Sonali – Lusty Girl Next Door

Sonali – Lusty Girl Next-Door

Hi all, its Ali here!

I’m back with another exciting adventure, this time with Sonali Sarkar, a cute but lusty Buddhist girl from my neighborhood. I want to tell you all how the seemingly shy and simple girl started a secret sexual relationship with me.

(If you like this experience as much as I did, feel free to RATE, FAVORITE, and COMMENT on the post!)

About Me

I’m Ali, a 5’10”-tall, fair, good-looking guy with long dark hair, sharp features, big light-brown eyes and an athletic muscular body. I am quite attractive, physically and otherwise, so people tend to like me quickly. I come from an ultra-conservative but wealthy Muslim family, but live a simple enough life. Despite the religious taboo, I have a very high sex-drive which has led me to initiate casual but secret sexual relations with numerous girls and women.

Ever since I lost my virginity at a young age to my older cousin Dee, I have been hyper-sexual and always on the lookout for pussy. This made me get into physical relationships with a few aunts, cousins, college-mates, teachers, co-workers, and even neighbors, like Sonali.

About Sonali

Sonali Sarkar was 18 years old. She is short at 5’2″, weighs around 40KG, is fair-skinned with a pleasant curvy body. She’s got big brown eyes, small pointy nose but full lush lips. I like her perky 30B-cup boobs that stand out proudly on her chest, with a slim 26-inch waist and a lovely 32-inch round butt. She’s got firm thick thighs that taper into attractive shapely calves and small cute feet.

Sonali is normally shy, which I discovered, is only a façade to hide her bold sensual side. She’d normally wear T-shirts and Jeans that highlighted her perky B-cup tits, slim waist, round ass, and shapely legs. As we grew up, I noticed how Sonali grew up through her teen years and found her attractive, along with a bunch of other guys from the neighborhood.


Sonali was a friend of my twin-sis Lubna, and often came to my house to hang-out with my sister. Even when she eventually stopped hanging out with my sister, Sonali and I still talked some time. Her house was next-door to ours, at a distance though as we had a huge property. So, we’d often bump into each other whenever I’d be walking back home after a soccer match at my neighborhood soccer-field. She’d be standing out at her gate and would stop me to talk to me for a few minutes. We’d chat about this and that and she clearly enjoyed it. I also liked talking to her, because it gave me a chance to glimpse her pleasing petite curvy body from up close.

In her teens Sonali became best-friends with Anjum, my friend’s younger sister who also lived on the same street. As most of you know, I’d started a sexual relation with Anjum in March 2005. She had a huge crush on me and had worked hard to seduce me. Ever since losing her virginity to me, Anjum had discovered her high sex-drive and we’d had some extremely exciting times together. She’d promised to keep it a secret, and she did hide this fact from almost everyone.

However, Anjum’s excitement at having lost her virginity and her obsession with my cock made her spill the beans to Sonali eventually, which luckily got me a chance to fuck Sonali too.

This is what Anjum said happened, when she accidentally revealed our secret sexual relationship to her best-friend Sonali.

It was the beginning of April, a week after Anjum and I had fucked for the first time. They both had their summer vacations on, and had appeared for 12th that year. She was chilling with Sonali in her room. They, as usual, began talking about guys, and as it always does with teens the topic turned to sex. As usual, they began talking about me, because apparently both of them had a huge crush on me.

That day, Anjum, who was thrilled at having lost her virginity, could barely control herself and began boasting about not begin a virgin anymore. She gloated to Sonali that she’d finally seduced me and we’d fucked.

Sonali found this unbelievable and she pressed Anjum who, enjoying the attention, began describing our first fantastic fuck.

Sonali was shocked, and listened without interruption as Anjum recalled every small detail of how she seduced me and the sensational sex we had all over her house. She told Sonali how we’d lost her virginity right on the bed they were sitting on. She explained the thrill and excitement of taking my thick cock in her mouth, pussy and asshole. She could hardly contain her excitement as she recounted the strange new sensations she’d discovered that day.

Sonali was dumbfounded to hear all this and squirmed in discomfort in her place as she listened to her best-friend describe her first time fucking a real cock. She stayed quiet for a while and then began flooding Anjum with questions.

She asked how Anjum could give up her virginity if she was not in a serious relationship with me, and was impressed to learn why it was better that it was all strictly sexual. Gradually, Sonali got lost in thoughts for a couple of minutes.

Then, she suddenly told Anjum that she also wanted to fuck me too.

Anjum told me she laughed out aloud, thinking that Sonali was joking. But she was very serious and began pestering Anjum to talk to me about fucking her too. Anjum was genuinely shocked to hear this and tried to dissuade her. But Sonali became abnormally persistent and pleaded with Anjum. Finally, Anjum gave in and told Sonali she’d talk to me about it.

So, Anjum did. She called me up the same night and confessed everything to me. She was scared she’d let out her secret and apologized profusely. I was pissed and felt like screaming my head off, because I couldn’t risk my family even hear a rumor that I was fucking my friend’s younger sister. It’d ruin the family name, least of all get me kicked out of the house. Anjum kept explaining hurriedly what had happened, so I slowly calmed down.

Anjum begged me to consider Sonali’s offer for sex, and assured me she’d agreed to keep everything a secret. She said she’d explained to Sonali the terms and conditions of our relationship, that it was completely sexual and nothing to get serious about and stuff, so I finally got to thinking.

I quickly thought through Sonali’s proposal. I admitted she was attractive. She looked extremely cute and tempting, being short yet curvy, with a pretty face and plump lips. She was subdued and shy, which also added to her appeal. I only wondered about her ability to keep a secret. But, according to Anjum, I didn’t have to worry about that because Sonali was more scared of being found out than I was.

Finally, I relented and told Anjum to share Sonali’s number. Anjum thanked me profusely, knowing that she’d done a huge favor for her bestie.

In April 2005, Sonali and I began talking and texting. It was a little awkward for her at first, but I took charge and she soon opened up to me. Sonali confessed her feelings and told me how she’d found me attractive and would regularly talk about me with Anjum. They both liked me a lot so they’d enjoy telling each other their fantasies about me. I’d listen with rousing excitement at their stereotypical Bollywood fantasies, though they were heavily tinged with sex as they grew up.

I was shocked to learn that Sonali had masturbated the first time thinking of me. This thrilled me to know and I coaxed her into revealing her deepest desires. Sonali became extremely talkative and gradually confessed her darkest sexual fantasies to me.

It was extremely exciting to know that beneath her shy façade, Sonali was intensely sensual and submissive.

Within a week, I hinted I was ready to fuck. She was thrilled and we discussed a few options. She said she was scared to go to a hotel because the cops sometimes raided them. I knew I couldn’t ask her over to my house to fuck. But Sonali assured me she’d arrange something soon, so I waited with increasing anticipation.

Then on the second Friday of April, late in the evening, I got a text from Sonali. She said that she’d be home alone the next day. Her parents were going to her younger brother’s school for an event, so she’d have the house to herself all afternoon. Sonali shyly invited me over, without hinting at anything but still making it clear with her voice that she expected to be fucked. After confirming that it was safe at her house, I eagerly agreed to her invitation.


Sonali Loved Losing Her Virginity

(12PM – 4PM, Saturday 16 April 2005)

As usual, I got up early in the morning and went for soccer-practice at the field in my neighborhood. I could clearly see Sonali’s house as it was right across the field. I felt a thrill when I saw her standing on the rooftop-terrace of her single-story house. She knew I’d be on the field and was enjoying watching me play soccer. However, I focused on the practice and didn’t see much of her. By the time the practice got over and I was walking by her house, she’d gone inside.

After a long shower and breakfast, I chilled in my room, waiting for the hours to go by. As my sisters were not home, I couldn’t even fool around with them. So I played video-games on my PC which helped pass the time. A half hour to our meeting, I started to get ready.

It was pretty hot outside now that summer had started. So, I wore a plain fitting white-colored T-shirt, with brown cargo-pants over black boxer-shirts and flip-flops. I checked my pockets for my cell-phone, wallet, half-pack of Classic Regular cigarettes and the two thin joints I’d rolled last night, and my favorite silver Zippo lighter. I told mom I was going to hang out with friends in the neighborhood and exited our large compound with a few minutes to noon.

I walked to the soccer-field which now stood empty. I paused and looked around to make sure no one was around then went to sit on the top-most tier of the concrete stands on the southern side. I sat under the shade of the large mango-tree that covered half the stand overhead. I had a clear view of the neighborhood from up top. I could see the tall compound wall of my house, and the front of Sonali’s house and Anjum’s too.

I lit up a joint and started glancing around to make sure no one saw me. As I furtively smoked the weed, the warm breeze carried the stinky smoke up over the field and dissipated it quickly. I kept glancing at Sonali’s house. Halfway through my joint, I saw her younger brother come out of the gate, soon followed by her father who came out and began cleaning the car.

Then her mother Saroj stepped out, looking enticing in a white-and-gold Sari. I’d had the hots for Saroj and loved her wonderful curvy figure. It was Saroj who I’d fantasized about fucking, owing to her lovely luscious figure. I did end up beginning a sexual relationship with Saroj later on, but that’s a story for another time.

A few minutes later, they all sat in the car and I watched them drive away. Now, I waited in anticipation for Sonali’s call. During this time, the weed had taken hold and I felt the familiar lightweight and super-sensitivity I always felt after smoking strong good-quality weed. My mind was buzzing pleasantly and my senses were incredibly sharper. I was more than ready to give Sonali the most memorable fuck of her life.

A minute later, my cell phone rang.

“Hi!” I answered cheerfully when I saw it was Sonali.

“Hi, are you ready?” She greeted and quickly asked, sounding slightly nervous.

“Yes.” I replied, “I’ll be there in two minutes. Okay?” I said.

“All right. The gate’s open. Just lock it after you come in. See you!” She explained breathlessly and ended the call.

I got up off the warm concrete seat and brushed my hands clean on my pants. After a quick glance I stepped down to the field and walked out of the gate. I kept glancing around casually and was glad that the street was empty as I reached Sonali’s house. I quickly pushed the steel-gate open and stepped inside the yard. After I closed and locked it from within, I walked across the small front yard-cum-garden to the front-door.

I was about to knock on the main-door when I saw it open a couple of feet on its own. So, I quickly stepped inside and was engulfed in the cool darkness of her large living-room. Sonali, who was standing behind the door, quickly shut it. I had turned around and was immediately excited by what I saw. I admired her lovely curvy body over her cute outfit, as she locked and latched the door from within.

Sonali looked a complete tease in her short white tight-fitting T-shirt. I could see the outlines of a matching white bra under it, which kept her perky boobs standing taut on her chest. The T-shirt was short enough to show her smooth flat tummy, her curvy waist and round hips. Below, Sonali wore a pair of dark-blue satin shorts that fit her lovely round buttocks like a second skin and completely exposed her shapely smooth legs and bare feet.

“Welcome to my home.” Sonali greeted me and smiled wide.

I could see she was bravely trying to hide her nervousness, which was obvious because we were both taking a huge risk.

“Thanks for inviting me.” I replied, smiling and gently brushing her bare arm.

Then she me to follow her to her room and I did. I watched her wonderful cute bubble-butt wobble firmly with each step and it sent shivers of excitement through me. She led me across the large living-room and through a door on the left to her room.

It was a small and cozy room, with a large single bed, shelves on two walls, a study-desk with a PC, wardrobe, etc. The wall across the door had large windows that looked out into the small staircase at the side of her house. She pulled the curtains shut over the windows so the room got dark, with the only illumination coming from a small white lamp on the bedside table.

I took all this in a glance and slipped out of my flip-flops just inside the door. Then I closed the door behind me and walked close to Sonali, who was standing near the window, looking at me with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

I decided to forego the small-talk and get down to business right away.

“You look wonderful!” I commented and smiled as I walked closer to her.

“Thanks!” Sonali replied, her voice quivering a little but smiled bravely.

“Are you ready?” I asked, stopping to stand a foot in front of her.

“Ye … Yes.” Sonali stammered, and licked her lower lip anxiously.

“Come here, then.” I said next and pulled her into my arms.

“Mmm.” Sonali whimpered softly when I first wrapped my arms around her small curvy waist and pulled her close to me, “Ali.” She whispered and sighed as she melted against me.

Sonali quickly stood on her tiptoes and I bent lower so she could wrap her arms around my neck. Then she arched her back to cling closer to me, till her perky breasts, flat tummy, and soft thighs were pressed hard on me. I welcomed her warm embrace and gently caressed her back, breathing in the fruity scent of her shampoo, till I felt her relax a little in my arms.

I knew this was her first time ever, and whatever she knew about sex was thanks to the porn she would watch with Anjum. That’s why I’d decided to take charge, and she’d agreed to follow my lead.

So, I gently turned my head till my lips brushed her soft chubby cheek. Then I parted my lips slightly and began kissing my way across her cheek, from her earlobe all the way to her mouth.

“Mmmm.” Sonali moaned softly when I first pressed my lips over her plump soft lips, “Mhmm.” She groaned approvingly into my mouth as I began tenderly pecking at her lips.

First, I gave short soft kisses over both lips before I started to gently suck on her plush lower lip. At this, Sonali pressed herself harder on me and quickly began kissing me back. I felt her kiss and suck my upper lip before she snuck her soft wet tongue and licked my lips all over. A shiver of excitement ran through me and I began caressing her lovely body as we shared our first sensual kiss.

Initially, I rubbed her upper back before slowly moving down and touching her bare sides. Sonali shivered at my touch at first but then quickly relaxed as I caressed her soft curvy sides and hips with my big warm hands. Then I slid my hands lower and gently cupped her small but taut buttocks in each hand. When I lovingly squeezed her firm round ass-cheeks, she shivered again and immediately started kissing me harder. Sonali coaxed my mouth open and snuck her tongue right in, probing for my own tongue.

Soon, Sonali began kissing me harder and more desperately. She smashed her plump lips on mine and played with my tongue in the beginning. All this while, she kept rubbing her small sexy body on me while I enjoyed playing with her cute round butt-cheeks. After having had my full, I leaned further, so I could reach her soft smooth thighs and began caressing them. This sent a jolt of excitement through Sonali and she raised a leg to let me catch her knee and caress it properly.

I was pleased that she was turned on so much, so quick. My growing hard-on also began to strain against my pants.

After ten minutes of tight hugging and hungry kissing, Sonali and I were both very turned on.

“Ohh. Mmm.” Sonali groaned when she finally stopped kissing for some air.

Sonali was out of breath and her heartbeat was like a drumroll on my chest. I wanted to keep the momentum so I slid my hands under her tiny T-shirt and slowly began pulling it up. She looked up at me with nervousness and blushed but I nodded my head.

“I want to see how sexy you are.” I whispered softly and coaxed her.

Sonali relented and put her arms straight up. I eagerly peeled her tight T-shirt off over her head, and flung it on the bed behind her. My eyes widened with excitement when I first saw her perky small boobs ensconced within her small white bra. I pulled her closer with an arm around her waist and expertly undid the hook on her bra at the back, which quickly made her topless.

“Oh!” Sonali gasped in surprise, and tried to cover her bared chest.

“No.” I said and quickly grabbed her arms, “Don’t hide your beautiful body from me, baby.” I whispered lustily, looking deep in her eyes.

Sonali relaxed and put her arms by her side when I let go of her and stood a step back. She was shy and looked down on the floor, as I ogled her wonderful taut tits for the first time. Her small nubby nipples stood erect in the dim light of the lamp to one side. I felt my thick arousing dick jerk with excitement in my pants at the sight of Sonali’s small firm breasts.

“Take off your shorts now.” I said softly a few moments later.

Sonali paused to take a deep breath, and quickly stripped her tiny shorts off. I was amazed at the way her perky boobs stayed taut even when she bent down to peel her matching white panties off with her shorts. She then stood upright, feeling visibly conscious of her nakedness, and caught her hands in front of her crotch.

“Wow!” I groaned in excitement, “You are so sexy, Soni.” I said, using her nick-name for the first time.

“Am I?” Sonali quipped, apparently pleased at hearing me call her that, and looked up at me confidently.

“Oh yes! You are damn sexy.” I replied, nodding my head for emphasis.

I openly checked her out from head to toe. Her naughty smile and lusty gleam in her eyes made her look cute and sexy at the same time. Her taut B-cup tits stood proudly, with firm small nipples on her bare chest. Her flat smooth tummy and slim curving sides, with round hips and the pair of handball-sized buttocks behind, with her shapely white legs and cute bare feet made her incredibly inviting.

“Your turn?” Sonali asked me softly after a few moments and snapped me out of my excited reverie.

“Oh, yes. Go on, take my clothes off.” I replied and smiled encouragingly.

Sonali perked up at hearing this and a soft strange smile crept across her lush lips as she took a step closer to me. She looked up at me and grinned before she pulled my T-shirt off. I put my arms up and helped her remove it completely. Her eyes went wide and her smile grew wider at the sight of my firm muscular chest, flat tummy and hairless fair torso. She gingerly reached out and put her arms over my taut pecs before running them down admiringly towards my abs.

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