verbally debased her in ways that I had never thought of before today. While it wasn’t something I wanted to make a usual part of our productions or our sex life, I was willing to do it just because I knew it turned Mom on.

The shoot had lasted for hours, the extra time required to move around cameras significantly adding to our production time. I decided then that our shooting clips with a storyline wasn’t going to be our norm. At the end of editing, I had a clip coming in well over an hour and a half, including a fair bit of ‘story’. Not bad for an amateur production, I was quite pleased with the end result.

As I showered Mom eventually joined me, her hands sensuously washing me, though it never got to the point of being erotic in nature. We were both too sated to continue. Done with our cleaning, we pulled on some robes and walked into the kitchen.

Mom put on a pot of coffee and started puttering, making us a light meal. I ate and did the dishes while she sat and enjoyed her coffee. Done, I poured myself another cup and joined her at the table.

“So, I was thinking Mom, if I am dealing with Veil, I think you should take over answering fan mail. How does that sound to you?”

Mom was surprised, but I could see that she liked the idea. It would fill a lot of hours of her day, something both of us needed to do now that we didn’t work anymore. Life would get very boring with nothing to do and we couldn’t fuck all day. Even her time in the greenhouse wouldn’t take up a whole lot of hours once she had things started.

“I would love to Mike. We are getting behind on answering them, aren’t we?”

I had been skimming them each time I had signed in, and while none of the fans were getting rude about our lack of replies, some had gotten the impression that we wouldn’t be answering. I got the feeling that it was common for the performers to not to. I hoped it would boost our popularity even more if Mom did.

“A little, yeah. Oh, and we need to pick the first commission as well.”

Mom had a little smile on her face and I got the feeling that she had already decided on what we would be doing for a commission. I wasn’t worried though, I knew whatever she wanted would be a very fun time for me.

Mom headed out to the greenhouse after a bit and I went upstairs after putting in another workout. I really enjoyed my little hideaway. After a few hours I turned off my stuff and went downstairs. Mom was already in bed and I carefully joined her as I could hear her snoring softly. Feeling the warmth of her naked body against mine brought me a sense of peace and I drifted off to sweet dreams.


“Hi Amanda, how are things?” I answered the phone, having been up for several hours already.

“Good Mike. What are you up to today?”

“Not a lot really, life is pretty slow now that I have a new job and all,” I chuckled.

“Speaking of which, are you shooting today?”

“Nope. We have been making too many videos recently. Don’t want to have our fans get bored of us, and Veil has already said he is going to post ours twice a week.”

“Oh wow. You guys must really be pumping them out.”

“Nothing too crazy, not near what you and your sis have on the site already, but we do want to stay as fresh as we can for a bit.”

“So would today be a good day for me to come and check out your new place?”

“Sure, bring a suit if you want to go swimming.”

“You have a pool?!?”

I could tell she was quite excited by that fact. “I do. This place is amazing. Got a hell of a deal on it.”

“Ok then, I’ll be leaving here in about half an hour.”

“Great. Just buzz when you get here.”

I went outside to the greenhouse and found Mom, and told her that Amanda was on her way out to visit us.

“Oh good. I was hoping she would be stopping by soon. Should I have lunch ready?”

“Sure, if you aren’t too busy Mom. If you are, I can make something for everyone.”

“No, I’ll do it. I can still ‘mom’ my baby boy.” She said with a wink.

I laughed and left her to her work. She came into the house a little while later and started to whip up a light lunch for us. Amanda buzzed and I pressed the button for the gate, watching on the monitor to make sure the gate swung closed. I met her on the front steps and gave her a hug, which turned into a nice kiss.

“This place is gorgeous!”

“It is, isn’t it? Wait until you see the inside.”

I took Amanda on a tour of the house; she was wide eyed as she took everything in. I loved seeing the wonder in her beautiful brown eyes. The place was still new to me but it was as if I was seeing it again through her eyes.

“Have you guys shot here already?”

I was a little unsure of myself as I answered, almost expecting a trap. “Yeah, we have.”

“Cool. Is it posted already? I’d love to see it. There are so many possibilities here!”

I relaxed as Amanda seemed to be completely at ease knowing Mom and I had fucked and already posted the video. I brought her into the kitchen, where the three of us sat down and had a light lunch and chatted.

Mom shooed me away from the dishes and Amanda and I walked outside so I could show off the yard. She was excited about the pool and loved the greenhouse. The yard itself didn’t cover the entire acreage, but there were numerous trails throughout the property that she was excited to explore.

“Damn, and Veil helped you guys buy this place?”

“Yeah, he did.”

“I have to see your clips. They must be fucking amazing for him to go to these lengths.”

“I don’t think they are anything special. But I’m more than willing to let you access our account for the site. Should probably only do it here though with my laptop. I don’t know if Veil would be happy knowing you have access if he hasn’t given it to you.”

“Ok, mind if we sit outside while we check it out?”


I went inside and opened the laptop, signing in to the site under my credentials, then brought the laptop out with me. Amanda had already sat down near the pool in one of the deck chairs. I handed over the laptop and pulled my chair closer to hers. Together we surfed the site for a bit. She was very impressed with the professional layout of the site, this being the first time she had seen it.

We started with her clips, just watching some of her favorite shoots before she tracked down Mom and I. Amanda’s eyes were wide as she watched our clips, the first being when Mom jerked me off onto her face. She couldn’t believe just how much cum I coated Mom with. She skipped over a few and played the video of my thick cock spreading Mom’s ass wide, gaping her before I filled her with my seed. Without rhyme or reason Amanda played the clips, skipping out of order as she watched them.

“Holy shit Mike! I get why Veil wanted to keep you guys around. Your Mom is fucking hot! Not to mention amazing for taking what you have. And your cock is fucking beautiful! You fuck like a god damn Champ!”

I blushed at the compliment. I saw Amanda’s eyes flit down quickly to my crotch where I had grown a little bit. Watching her clips and then my own had definitely turned me on slightly. Amanda’s lips turned up in a smile before she closed up the laptop.

“Let’s swim.”

I agreed and turned to head into the house to change. I turned back when Amanda called out.

“I didn’t bring a suit. I hope you don’t mind?”

Amanda pulled her top over her head, freeing her girls. High and perky on her chest, capped with hard little nipples, Amanda’s breasts swayed as she moved. They were smaller than Mom’s by a large margin, but still a very nice size. Her shorts quickly followed and I found out she was commando. Her ass flexed intriguingly as she dove into the pool stark naked. Shrugging to myself, I stripped down and dove in after her.

We swam around in the pool for a bit, laughing and playing, getting touchy and feely with each other, turning both of us on. I pulled Amanda in close and she wrapped her arms around my neck, then her legs around my waist. I walked us over to the edge of the pool and we kissed. Just little probing kisses, testing the waters so to speak even though we were both naked. My cock was hard and resting against her cleft, even in the water I could feel the heat radiating from her.

It would only take the slightest change in angle for me to slide up inside her, but I decided then that waiting would be for the best. Having my needs met on a very regular basis kept my head surprisingly clear.

I could tell Amanda was excited and she rubbed herself along my length repeatedly. If it hadn’t been for the water we stood in I’m sure I would have been soaked by her. I had seen just how wet this girl could get. Our kisses amped up in passion as I held her and her hands worked the muscles in my back. I felt Amanda’s hands clench on my ass, tightening almost painfully as she pulled me into her and she shuttered. She had just orgasmed by grinding on me!

I chuckled as her face colored in embarrassment, kissing her nose softly while smiling wide. She looked at me before she bent down, kissing me tenderly for a moment before breaking it.

“I’m sorry for that.”

“Please, don’t apologize. I am honored.”

Amanda looked quite vulnerable as she stared back at me. She had a cute blush to her cheeks. I reached up and pushed some of the wet hair from her face before following in with a kiss. We just stood there for a bit, the silence between us comforting rather than awkward. I released her and she did the same. My cock was still hard in the water between us.

Amanda swam a few feet away to where she could easily reach the bottom of the pool and tapped the edge, asking me to sit. I pushed myself up onto the edge and could feel the warm concrete under my bare ass cheeks. Amanda’s eyes slowly worked their way down my body to finally rest where I stood at full mast. I could see her nervousness as she took in my size.

Reaching down I cupped her face and brought her eyes back up to mine.

“You don’t need to.”

Amanda’s eyes flared in challenge and she moved closer, running her tongue along the flesh of my swollen cock. With her eyes still on mine, she took the large head of my cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it. I watched as she slowly sucked me deeper into her warm mouth.

She gagged as she hit the back of her throat and try as she might, she was unable to get me any deeper. Amanda’s hand wrapped around what was left and she stroked me as she sucked on me. I leaned back with my hands on the warm concrete, still staring into her eyes and let her do as she would. Her free hand came up and she lightly caressed my heavy sack with the tips of her fingers.

The play in the water and her orgasm on me had Amanda’s work mostly done, the excellent job she was doing with her mouth soon had me rushing towards my own release. Amanda could see the effect she was having and began to stroke me harder and faster while sucking intently on my flesh. Too much, I came. The first blast caused her to choke; my cum ran down her chin in thick rivulets as she gagged slightly. She quickly regained control as my orgasm didn’t let up despite her discomfort, pulse after pulse of my seed flooded her mouth. Amanda swallowed what I gave her as quickly as she could.

Amanda milked every drop from me and once I became overly sensitive took me from her mouth, though she still ran her tongue softly up and down my length.

Smiling up at me a little embarrassed, she stopped and said, “Fuck, you surprised me with the force of that first one Mike. I very nearly lost it.”

We had a nice chuckle from her admission. I slipped back into the water and pulled Amanda close, she once more wrapped herself around me. We kissed and pet each other, though it wasn’t sexual so much as sensual. We climbed from the pool and sat in the chairs, chatting and flirting, naked in the sun. There weren’t going to be a lot more days that this would be possible.

A few hours later Mom called to us from the house, letting us know dinner was ready. Amanda’s face turned deep red as she quickly got up and dressed. I think it had slipped her mind that Mom was here. I dressed a little more sedately, and we walked to the house hand in hand.

Dinner was great, Mom had quickly put Amanda at ease by keeping the topic mundane. The two laughed as Mom regaled Amanda with stories of my childhood, much to my embarrassment. While the two traded stories, I could see that Mom was in her glory. She had been waiting years to share these stories with a girl I had brought home. I could also tell she was on a slow burn, very subtly flirting with Amanda. I wasn’t sure what her exact gameplan was, but I was willing to wait to find out.

A couple of hours after dinner I walked Amanda out to her car and handed her a spare fob for the gate that I had found in a cabinet inside the garage. I knew she would be out here for visits a lot more frequently in the future. I watched as she drove her car down the paved driveway and out of sight.

Inside I found Mom sitting on the couch in the grand room, laptop open and running. Sitting beside her I could see she had gone through a lot of the messages already, setting up folders within the messaging program to organize them. I could only assume she had replied to at least some of them.

She turned to me and I could see she was quite aroused.

“I saw you two in the pool. Did you have sex?”

“No Mom. She just ground herself on me.”

Mom’s eyes sparkled and a grin appeared, “She came from just that?”

I nodded and I could see the blush of arousal on her face.

“You aren’t jealous?”

This cooled Mom’s jets a little, but I could tell she was giving serious thought as to how she was going to answer.

“No baby.” She hesitated, then continued. “There is something I need to explain to you. Try not to get upset with me please.”

I could see whatever she was going to say made her nervous, so I reached out and held her hand to comfort her. She smiled in appreciation at the gesture.

“You know that your father had sex with other women, right?”

I could feel the anger’s sudden spark to life in me, but surprisingly not as much as it used to. “Yes.”

Mom nodded, seeing my reaction. “Well, it wasn’t the cheating that caused him to leave. See, I liked it.”

“What?” I was so confused by her admission.

“I liked him fucking other women. It turned me on. He had my full permission to do it. Afterward I would attack him when he came home.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around this, “Then why did he fuck off?”

“Because he is a coward, and a liar. I was cool with it, with certain rules. He had to be safe. Especially after the first woman he knocked up. You were just a couple of years old at the time. And he swore to me it would never happen again. I found out later that he was lying the entire time. Luckily for me he never brought anything home. But this last time he knocked a woman up was the final straw. He chose to lie then run instead of facing the music.

“But that isn’t important right now. Right now, we are discussing us. I completely and full heartedly approve of you and Amanda, I get the impression that she feels the same about us. I want to be a Gramma one day and my first impressions of her is that she will make a wonderful daughter in law someday.”

She laughed at the look on my face.

“Calm down, I’m not planning any weddings yet. But a mom has to look to the future. Anyhow, as for the two of you being intimate, you have no worries about jealousy on my part. In fact, just the opposite. It is such a turn on for me to know you are with other women. Seeing it like I did today? My panties are absolutely soaked right now, and I’ve already changed them twice.”

I had seen just how wet her panties could get and the thought of hers in that shape right now started to get the blood flowing.

“So, you are a cuckquean?”

“A what?”

“A cuckquean. A woman who gets sexual satisfaction from her partner having sex with another.”

“That sounds about right. Add in my other quirks, and my fantasies about it are quite vivid. You and Amanda are turning me on baby. You have nothing to worry about. In fact…”

Mom stood and kneeled before me, staring up into my eyes and she reached into my waistband. I lifted my butt and she pulled my joggers down and off of me. I was fully hard by now and Mom quickly took me into her mouth. Her technique was different than usual, this wasn’t about pleasuring me. I was soon soaked in her saliva and she stood, dropped her pants to her knees and knelt on the couch, her massive chest resting on the back of it.

“Take me hard son. I’m ready for it.”

I stood behind her and pulling her panties to the side I lined my swollen cock up with her wetness. I barely pressed against her before I was sliding effortlessly into her juicy, tight hole. I gave her a quick couple of seconds to adjust to my penetration before I began to fuck her hard and fast. She was her usual vocal self, if a lot louder now that we no longer had neighbors to worry about.

“Fuck yeah! Fuck Mommy good baby! Pound my slutty cunt! Take me like the whore I am! Fuck, I can’t believe I’m such a slut for my little boy!”

Grabbing her hips, I pulled her back as I drove hard into her, soon her words turned to gibberish and before long she was soaking me with her first orgasmic release. I was in the zone, loving the feel of her wrapped around my manhood, watching her lips unwillingness to let go as I pulled back before easily taking me back inside.

I pounded Mom hard over the couch through several more of her intense orgasms, her scent was thick from her fluids covering the couch, the floor and myself. I could actually feel a soreness in my balls from the violent impact of my scrotum against her bare, wet lips. Her large ass shook with every forceful impact. With one final powerful thrust, I buried myself deep inside Mom and my cum burst free inside her.

Mom shrieked as I pulsed deep inside her. I unceremoniously collapsed, drained from the vigorous plumbing of Mom’s depths, pulling out with an audible pop before dropping to the couch next to her. She reached back with a shaky hand and adjusted her panties back to some semblance of order before standing on wobbly legs to pull up her pants.

Clothing adjusted, Mom lay on the couch between my legs and took me deeply into her mouth. With a gentle tongue she cleansed my flesh before just laying with her head in my lap and my softening cock between her lips. I lay back, enjoying the sensations as I caught my breath. The thought of taking her one more time briefly crossed my mind before I decided against it. I would save the next one for our fans.


We settled into a nice easy routine over the next few weeks. Mom would spend a few hours in the mornings answering fan mail, something that increased dramatically once word got out that she was actually replying. It actually helped our sales as well, with one clip getting a hundred percent buy score, every single member having purchased it.

We continued to deliver regular clips to Veil, making sure to have a wide assortment of sexual acts. From her answering the member’s fan mail, Mom knew some didn’t care for our anal or the rough, degrading sex videos, so we produced a variety. I for one was happy about that as well; I didn’t want to treat Mom like a whore every time regardless of how exciting she found it to be. Luckily the site allowed us to have tags on our videos to make it easy to let the fans know what they would be buying in advance. We made good use of them.

My computer finally arrived and I spent a lot of time on it, loading new games and playing them. I maintained a near religious schedule in our home gym, replacing a few of the machines with my preferred free weights. I also signed up for college, something that had been only a pipe dream in the past. I was too late for the first semester, but I was able to get into a couple courses come the new year. I wasn’t going for any sort of degree, I just took courses in computers and visual arts, pre-requisites for the editing and videography I thought could help with our product. When Veil found out about it, he offered help if I was ever stuck.

Amanda and I were still moving slow physically, our relationship grew stronger by the day. I met her sister Emma and after a slow start we actually became good friends. I think she was half expecting me to hit on her too.

I bought a used truck, just a few years old and in great shape, so I no longer had to borrow Mom’s car anymore. We were happy, for the first time ever I could actually see a future that was full of good things.

A month after starting to answer the fan mail, Mom approached me with an idea.

“Mikey, our fans are really wanting to know if we are going to do requests.”

“I’m down, Mom. You just need to pick one and we can shoot it.”

“I was wondering if maybe you could talk to Veil about it. I have an idea I would like to try.”

She explained it to me, and I thought it was an awesome idea. Instead of us picking it, we would have our fans vote on what they wanted. Mom had it all planned out. There would be three rounds. We would pick the fifty that appealed most to us and let our fans have a week to vote. The top ten would then get another week to bring it down to the top three. Then those would have a final week for voting. None of the screen names of those who requested them would be revealed until the final vote was counted, so even the doubles couldn’t be sure of who requested them.

Veil had told me the requests were blind, only those who put them forward would know unless they said something on the message board, so that would add a layer of excitement to the process. When I approached Veil, he was quickly on board. With their interest in making cash though, he quickly put forth the idea of the voting costing money, and limiting each member to ten votes per round. Veil told us that since it was our idea, Mr. Speakman was willing to give us a percentage. I agreed even though it wasn’t about the money for us.

As soon as it was announced, the message board lit up. Mom tried to keep up with the fans but was quickly swamped. Overnight the requests doubled in value as each tried to give their request the best chance of being in the fifty chosen. Little did they know that Mom could care less what the price tag was. Once she had picked them and I sent them off to Veil, we quickly got a revised list back. It seems that Veil had found identical or near identical requests with a higher dollar value attached so changed them for the ones Mom had picked. We went over them and had no issues with the slight differences so gave our consent.

Then we forgot about it. Veil promised to let us know the final results if we didn’t check the new voting page. Mom and I continued to put out our videos at a slightly slower pace than before but still ‘practiced’ nearly daily. I saw that Amanda and her sister had picked up their pace, I would watch their videos mostly alone. I nearly shit myself the first time the two mentioned me in one of their videos. I was just ‘the boyfriend’ but some of their verbal fantasies got very detailed.


I had Mom bent over one of the tables in the greenhouse, frantically thrusting my cock in and out of her tight asshole. Over the last few months her tight, wide ass had been well trained to take me with the bare minimum of lube, this time was just spit. She was howling and screaming as she thrust back the best she could, given the position was awkward for her to do so.

She had already squirted a couple of times, her warm fluids running down my legs as I buggered her. The loud slap of my groin against her fleshy bottom echoed slightly in the large room we were in. We had set up the shoot to take advantage of the natural light and the fact our groundskeeper had finished for the year last week.

I pulled out, her asshole gaping as I looked down, knowing the camera was perfectly set up to capture it. I had a near sixth sense now, knowing exactly where to set things up for the best angles. All our shoots having given me the practical experience needed to be sure of things. I thrust all the way back in with ease, her tight ring gripping me as I did.

I looked over and saw Amanda standing near with her skirt up and her fingers rapidly rubbing herself, her pink panties around her knees. This was the first time we had shot with a live audience and I had to admit, it added a lot to the experience. She was far enough away that any sounds she inadvertently made wouldn’t be picked up by the camera, though she still did her best to remain as silent as possible. She didn’t have much to worry about though as Mom was as vocal as ever.

“Such a good son, reaming his Mommy’s tight ass like that! Fuck you have an amazing cock! Fucking pound my ass like the slut I am!”

“You like my dick in your ass Mom?”

“I fucking love that thick cock of yours up there rearranging my guts. Fuck it hurts so good! Fuck me son, fuck Momma good! Make your slut mommy walk funny!”

Reaching down I grabbed a handful of Mom’s long blonde hair and pulled just the way she liked. Her moans went up in pitch as I worked myself with her ass. Being used hard and fast in her ass was Mom’s absolute favorite, my thickness and length just making it that much better for her. I used to worry about hurting her until the time we filmed with her on top riding me. Now I know better.

Her fleshy cheeks were jiggling with every hard thrust of my hips, and I could see her face was red as she panted and screamed, spewing her profanities and filth. Mom had a very dirty mind.

“I’m coming again! Mommy is coming on her son’s beautiful cock again! OH FUCK!”

I felt Mom’s tight asshole clench once more, gripping me almost painfully as I powered through her most recent orgasm, her juices once again splashing my thighs.

“You are such an anal slut Mommy. Coming on my cock like that.”

“Fuck yeah! I’m a whore baby! I’m my son’s personal whore! Your cum slut! Oh fuck, not again! FUUCK!”

I drove into Mom’s ass and this time I could feel her orgasm was building my own. She had just come down when I knew it was time.

Giving a slight jerk to her hair, Mom was just cognizant enough that the signal registered, she fell to her knees before me a split second after I pulled out again. The first blast splattered wetly against her nose as she stroked me, the second was expertly directed into the back of her throat. Two more went into her mouth before she leaned forward to deepthroat me and the rest was pumped straight into her stomach. When she felt me stop pulsing in her throat, Mom pulled back before deepthroating me a few more times, her throat massaging my length and her tongue rubbing softly.

Mom looked at the camera with a smile as she pulled me from her mouth, my cum dripping from her nose and down her chin. She kissed the tip of my cock as she looked up at me with love in her eyes.

“I love you son.”

I smiled down at her and Mom stood, as she did so Amanda spoke.

“Holy Fuck! That was so fucking hot! Thank you so much for letting me watch!”

I bent down and gave Mom a kiss, just a quick peck and turned to see my girlfriend with a huge shit eating grin on her face. Her eyes were sparkling and I once again thanked whatever god blessed my life. I turned off the camera and when I looked up, I was just in time to catch the shocked look on Amanda’s face as Mom grabbed her hand and sucked my girlfriend’s slick fingers into her mouth.

“You are more than welcome Amanda; you are welcome any time.”

With a wink at me, Mom walked over and picked up her clothes that were thrown on the floor. Without dressing Mom carried them out the door and went towards the house. I could see the blush of arousal on Amanda’s face, along with the shock. I went over to her and put my hands on her waist. She looked up at my face with a shy smile.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it baby.”

“Enjoy it? That was the hottest thing I have ever seen.”

I bent down and Amanda kissed me with a passion beyond what she had to date. I had a feeling if she didn’t have to leave right away, I would have had sex with her for the first time. As it was, her hand on my semi hard cock was bringing life back to it quickly. We broke our kiss and Amanda looked up at me.

“Baby, there is something I want to try next time. But it needs to be a surprise. I have to go now though,” she said with a pout.

I walked her through the house and out to her car. The kiss we shared there was a less passionate than before but sweet in its own way.


Veil contacted us to let us know the first two rounds were done, and the final three had been chosen. Mom and I checked the site to see which ones had made it. I was surprised at the three. Some of the ones Mom had picked were quite wild, these ones seemed rather tame.

The first was a simple exhibitionist style vid, with Mom flashing her private bits in various public places and engaging in sexual acts with me as well. This one would require a road trip somewhere we wouldn’t be recognized as mother and son if we got caught.

The second was just a fuck video but I had to pull out and cum on food and Mom would then eat it. She said it would be fine with her and truthfully, it didn’t bother me either though I did not understand the appeal.

The final choice was a little more specific. It was to be one continuous shot, and I was to fuck Mom as many times in a row as I could and cum in each of her holes without anything more than short water breaks. Even those were to be filmed. A note from Veil said he was able to get me some prescription help if I wanted. I knew I’d be good for at least three or four in a row before equipment failure but to be honest, I was curious to see how the meds would help out.

Veil wanted to know how we wanted the funds we had earned so far and to be honest, I was shocked at our cut already. I agreed with his suggestion and we would be having it broken up and added to our ‘commission’ checks, with a chunk of it in cash each month. After discussing it with Mom, I also requested an immediate cash withdrawal for investment in a local business.

Mom and I kept a close eye on the voting over the week, it was a very close race. There were even good-natured flame wars on the chat board as the members sparred verbally with each other. I had to laugh at some of the insults, these people had some very imaginative and funny comments. Luckily, or perhaps it was in the terms of service, it was all kept light and playful rather than malicious.

In the end, the marathon fuck won. A lucky fan going by the handle of Mikes#1Fan won. With a name like that, I was sure the whole idea for it was to see exactly what I was capable of. Mom was pleased with it and sent off a congratulatory note off to the winner, as well as notes to the other two promising them their requests as well once we had finished the winner’s. When Veil found out, he let us and them know there would be a month delay between each, just to make sure the winner felt properly compensated.

With everyone happy and our next full production planned out, all that remained was to shoot. At least for the website. My personal life had other things going on, even though the two were forever joined at the hip.


Amanda had requested that I not film or be with Mom for a couple days before her next planned visit, something I found strange but she went out of her way to reassure me it wasn’t jealousy on her part. So, with no real reason to deny her, I agreed. Mom talked to Amanda to get her own reassurances and then proceeded to spend the next two days teasing the hell out of me.

When Amanda showed up, I was surprised to see her carrying a bag, but I figured that since it was going to be our first time, she had brought things to make it special. Little did I know. We sat and talked for a while, mom joining us before she left the room.

With the little bit of privacy we now had, things heated up quickly. Amanda was soon in my lap, grinding herself on me as our lips met, my hands exploring the places I had found during previous playtimes that brought the greatest reactions. Without a care for modesty, Amanda pulled her top off, exposing her lacey pale blue bra to me. I kissed her modest cleavage as she held my head and moaned softly. Pulling back slightly, she reached down and pulled my shirt off and up, running her hands over my broad back as she pulled me back into her chest.

I grabbed a handful of her shoulder length hair and pulled gently, her chin lifted up, exposing the soft skin of her neck to my lips. Amanda’s breathing got ragged as I kissed from her jaw down to her shoulder where I nipped her skin playfully. I could feel the goosebumps that were instantly raised on her skin.

By this time, I was fully hard in my pants and it was getting rather uncomfortable for me. Taking pity on me, Amanda pulled back and stood up to help me take off the offending garments, using the distance to do the same with her leggings. With both of us clad in only our thin underwear, the feel of her heat and wetness was very apparent.

Taking Amanda in my arms, I shifted position and lay her down on the couch. With most of my weight pinning her down, she wasn’t going anywhere, when her legs wrapped around me, I knew she didn’t want to. We kissed and dry humped on the couch, neither of us really dry. Which of the wetness was from her or from me was impossible to tell.

Reaching between us Amanda managed to get a hand inside my underwear and I groaned at her firm touch. Her hand quickly became slippery as she stroked me with my precum providing ample lube, making her strokes smoother on my swollen flesh. I kissed her deeply as she stroked me, my hands gripping her taut buttocks firmly. Pulling back from my kiss, Amanda looked up at me and flashed a cheeky grin.

“Ok Mary.”

I was stunned as Mom came around the corner, a video-camera in hand. It wasn’t one of ours. I looked up into Amanda’s eyes and she must have seen something in mine that made her suddenly nervous.

“I’m sorry for springing this on your Mike. I wanted it to be a surprise. I should have asked.”

“Uh, what’s going on?”

“I wanted to film our first time, baby. I wanted to be able to watch it, and share it too. If you aren’t cool with that, I am very sorry.”

I could see the sudden apprehension on her face, the worry she had screwed things up. For a split second I was upset. The thought that my girlfriend was just using me to boost her own popularity on the site causing my stomach to clench. Then that stupid part of my brain got a drop kick from the rational part.

We were both porn stars. We shared the most intimate of acts with thousands of people, and those acts were incestuous as well. This actually made more sense the more I thought about it. We fucked people for money, but it was also making love. There was a real emotional connection between the vast majority, if not all, of the performers from the site. I am positive that is what kept the subscribers coming back once the illicit thrill of watching real incest started to get stale. From what I could see, looks weren’t the big draw as several of the most popular stars were rather plain looking.

I had no idea how this would even make it onto the site, if that was even what she meant by sharing. I could feel the muscles in my body and face relax as I quickly came to terms with what my girlfriend had sprung on me.

“It’s ok baby, I get it.” I smiled up at her.

Her face relaxed as she looked down at me and she could see that I truly was ok with things.

“Told you my boy would be ok with it.”

Amanda looked back at Mom and smiled. “Thanks Mary, you were right.”

With gentle pressure to my chest Amanda got me off her and she stood, Amanda then pulled her panties down her smooth thighs to her knees. She undid her bra and then picked up her bag. She quickly explained what it was she wanted and I laughed as the last few days of Mom teasing me finally made sense.

“I get it now. Mom was in on this from the start huh?”

“Mary is wonderful and actually suggested this.”

“You sure this will be ok?”


I could only grin and Mom helped her get ready. Once the prep was done, Amanda knelt on the couch with her ass in the air. I climbed onto the couch and looked down, seeing her bare ass for the first time in person. While not a romantic encounter for our first coupling, it was a unique experience for sure.

I looked down at Amanda kneeling before me, exposed before me for the first time in person. I had read an article recently on the different types of vaginas there are and chuckled as I realized that Amanda was definitely a Ms. Puffs. I loved the look of her full, puffy outer lips. I parted them gently with my fingers and was rewarded with the sight of her inner lips glistening with her dew.

I ran the swollen head of my cock through her soaked lips, getting myself nice and wet before I slid a couple of inches into the young lady in front of me. She groaned as our flesh joined for the first time. The heat of her wrapped around me was fucking intense.

Mom flitted around us, filming us as I slowly worked myself in and out of Amanda. Both of us ignored her, focusing on the feel of the other. It took some time to fully encase myself in her flesh, something neither of us were in a rush for as the experience was a first for us and we wanted to savor it. Despite it being filmed, despite the fact we were making porn, it was still an incredibly intimate and loving act.

Slowly I took Amanda, her soft moans of pleasure echoing mine. She straightened up on the couch and arched her back, looking for a kiss that I was more than happy to give her. My hands explored as we did so, me feeling the supple muscles of her core flexing under them.

She broke it first and went back down panting as she drove herself back upon my thrusting member. The days of constant teasing was too much and a bare five minutes after starting I could feel my orgasm approaching. I pulled out and stroked myself as I started to cum, aiming where our previous prep had gone.

Amanda had brought a butt plug that stretched her asshole wide and left it gaping with a nice big open ring for me to shoot into. The first blast was perfect, it launched and landed deep inside her. The majority of the rest followed, with only the smallest amount landing around the plastic ring that held her spread open.

Grunting as I sprayed, I gripped myself tightly once done and managed to drip the last little bit into the spread hole. I was sensitive but not overly, so sliding back inside Amanda wasn’t a big deal. This time I wasn’t as gentle, my still swollen cock parting her lips with a sudden thrust that brought an excited squeak from her. With her head down I began to fuck Amanda a lot harder than before. With my first orgasm out of the way, this time I was working for her finish.

As I thrust into her, I could hear just how wet she was. As if the slickness of her passage wasn’t enough of a clue. I had enough of a presence of mind to try and keep my legs out of the way, giving Mom the best possible angles I could manage for her filming. I held Amanda face down on the couch with one of my big mitts on her spine while the other grabbed hold of her jiggling ass-cheek.

Amanda huffed underneath me; mouth open wide with her face pressed tightly into the couch. I watched her as her face went red under the assault of my cock. With her eyes closed in concentration, Amanda met each of my thrusts with vigor, eagerly accepting the deep, full pounding.

With a sudden intake of breath, Amanda’s eyes flew wide open. She screamed and I could feel her pussy clench around my thick cock. She came with a shrill cry and I didn’t give her even a second’s respite. Throughout her intense orgasm, I fucked her. I speared her tight little pussy without mercy.

Amanda was making incoherent sounds now, and I could feel her loosen up as she came down from her orgasm. A few minutes later a second hit her, and another even sooner after that. The last one brought me to my own, and once again, I pulled out to fill her opened ass with my seed once more.

I gently pulled the ring from her asshole once I was done and I slid the big, solid butt plug into place as I had been asked. I knew I was good for another round and flipped Amanda onto her back. Pulling her to the edge of the couch, I lined myself up as a dribble of cum beaded at the tip of my cock. I pushed into her, feeling the solid metal plug against the underside of my dick through the thin layer of skin separating her back door from her pussy as I did so.

In this new position I was able to see as I spread her lips wide. I was still rock hard and Amanda was still soaked. She grabbed behind her knees and keeping her legs spread as wide as the panties still around her ankles let her, accepted me into her. I was able to steal a kiss from time to time as I fucked her by momentarily pushing her legs to one side, slowing just long enough to taste her lips.

Her breasts bounced as I thrust into her deeply, her eyes wide as she smiled up at me. Reaching down I fondled one breast while I rubbed her clit with the thumb of my other hand. Amanda had recovered enough by now and was grinding herself on my length as I penetrated her. I could feel the plug as she rocked herself increasing and lessening in pressure along my shaft.

We fucked for quite a while, my two previous orgasms giving me the stamina to thoroughly enjoy the fucking I was giving Amanda. Her cum had long turned a frothy white along my length and matted the well-trimmed pubic hair I had. Both of us were coated in a thin sheen of sweat as we climbed towards what was looking to be a mutual peak.

Amanda beat me by seconds, her pussy clamping down as she came, causing my own to be that much more intense. I was deeply planted in her pussy as I pulsed inside her, leaving a little bit of myself within her body. We were panting with exhaustion but even so, as soon as I pulled out Amanda found the reserves of energy to pull her panties into place before she rolled off the couch.

I had pulled myself up onto the couch and lay back trying to regain my breath as she lovingly bathed my cock with her tongue, all the while watching me. Finished she climbed up beside me and we snuggled into the couch together.

A few minutes later we got up and got dressed, sometime while we snuggled mom had left to give us some privacy. I walked Amanda to the door where she picked up her bag, stealing a quick kiss before watching her leave. I knew she still had a bit of a drive before she finished off her newest clip with her sister.

Mom was in the kitchen and handed me a glass of water the moment I put in an appearance. She was practically vibrating with excitement. I could tell she was more than turned on. Lucky for me, she was wise enough to realize I needed a little time to recharge. She made a light dinner and after a quick clean up, the two of us sat down to watch a bit of TV.

Mom had me get naked from the waist down, I could still smell the sex from earlier but it didn’t seem to bother Mom in the slightest. She lay with her head in my lap and every so often I could hear her inhaling deeply through her nose. The tight top stretched over her chest showed that her nipples were two rock hard nubs underneath, betraying her arousal at the scent she found down there.

As we watched the show before us, Mom’s hand worked its way into her pants and she languorously stroked her pussy while her other hand rubbed her tummy. She never did pick up the pace so I was surprised by her sudden tensing and eventual relaxation denoting her orgasm. Still, she never stopped.

It happened one more time before we headed to bed. I patted the mattress after stripping back the blankets and Mom lay back. I knew the full weight of my body was comfortable for her, so I didn’t even bother holding myself up as I positioned myself between her legs. Her masturbatory show before had rekindled my passions and I was again erect and ready.

Our lovemaking was slow and unhurried, my girthy cock often spent long periods just buried deep as we kissed. Mom came several times under me that night, before I filled the place I came from.


I drove to Amanda’s place the next day as she wanted help editing the video she had made the night before. It was actually very good. Mom had gotten some amazing shots of Amanda and I together. Mom had even found a good end to our tryst, getting some footage of us snuggled on the couch. I made quick work of that, then I got to see what she had done with her sister.

A camera was set up in their home, focused on the couch. Emma was sitting down reading a magazine when Amanda got home. My girlfriend was super excited and told her twin all the details. Emma wanted to see, so Amanda stripped down to her panties before the camera moved. The shot was zoomed in as she lowered her panties, showing just how soaked they were in a mixture of her and my juices. Thick ropes of fluid attached to her swollen lips stretched out from her panties.

Emma was shocked at how much of my cum was there and quickly found herself on her back with Amanda’s creamy pussy over her face. Without hesitation she dove in tongue first, getting what I later found out was her first taste of male cum. Done cleaning her sister out, Amanda pulled her plug and Emma began feltching out two of my extra-large loads from her sister’s ass. Amanda blew fart bubbles out as she hovered over her sister’s face, pushing out what little remained inside her. I sat watching the clip hard as a rock as my semen ran from Amanda’s ass to be quickly gobbled up by her twin.

Once she was nice and cleaned out, I watched as Amanda shoved her soiled panties into Emma’s mouth before diving in to eat her out. I was so hard it was almost painful as I watched. The clip ended with Amanda fisting her sister as Emma continued to suck on the panties in her mouth.

Once I saw what we were working with, it didn’t take long to edit it up. I saw a few obvious spots to make transitions between the cameras; like Mom and I, the twins had more than one. Amanda was impressed with the finished product I had produced and thanked me with a tight hug.


I had an idea and after shooting a message off to Veil, with the usual quick answer, soon had plans to upgrade and improve the coverage of the security cams on our property and inside the house. Veil had a contact with someone who could get much higher quality cameras and it seemed that Raven was more than capable of installing them for us.

My idea was to incorporate the footage into future videos that Mom and I produced, cutting down on the time needed to move cameras as well as adding some variety to the film. This was the first time Veil had dealt with this. The equipment was far from cheap, but with our cut from voting on our first request, we were more than able to cover the costs, with the added benefit of the money not ever needing to show up on tax returns.

Veil made plans with me to have Raven by to do the install in a week. I had until then to figured out where I wanted to put all the cameras. The system we already had could easily handle three times the current number of cameras, which was good as there was very few actually inside the house. I wouldn’t change the outside ones for the most part, as I wanted the higher quality ones inside.

I would talk it over with Mom, and Raven would be by in the next few days to help us shoot our first request, so I would get her opinion as well. Veil had assured me that he would be sending over the meds with Raven as promised. While not exactly on the market yet, they would be in a few years, though watered down. He had connections after all. I didn’t ask as I didn’t really want to know. Veil promised they were safe, and with the amount I was helping to make them, I trusted him.

Just to be sure we gave our best, Mom and I stopped ‘practicing’ until the day of the shoot. It was a hard couple of days, it was surprising how used to all the sex I had become. Just a few months earlier I had easily gone months between encounters as I didn’t want a rep for banging the women that came into the bar.

The day of the shoot finally came, and Raven came by early to chat about how we wanted to do the shoot. While we discussed how we wanted to do it, Raven seemed off to me somehow, though I couldn’t put my finger on it as to why. She seemed to warm up after a bit, so I thought nothing more about it.

I had taken the pill a bit earlier, so it was in full effect by the time we started to record. Mom and I lay on my bed, already naked as we kissed and rubbed each other. My hard cock was already leaking copious amount of precum on Mom’s leg. I could feel the pill revving up my already high sex drive.

Mom got up and straddled my face, allowing me to enjoy the sight of her freshly waxed pussy up close. She was already swollen with desire and leaked her deliciousness all over. I teased her with my tongue as she reciprocated, I enjoyed the feel of her tongue on my swollen flesh as well. She gently massaged my balls as she did so.

My hands had a firm grip on her ass, deeply kneading the fleshy orbs. We had planned on making a nice long clip, so both of us took our time, playing with each other’s bodies. I sucked on her swollen labia, ran my tongue around her inner lips and teased her clit relentlessly. Without even meaning to, I made Mom cum with my play. She soaked my face more than once, stopping her sucking of my cock as she grunted and moaned through her orgasms.

My intimate knowledge of her most private area was put to good use, as her orgasms didn’t count for the video so I felt free to try and break her. The position we were in gave her a great angle to deep throat me, something I loved the sensation of and Mom enjoyed the act. Eventually Mom got too sensitive, and we switched things up. She knelt before me red faced as she suckled on my torrid flesh.

I ignored the fact Raven was present but still caught glimpses of her from the corner of my eyes, especially as she sometimes got up close to get better shots. It wasn’t distracting however; it was actually a turn on fucking Mom in front of her.

As Mom had asked earlier, I grabbed hold of her hair and she let go of me. I used her hair to start to vigorously thrusting her face back and forth on my dick. My orgasm was fast approaching and Mom knew it by the speed I was using her. I could hear her hand working her wet pussy, trying to reach her own orgasm as I did. The sounds coming from Mom as I used her mouth and throat were absolutely obscene.

Pulling her off my cock, my first shot splattered the bridge of her nose and forehead, the second her upper lip. I shoved deep into Mom’s throat to unload the rest straight down into her stomach. I sensed more than saw Raven behind me, I figured she was getting great footage of my cock spasming inside Mom’s throat as she tried to swallow me.

Mom gasped loudly as I finally withdrew, my orgasm had seemed to go on forever sheathed inside the restrictive passage of her throat. She cleaned her face best she could with her fingers, tears mixed in with my cum, sucking them clean. I smiled down at Mom and saw the look I was expecting. She was fired up and wanting more.

Still rock hard and full of energy, I had Mom get on the edge of the bed. She grabbed behind her knees and spread her legs wide. Mom was nice and wet already, so without hesitation I lined myself up and slowly sank deep inside her. With her mouth free, Mom got vocal.

“Oh, fuck yeah baby. Mommy loves the taste of your cum, now I get the feel of your beautiful cock stretching me open. Such a good boy Mommy has. Fuck, you fuck me good baby. Fuck I made the perfect cock! Pound me! Pound your slutty Mommy good! Push that cock back where it came from!”

Always one to try and please my mom, I did just as she asked. Her tight heat gripped me firmly and as I pounded her, the room was loud with the wet slapping of our genitals as I did so. Mom continued to run her mouth as long as her breath held out, broken up by loud grunts and groans, as well as the occasional scream as her own filthy words drove her to orgasm.

I finally peaked, thrusting deep as I pumped my seed deep into Mom’s pussy. I pulled out, my flesh coated in a combination of our secretions and after kneeling beside her head, Mom cleaned me while keeping her legs parted and my sperm leaked from between her splayed legs. From the corner of my eye, I saw Raven had positioned herself to catch both with one shot.

We stopped for a short water break, drinking from water bottles we had brought into the bedroom, all the while Raven danced around, catching Mom’s and my teasing and light banter. My cock bobbed as I laughed, which caught Mom’s eye. She reached over and grabbed hold of me, and picking up a bottle of lube pulled me into the bathroom. Pulling off the cap Mom stepped into the big soaker tub and liberally coated her chest with the lube as I came in. I sat on the edge of the tub while Mom wrapped her massive breasts around my cock.

I watched as Mom tit fucked my swollen meat, a sparkle in her eyes.

“You like the feel of these big things wrapped around you, don’t you son? Like using your Mommy’s big old titties? Well don’t get too carried away, I’m just using them to lube up your huge cock. Mommy wants to feel it stretching open my shitter.”

True to her word, Mom stopped soon after and had me lay down on the raised tile counter at the side of the tub. With one foot beside me and another between my outstretched legs, she squatted down with her legs widespread and my cock quickly slid its way up her tight asshole. She was mostly sideways to me, giving Raven a great shot as Mom started to grind and ride my cock.

Getting a good rhythm going, Mom was panting, the hard work she had been putting into our little gym paying dividends now. I could tell she was starting to peter out though and was just about to suggest changing position when she slipped.

I guess when she had lubed herself in the bottom of the tub it had gotten everywhere, including on the bottoms of her feet. She later told me she had known but thought she had control enough to power through it. Her flagging strength had ended that control however.

Both feet slipped off the edge of the counter, out into the tub and I felt the complete weight of her body on top of my groin instantly. My cock, already on the downward thrust of my Mom’s ass, was suddenly pushed deeply and violently into my Mom’s bowels. She screamed and shook as a powerful orgasm ripped through her at the violent and unexpectedly sudden invasion of my entire thick length.

I was concerned for her but was in no position to move impaled into Mom like I was. She came down off her orgasm, her tight asshole gripping me in a death grip and Mom looked back at me, her eyes wide.

“Holy fuck baby. That was intense.”

She had a dreamy look in her eye and a wide smile on her face that put me at ease. Mom stood up and my dick slipped out of her and the two of us got out of the tub, making sure to clean our feet carefully before Mom got down on the floor and lay on her back. She lifted her legs and grabbing her feet I pulled up until she was on her shoulders and neck, with her elbows behind her and her hands supporting her lower back. She then lowered her legs and spread them. All of Mom’s new love for yoga had suddenly found a different use, the aptly named plow pose was about to earn its name, albeit a slightly bastardized version. A careful glance at her asshole didn’t show anything was obviously wrong and by the way Mom shaking her ass at me and was trying to get me stuff to stuff myself back into her ass was proof enough she was fine.

I straddled her legs with my ass towards her head, squatted lower and pushing my rigid member down, slid my cock back into Mom’s ass easily. Not the most enjoyable of positions but it looked good on the camera, with Mom’s huge breasts almost completely obscuring her face, her pussy leaking down her shaved mons and her tight ring grasping at my thick invader. I could feel Mom massaging my balls with one of her hands as I held on to my knees giving me greater stability. Mom would intermittently rub my exposed asshole as I plumbed the first few inches of her ass.

Despite the burning in my legs from the awkward squats the position demanded for thrusting, I was able to finish in her ass, pulling out just in time for one last spurt to land on the undersides of her tits.

As was her signature move, Mom sucked my cock clean before we stopped for a quick water break, Raven following along as we padded barefoot through the house. The pill was working wonders, my hard cock swaying with each step. Mom reached the fridge first and pulled out the water jug, pouring me a glass before filling one for herself.

“You sure you are ok Mom?” I asked after a long pull of water.

Mom grinned up at me, her face going red. “I’m more embarrassed than anything baby. It actually set off a really strong orgasm.”

I could see she was being completely honest so any lingering worries I had were put to rest. In fact, hearing that she enjoyed it had started my cock to begin dripping in anticipation of more fun times. I waited until Mom was done half her glass before I walked over and picked her up, putting her bare ass down on the countertop.

It actually put her at the perfect height for me to slip into her already wet pussy. I bottomed out, holding still deeply buried inside her as I lowered my face to kiss her in a way one shouldn’t kiss their mother. My hands roamed up her back, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin and I could feel Mom’s hands on my ass, holding tight and keeping me pressed deep into her.

Mom pulled back first and lay down on the counter, hooking underneath her knees with her hands and spreading her legs, giving me a great show of her outer lips stretched wide around me. I pulled back until the first peek of my bulbous head was visible before sliding back in deep. Over and over, never picking up my pace despite Mom’s pleading. I felt I could keep this pace up for a while, with the knowledge that it was driving my Mom to a torturously slow orgasm giving me all the motivation I needed.

“Please baby, fuck Mommy harder! Just a little bit harder!”

I denied her, watching her squirm on my cock, stuck just below the ridge she had climbed to. Trying to take control to get what she wanted, Mom tried to start to fuck me back when I quickly reached up to wrap my big hand gently but firmly around her throat. It stopped her movements instantly. Her eyes shot open wide and suddenly I was being coated in her juices as she squirted all over me.

Keeping hold of her neck, I thought to myself, fuck it. I began to violently thrust myself up into Mom, pounding the hole I came out of. Mom’s massive breasts bounced and jiggled in time to my thrusts, the heavy orbs reacting to the force of my fucking. Over and over again Mom squirted. Her pussy tightened and loosened around my cock rapidly as she came. Gone was the nasty talk, no longer capable of even pleading, instead Mom just grunted and groaned through the multiple orgasms that rocked her body.

Just as I felt my own orgasm peak, I felt Mom’s insides loosen completely. Looking down I saw Mom laying limp on the counter, a goofy grin on her otherwise slack face, her hooded eyes showed no color as her lids fluttered spastically. I pulled out as the first rope of cum launched, the fat glob splattering on the bottom of Mom’s chin. I pushed back inside to unload the rest deep inside Mom.

When I pulled out, my cum started to ooze from her pussy as I checked to make sure Mom was ok. I looked back to see Raven staring at me with a look of shock on her face, still recording.

“She’s ok. Just overloaded, I think. I wasn’t squeezing.”

“Holy shit Mike.”

I could see that Raven was unsure of what to do. Hell, I was unsure of what to do. Mom was broken for a bit, and this was supposed to be one long, unedited take. I looked back at Mom, unconscious on the countertop, legs limply hanging off the edge. Her red pussy had started to leak onto the counter top, my cum pooling as it ran down the cleft between her legs.

“Umm, I guess we are going to have to redo this sometime. Sorry.” I ran my hand through my hair, while I smiled in apology. That seemed to shake Raven out of her trance.


“Well, Mom’s out of it. It won’t be too exciting to watch me fuck someone unconscious.”

I could see the wheel turning as Raven thought frantically.

“Shit! Shit!”

I was about to repeat that we try another day when Raven suddenly came to some kind of decision.

“Fuck it! The request was to see how many times YOU could cum.”

Raven put the camera down and lifted her skirt, pulling her panties down and off quickly. I could see how her pale blue panties were much darker in the crotch from her obvious wetness. My cock, which had started to soften, quickly got hard again. Raven went and lay back on the kitchen table with her butt on the edge and lifting her knees up, spread her legs. I could see that she was very aroused, her thick labia swollen and parted lips slick with her juices.

“Pick up that camera and fuck me, Mike. We can pixel out my face later. The recording won’t be cut, so that isn’t against the spirit of the request.”

I did as she asked, picking up the camera and walking over to stand between her spread legs. Her tiny body looked even smaller with me there. Her skin was so pale it appeared nearly translucent. She had shaved her pubic hair almost bald; a narrow strip of the surprisingly thick, dark curly hair ran up from her very large, protruding clit. I looked up at Raven’s face to make sure she was ok with this to see her eyes hooded with desire and no doubt on her face.

I smiled and pressed myself into this tiny woman. Her lips parted and while she was easily the tightest woman I had ever been with; her pussy opened around my intruding flesh and swallowed me entirely. She was obscenely stretched by my thick cock. I reached down and pulled her shirt up, exposing her small nubs, unsurprised to see she had both nipples pierced.

I pulled out, her pussy gripping me and pulling back as if unwilling to give me up, the sight of it intoxicating to me. Holding the camera as steady as I could, I fucked Raven slowly, her thick cream coating me and easing my slide into her hot depths. Looking up into Raven’s face I could see her red cheeks and tears running from her eyes.

Concerned, I asked, “Are you ok?”

“Don’t you fucking dare stop!”

I was shocked by the level of emotion in her voice, the normally calm woman being so forceful and continued to use my cock to explore her insides. Having cum multiple times already, I was enjoying the feel of this tight pussy around me for the first time.

Suddenly Raven clamped down hard, just hitting slightly painful as she screamed. Not a squirter like Mom, I did feel a sudden wetness as she lubricated me even more. I kept my pace though, and Raven recovered rather quickly.

The scream must have woken Mom from her stupor however, as she soon appeared next to me. She took the camera from me, freeing me to hold both of Raven’s ankles in my hands and keeping her spread wide.

“Faster!” Raven panted.

Free to move without affecting the quality of the recording, I obliged. I knew she could take all of me, so I didn’t hold back. Her tiny pussy got worked over by the thick flesh between my legs as I upped my speed, driving forcefully into Raven.

Raven hooked her elbows behind her knees, pulling her legs back and spreading herself even wider. Taking advantage of the fact, I reached down and gripped her sides above her hips. I could nearly touch fingertips of opposite hands. I pulled her body back in time with my thrusts, spearing into her depths hard, something Raven seemed to enjoy immensely.

I let go of her waist with one hand and used it to rub the huge clit of Raven’s, she exploded immediately. As she howled, I kept fucking her hard, fast and deep. I remained playing with the hard bundle of Raven’s nub, ensuring her peak remained high throughout the vigorous assault of her pussy. The tears continued to stream down the sides of her face and I could see her trying to speak, but I wasn’t in a place where her words would even reach me.

They did sink in though, and I realized she was becoming over stimulated, so I gripped her waist once more. Raven was so light that I started to pull her bodily back into my thrusts, adding more force to each.

I could see Mom was getting worked up from her bird’s eye view of her son spearing the tiny woman, that and the amazing feeling of Raven’s pussy was soon enough to start my climb to ecstasy.

“Fill my cunt with that baby batter! Paint my insides you fucking hunk!” Raven near screamed as she finally found her voice.

I felt my balls tighten and then I was doing just as she asked of me, pumping shot after shot of cum deep inside her. Finished with filling her, I suddenly found the camera again in my hand as Mom dove down while I pulled back, sucking my cock in deep before she dove tongue first into Raven’s dripping pussy. Mom was bent over and since she was still lubed up from earlier, I took advantage and slid my still raging dick up her ass again.

Mom was groaning into Raven’s pussy as I buggered her slowly, once again concerned for the quality. I pulled out, and Mom’s ass wiggled as she tried to convey her wishes with her mouth full. I pushed back deep just as her gape started to close.

Raven came one more time under Mom’s tongue before she got off the table and took control of the camera again, not bothering to lower her skirt. It was a long time before I was finally able to cum, several times I caught Raven absentmindedly stroking her protruding clit as she filmed us. This time it actually felt slightly painful as I thrust deep inside Mom’s ass and shot my seed, I figured one more would be my max.

Since Mom had snuck in a rest, I pulled her into the living room and she rode me on the couch, leisurely taking me in her well worked pussy. I fondled and caressed her ample breasts as she smiled down at me, the joy of being joined with me evident on her face. Mom saw me finally reach my climax and she jumped off just as I came and took a much-reduced load on her face. She smiled widely at me as she cleaned herself up, Mom could tell I was done for the day.

Raven shut the recording down once Mom finished her little show and stared at us, suddenly self-conscious of the fact her tight skirt was still up around her waist. She lowered it and smoothed it out without looking at either of us. I took the bull by the horns.

“Thank you for stepping in when you did Raven. I know that isn’t what you signed up for, I hope you don’t have too many regrets.”

Raven looked at me, I could see the warring emotions she felt in her eyes even if I wasn’t privy to which ones they were. “No, you don’t need to apologize. I’m an adult, I made the decision myself. Was it the right call? I dunno. But that’s on me, not you.”

She was quiet for a moment and I had the feeling she had more to say, but was having trouble putting it into words. I wisely kept quiet. Eventually she continued.

“I enjoyed it, more than I should have. You are an employee, and I took advantage of the situation. To be completely honest, I have often thought about doing exactly what I did. I’m not sure how I feel now that I did it.”

“Well, I for one want to thank you. You stepped up and saved the shoot. In a normal business, yeah, you would’ve would have been out of line. This isn’t a normal business. We make porn. So, you put your employee first, the product first, before your own needs. At least that is the way I see it. If you enjoyed it, hell, that is just a bonus for you. I’ve always heard you should do something that makes you happy, if you can find a job that does that, you are better off than ninety nine percent of the world. Mom and I are happy. I hope you feel the same Raven.”

I’m not sure if my words helped or not, but the smile on Raven’s face seemed genuine enough. Mom and I walked Raven to the door. Mom gave Raven a tight hug and whispered something in her ear. Raven gave me a look and a small smile; she looked even smaller than normal to me right then. Fragile even.

Mom tried to surreptitiously slip Raven’s panties into her hand, I pretended not to notice. Raven turned back for a second and I thought she was going to say something more, then she turned and left. I watched her leave, concerned for her. She had always seemed so confident to me before; her current state had me worried. Knowing there was nothing I could do; I turned and closed the door.


When I left the door, I saw Mom was busy cleaning up after the shoot. I started to help but was quickly shooed away with her telling me I had other things to take care of.

“I can get the vid uploaded tonight; it will take a bit to load so I was planning on letting it do its thing when we went to bed.”

“Ok, but that isn’t what I’m talking about Mike. You need to let Amanda know what happened.”

My stomach lurched; I hadn’t even thought about Amanda at all. I thought she would be fine with it, after all, it was work and she was fully aware of what I did. But I also hadn’t discussed it with her beforehand. Thinking that this was something to tell her in person, I went into my room to shower.

Half an hour later I was on the road, driving into town. I half convinced myself that everything would be fine, but there was still a part of me that held doubts. When I got to town I pulled over and called Amanda. I knew she was at work but I just wanted to make sure nothing had changed. A few minutes later I walked into her store. She was just finishing up helping a customer and I waited patiently as she did so.

The woman she was helping looked back at me funny, then I heard Amanda explain I was her boyfriend, the guilt of what had happened jacked up a notch. The woman turned to leave and she smiled at me, much friendlier than she had been a moment before. Guess as Amanda’s boyfriend I wasn’t a pervert in a sex shop anymore. If only the hypocrite knew.

Amanda could sense something was off, as she followed the woman and flipped the sign over to ‘be back in 15’ and locked the door. She came in and gave me a big hug then led me to the back room.

“Ok honey, what’s going on.”

I got really nervous and my carefully rehearsed words fled from my head and I blurted out, “I cheated on you.”

Amanda laughed, I mean full on, belly laughed. I could tell she thought I was serious, so I couldn’t understand her reaction at all.

“Ok baby, why don’t you start at the top, and tell me what happened.”

She knew about the shoot today, so I started there. I didn’t go into too many details, I knew that Amanda would want to watch it later anyway, but when I got to the part of what happened with Raven, she stopped me.

“You fucked your Mom unconscious?”

“Well, no. She was awake when I started.”

“That’s not what I meant you goof.”

I started, then blushed. I guess I was a lot more flustered than I realized. Of course, she knew that.

“Well yeah. She kinda passed out.”

“And today was your first commission, right?”


“It was the one to see how many times you could cum?”


“Ok, let me see if I have this straight in my head. You were making the vid, you accidentally fucked your Mom unconscious, Raven stepped up to continue the shoot, once your Mom woke up you went back to working with her. Do I have things right?”

I agreed then continued with Amanda asking me some questions at what I thought were strange points in the narrative. Finally done, I felt like a weight had lifted from my shoulders. I still didn’t know how Amanda felt, she had maintained the same pleased expression on her face throughout, which really confused me. But I still felt better for some reason.

“Ok baby, so why are you feeling bad?”

That was the last thing I expected her to say. Amanda could see the confusion on my face.

“You are a porn star baby. You fuck on film for money. And I’m not stupid, you are a bigger star than I am on the site. You will be fucking women other than your Mom sooner or later. I know, it’s a real incest site. I’ve thought about things a lot since we have been together, and I know how it can still work out. I’ve read the fan mail to my sister and I. Offers to join the two of us and have it filmed for the site. I’d be surprised if you don’t get similar ones, if you haven’t already.

“I trust you enough to believe that if you do have sex with someone else, you won’t be stepping out with someone you meet in the street. I know the kind of man you are, you won’t cheat like that. It will be business. You make money with your cock. So please stop worrying hon. I am not mad or upset. At you or Raven.

“I am concerned for her though. I think something hit her hard after the fact.”

Amanda wasn’t able to articulate why she felt that way, other than it was just a feeling from how I described how Raven was acting. I had to go with her gut though, as mine had told me the same thing. We talked about it for a bit but neither of us were able to come up with a reason that made complete sense to us. Just half-baked theories and ideas. Deciding to deal with any fallout when and if it reared up, I left Amanda feeling much better about everything that had happened. She promised to stop by and spend the night tonight.


I loaded the clip that night and sent it off the next morning, knowing that Veil would have it set up on the site in the proper place shortly. Amanda watched it with me, and we chatted about how to edit it for later distribution once the commission status was over. While it was a great vid, it was much too long for most people to be interested in sitting through.

There was little to edit out as Raven was quite a skilled operator, I guessed that she had a fair bit of experience. I broke the vid up into shorter clips, each orgasm being the end of the clip. I also made several combinations of two or more, in the end I had multiple videos for eventual sale. I sent these off to Veil as well. I was unsure of what to do with the clip of Raven and I. It didn’t fit the site’s esthetic so in the end, I decided the only way for anyone to see it would be for them to buy the original.

I saved the clip to my laptop, a private vid just for me and those I would share it with. Something that Amanda soon put to use. She excitedly watched the clip of Raven getting fucked by me, remarking that despite Raven’s tiny body she had a huge clit. Amanda even pointed out just how obvious it was how much Raven was enjoying the feeling of me spreading her wide. It turned us both on and Amanda had to ride me while we both watched it yet again.

She pulled off of me, dripping a combination of our juices on my cock before hurrying to the bathroom, yelling out to Mom that she had a clean-up on aisle 3. I chuckled and heard the shower turn on as Mom came racing into the room. Mom lovingly sucked me as I waited for Amanda to finish in the bathroom. I got a kiss and Amanda told me to stay in bed as she left for the drive into the city to open her shop for the day.

I got a message from Veil letting me know the equipment had arrived and that Raven would be by whenever I was ready for the new cameras to be installed.

V31L: Hey Mike, just wanted to touch bases with you, thanks for fulfilling the commission, Raven told me it went well. I have received the cameras for your upgrade, let me know when a good time for Raven to come by and install them would be. She has a flexible schedule so anytime is good for her. She will also show you how to tie them into your system as well. I was able to get a dozen ‘fixed’ and four wireless to add to your system.

I hope you don’t mind, but I used some of the money you still had ‘in the bank’ to get in a few wireless cams as well even though you hadn’t mentioned them. I figured they could be useful as well; you could move them around as you see fit. They aren’t as unobtrusive as the wired ones are, but still get an amazing picture and will be very versatile. I have also received a couple different ways for you to mount them places.

Good job with breaking up the commission btw, once the right time comes, I will be using them as you have sent them. I was wondering if you might want to work for me on the site end of things as well? As you can imagine, I get backed up occasionally when I am sent a few vids at the same time, and not every performer has your eye for editing. To be completely honest, some don’t even try. I am at my limit and have actually stopped recruiting any other performers since you for that very reason. I would be interested in giving you a small ‘portfolio’ of performers, you will not need to interact with them at all, it will be strictly an editing job. The pay isn’t anything great, its more something to keep you busy. Let me know how you feel about it.

Hope to hear back once you have decided things,


As I read the message I thought about Veil’s offer. I was quite proud of the work I had done on my own vids, and if I was being honest, I had watched other performer’s vids several times and thought to myself that I would have done it differently. The experience would most likely make Mom and my work even better, or at the least, my editing would go quicker.

With a lot of free time on my hands I figured I would do it; I had already pre-read any required reading for my courses during the winter semester. My workouts, while getting longer and more strenuous, didn’t take up a whole lot of time and with Amanda getting more involved in my own videos it cut down on early morning shoots, I was left with a large chunk of free time every day. While I enjoyed gaming, it wasn’t as much of a passion as it was with my buddy Nathan.

I decided I would take Veil up on his offer, regardless of the pay. Mom and I made more than enough that all I was worried about was boredom. Mom had hobbies and answering messages to keep her busy, I needed to fill my own time.

I replied to Veil and shut down the laptop before he answered as I wasn’t interested in messaging back and forth; Veil hadn’t changed, I swear he lived online. He and Nathan would get along well if he was into gaming.

I had worked out before signing in, so grabbing a pad of paper and a pencil, I started a tour of the house with an eye for where to place the new cameras. Each was going to have more of a top-down view of things, the wireless ones would be easy to place for closeups.

I decided on one in the kitchen, two in the master bedroom, one in the master bathroom that could easily cover both the shower and soaker tub, one in the greenhouse, one in the gym and a few others I would need to get Mom’s opinions on later. I also decided to change the camera installed that overlooked the pool as well.

While the new cameras would be installed on our existing security system, Veil had told me he was sending Raven with a tablet that would double as a ‘controller’ for them. One push of a button and those cameras would turn off as ‘security’ and would automatically connect to my laptop. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about them recording onto the security tapes and perhaps causing issues down the road.

With the tablet, I would easily be able to pan the camera lens around, zoom in and out, any function they had I could easily control outside of the security room. It would make things a hell of a lot easier for shoots. I could even pull up the view of the camera if I wanted.

Mom came in the kitchen as I sat at the island in the kitchen, drawing on the rough sketch I had made of our home. She placed her hand with easy familiarity on my shoulder and watched. We chatted about placement for a bit then she said she was going for a shower. I sat for a few minutes, my mind wandering before I got up.

I stripped my clothes off before I was even at the bathroom and climbed into the shower with Mom. She was just rinsing the shampoo from her hair when I grabbed her and pulled her close. Water still running from her face, I kissed her gently. She rubbed her eyes clear and looked at me, a sparkle in her eyes.

“Does my handsome son want to fuck his Mommy?”

The hardness poking her belly gave away my intentions and Mom stood on the small seat recessed into the wall and squatted down, her legs spread wide and holding the support bar. She was nearly perfect height and I pressed forward, my girth easily spreading her thick lips open, Mom was slick with desire as well. I guess either her earlier cleanup of me or the thought of the cameras and the resultant movies we would be making had aroused her as well.

Mom’s massive chest was pressed tightly between us as I sawed my cock in and out of her gripping pussy slowly. I held her tight in my arms, staring into her eyes as she held my gaze. We were silent as we mated, other than the odd groan or moan.

Mom was pushing herself onto me as best she could with the awkward angle she was in but that was fine with me. I wanted this to be nice and slow. This wasn’t about performing for the camera; this was me enjoying a loving bout of intimacy with Mom.

We had fucked, we had made love, we had done almost everything possible. While I enjoyed making movies with her, by far my favorite moments with Mom where when we were just being intimate for us. I loved her and I knew she loved me. Despite the sex, I knew neither of us was ‘In Love’ with the other. Sex was just another way for us to express our closeness.

We stayed the way we were, slowly joined, showing our love in the most physical of ways. The steam of the shower causing rivulets of water to run down our bodies. I kissed Mom occasionally to her enjoyment, I read her wishes from her face when she wanted more.

I could feel that while off a way, my orgasm was approaching. I picked Mom up by grabbing hold of her cheeks, the work she had put in had caused her to lose some weight but she still had her gorgeous big ass, if a little tighter and muscular than before. We didn’t pick up the pace at all, still kept things nice and slow. I pressed her against the wall and withdrew before sliding back deep.

Finally, the inevitable came, and I stayed deep as I pulsed inside Mom, over and over, leaving a bit of myself inside her for days to come. I purposely angled myself away from the spray as I slid out of her body, last thing I wanted was to upset Mom by taking away her special treat. She dropped to her knees after I allowed her to slide down the wall and took me into her mouth.

We washed each other in an easy silence, and dried the other the same way. Wrapped in a towel, Mom went to her room to find clothes while I picked up mine from where I dropped them and carried them into my room.

I was again seated at the island when Mom came and sat beside me. She grabbed my hand and held it gently.

“Thank you, baby.”


“For everything,” she said, knowing my question. “We have always been close Mikey; you have been such a little man all your life. Taking care of me, never being a problem child. I love you son; I am lucky to have you in my life. Proud of the man you are today.”

I smiled at her. “I love you too Mom. I’m lucky to have you for a Mom. I wouldn’t be half the man I am if it wasn’t for you.”

I could see something was troubling her, I kept quiet, knowing that she needed to get it out.

“Do you have any regrets?”

“About what Mom?”

“This.” She gestured to our home. I knew she meant more than that though.

“No.” I could tell she wanted more, needed it. “Mom, while I never would have imagined things would have turned out the way they have, I have no regrets. None. Did I ever think we would be making money selling incest porn? Never in a million years. But I’d be lying if I said I’ve never thought of you sexually before this all happened. I think most sons go through a phase of lusting after their Moms. I did.”

Mom smiled. “I remember the looks baby. I figured as much.”

I placed my hand on top of the one she held me with. “And yes, I outgrew it. You went from the object of my fantasies to the role model for the kind of woman I wanted to spend my life with.”

I saw tears starting to pool in Mom’s eye. I lifted her hand up and kissed it gently. “You are an amazing woman, Mom. I love you so much. You inspire me in so many ways with your strength, determination and intelligence. Without your strength, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Your courage led to us taking the path we are on today, and I am forever grateful for it.”

A single tear ran from the corner of her eye and she smiled at me. She was such a radiant woman.

“It really doesn’t bother you, does it?”

I knew what she meant. “Not at all. Truth be told, I very much enjoy it. The actual sex and all that comes after it. The work of putting the videos together, the posting them for others to enjoy, the thought of them getting turned on by watching us. Even reading the comments and mail we receive. I feel like we have grown closer adding in the physical to our relationship, have made our relationship stronger. How can that be bad, regardless of legality?”

Mom stood and came forward, wrapping her arms around my chest as best she could. She was such a shorty she could barely reach around me completely. I held her back and we stayed that way in silence for a few moments before she broke it.

“I do too baby. The sex almost more than the closeness.” Mom winked at me, letting me know she was mostly joking.

I laughed and she joined me. “I figured as much Mom.”

She could tell something was on my mind and prodded me.

“The first time Mom, with that video you were watching. That wasn’t a new one bought for the scene, was it?”

Her face reddened slightly. It looked so cute on her.

“Ummm, well no.”

“Care to share?”

“When you father left, I didn’t date anyone. And I have needs. I started watching porn to help… you know, sate them. I have always been into certain things, sexually, outside of what most consider normal. Always been very open to trying out new things. I’m a slut, and proud of it, but a careful one. A private one. I’ll show you my collection sometime.”

I nodded in understanding, thinking I knew what she meant. Seeing no judgement from me allowed Mom to relax. Would have been quite hypocritical of me to judge her for it, but I guess it was a real concern for her.

“At first, it was just regular stuff. One day while I was masturbating though, a stray thought popped into my head. I remembered a time I saw you checking me out, seeing you obviously aroused just from seeing me. I instantly came, harder than I have ever had before. It was fucking intense.

“I didn’t suddenly start looking for ‘incest porn’ right away. I kept watching what I always did, but the thought of you looking at me sexually always made me cum the hardest. Then I started to fantasize actively about being with you. It snowballed from there.”

I could see that talking about it embarrassed her still, but it also seemed as though it was freeing for her, so I didn’t want her to stop.

“So, you started watching ‘incest’ porn.”

“Yes. It was easier for me then to insert us into the movies mentally. I know they are fake, actors and actresses playing the part, but it still turned me on like nothing else. When I went and saw Mr. Speakman and heard his offer, I saw not only a way out of our troubles, but a way to fulfill a deep and dark fantasy I never would have acted upon any other way.

“I don’t want to hold you back baby. I don’t want to become your wife, to live as a family unit so to speak, playing the role of loving partner. I want to be your Mom. Only your Mom, except that we have sex. Dirty, disgusting, mind-blowing filthy sex; loving, gentle and intimate sex, and everything in between. I want to be your slut as well as your Mom.

“I’ll let someone like Amanda be your wife. The fact that you have found someone like her fills my heart baby. I couldn’t have found a better woman for you if I tried.”

“A little early for wedding bells Mom.”

“Call it a mother’s intuition,” she winked at me. “The fact she is willing to share you with me just blows my mind. I’m not going to lie, deep down there is a part of me that thinks things are going too well, that it is going to all come crashing down sooner or later. But I am doing my best to strangle that negative bitch dead.”

We both laughed, harder than we probably should of. I think we both felt that way at times. Hard living makes you cognizant of the fact that life isn’t fair. Things can always turn. It makes the good times sweeter as long as you didn’t let those thoughts poison them.

Mom hugged me again, shorter than the last one, and looked up.

“I’m glad we had this little talk baby. It opened some things up. I feel lighter than I have in a long time. Like the last of my worries have lifted.”

I knew what she meant. I had never gotten the impression that Mom wanted the role of ‘wife’ to me, but hearing her say it had lifted a worry I never even realized I had.

With a new understanding of our relationship, where each stood, I figured that it would only grow stronger. I knew then that even without making videos, Mom and I would never stop being physical with each other, and if things with Amanda didn’t work out, I would have to somehow find a way to get another woman like her.


As I had expected, Veil had replied moments after I had sent the email, and was waiting for me to come back online.

V31L: Don’t you want to know what the pay is Mike?

Mike: I’m not doing it for the money. More for the experience and to kill time.

V31L: Well, thank you. I have some new recruits I have been keeping an eye on, now I can finally move on them. I’m sending you an update now.

A notification popped up on my screen and I clicked accept. It didn’t take more than a few minutes to download, though I was going to have to restart my laptop.

V31L: That update will give you access to a new area. Feel free to edit anything within it. I keep the original copies separate, so don’t worry about screwing anything up. If something does happen, send me a message and I’ll re-add them to your partition.

Mike: Thank you for trusting me with this.

V31L: You have earned it, Mike. You are by far the best editor I have amongst the performers on the site. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I restarted everything once the download was complete, then went back into the site. I browsed what I was familiar with first to see if anything changed. Nothing had. Mom had a lot of messages in the inbox, I left it alone as I didn’t want to mess with her system. I checked out Amanda and Emma’s videos, the vid of her and I to start with before she shared with her filled orifices with Emma was a huge success by the rating it had.

I clicked open the new section I had access to, it wasn’t as nicely done, but I imagine it didn’t need to be as the paying customers wouldn’t be seeing it. It was broken down into performers and a number I assumed was how many videos were in the file, clicking on their stage name opened a new section with the pending videos. I went through each available one, checking them out first.

Those that tried to edit their video had both the original unedited clips posted along with their attempt at editing. Some were downright horrible; others made a fair attempt. I spent some time watching both versions to get a feel for who had some promise. I didn’t recognize any of the performers as people I had seen around the city.

It seemed pretty obvious who had just the one camera, and those who had more. The more attractive they were tended to get the better, more numerous equipment, but that was hardly a rule. Some couples weren’t as attractive, but the energy was far superior. These people obviously loved what they were doing and it showed in their product. Veil was smart enough to know that a genuine love of the act trumped looks for his clientele. It helped that the enthusiastic performers sold much better than those going through the motions for the cash.

I was able to easily export a file to the editing software Veil had given me, and I got down to work. A few hours later I had made a small dent in the work he had given me; I was quite happy with the finished products. For the most part. Some of the vids didn’t have as much to work with; there was only so much I was able do on the editing side to make it a better vid.

Once the file was exported back onto the site, I was given two options. Tag it as finished, or save as a draft. It seemed I wasn’t able to save the file on my own laptop, which made sense to me. Veil took the privacy of his performers seriously after all, as much as was possible anyway. That made me feel good, I was over the trepidation of being exposed but seeing the effort he made still solidified my faith.

I clicked back to the main editing screen and saw the total number of files hadn’t changed much. Knowing I had previously gotten a few of the performers finished, I looked closer. Just as I was about to click on a name that looked unfamiliar the screen flickered and a new one appeared.

I smiled to myself. It seemed that Veil had set it up so as soon as I finished one, a new one would appear, leaving my total untouched as long as there were files to be edited. I had a rough idea of how many performers there were on site, if they all posted a vid a week, I would never been short of work unless I put in full time hours. I didn’t plan on doing that.


I spent a few hours a day editing vids for the site, getting three or four done, sometimes more depending on length and quality of the source video. As I wasn’t messing around with special effects, it was mostly picking a good place to crop and splice things together. Simple stuff really.

Amanda came by daily and often watched me work, asking questions and offering opinions. Her own editing improved on her clips just from that, we both learned a lot from our discussions and brainstorming.

I set up a time for Raven to come by and install the new cameras, Mom and I had figured out where we wanted them. It was going to be the first day I had seen her since the request shoot. I was a little nervous as she had acted a little off afterwards. I didn’t think it would be overly awkward or anything, but I was concerned about Raven’s well-being.

Amanda had scheduled herself the day off so she could be there, she hadn’t heard from Raven since that day either. Not that it was all that unusual, Raven, while a big part of our lives, seemed to flit in and out of our daily grind more than anything. Amanda wanted to show support for me and to relieve any anxiety Raven may have over fucking me. If that was even what bothered her. I didn’t see any harm in it, so I readily agreed. I felt good knowing that she would be there for me. Things were looking good.

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