The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO.

As the night wore on, Jill and her gamers were in the video room playing. , The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door, part 2


As the night wore on, as expected Jill, was nowhere to be found. Marcus did come down once, albeit only to get a quick blowjob from Amy. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the debauchery. The CG boys brought the twins over from their house and introduced them to Kim and Kay. Two sets of twins. Now that seemed interesting, even to an old guy like me.

Funny as it may sound, both sets of twins took up a spot in the big kitchen for a long talk about the porn industry. I only discovered them as I was looking for a specific piece of fruit, a plum. I don’t know why, but I like plums when they are soft, which seems to be rare to find as all the grocery stores have plums picked too soon and are hard as a rock. This forces you to put them in the sun somewhere to ripen, but usually I forget about them and they end up rotting before I eat them. Maybe, with two chefs, we won’t experience that.

I had Dakota with me as I was in search of my plum, Dakota as it turns out doesn’t like peaches. She loves nectarines but absolutely hates peaches, something about the fuzzy texture. Of course, I find that funny with the number of women who only minimize the fuzz on their pussy and yet, Dakota has no problem with eating THAT fruit.

At some point, the pizzas arrived. Sharon drug the poor pizza delivery boy, who was clearly college-aged and pushed him onto one of the leather couches in the living room and gave him a wonderful tip……a blowjob. Oh, he didn’t last all that long as Sharon’s mouth is one of epic talent, but I think that just the idea of him getting a blowjob as a tip is one of many a pizza delivery boys’ fantasy.

I sent one of the pizzas up to Jill and her video group with a response, “Hey, what no drink to go with it,” I knew it came from Jill, only she would be bold enough to say that. I had Bobby go up with an assortment of drinks. He was a bit wobbly on his own as both Paula and Donna fucked his brains out, just before I asked him to take the gamers some drinks. I just smiled knowing that he and Sammy were enjoying themselves and basically had the night off. In my head, I was thinking just how early they will be waking tomorrow after a wonderful night of my debauchery.

As Bobby staggered back down the stairs, he found me and told me he was supposed to give me a kiss from Jill, but he chose instead to just tell me that she sends her love. I laughed and patted him on the shoulder for avoiding giving me a kiss or anything else she might have suggested. He smiled and laughed as well.

Dakota and Amy were the clear favorites of the party. They basically were doing anyone that even looked their way. They both did Fred, they both did the CG boys, and they both did John, albeit Dakota did him twice. John figured that this was one of those ‘passes’ that Diane was giving him to play with others. Again, I smiled thinking about how much in such a short time he has matured. He is certainly becoming his own man.

As it got into the evening, I heard a knock at our front door. My brain thought that we needed a doorbell. Jennifer went over to answer the door, she had the easiest clothes to put on, a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, no undies of course.

When she opened the door, there stood our locksmith. He looked like a worn-out puppy. She put her arms around him and drug him into the house. She clearly is enamored with him. I saw John look at his Mom hugging and kissing the locksmith guy. He just smiled. He knew that his Mom had not ‘dated’ in quite a while, and while being part of my play group was nice, it wasn’t love.

After Jennifer stopped kissing this poor man, John went over and stuck his hand out introducing himself, “Hello, I’m not sure we’ve met, I’m John,” he says purposely avoiding saying he was Jennifer’s son if she didn’t want that to be known just yet.

The locksmith shakes hands and introduces himself. He apologized for being all sweaty as he unfortunately found out all the district offices AC were on timers and he made all the lock changes in basically un-air-conditioned buildings. Jennifer offered him to take a shower, but he politely declined saying he had no clean clothes with him. Jennifer took him by the hand and walked him through the house for him to see all the sex that was going on. She took him down one of the hallways to her bedroom and thus into her shower. They were in there for quite a long time. I just smiled thinking that he is getting a great tip, Jennifer. At some point, Jennifer came out and went straight to the washer/dryer putting his clothes in and getting them washed before she skipped back to her bedroom.

I noticed the locksmith had set his keys down on the countertop. I picked them up and went to our front door, I opened it and hit the lock button on his key fob. I saw the lights blink and a small beep. I felt better knowing that his truck was secure.

At some point, both sets of twins returned to the party, each one taking a guy and fucking their brains out. I wasn’t sure but I think I saw a tinge of jealousy in both Amy and Dakota eyes.

I decide to go up to the video room. When I opened the door, I saw something I wasn’t expecting to see, Jill and Diane being fucked by Mark and Marcus. It didn’t make me jealous, I was just surprised. Here I thought that I was going to see all these video gamers into the game, but I guess the game was taking a pause. Jill unplugged herself from Mark and came over to the doorway to kiss me.

“Hey there Darling, I just wanted to check on my gaming four, but I see all is well here,” I said smiling.

I saw Diane cumming hard on Marcus’ cock. Mark Newberg clearly didn’t know what to do. He just sat where he was and didn’t look at me.

“Darling, come play with us, you missed it, it was girls against the guys loser has to fuck the winner. Diane and I won!” Jill tells me, as if I needed an explanation.

“Has Mark made you cum yet?” I asked smiling, although Mark wasn’t looking at me yet.

“Um, No, he hasn’t. Maybe I need to add a penalty for a half-hearted try to make the winner cum,” she says with her big smile.

“Maybe the penalty could be that he has to lick Diane’s pussy until she cums while fucking you, keeps him busy,” I say smiling and now laughing a bit.

“Hey, that’s a good idea, Mark you need to start licking Diane’s pussy as a penalty for not making me cum yet. Keep licking her until she cums again,” She tells Mark, who puts his face into Diane’s pussy, although it was just filled with Marcus’s cum, but I wasn’t going to point that out.

Jill pulls my pants down and begins licking and sucking me. She looks up at me and says, “This is wonderful, who do I taste on you?” she asks.

“Um, the most recent was Mom. All of the ladies you left downstairs have been having their way with me and the boys that you left,” I say to her.

Jill stops sucking me and announces to the gamers that they need a break and to head downstairs and join into the sex that is going on. Mark Newberg couldn’t get up fast enough and blew right past me and down the stairs he went. Marcus was quite the gentleman, helping Diane up, kissing her, holding her tightly, putting his arm out for her to hold onto.

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