Family Dynamics: Samantha by EratosPen,EratosPen

Family Dynamics: Samantha

This is a fictional story inspired by an article about a woman in her early twenties, being treated for her long-time crush on her stepfather, and how it had affected her relationships with men.

I started wondering what could have happened, if their family dynamics had differed slightly.

All characters portrayed are over 18. All participants are consenting adults.

The story starts with the family dynamics and how it changes in the space of an evening.

Chapter Two is where they take it to the bedroom. So, if you find Chapter One a bit slow, just skip ahead–it gets better.

Chapter One

I was just sitting on the couch, reading some online stories on my tablet. My wife, Valerie, was in her rocker, watching one of the Talent Shows that are all the rage nowadays. I was just getting to a good part in the story, when my twenty-two-year-old stepdaughter, Samantha, came into the room and snuggled up to me and started watching the TV like she had many times before.

Only this time, she was just wearing a pair of hot-pink shorts, that did not even come close to covering her ass cheeks and a very revealing sports bra, that did nothing to hide her C-cup breasts and thick nipples.

The next thing I knew, her hand was someplace it should not have been, rubbing on something she should not have been rubbing on.

I just happened to be reading another chapter in the ongoing saga of ‘HFHM’ on my favorite website and was already a bit excited, when she had reached her hand between my legs and found me quite hard.

Not sure of what was going on, I jumped off the couch and was across the room in two steps.

My wife looked up and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

I just stood there looking at Sami and stammered, “She touched me.”

“So, what’s wrong with that?”

“Val, she touched me,” still not getting it, I finished, “down here.”

“Oh.” She looked at Sami, “So you made your decision then?” Sami nodded.

Val shrugged and made to get up, “Well then, I guess you two have some talking to do, I will go watch this in the family room.”

She walked over to me and kissed me, “Listen to what she has to say, and think about it, before you say no. I know you will not want to, but just have an open mind. I think it makes perfect sense. I just wish I had found you at her age.”

Then, she walked out of the room, and I heard the TV in the family room come on.

I just stood there looking at Sami, waiting for the explanation. She was still staring off into the distance, not looking at anything, but clearly, deep in thought.

“Dad, can we go out and sit on the patio?”

“What was your mother talking about?”

“I can explain, but…” she looked up at me. I saw the worry in her sky-blue eyes. “I am afraid you will say no. I expect you to say no. I just don’t know why I am doing this, except… Can we just go outside?”

Still looking for an explanation, but willing to play along a bit more, I followed her out onto the back patio, overlooking the stream and back woods. She sat down on the gazebo swing and patted the space next to her. Reluctantly, I sat down, and she leaned against me and folded her legs up onto the swing. Again, nothing unusual, we would often sit and watch the stream and woods like this. I started lightly pushing with my legs to make us swing.

I just waited for her to come up with an explanation for her actions, but after several minutes of silence, I realized I would have to ask her.

“So, why did you do that?”

“I didn’t know what to do, or how to tell you. I guess I really messed everything up this time.”

“Well, that is very cryptic. Would you mind explaining that better?”

“Okay, you see… well… I just.” She sighed, “No, that’s not right.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, I want a baby.”

“A baby?” I looked at her. “And you touched me there because you thought I could give you one?”

“That sounds bad, doesn’t it? No, don’t answer that. I know it does.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Well, I just didn’t want to do what mom did all those years ago. How she just jumped from guy to guy looking for the right one. Getting knocked up by two different guys before she met you. Look at Carlos, he was so lucky to find Sofi, and now they have three kids.”

I started to reassure her, and she cut me off, “No, I know what you are going to tell me, ‘Sami you are so young, you have your entire life ahead of you.’ That’s bullshit, dad, and you know it. Every guy I have dated just wanted to hit me up. Not one of them was interested in a serious relationship, except Don.”

Don was her last boyfriend. She had met him at the hair salon she worked at. They had been dating for over six months and everything seemed to be good, their relationship seemed to be flourishing. Well, until the day she came home with a black eye, a fractured cheekbone and upper jaw, a broken nose, and a concussion. She spent several nights in the hospital for that, and Don got a year of probation.

“Think about it, dad, even if my very next boyfriend was perfect, it would be three or four years before he would be ready for kids. I’ll be closer to thirty before I have my first kid. Dad, I don’t want to be in my thirties before having my first baby.” I could hear the emotion in her voice. She wiped a tear from her eye, “And what if I find another guy like Don?”

“Sofi, I know what you’re saying, but you can’t let Don keep victimizing you. I know it will be hard, but you just have to forget him, and start trusting men again.”

I had heard that she was having trouble at the salon, not wanting to cut men’s hair.

“You just need to give it time.”

“I know.” She took my hand, “Remember what you said last time you took me to the doctor?” I nodded.

My mind went back to that afternoon, Don had sent a message to a mutual friend of theirs. For some reason, that friend had forwarded it to her. The message was all about how Sami would never be able to find another man, now that her face was permanently disfigured. That she should become gay because no man would ever want her. It had gone on and on. I had her send it to me and I forwarded it to our lawyer.

We had sat in the driveway until she had calmed down and I remember hugging her and telling her it would be okay that she would find someone else.

“You told me it would be okay, that I just needed to find a good guy this time. Well, I always think they are good guys in the beginning, but they never turn out that way. There is only one good guy that I know.”

“He married a twenty-nine-year-old single mom with two kids from different fathers. He took them in, fed them, clothed them, and treated them as his own children. You have always been here for us. You raised us to be good people.”

“Sure, I could do what mom did, find a different guy for every one of my kids, but you raised me better than that, dad.”

“Honey, you will find someone, you just have–”

She cut me off again, “I just have to give it time, right? I don’t want to wait anymore. I already found the man of my dreams.”

“Sami, Just having sex with me for a baby is not going to give you what you want. You need a real man to take care of you.”

“I know that, dad. For as long as I can remember, I have always compared every guy I have met to you. It’s only since this summer, have I started to realize why I have always done that. I guess moving away to college, living on my own, and finally moving in with Don, had helped me forget about it. But now, since moving back in with you and mom, all the old feelings have come back.”

I was confused, now, “I don’t understand Sami, what feelings?”

I felt her squeeze my hand and she took a deep breath. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, honey.”

“Dad, I mean… I love you. I have had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. I tried to get over it again, to move on, but I keep remembering how after every failed relationship, you were always there to put me back together again. I keep thinking about how much you mean to me and how much I truly love you. Every time you hug me or kiss my cheek, I have the hardest time restraining myself. Just sitting here now, feeling your body under me and your arm on me, holding your hand, I can’t help but get so excited.”

She pulled my hand down to her crotch, pushing my fingers into the loose leg hole of her shorts and rubbing them on her drenched panties. I quickly pulled my hand away from her.

“Stop that, Sami.” But I could now smell her excitement. A deep, rich scent that called to the alpha male in me.

“Daddy, I don’t want any other man, I found the man I will always love. A man that will always love me, and treat me like a woman.”

“Sami, I can’t. Even if I wanted to, I am married to your mother. I just can’t cheat on her with her daughter.”

“She already knows, dad. I know the two of you are having bedroom problems, kind of obvious with you sleeping in Carlos’s old room.”

I looked out over the creek, “It’s not that bad, I just have a hard time sleeping with her tossing and turning all the time.”

“What about the sex, dad? You two have not been together in years.”

“She is just going through her time. She is getting older and sometimes it takes a little bit of time before women going into menopause can work things out.”

“Dad, she already told me. She has no interest in sex at all. She’s the one that suggested this–to help you, dad. She knows how I feel about you, and she also knows I would never have acted on it. I was talking to her about how I am so terrified of men now, and talking to her about how I could never be able to trust a man again.”

“I told her that I wish I could find someone like you, dad, and she said, ‘Well, why not him’? Then she told me how it would help you, too. See also told me all about the troubles and the discussions the two of you have been having.”

My head was spinning, how did all this happen? Was this my fault? Did I do something wrong?

She continued, “That was last week, dad, and I told her I would have to think about it.”

She sat up and turned to look at me, “I have thought about this, dad, and I chose you. I could never love another man as I love you.”

“Rob?” I turned to see Valerie standing at the sliding glass doorway, she came over and sat on the other side of Sami and put Sami’s feet on her lap and Sami relaxed back against me.

“So, did the two of you talk?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe you suggested that to her.”

“Rob, I know it’s my fault we don’t have sex anymore. I try, but there is nothing there. I even tried to watch porn, but you know I don’t find that interesting at all. I am so scared that you are going to find someone else and leave me.”

“Val, you know I would never do that.”

“That’s the problem, Rob. You are a good man, you deserve better, and sooner or later you will figure that out, and I will be alone in my fifties with nothing to offer a partner. I love you too much to let you suffer through this, and if you can find happiness here at home, instead of out in someone else’s bed, I can live with that.”

“Is that the only reason, because I don’t have a problem waiting for you.”

“No, there is another reason. I want grandkids running around in my house. When Carlos and Sofi moved out of state, it hurt me so much. I need a relationship with my grandchildren. I was so happy when Sami was dating you know who, and was talking about getting married. I just knew we would have more grandkids soon. It was just a matter of time. Then we saw his true colors.”

I could not believe what I was hearing, “So, you want me to father your grandchildren?”

“No one would know if you didn’t want them to.”

I shook my head, “You know it would get out. A secret like that can’t remain a secret, forever.”

“Dad, you have been saying how you want to move, to get out in the countryside away from everyone and everything. Now that your job is completely online, you can work from anywhere there is high-speed internet.”

“Sami and I have been looking and we found a nice 200-acre ranch in Montana. There were a bunch of other ones, too. Baby, please just think about it. I can’t lose you and if keeping you means sharing you, I can’t think of anyone else I would rather share you with, than my daughter.”

I could see the truth in her words. Deep down, it did bother me that she had no interest in sex–the feeling that she no longer needed me, as I needed her. How long would it be until I gave up and strayed? Five years, ten? Did it matter? I was already fifty, how many more years did I have to be sexually active until I just lost interest, too?

I sighed, and just like that, I made my decision. “I will not do this.”

I heard Sami take a sharp inhale, as if someone had just hit her.

“Let me finish. I will not do this, unless there are conditions. A list of rules so we all know the boundaries, and no one gets hurt. Is that okay with the two of you?”

Sami was crying tears of joy now, “Yes, yes. Anything you want, papa.”

Val knew me better and she asked cautiously, “What were you thinking of?”

“First, Val, you have to be in the room every time Sami and I are together. If that means the three of us sharing the same bed, then so be it.”

They both agreed.

“Second, we are listing this house immediately, and you two will put together a list of houses, we will take a trip and make an offer on one.”

They both were happy with that too.

“Third, Sami you will take my name and our children will have my name.”

She kissed me and said, “It would be an honor, daddy.”

“I know I will think of more, but do either of you have any ideas?”

Val looked at me, “If you do agree to this, then Sami and I have to become sister wives. No more wife and daughter, she will need to be my equal in our marriage. Do you think you can do that, Sami?”

“I still get my hugs, don’t I?”

“Yes, you will always be my daughter, that will not change; only the marriage part. He will no longer be your father, daddy, or papa. He will be your husband. Your only husband and you will pledge to honor him in all things, and be faithful to him in all ways. Like me, you will need to make him your one and only above all others. You think you can do that?”

“Mom, I have loved Rob forever and have wanted him to be my husband for the last seven years. I want this so much, but if I need help, or if I am not being a good enough wife, I will need my sister-wife to help me. To teach me how to be the best wife and mother to his children.”

By now, the bugs were out and biting, so I suggested we head inside. I walked to the liquor cabinet and pulled out the bottle of brandy.

I offered a glass to both of my–well, I guess–wives now. We sat down and I asked, “So how are we supposed to do this?”

“Well, first off, you need to move back into my bed, Rob. I’ll get that C-pap machine so you can sleep without my snoring keeping you awake. Sami, do you have a problem sleeping on the other side of Rob from me?”

“You know I would love to, mom.”

The bed was an extra-full-king-size bed, so there would be plenty of room for the three of us. Val was only five feet four and was only 135 pounds. She had some trouble spots, but what forty-six-year-old woman doesn’t? I thought she looked like a goddess and took very good care of herself. Sami, on the other hand, was five feet five but was 162 pounds; she carried most of her weight around her waist, hips, and thighs.

Being her father, I am always encouraging her to exercise more, but her weight was not that much of a problem, she was just curvy is all.

Now, my weight was a problem. Once I turned forty-five, I started gaining five pounds every year. No matter how much exercise I did, I never lost weight. I was six feet two, and up to 241 pounds, most of it in my belly.

As we sat there watching the last of my wife’s TV shows, I reflected on the last seventeen years of our marriage. She had been a summer temp at work, and on her last day, I got her phone number. We kept in touch, going on dates and taking things slow. Two years after we had met, we married. I adored her and her small children. Sami was so young when Val and I met and was Val’s flower girl at our wedding. Carlos was four years older than his sister, and was our ring bearer.

Our marriage was what I thought was a good one, sure there were disagreements, but nothing that kept us from making up at the end of the night. Until the arguments about sex started, or rather the argument about the lack of sex.

It had started slowly, going from a couple of times a week as our average, down to once a month and now nothing for the last six years. It was almost like she shut off when she turned forty. Her latest excuse was that she was starting menopause early. That she had had irregular menstrual cycles for a few years, and now had all the vasomotor symptoms.

“You’re being too quiet, dad; what are you thinking about?”

She was sitting next to me, curled up against me as we sat there. She was being good and not pushing things, as I processed what we had talked about.

“I guess I was thinking about the last nineteen years that I have known you and your mom. How cute she was sitting at the receptionist desk all that summer. How I had fallen for her, even then. How much I loved all three of you when we had gotten married. How we had talked about more children, and how that had never happened despite our trying in her thirties. How we had talked about getting fertility treatments, and how that had never happened. How her menopause has started so much early than most women.” My voice trailed off, as I fell deeper into thought.

I heard her whisper, “I am so scared that will happen to me, too, dad, and I want so many children.”

“How many do you want?”

“I don’t know, I just want to be pregnant as many times as I can be.” When I did not respond, she continued, “I think I would like at least six.”

“Six…” my voice trailing off into thought again.

Val’s TV shows finished up and it was only 10:00pm on a Friday evening.

“So did you girls want to watch a movie tonight?”

Val yawned and replied, “You know how tired I get, I am going to go lie down.”

I was not tired, but I was scared that my daughter/wife would try to start something with me while Val was sleeping.

“Mind if we join you?”

She looked at me and smiled, “I would love that, Rob, but you know what, why don’t you go get the bed ready and make sure everyone has enough pillows? I want a moment with Sami, to get her ready for tonight.”


Chapter Two

Val reached for Sami’s hand and led her to the ensuite bathroom. After a bit, I heard the shower running and figured it might be a while before they came to the bedroom. I collected the pillows from Sami’s and my bed and arranged them on Val’s large bed. Well, I guess the bed was all of ours now.

I collected a few of our scented candles and placed them around the room and lit them.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, I realized I had butterflies in my stomach. I had not felt this nervous since my wedding night. In a way, I guess it was my wedding night again. I sniffed my breath and only smelled the brandy from earlier, but just in case, I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and quickly washed up.

I found that tight thong bathing suit that Val had gotten me a decade ago, that I had never worn except in the jacuzzi in our hotel room. I only wore it for about fifteen minutes before it was discarded.

I always thought it funny how the front looked all stretched out and filled with my cock and balls. It was made of black-spandex material, and clearly telegraphed every detail as if it was see-through.

Just for good measure, I even trimmed my facial hair and made sure my fingernails were clean and trimmed.

I checked on the girls, and the shower had stopped, but they were still talking and giggling, getting ready for tonight… What was tonight? Was it truly going to be Sami’s and my wedding night? Again, I felt my stomach twist. I was going to need more brandy. I got three glasses and a bucket of ice, and set it out in the bedroom.

I took a deep breath, and thought the scented candles were making the room smell sexy. I was glad, I did not want Sami’s first thoughts going to Thanksgiving dinner, or some other smell, when she walked in.

I had been sitting on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, sipping the brandy, when I heard the ensuite door open. I looked up, and there was the sexiest woman in the world, standing in the doorway.

She had on the same outfit her mother had worn on her wedding night, including the wedding veil.

She was standing there in her bare feet, her legs slightly crossed, the leg in front, slightly lifted. She was leaning on the door frame, her left hand holding on to it while her other hand was touching her face near her scar. I looked into her eyes, her head was looking down, but her eyes were on me.

I noticed how her drooping eye made her look even sexier. I felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her face, her eye, her crooked nose, and her sunken cheekbone. All the little flaws made her even sexier to me.

I noticed her shift her hips slightly, drawing my eyes to her lace-covered thighs, hips, and tummy.

She was wearing a see-through lace kimono robe, over a pair of see-through, lacy panties and a lacy garter belt holding up a pair of sheer white stockings that let her beautiful dark legs show through.

Sami is not as caramel-skinned as her Latina mother is, but the contrast of all the white lace and her tanned skin was absolutely striking. Especially when I looked up and saw her breasts under the white, lacy kimono. They looked so delicious capped with large dark areolas and thick long nipples that lifted the lacy material that covered them.

I had never seen Sami naked like this before. The father in my head told me to look away, but the alpha male in me wanted to breed this sexy woman offering herself to me. I felt my mouth watering for the taste of her breasts.

I looked back into the eyes of my daughter, and she smiled. She had minimal makeup on, and all her natural beauty was on display, her shoulder-length blonde hair framed her face and made her look like an angel.

I saw her mother, in her bathrobe, step out from behind her and whisper into her ear.

Sami walked across the room to me, I stood up, feeling my thong constricting my hardness as I did. She looked down and I saw the surprised expression cross her face, then a look of desire. I pulled her tight to me and kissed her. Not like a father, but as her lover. I kissed her until she melted into me, and I was supporting her in my arms.

I laid her across the bed and continued to kiss her, until I felt her fidgeting with her heightened arousal. I moved down, kissing her neck and shoulders. I heard her breath quicken as I slid her robe open, and I lightly kissed her breasts. Her dark areolas were erect, and her nipples were long, hard, and thick. When I finally took one of her nipples into my mouth, she lost her breath and moaned at the intense pleasure. She arched her back, as I started to suckle from her breast. She ran her fingers through my hair, as I lightly kneaded her breast to further stimulate her pleasure.

After a few minutes, my hand started exploring further down her side, over her hip, and down to her thigh. I felt her legs open slightly, as I ran my hands over her thigh. On the way back up, I curled my arm behind her and pulled her tight to my face. I felt her leg curl up over my waist and pull me to her.

I looked up and saw her looking down at me. I abandoned her breast and found her lips, and kissed her passionately once again.

Looking deep into her eyes, I ran my hand through her honey locks and pulled her head to me as I kissed her face. I focused on all her imperfections and covered them with love.

When I felt my wife’s hand on my ass, pulling my thong off, I lifted my hips, and she slid them off. I also felt Sami moving as she did the same for Sami. I positioned myself over Sami, looking down into her eyes full of desire.

She spread her legs exposing herself to me. I looked down and she was shaved smooth, but her skin was shiny with her arousal. I touched her dark lips and spread them to see the moist pink flesh inside.

I pressed the tip of my finger into her, and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I spread her wetness up over her clit, and I rubbed on it, until it was standing tall. As aroused as she was, it only took a few seconds before she was responding. My fingers found her opening again. She was even wetter now.

I thought about going down on her, but she was pulling me up over her, begging me–she was well-beyond ready. I positioned my legs between hers, as I started kissing her again. Sami lifted her legs up to her sides and I felt my wife’s hand on my cock, stroking me. I knew it had to be hers because my daughter’s hands were holding me in place above her.

As she stroked my length, I could feel my tip sliding through my daughter’s wetness, coating my cock. Then with a firm grip, she placed me at my daughter’s entrance and pushed my ass down with her other hand. I slowly pressed into her entrance, and Sami groaned with the pressure. When it was evident that my girth was not going to easily slide into her, my wife took both hands and spread Sami’s lips apart. My cock slid further in, and then I felt her opening stretching around my thickness. Sami moaned out, as I stretched her wide. She made a throaty, “Ahh,” as I popped into her vagina and her opening closed tightly behind my cock head.

Sami was in ecstasy. Her eyes were wide and staring into mine. She started whispering, “So big,” over and over. I felt her hands reach down and pull on my hips, and I slid more of my shaft into her silky-smooth pussy. She started moaning with every thrust of my cock, letting out a small grunt, as I reached further into her with each stroke.

By the time I bottomed out inside of her, I could hear how excited she was, with how wet and sloppy her pussy was. I could even feel her moisture dripping off my balls.

I had forgotten how good it felt to be balls deep in a smooth, slick pussy that was so wet with wanton lust, that it built up on my shaft. As my passions grew, so did hers and I felt her thrusting her hips up, as I plunged my thick cock into her. I felt my wife’s hands on my ass, sliding down until they were gripping my balls. As I impaled her daughter’s aroused pussy with my thick cock, she massaged my balls, taking me over the edge.

I heard Val say, “Fill her pussy up with your cum.”

I thrust as deep into Sami as I could, and held myself there. When Sami felt my release inside of her, she screamed out with her own orgasm. I felt her pussy fluttering and squeezing my shaft, milking it of everything I had. My wife continued massaging my contracting balls, ensuring I drained everything from them, into her daughter’s womb.

It was one of the longest and most intense orgasms I had ever had. When I had finished, I realized that Sami was still enjoying hers and was still thrusting up on my now-softening shaft. That was when my wife slipped a finger into my ass and pressed on my prostate. Instant erection. She continued to rub on it, as her daughter continued to thrust up onto my shaft.

It could not have been more than a minute and I felt another imminent orgasm approaching. I went wild with lust, as I slammed into my daughter’s abused pussy as hard and as fast as I could. Six strokes later, I was erupting deep into her velvety pussy, depositing even more of my semen deep within her, to find its way into her womb. I felt the finger in my ass slowly pull out, and I fell to the side. A loud sucking sound emanated from my bride’s pussy, as my cock was pulled from within her.

I felt hands on my chest, feeling my heart thundering in my chest. I was lightheaded and hyperventilating. I felt a chill come over me as my body continued to sweat. I also felt two mouths kissing me, as I just lay there with my eyes closed, enjoying the aftermath of the most glorious fuck I had ever had.

When I finally opened my eyes, I was looking into the eyes of both of my wives.

Val started whispering in my ear, “Rob, you were so thick, your shaft spread her so wide open. If she was not so turned on, you would have split her in half. I could not help myself, I had to touch you, to help you. You looked so virile, so manly. Rob, I need you to fuck me, too. Please fuck me, Rob.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her. “Have my new bride make me hard and have her slip me into you.”

I just lay there catching my second wind, as they positioned themselves. My wife showed her sister-wife how to suck the life back into my wilted cock. She soon had me hard again, and once she learned how to fit my thickness in her mouth, I felt her take my length into her throat. She continued to suck, until I was very hard and almost ready to cum again.

Val had gotten on top of me and was kissing me when I felt myself slip from my daughter’s mouth. I felt her fingers aiming my cock, placing me at her mother’s opening. I felt Val slide her hips back and her tightness engulfed me to the root. I was surprised to find her damp, and able to take my thickness without pain, a common complaint of hers over the last few years.

She sat on my hips and quickly flexed her hips back and forth, driving me in and out of her. I could also feel my daughter’s hand on my balls, massaging them.

Moments later, Val sat down hard on me, taking my cock deep within her as her orgasm overtook her. I saw her sister-wife cupping her breast from behind and pressing herself up against her back. Val’s hands reached back and stroked Sami’s hair, pulling her forward to her mouth, as they started kissing.

Seeing mother and daughter kissing in such an erotic way, brought me to a quick orgasm. I thrust up into my wife’s orgasming pussy, and emptied myself deep inside her. It surprised me how quickly we both climaxed together.

Sami’s hands continued to massage her mother’s breasts, as Val continued to come down from her orgasm. Val fell forward and landed on my chest as was her custom when she was on top. I held her to me as I wilted inside of her. I looked into the eyes of my daughter, kneeling behind her freshly fucked mother.

I listened to Val whispering, “My God, that felt so good, Rob. I sure missed that. I am so sorry for not giving this to you. I know how much you need this. I need it, too.”

Still looking into the eyes of her daughter, and already knowing the answer, I asked Val, “What got you so wet and horny, Val? Was it my cock fucking your daughter’s pussy that got you all worked up?”

I watched Sami’s eyes widen, and her mouth form a grin.

Val whispered, “Yes, I think so.”

“Do you have a thing for your daughter’s pussy? Do you like seeing it stretched full of cock?”

I watched, as Sami started rubbing her breast, the look of pure wanton desire filling her expression.

Val, in a deep lust-filled whisper, said, “Oh, Rob, you are making me so horny again.”

“Well, I hate to disappoint you, Val, but I think you will have to wait before you can see my cock stretch open your daughter’s pussy again. I am just too drained. Three times in a row, after five years of nothing. At my age, I am surprised you two did not kill me.”

I heard Sami giggling, as she reached down and started to massage her mother’s exposed and upturned ass, “I thought you were going to die after you fucked me so hard like that. What got into you? I thought you were done after that first time, and then you got so hard and just fucked the shit out of me.”

Val sighed under the manipulation of her daughter’s skilled hands, “Well that was my fault. I was stimulating his prostate. I have never seen him respond so well to that before.”

I smiled at the memory, “Well, I can explain that. When you have done that in the past, I never had my dick buried in a hot, wet, tight, silky-smooth pussy before. While you were thrusting up onto my cock, your mother was quickly rubbing my prostate. It just drove me over the edge with lust, and I just had to bury myself in your pussy. I just felt an overwhelming need to breed you.”

Sami’s hands stopped and she looked at me, “I never had anyone describe my pussy like that. Did it really feel that good?”

“Honey, even those words do not adequately describe how wonderful your pussy felt around my cock.”

She quickly lay down beside me and started to passionately kiss me, “Oh, daddy, you make me feel so good inside.”

I heard a loud slap, and I looked up to see that Val had just slapped Sami hard on her exposed ass.

“What?” I exclaimed.

Val in a stern warning told Sami, “What are the rules?”

I could see the pain in her face, then it dawned on her, “No calling him daddy. I am so sorry.” She was rubbing her butt where a large red welt was forming.

I looked at Val, “I am going to miss hearing her call me daddy.”

“Well soon, you will be having a new child to call you daddy.”

I looked confused at her, and she continued, “When we were in the bathroom, she told me she was due to ovulate in the next day or two, and at her age, you have a one-in-four chance of being a father next month.”

It had not quite fully dawned on me before that moment, but I really was going to father my wife’s grandchildren. I sat up and looked at my two wives lying on the bed. Both of their bodies created a burning desire deep inside of me. I was willing, my mind wanted to breed them both, but my body just would not respond.

I stood up and went to the empty glass and I filled it up again and took a drink. I relished the smooth burn of the alcohol as it went down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Looking at the two of you like that, I just have an overwhelming desire to breed the both of you. To put babies in both of your bellies. I just wish my body was thirty years younger so I could.”

Val asked, “Can I have one of those, too?” I brought it to her and kissed her deeply before giving it to her.

I set my empty glass on the dresser and went to my new young fertile wife. I crawled between her legs and started cleaning the folds of her sloppy pussy. I spent a long time slowly licking her. Getting into every one of her crevices. I studied her pussy and how different it was from her mother’s, committing every detail to memory.

Her mother’s complexion was so much darker, a deep, natural caramel; while Sami was a very light tan. Val’s pussy lips and areolas were also very dark, and I just loved how they looked on her. Her pussy lips were thick and would spread open as she got excited. After I would fuck her, they usually would remain open, allowing me to look deep inside of her.

Sami, on the other hand, her thicker hips naturally pressed her lips closed. But her inner lips were thinner, and her darkness was just on the very outer edge of her lips. Her folds and outer lips were her natural golden-tanned skin tone.

I was also surprised by how smooth her skin was down here. It was obvious that she waxed often to keep herself clean of hair. Her mother once did that, but now she was losing her thick furry covering. Another side effect of the change.

Another difference was that Val’s clit never got very large, when it was swollen and hard, it was still covered by its hood. But she was also very sensitive. Sami on the other hand, her clit was standing proud, its hood pulled back and it was sticking up at least a couple of inches. I truly enjoyed sucking on it like a very small cock as I rubbed her G-spot within her.

One thing that they shared was how well they responded to my stimulation. They were both easily stimulated to multiple orgasms.

I am not sure when Sami had started to nurse from Val’s breast, but when I heard Val moaning, I looked up to see the beautiful sight. As I watched my daughter suckle from her mother’s breast, I continued to slowly stroke my fingers against Sami’s G-spot, feeling how swollen and thick she felt there.

I felt my cock start to harden, as I watched the mother and daughter together. I withdrew my finger from my new bride and slid up her tummy. I felt her wetness leave a slime trail down my chest. I devoured my bride’s breast, sucking the end of her entire breast into my mouth and licking it with my tongue. My tongue danced around her nipple, bringing it to full erection very quickly within my mouth. I was grateful for how responsive her body was to my touch.

I let most of her breast slip from my mouth, and I focused on sucking her nipple. I readjusted my latch and found a comfortable suckling position, as my tongue danced around her nipple. The more I sucked, the harder and longer her nipple became. My thoughts turned to the day when I would be able to do this and drink from her breast. Soon, I thought.

I went to the other breast, and quickly got that one to the same state of arousal. I slipped a finger into her opening and found her drenched again. Licking my finger clean, I moved further up and slid my not-so-hard cock into her. I was not sure if it was hard enough, but I was determined to try. If she had not been so wet and loose from my previous fucking, I may not have been able to penetrate her in my softened state. But after just a few shallow strokes, I could feel myself becoming fully hard.

I slowly slid myself in and out of her for a long time, as she and her mother explored each other. She never lost that wet, soggy feeling, the entire time. When I felt Sami’s vagina tighten up with her orgasm, I felt myself quickening, that familiar tingling at the base of my balls, letting me know it would not be long.

That tingling spread up my back and neck, as I felt that pleasure spread out over my body. I felt my balls pull up and start ejaculating my baby makers deep in my fertile bride’s pussy, right into the opening of her womb. Her pussy continued to milk my sperm from my cock, sucking it all further into her womb.

I just held myself tight inside her, as I quickly wilted. I slowly pulled myself from her and again heard the sucking sound as her tight pussy refused to allow my cock to leave her. I lay down next to her and gently played with her body.

Soon, I felt other fingers playing with her body with mine, as we gently pleasured her. I looked at the clock and realized it was well after two. I suggested that we turn in for the night, and we all took care of our nightly business before crawling into the large bed.

Val was so wiped out that she did not move the entire night, as she lay on her side. Being on her side, she never made a noise that woke me the entire night. Her arm was over my back, and she was big spooning me.

Sami was on her side too, while I spooned her, holding her tight to me, my hand on her breast the entire night.

The next morning, I woke up with my morning wood begging to be used. I gently felt my new bride and found her very wet and ready. I pressed my cock between her legs and felt the slickness guide me into her depths. I felt her vaginal ring of muscles stretch again, before letting me slide into her. That stretching must have woken her, because when I slid my shaft fully into her, she responded with a long moan and whispers of how good it felt to have me inside of her, stretching her.

Her heat and wetness felt so good. I did not last long, even after the performance I had the evening before. I came so quickly, that I never got myself properly worked into her depths before unloading inside her.

I heard Val giggle, “She feels that good? Just a half dozen strokes, and you can’t hold back?”

“I don’t care how quickly he cums, it still feels so wonderful how he stretches me out when he enters me. It is almost as good as an orgasm.”

I felt myself soften slightly but remain semi-hard, pressing myself deep within her.

Sami adjusted herself and asked, “You’re still hard aren’t you, you randy old man?”

Val started to touch me, rubbing her hands over my erotic zones. Her touch brought new life to my erection, and I slowly started to thrust into Sami again. She just looked at me over her shoulder as her face expressed her overwhelming pleasure. As her orgasm took her, I felt her pussy contracting around my cock. I started to feel my pleasure building deep in my loins–between the two of them, I knew I was again in trouble. I started thrusting as deep as I could. From the position we were in, I was pressing deep into Sami’s cervix. Her whimpers and moans filled the room as another more powerful orgasm overtook her; I tried to hold back, but Val whispered in my ear, “Fill her sloppy pussy with your baby.”

With a groan of pure animalistic lust, I thrust deep into her and pressed my cock to her cervical opening, and shot my load directly into her womb.


Chapter Three

Well, that was the start of my second marriage. Val and my first marriage had died, but when Sami joined us, our second marriage began to thrive. It did take some time for the three of us to adjust.

Sami had quite the red ass a few times as her mother kept correcting her. I began to think that they rather enjoyed that, and I always found both of them wet afterward and both of them ready for a hard fuck.

I was getting more sex than I knew what to do with. Val was rejuvenated and was now wanting it a couple of times a week, and Sami was ready all the time. That first week we went at it like rabbits, at least a half dozen times a day.

Val was always interested in watching, but the rule about her always being there was broken that very first Monday that Val went off to work. Sami came into my office a half hour after I had started to work, and sucked my cock to a full erection and then sat on it, riding it until I emptied myself deep inside of her, despite already fucking her twice that morning.

I ended up having to lock my door to keep her out or I would never have gotten any work done. As soon as I unlocked it at lunchtime, she was kneeling outside the door, ready to suck me to a full erection so she could fuck me again. At five, she was knocking at my office door.

When I opened it, she dragged me from my office to the bedroom where Val found us. When Val walked into the room, I had already been slamming my cock into Sami’s pussy from behind for twenty minutes and Sami was screaming how good I felt inside her.

Val put her arms around my shoulders and whispered in my ear, “Listen to how wet you have her, how many loads did you put in her today?” When I felt her hand grab my balls, I pulled Sami’s hips tight to me, and I erupted inside of her daughter, filling her up with another load that had nowhere to go.

I tried to explain to Val, but she told me that Sami had been sexting her all day. Sending her pictures of her pussy full of my cum. Val told me she could only guess what Sami had done to me all day. I told her that I had locked my door, and she laughed. Meanwhile, Sami was still on her knees, slowly sliding my semi-erect cock in and out of her cum-filled pussy.

Val ended up sliding under us and licking up all the cum squirting out of her daughter’s pussy. I knew that with all the cum that I had pumped into our daughter’s pussy, there was no more room in her womb for more. But that did not stop me from putting more inside of her.

Over the next forty minutes, we slowly worked each other up to another orgasm. The entire time, Val was licking us, and Sami was playing with her mother’s pussy. When I filled her up again, I could feel all the cum just squirting out of her, and I could hear Val swallowing it all as it landed in her mouth.

When I pulled out, Sami lowered her hips so that her pussy could drain straight into her mother’s mouth. Val had taken a hold of her hips and was pulling them to her mouth, driving her tongue deep inside of her gaping hole, as she ate my cum.

This pattern continued for the next couple of days. It was the fifth day when Sami started to be able to control herself. She explained that her horniness was always the worst at her peak of fertility, but that this time it had been off the chart. She described how out of her mind she was all the time, and that all she could think about was having my cock inside of her, breeding her.

Of course, she missed her time of the month a couple of weeks later. Two weeks later she tested positive, and a blood test confirmed the pregnancy. Eight weeks later we had images of the little one, a month later we knew it was a girl.

Sami’s tummy grew quickly, but she never lost her desire for my cock to stretch her pussy nearly every morning when we woke up. Val continued to participate in our fun, even asking for me to give her some at least a couple of times a month. I did notice that Val liked to clean up her daughter’s cream-filled pussy after I had finished filling it.

Lucy was born a healthy baby. After the birth, while Sami healed, she still joined Val and me in bed every night. Sami even had non-penetrative fun with us. By the time she was fully healed, she was ready to be pregnant again. It took a few months, but by the end of that year, Sami was pregnant with her second child.

By the time Lucy was born, we had been on our new ranch and had been settled in for nearly six months. The ranch is huge, a five thousand square feet, nine-bedroom, log cabin with a wraparound deck nestled in the Bitterroot National Forest, set back on 150 acres at the end of a mountain valley road. There was even a hot tub built into the deck that the three of us often used together. I often found myself fishing in the five-acre fishing pond that the cabin overlooked. The best part of the cabin was the large library that I used as my office. I spent many hours at my desk watching Sami as she sat reading on the other side of the room.

To our knowledge, no one from our old town ever found out about Sami’s pregnancy outside of a few of her close friends. They were all told that it was a one-night stand, but soon all her friends had lost contact with the long distance, and we had moved before she was truly showing.

As Sami made new friends, I was introduced as her husband and Val as her mother. My previous marriage to Val was never mentioned. Legally, Val and I had divorced before moving, and Sami and I married once we settled in Montana. That was more for the insurance that Sami needed. In reality, I still had two wives.

Val also made new friends. She didn’t get a new job in her old career, but instead, she got her real estate license and started with the local real estate company. She is doing quite well for herself, even becoming a partner in the company after five years of working there.

And yes, Sami’s milk is delicious. I have always finished up what the babies could not finish.

Yes babies, we just had our eighth child. She was a bit of a surprise.

We don’t expect any more children, as Sami is taking after her mother. At just forty-two, her periods are very irregular. But with my seventieth birthday coming up, I have realized just how blessed I have been, being married to my two wives.

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