That Threesome Pt. 01

An adult stories – That Threesome Pt. 01 by Bianca_P,Bianca_P Sunday 19 March 1978

“Good Morning Sandra,” came George’s voice from the Garden room as I entered the kitchen, the aroma of fresh coffee drifting through to my nostrils. A reflex took control of my hands, and I pulled my bathrobe belt tight.

“Good afternoon, you mean,” Jen corrected as she lowered the broadsheet newspaper she held.

I stared sheepishly at the coffee table as I muttered, “Yes. Good aftermorning you two.”

After the fucking of my life in the early hours of the morning, on the very coffee table on which Jen was about to put her coffee down, I’d slept like a log. In fact, it was now after twelve.

“There’s a full pot of coffee in there, San,” Jen informed me. “Help yourself to anything you want.”

“Thanks. I’ll just have toast for now.”

Even though I’d wiped and wiped this morning, I imagined I could still feel George’s copious semen seeping onto my thighs.

“No, Jay?” Jen asked. I could feel her x-ray vision peering through my robe. Did her nostrils flare, smelling George’s juices?

“No. I think he’s gone for a walk. He does that sometimes. He was up quite early.” Not fucking early enough to stop your husband shagging my brains out, I thought. “I’ll just do some toast.”

“Trish’s gone out as well. She sometimes goes down to the prom, just to watch the ships coming and going.”

Really, I thought. Jay’s out for a walk; Raven’s out for a walk. I wondered if they’d gone together.

My toast had just popped when Jay walked in holding a newspaper. I stared at the rolled-up tree in his hand. “Since when did you get a Sunday paper?”

“Oh, this? There’s an interesting article in it.”

“It’s big enough!”

“Couple of magazines came with it. That’s where the articles are.”

“You could have had ours after we’d finished,” said George.

“I think you’re doing enough for us.”

A lot more than you can imagine, I thought. “Would you like some toast?” I asked Jay.

“Not half!”

“What time did you get up?”

“About eight. Were you up in the middle of the night?”

I certainly was, I thought. And George was up, as well. Well, up me. “Yes. I woke around three and couldn’t get back to sleep.” I cast a furtive glance at George. “I came down and had some sweet milk.” And a lot of sex.

“You seemed to be gone for ages.” George seemed to be grinning; he probably wasn’t, but I was feeling a bit paranoid. “I woke up a couple of times and you weren’t there.” Fuck! Does Jay know? I thought.

“Well, milk was too hot to drink. And I cleaned up after myself.” And George cleaned up after us. I watched as Jen put her cup down again, right where I’d dripped the cocktail of spunk.

“You okay?” Jay asked, concerned.

“Yes. Why?” No, I’m feeling fucking guilty for letting our mate’s dad finally have his way with me.

“You just seem a bit subdued.”

“It’s the disturbed sleep that does it.” And the sore fanny! I changed the subject. “Been anywhere nice?”

“Walked all the way up to Hightown. Called into the newsagent by the station for a juice. That’s where I got this.” He lifted the newspaper. “I thought of jumping a train back, but there was a ticket guy on the platform.”

Jay’s toast had popped and I started buttering. “You could have just paid the fare.”

“What? At those rip-off prices.”


I made some more toast for myself and we took the food and coffee back to our room, where Jay sat on the bed reading while I ran a bath.

***I sat on the edge of the original Victorian bath, staring at the running water as it cascaded into the foam on the surface. The temptation was to join Jay on our bed, but I’d want to tell him about George and what he’d threatened about the threesome with Jay. I couldn’t decide if I was afraid that Jay would express his disapproval or excitement at the thought of fucking Raven’s mother.

My brain was a whirlpool of emotions. The flutters in my fanny battled with the guilt I felt at being well and truly rutted by the husband of the woman who had been so generous to us. Jay was sitting on our bed, oblivious to the fact, while I was in here about to soak away the emissions deposited inside me not seven hours ago. He was reading his intellectual articles, while I was not only remembering the fucking Jay had given me, but reminiscing about the multiple orgasms to which our host had treated me. I toyed with telling Jay, but I’d also have to tell him that it had been the best fuck of my life. How would that make him feel?

“I’m getting in the bath,” I called through the open bathroom door.

“I’ll leave you to enjoy it for a while before I join you,” he offered. “You want to read one of these?”

“No. It’s okay.” I wouldn’t be able to concentrate, anyway.

The water was still very warm and the foam still, well foamy, when I heard the voice from a distance. “Sandra.” I opened my eyes to see Jay removing his final piece of clothing – socks.

“We’re in the bath,” Jay called to her.

Before my senses had fully recovered, Raven had appeared framed in the bathroom door. Her eyes fixed on Jay’s crotch as he struggled to pull off his final sock. The rush to take it off slowed him down.

“Raven!” Jay shouted. “You’re making a habit of this.

“I don’t know what the fuss is about,” she replied. “I have seen it all before. Well, I’ve actually seen more of it.”

Aye, up close and very personal. I didn’t voice the thought. Water splashed over the sides as Jay dropped as fast as he could to cover his embarrassment. “Yes, well,” Jay shot back. “I’ve seen you and all, but you wouldn’t like it if I burst in on you.”

“Honestly. It wouldn’t bother me. I can strip off as well if it makes you feel more comfortable.” She began to unzip her jeans.

“No!” Jay and I shouted in unison.

“That’s not necessary.” I added.

Raven stopped and zipped up again, then sat on the toilet lid.

“So next time you’re having a bath,” Jay continued, “we’ll just come marching in and watch you, shall we?”

“You’re more than welcome,” Raven replied. “There’s nothing about this body I feel ashamed of.”

“Yes, well,” I said. “If I had a body like yours, I’d want to display it as well.” The last word came out with a squeak, as I felt Jay’s toe stroke my vulva. I shot him a look.

“Hang on, missy. I didn’t say I want to display it. And there’s not a thing about your body to be ashamed of, either.” She was staring at the water as if trying to see through the bubbles at what Jay’s foot was doing.

“Anyway,” I said, pushing Jay’s foot away. “What did you want?”

“Just to see if you wanted some lunch.”

“We’re a bit busy.”

“I don’t mean now. Though I could bring it up to you.”

“No. That’s okay. We’ll come down for it later.”

“Okay. But make sure you have something. There’ll be food at Thena’s, but it’ll be after the ritual.”

“Oh, yes.” I remembered that we were all off to Thena and Bram’s, the Black couple in the coven. “We’ll be sure to eat something.”

“Right, I’m off to eat. See you down there.” She left.

Jay let out a sigh. “I thought she’d never leave.”

“You’ve never been particularly bothered by anyone seeing you. Worried you’d get a stiffy?”

“No!” He lied. “Anyway, are you feeling better?”

“Yes. The soak has relaxed me. You?”

Jay didn’t answer. He was looking past me, vacant.

“Jay! Are you pissing in the water again?”

“No! Erm, maybe.”

“Stop it now.”

“I already did. You scared it back in.”

“Stand up!”


“If you’re going to piss in the bath water, stand up and do it.”

“You know I can’t.”

“How come you can do it sitting in the water while I’m here, then?”

“That’s different.”


“You don’t know and can’t see.”

“Well, if I moved the suds away, I could see.”

“Then I’d stop.”

“So, it’s not just me being in the room. So how come you could do it then?”

“I don’t know. I’m just absolutely bursting. I haven’t been since I came back and I’ve had a bottle of juice and loads of coffee.”

“Go on, stand up.”

“I can’t.”

“What, stand up?”

“Of course, I can stand up. I mean, I can’t pee.”

“Go on. I order you to stand up.”

He stood up, suds from the bubble bath sliding down his thighs. Some dripped from the end of his flaccid dick. “Stop staring at it,” he said. “I’ll get a hard on.”

“Okay.” I turned my head to look at the central bath taps. “Right, I’m not looking now. If you’re bursting, go now.”

“How would you like it if I ordered you to stand up and pee?” I looked up at him.

“Wouldn’t bother me one bit. I’d be able to.”

“Of course, you would. Stop looking and I’ll try.”

I stared at the taps again, and waited. I waited some more. After I’d waited, I waited a bit longer. “Go on,” I said. “You know you can. You know you want to. Feel the pressure of that piss just bursting to get out.”

“No. Can’t.”

I reached up and turned on the hot tap. It ran cold. I held my hand under the cold water, waiting for it to run hot. I cupped my hand until it overflowed with cold water and threw it in his direction.

“What the fuck did you do that for?”

It had obviously landed on target. “It sometimes helps. The running water helps as well.” As the water ran hot, I turned it down till it was little more than a trickle.

“Oh! Shit!” He exclaimed.

“What?” I resisted the temptation of looking at him.

“It’s there. It’s nearly there. Trying to get out.”

“Just relax. Remember your breathing and how it relaxes every muscle.” I summoned Zeb’s hypnotic tones. “Close your eyes. Relax. Hear the trickling of the stream, enticing the flow.”

I breathed with him. I lay back, eyes closed, face to the ceiling. “Keep breathing slowly and relax.” I continued to breathe and listened to Jay’s breath.

As I lay there, relaxed, knowing Jay was trying his best to do what I so desperately wanted to watch him do, I heard it. My heard pounded in my chest. Just the faintest sound of a narrow stream hit the foam in front of me. The pounding got stronger and faster. I summoned all my patience and waited. The trickle seemed to stop and start again. This time, it was stronger and continued. How could Jay fail to hear my heart beat?

I counted to three, then opened my eyes and looked up. There was Jay’s beautiful penis. The flow was slight, but it was there. I could see Jay’s face straining, his eyes still closed. My heart was filled with pride as I held my breath and watched.

“I brought some coffee.” Came Raven’s voice.

Jay dropped back in the bath as he mouthed, “Fuck!”

I held my temper as Raven placed the cups down on the toilet lid, and I shut off the tap. “See you soon,” she said and left.

I reached across to Jay and took his hand. I placed in on my chest. “Feel that?”

“Your heart is pounding.”

“It is. That’s how excited I was to see you losing that inhibition.”

“It’s not an inhibition. I’m not bothered about you seeing me pee, but the message hasn’t reached my bladder.”

“Damn that girl.”

“I’d have stopped anyway as soon as I saw you watching.”

He passed me my cup of coffee and relaxed back with his. He went vacant again and closed his eyes. “Are you…” I began, but Jay just grinned. Leaning forward, I brushed aside what was left of the dying suds and peered through the water. A slightly cloudy, pale amber stream swirled from the end of Jay’s cock. I said nothing, holding still, watching. It was fascinating to watch. I’d never seen that before. As the stream came to a stop, I leaned back and drank my coffee. Jay opened his eyes and grinned.

“You just pissed in the bath again, didn’t you?”

“You weren’t looking?”

“Did you expect me to?”

“Yes and no.”

We both swigged back our coffees. Jay placed his on the toilet and leaned over to take mine. “Right you,” he said. “Stand up.”


“Well, when I asked how you’d like it, you said it wouldn’t bother you. So? Stand up and pee.”

“Okay. Only fair, I suppose.”

I stood. The bathroom air was much cooler than the bath water and a tingle fluttered around my nipples as they responded to the chill. Jay stretched his legs out, forcing me to stand either side of them. The position was strange, as was the feeling of Jay’s eyes looking up from that odd angle. I’d never been watched from that angle before.

“Go on, then.” Jay ordered. “Pee.”

“Okay. Give me a minute.”

“Not so easy while you’re being stared at, is it?”

“Shut up.” I waited. It was not so easy being watched while stone cold sober, however much I was suddenly bursting. All my muscles relaxed as I stared at the ceiling and slowed down my breathing. The pressure dropped to what surely must have been the opening, but it was in no hurry. A few more breaths and the warmth began to roll down my thigh and drop into the bubbles. I looked at Jay and the flow immediately stopped. The water was much lower without me in it, and I could see the tip of Jay’s cock peeking out of the water. He was quite clearly enjoying what he saw.

“I see you’re enjoying what you see?”

He looked down. “Oh, yes. Now, carry on.”

“It’s hard,” I admitted

“Well, almost,” we both grinned at that. “Just pretend you’re pissed and I’m someone else.” That felt like a jibe. “You said you can piss like a lad. Try putting your foot up on the bath.”

I followed the instructions and now I was fully displaying myself. It felt vulnerable. Controlling my breathing again, I closed my eyes and relaxed. The flow soon started; this time in earnest. “Right!” I said. “You asked for it.” Reaching down to my fanny, and placed my fingers in the position I’d learned and pulled back. The steam hit the tip of his knob.

“Wow! You really can,” he said.

“Oh, yeah!” I pulled back, and the jet hit him in the face.

“What the fuck, Sandra!” He washed the pee off his face with the bathwater as I aimed back at his prick.

“You asked me to piss like a man. Sorry.”

“That’s nice, though,” he said.

The flow stopped, and I sat back down. “Enjoy that?”

“I see the attraction.”

“Let’s make sure you’re nice and clean,” I said as I grabbed a bar of soap. Lathering up my hands, I leaned forward and massaged the soap into his cock, which became stiffer.

“That’s nice,” he said, as he arched to bring his member out of the water.

“I’ll just make sure it’s nice and clean.” My hands continued to manipulate his now very clean cock-head. “Get it back in the water, rinse that soap off.” Jay did what he was told. “Now stand up and I’ll make sure all the soap has gone.”

As he stood, I shuffled forward, reaching for his erection. “Closer,” I said. He stepped nearer to me as I pulled his lever down enough to wrap my lips around it. He drew a sharp breath in as I sucked. “Oh, yes. Nice and clean.”

“Are you sure?”

“Let me taste again.” I tasted again, sucking him further in and stroking up and down with my tongue. Pulling away, I looked up at him. “Yes. I’m sure.” But I continued to stroke.

“Are you really sure?”

“Let me just watch it for a while.” But I didn’t just watch it. I examined it as I caressed it. Pulling his foreskin forward, then back, I leaned forward and put my tongue on the hole that I’d just watched as it emptied some of the contents of Jay’s bladder, and tasted the issue of pre-cum. Holding his cock with two hands, I rolled both thumbs around the two ridges underneath his glans, after lubricating them with the emission.

“Fuck me!” Jay gasped. “That’s nice.”

“You want me to carry on?”


“Or should I stop?” I took my hands away.

“No, no. Please don’t stop.

I resumed my ministrations as Jay’s breathing quickened. He panted out, “You are so fucking good at that.” Not the only person to complement my techniques this weekend.

I was desperate to touch myself, but I wanted to see Jay’s pleasure. My thumbs continued to pleasure Jay. First one, then the other rolled across the tip, picking up more lubrication, then each took turns to roll around his frenulum. Jay’s thighs trembled as he leaned against the wall. Some more man oil oozed from his tip. Jay panted and moaned as I watched that little pee hole. I loved watching the effects I had on Jay. His thighs tensed and trembled. A long grunt escaped from Jay’s mouth as I pressed on and stroked the underside of his bell and I watched, anticipating the show. The first shot squirted from the gap and hit my lips; my tongue darted out to suck in the nectar. The second and third landed on my chest; a fourth oozed from him and rolled down his glans.

“Like that?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah.”

Feeling less guilty about George, I slid down the bath to swill the semen from my chin and chest. As I sat up, Jay sat down and rinsed himself off. Just get out, I thought, and let me finish myself off. Jay’s foot stroked up my thigh until his big toe landed on my clit.

“Wow!” I said. “Nice. But you don’t have to do that. I can…”

“Oh. Go on then. I’ll watch.”

And so, he did. Jay watched me as I rubbed my own clitoris, holding my eyes in his while I came.

***Light lunch was served at the kitchen table. By the time Jay and I had dried and dressed, me in my usual ankle length wrap over and one of Jay’s shirts, and Jay in tee shirt and jeans. Raven and her parents had all but finished, but were still seated.

“Tea, you two?” Jen offered.

“Please,” I said. Jay similarly accepted.

“I just made a fresh pot. Help yourselves to whatever’s on the table. Or I can find something else if that doesn’t take your fancy.”

“Cheese and bread is find for me,” Jay said. “San?”

The bread, was no ordinary white sliced. Kneaded with her loving, sexy hands, the bread was Jen’s homemade wholemeal cob. There were two on the table, one almost demolished and the other untouched.

“I made the loaves earlier. Hope you enjoy.”

While Jay and I ate, Jen seemed to be eying up my fiancĂ©. I Imagined her thoughts. Well, I know what he looks like naked, and I’ve seen that beautiful rod of his at full mast. I wonder what it would feel like in my mouth. How hard could those buttocks ram that cock into me. After all, Sandra knows what my husband’s cock feels like, in her hands, in her mouth, in her cunt! She’s sampled the sweet taste of my man’s juices, so it’s only fair I sample her man’s. She would probably be thinking in much posher language than that. Penis, erection, vagina, gluteus, secretions, semen. She might even be thinking poetically; staff of life, life force, lingam, Yoni. Stop torturing yourself, Sandra! I admonished myself.

“What was that?” Jay asked.


“You mumbled something.”

“Did I. Sorry. Lost in thought.”

“Have you showered today, young lady?” Jen directed her question to Raven, much to my relief.

“Not yet. I’m going up as soon as I’ve drunk this,” Raven replied. Jay and I shot a knowing luck at each other and grinned.

“It’s customary before a ritual,” Jen explained. “Clean body, clean mind.”

How clean is you mind, Jen? I didn’t ask. “We’ve both…”

“I know. Trish told us.”

“Ahem!” Raven made a point.

“Sorry. I mean our dear Raven, of course.”

Raven swallowed the last drops of tea and stood up. “I’ll use the one on the landing, since you’ll be using yours.” Raven announced to her mother.

“Come on George,” Jen instructed. “We’ll go get ours. Leave all that there till later, in case anyone still feels peckish.”

We sat eating and finishing our drinks for a respectable period. “Time to get our own back,” I said to Jay.

“What do you mean?”

“Raven’s gone for a shower.”


“So, time to repay her for bursting in on us. Come on.”

I pulled him up as the penny dropped. We walked up the stairs as quickly as we respectably could. “She’s in the bathroom next to us,” I whispered to Jay. We stopped outside the bathroom door and listened. The running water told us she was in the shower; I thought I detected a moan, but I decided it was my warped imagination. We waited. The water stopped and I mouthed to Jay, “Now!”

I threw open the door as Raven pulled back the curtain. Her black hair shimmering with the dampness. She wiped the water from her eyes, and opened them. “Oh, hello you two,” she greeted, and stood there, watching us. Here smooth, pale wet skin reflected the daylight from the window. My eyes drifted to where Raven had taken a leaf from my book, and where she no longer displayed a cirrus cloud of flame, but neatly trimmed red hairs.

“Just thought we’d pay you back for earlier,” Jay explained.

My eye’s lingered where no straight woman’s should, as her sex was no longer decorated with wispy scarlet. Her lips were more pronounced than I remembered them, as was her now obvious clitoris. I then realised what the moaning had been. I glanced at Jay, but he didn’t notice.

Raven opened her arms, almost shrugging. “I told you, I’m not in the least bit bothered.” With no hint of embarrassment, she raised one leg to step over the side of the bath, now fully displaying herself as her foot landed on the floor. “Are you just going to stand there staring, or are you going to pass me that towel behind you?” Jay turned to grab a towel as she brought the other leg out of the bath. “No. The smaller one.”

Jay handed her the towel, with which she rubbed her coal black hair, making no attempt to cover up. I had to speak.

“Are we getting changed here, or is that not allowed?”

Our naked friend wrapped her hair in the damp towel and stood upright. “Oh, yes. We’ll robe up here, since we’ll be in the car.” She sat on the closed toilet lid. “Can you pass the other one.”

Jay managed to pull his eyes away to grab the towel; he handed it to her. Finally, she’s going to cover up, I thought. No. She did not. She lifted one leg, placing her heel on the lid of the toilet, and began to dry from toes to thigh. I tuned to Jay who was, of course, staring at Raven. He realised this time, and looked away.

Raven repeated the drying on the other leg as I said, “That makes it easier.”

“Yes, it does,” she replied as she stood up, spread her legs and began to rub her crotch with the towel.

“I’m just…” Jay pointed to the door. “I’ll be in our room.” He left.

“Right you,” Raven said. “Come on.” She wrapped the towel around her shoulders and walked out.


“Come and talk to me while I get dressed.”

As I followed her into her dark cave of a bedroom, I said, “You did that deliberately didn’t you.”

“Did what?” I wasn’t fooled.

“Made sure we knew where you would be showering so we could get our own back.”

“No idea what you mean.”

“You wanted to make a point, didn’t you?”

“Worked, didn’t it.”

“Okay. I admit you are far less inhibited than we are. Happy?”

“Not especially.” Raven pulled on a pair of knickers. “Close the door and come and tell me what’s bothering you.”

“What?” I closed the door.

“You’ve been quiet all day. Even in that bathroom, you were a bit quiet. And you weren’t a bit happy that I was naked while Jay was there.” She picked a tee-shirt out of the drawer and put that on. No bra.

“What? No. That doesn’t bother me.”

“Mm! So, what is it?” She sat at the head of the bed, crossed legged. She motioned for me to sit down on the bed, which I did, mirroring her posture.

“You’re obviously a natural red head.”

“You noticed?”

“Hard not to. So why dye your hair black and call yourself Raven. Why not just own the ginger and call yourself something like Scarlet or Ginger?”

“Have you ever been bullied for the colour of your hair?”


“Exactly. Life was almost unbearable at school. No wonder kids kill themselves. Besides, Poe!” She explained

“Ah! Once upon a midnight dreary,”

“While I pondered, weak and weary,”

“Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,”

We both giggled at the synchronicity.

“Right, stop side tracking and tell me what’s bothering you.”

“Shit! You’re not going to let it go.”


“Well, first off, we are both a bit pissed off at you just walking in on us.” I deflected.

“Sorry, San. It’s just what we do. It’s kind of house rules. No locks on doors and freedom to go anywhere we want.”

“It’s just that we’re not used to it.”

“It’s liberating. Embrace it. Anyway, bollocks to that! You were moping before that. Mum told me.”

“Oh, shit!”

“What? Come on. Get it off your chest.”

“I think I’ve had enough exposure for one day.”

“Hey! We’ve got Thena’s to come yet.”

“Oh, God. Yes. More strangers to flash at.”

“Most of them would have been at ours anyway. Now, stop deflecting and tell me.”

“I had sex with your dad.” As I said this, Raven’s mouth fell open. “Well, it was more that he had sex with me.”

“And Jay doesn’t know.” I shook my head. “I thought you told each other everything.”

“This is different. It’s your dad. He’s older than my dad. It feels, dirty somehow.”

“Because he’s older?”

“Yes. And he’s your dad. And he’s married to your mum. The woman who has given us a roof and a bed to sleep in.”

“I’ve told you. They have that sort of marriage.”

“He already tried to seduce me yesterday afternoon. Twice.”

“And you resisted? Wow. Strong woman.”

“I nearly didn’t, but your mum came back early.”

“Did she catch you.”

“Nearly. But I think she suspects. But then I came down in the middle of the night for a drink and…” I hesitated. “It was almost as if he was psychic.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Hell! Did I? At least three times.”

“So why are you so worried about it?”

“He said…” I stopped.

“He said what?” She was intrigued.

“He said that your mum…” I stopped again. “Really no. I can’t tell you.”

“Listen babe, I know they get up to all sorts. I’m surprised mum hasn’t seduced Jay yet.”

“I’m sure it’s only lack of opportunity. I don’t think he’d have the strength to resist.”

“Like you didn’t, you mean.”

“I held off for twelve hours!” Raven laughed at that. “He said your mother has had two men at once.”

“Like a menage trois? Three in a bed? Threesome?”

“I think that’s what he meant.”

“Lucky her. I fantasise about two boys at a time. More sometimes.”


“I said it is a fantasy. I haven’t done it. Have you?”

“Ugh! No. I couldn’t. We have an agreement. If we have sex with someone else, then don’t have sex with each other afterwards.”

“How long?”

“What do you mean?”

“How long after. Same day? A few hours? Next day?”

“Next day, at least.”

“So, what’s the next day? Twelve hours? Ten? Just till you wake up?”

“No. I don’t know. Till we’ve cleaned up, I suppose.”

“So that could be the same night. After a shower.”

“I don’t know. We’ve never specified. Plus, I don’t want Jay to see me fucking someone else.”

“But you’ve watched each other playing with someone on the dance floor.”



“It’s not full on sex.”

“It’s still sex. I know you’ve watched Jay bringing someone off. And he’s watched you wanking someone else. And he’s watched you being fingered on the dance floor. I don’t see how that’s different.”

“It just is.”

“So, you and Jay with another bloke is out. What about two men who aren’t Jay?”



“Because… I’d be expecting someone to… you know… after…”

“Did you have sex with Jay last night?”


“It’s just sex that everyone does. Lucky for you, you can do it regularly with the same man. So, did you.”


“Then you had sex with my Dad.” I stared at her. “Sorry, my dad had sex with you.”


“So, what’s the difference?”

“That’s what’s bothering me. It feels dirty. ”

“Nothing dirty about it. Wait till you see one woman take ten men!”

“What. How?”

“Nothing. Never mind. So not you and two men. What about You, Jay, and another girl?”

“Don’t get any ideas.”

“I’m not hinting. Just putting the scenario to you.”

“Then I’d have to watch Jay fuck someone else.”

Raven’s eyebrows lifted at this. “So, poking someone is okay, as long as it’s his finger not his dick.”

“Stop it.”

“Besides. You don’t have to watch. You can join in.”


“Babe, you ran you finger down my slit at the party.”

“That’s different. I didn’t think you’d remember that. We were all drunk.”

“Ah! The get out of jail free card. I thought you were liberated.”

“We are, but there are limits.”

“I think you might need to work on those inhibitions if you want to be truly liberated.”

“Well, your dad said that next time your mum has a threesome, it will involve Jay.”

“And that worries you?”

“Well, I’m not happy about it.”

A knock at the door interrupted the conversation. “Yeees,” Raven said, puzzled.

“It’s Jay.”

“Get in here!” Jay opened the door. “I told you, you don’t have to knock anywhere in this house. Shut the door.”

Jay stepped in and looked across at Raven’s crotch again, before looking at me. “What are you up to?” he asked.

“San’s just been telling me that my dad…”


“Behave. My dad told her that my mum is going to seduce you into a threesome.”

“What?” It was Jay’s turn to drop his jaw.

“Yes. My mum, my dad, and you. In bed. Having sex.”

“No chance.”

“If he says it will happen, it will. They can be very persuasive.”

“I can’t imagine anything they can say or do that would make me.”

“Tenner says, by the end of the month.”

I felt like this was a dream. The surreality of it was Daliesque. The whole room teleported into another plane of existence. I looked from one to the other. Jays mouth agape, eyes like saucers, Raven with a Cheshire grin.

“Oh, my!” I had no other words.

***Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed the story, please rate it five stars and leave a comment. If you didn’t then don’t rate it and leave a comment. Even criticisms are welcome. PART #2 will follow shortly.

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