An adult stories – Illicit Affair Pt. 14 by DamirOmerbegovic,DamirOmerbegovic Previously: Damir is a man who was born in Bosnia. He completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Bosna. He was a member of the swimming team and an amateur photographer and journalist for a local student newspaper. He came to the UK legally as a recipient of the British Council grant. He stayed for three years in Manchester to complete his doctoral degree. There he met another doctoral student, an English woman called Kate. They were very different in many respects, even incompatible, but they were passionately attracted to each other. After three years of wild sex and hard work, they both received PhD, got married, and moved to London. Kate joined a large international tech company, while Damir got a postdoc position at a smaller college at London University. During the last five years, Kate and Damir gradually drifted apart. Now they live together more like friends. The erotic spark in their relationship is no longer present. Kate is against anal sex, and also not very fond of oral sex.
Zahra was born in Iran. Her family moved to the UK when Zahra was 7. She studied in London, where she met her husband Malcolm who works for the same global corporation as Kate. Her husband treats her more like a servant. Moreover, her husband is cheating on her with Damir’s wife Kate. Zahra was a virgin, when she met Malcolm and during her marriage, she never experienced good healthy loving sex. Secretly, she watches female solo clips on the Internet and masturbates. Zahra works as a kindergarten teacher.
Damir was intrigued with Zahra for more than a year. When he finally got a chance to speak with her, he discovered that she might be his ideal partner. Zahra initially asked Damir if he could be her swimming instructor. Damir found a pool suitable for one-on-one swimming sessions and prepared a detailed plan for 30 sessions, starting with the basics of holding streamline and flutter kick. Damir takes Zahra to the swimming shop and helps her choose beginner accessories. Zahra shows him her body in a swimming suit, formally asking for his opinion, but in fact, creates a moment of bond of intimacy.
Starting in Part 2, Zahra and Damir go to the swimming pool every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon, without anyone knowing it. Before swimming, they go together for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, which is close to both, the kindergarten and the college. After the swimming, they frequent a Chinese restaurant where they serve dumplings.
In Part 3 Zahra and Damir chat via their secret accounts, called Shirin1177 and Farhad1177. Their secret nicknames come from a famous 1177 A.D. Persian poem. During their chats, it turns out that Damir’s wife had an ongoing affair with Zahra’s husband. After that revelation, chats between Shirin1177 and Farhad1177 became a “truth-dare” type of sexting. Zahra and Damir confess they are in love.
Damir decides he wants to live with Zahra on a 24/7 basis, so he asks his friend Senad, an artist who has a studio in the attic of an old building, but now lives in Bosna, if he can use it permanently. Damir also initiated the “face the truth” meeting between all four participants and announced his solution, which he calls permanent wife-swap. There will be no official divorce. Kate and Malcolm were to be free to live in both houses, except on Saturday morning, when Zahra and Damir will use Damir’s washing machine for laundry. This agreement is reached in Part 4, after which Kate and Malcolm don’t appear anymore in Illicit Affair Series.
Starting with Part 4, Zahra asks Damir to teach her anal sex. Damir plans to accomplish this task in a similar way to his swimming lessons, who starts with the basics and a based on the small graduate process. His approach to anal sex starts with the phrase “I will wash every inch of you”, with erotic photo sessions in sensual classical lingerie, with “I will kiss every inch of you”. It turns out that Zahra also enjoys gentle spanking on her ass and symbolic cotton rope bondage. When Zahra start to enjoy rimming in various positions, Damir introduced finger penetration, combined with oral stimulation.
In the sequel, two more girls are introduced. Jill is from New Zealand, and since last year works for a large tourist agency in London, and Karolina is a Polish student and antiwar activist. Jill would like to learn how to swim like a pro. She finally managed to convince Damir to let her join his one-on-one swimming course. Karolina works as a student volunteer for an NGO whose offices are in the same building as Zahra’s and Damir’s The Atelier a.k.a. Senad’s studio. Their accidental meetings for now resulted in Zahra and Damir joining one of the antiwar marches as photographers.
The next step in anal sex is accomplished when Damir replaces his finger with a small dildo he names Amor. In next step he replaces his cock with a dildo called the Bouncer.
Series now progresses in day-by-day fashion. Each part, 6 pages in OpenOffice Writer, depicts from one to four days, depending on how many interesting events happen in the lives of two protagonists. Part 13, for example, depicted Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The present Part 14 describes a singe Thursday, from waking up to falling asleep.
Remark. The five dots ….. are used to indicate the pause in a dialogue.
Part 14
Thursday morning started with a drizzle outside. I woke up early, so I let Zahra sleep for half an hour more. When she woke up, we cuddled for fifteen minutes, before we started preparing breakfast. When we passed the Karolina NGO’s office the door was half open. I stepped forward and knocked on the door. Two boys looked in my direction. They both started to giggle and exchange a few sentences in some African tongue, I probably never heard of before. There was nothing that could be done. Zahra orgasms have become a hot topic for conversations with our neighbors.
– Is Karolina here?
– Yes, they have a meeting inside that room.
– Can you give me a piece of paper?
– Sure mate. Here it is…. and a pen I suppose? Do you need a pen?
– Yes.
I took the pen and paper and wrote a message for Karolina.
Witaj Karolino. Jeśli będziesz miał czas około 15:30 możemy spotkać się w wietnamskiej restauracji w Greenwich, żeby porozmawiać trochę o protestach. Jeśli nie możesz, to kiedy indziej. Damir
(Hi Karolina. If you have time we can meet around 15:30 for lunch in a Vietnamese restaurant. We would like to talk about protest marches. If you cannot, then next time.)
One of the Africans extended his arm and took the paper and pen from me.
– As soon as the meeting is over, I will give this to Karolina.
– Thanks. I’m Damir, by the way.
– Sekou. Nice to meet you.
– Ibrahim. Nice to meet you. I actually saw you on our march. You had a camera and were constantly taking pictures.
– Yes, that was me. We must go to work, but we will be around. We privately support your cause, but our life so far has been very self-centered. We have been together for less than a month.
– You are really something, the couple of you. Don’t be angry, but your girlfriend is truly very loud.
– Don’t misunderstand us, we are happy for you.
– I understand that our sex intrudes on your right to work in silence. If we could afford to rent a small house, we would save all our problems, but with our salaries, this will remain just a dream unless you know someone who would rent us a house below the market price.
– What are you doing to her, mate? Obviously, she has a great time in our building.
– Sorry Sekou, a real man never reveals something from his lover’s intimate life. Probably not much different from what you do with your girlfriend. Some women are louder than average. Now I must go. See you at your next event.
– Have a nice day, mate. Today is a long sex day, isn’t it? It seems that there is some pattern. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you return late. Where are you?
– At the swimming pool. After swimming we go to Chinese dumplings place. We return around seven o’clock.
– Do you still manage to make love?
– Swimming together is actually a form of foreplay. I’m not joking. It’s impossible to understand unless you try it for yourself. After a proper swimming session, both partners feel very very horny. Try it out with your girlfriends.
– Perhaps. Take care. Bye.
We left the building and went towards the tube station. Nothing very exciting happened at the college today. At 15:20 I arrived at the restaurant. Zahra was not yet there, but Karolina stood by the restaurant entrance.
– Hello Karolina. Cześć. Jak się masz? Wszystko w porządku? (how are you? All okay?)
– Ciao Damir.
– Is this your first time to try Vietnamese cooking?
– Yes. I was several times in Chinese restaurants. I know how to use chopsticks.
– Tell me something. Truth. I talked with your friends Sekou and Ibrahim. Are we a topic of local gossip?
– You know that’s the case. You are a mystery, and people like to guess who you are and what is your story. I think that you two would be a topic of local gossip even if you would be totally silent. The sex is just a kinky addition to your mystery.
– Zahra and I live in a somewhat unusual story, that’s true. Most people would say that we have an affair. I like to say that we live under a wife-swapping arrangement.
– Are you swingers?
– No, we are wife changers. My marriage was so-so for the last three years. Then Zahra’s husband started to fuck my wife. After a few months when I found out, Zahra and I started to chat on the Internet. The more we talked, the more it became clear to me that we were compatible in a way that my wife and I had never been. I decided that we must, all four of us, behave like adults and talk it over. We sat together on one rainy Sunday and decided to shuffle things into what we live now. My wife and Zahra’s husband have two houses and a lot of money at their disposal. She and I were lucky that Senad needed to fix some family matters and would not return for six months. What will happen then, I still don’t know. If you have some friends who would rent us something on the cheaper side of the market, I would appreciate it if you let us know. I have a speaking relationship with my wife. I don’t blame her for cheating on me. Our marriage was dead long before she met Malcolm.
– Have you ever been on protest marches before?
– Yes, plenty, but in Bosna. However, the protests I attended were about local issues, not some global problems, like the wars in the Middle East.
– And Zahra?
– Zahra attended many events organized by socialists and other leftist organizations, but that was before she married. Her husband is, politically speaking, a very anti-socialist neoliberal.
– And you are…..?
– Somewhere left of Corbyn and near Slavoj Žižek. Do you know a music band called Dubioza kolektiv?
– Oh, yes. They have this cool song about The Pirate Bay.
– Ha, ha. Our music is for free, you can download mp3.
– The texts in Bosnian are mostly too difficult for me to fully understand.
– They use a lot of slang words, like vutra, duvaj, pička materina, šupak, čova, and so on and so on. Moreover, they refer to persons, like Sejdić and Finci, who are unknown outside of Bosna’s borders. Once there will be an opportunity to explain all their lyrics to you.
– Actually, I do have an idea what they sing about. I input their lyrics into Google Translate. Not all words get translated, but I get the gist of it. Their English lyrics are truly fantastic and progressive.
– This is a working-class band. I suspect that they start with poetry and then look for a fitting melody. All their songs are about something. Truly a political band.
Zahra came walking up the street. I greeted her with a hug, a kiss, and a smile.
– I’m sorry I’m late. I had to talk with the parents of one of my pupils.
– Hello Zahra. How are you?
– Good, thanks. Have you been waiting for me for a long time?
– About 10 minutes. We chatted. Damir told me, that you used to be active in protest movements. Are you a socialist?
– I was never a member of any party. In UK I support Tariq Ali. He is my favorite speaker.
– Are you a citizen of the UK? Can you vote?
– Yes, I’m a citizen. I vote for progressive candidates.
– So you do not support your government?
– God, no. They are awful.
– Same in Poland. Our ruling party is full of hatred, I cannot wait for them to be voted out. Even neoliberals would be better. Socialists are all but extinct. We even do not have a party that would be a part European Left
– I love your outfit, especially a black coat and red beret. Where did you buy it?
– At the Greenwich Market from a vendor whose name I forgot. He was selling all sorts of retro clothing.
– Probably you can find something similar on the Internet.
– Shall we go in? Okay.
The restaurant was almost empty. We all ordered chicken pho and continued to chat.
– We used several of your pictures on our website. I’m sorry that we do not have money to pay for your work. I hope that you still agree with this.
– Zahra and I are democratic socialists. We simply fit in your protest movement. Moreover, we receive a salary every month. Not very much, but enough. We will go to all your events with cameras, just let us know a few days in advance.
– Zahra, how is your swimming?
– Getting better with every practice session, at least my coach thinks so.
– It’s true. Besides the fact, that you still use a snorkel in drills, you are capable of swimming a freestyle. Yesterday I took a video of her swimming. Today I will review the footage and save the relevant parts so that we can have a focus point for every future drill.
– Sounds exciting. After my bachelor’s degree, I will definitely join you.
– How are your studies? History, right?
– Sort of. Actually, it’s called History with Politics. I’m in my third year, so I will finish next summer. They allow me to choose the history of Poland politics from 1981 until 2024 for my final research thesis. I’m not one of the top students, but I’m doing okay. What will I do afterwards I still don’t know. Now I have a grant, so I can study here. If I will receive another grant, I will continue at the master’s level.
– Are you a member of some political party?
– Yes. It’s called Lewica Razem, or Left Together. We have seven MPs, less than 2% of the parliament.
– Were you on the ballot?
– No, no. I was never an important member of the party.
We chatted about the differences and similarities between Poland, England, and Bosna. Zahra was young when her family left Iran, so she didn’t know much about the current events there. After lunch, we parted as friends. Karolina went back to the student dormitories. I haven’t mentioned the fact, that I work at the same college that she attends.
When Zahra and I arrived home, it was past five o’clock. We left our coats on the hanger and went straight to the bathroom. The weather outside was really unpleasant, so we decided it was time to dip ourselves in the hot tub.
– What do you think of Karolina?
– Is this another erotic fantasy about a threesome?
– No. Maybe. Yes.
– Come into the tub then.
I sat in the tub. Zahra stepped in between my legs and slid down in front of me, turning to me with her back. I reached around with my hands, cupped her boobs, and press her towards me. The small of her back was firmly placed against my erection. I placed her hard nipples between my thumb and index finger.
– Put your right hand on your pussy. For now, just hold it there. When you get excited, you know well what to do. We are in no hurry…..Karolina and you are a lovely contrast. You know that slogan “united colors of Benetton”. You and Karolina belong to a banner called “united colors of European democratic socialism”. Black eyes next to blue eyes, black hair next to blond hair, smaller one next to taller one, larger boobs next to smaller one, feminine figure next to athletic figure, natural skin next to tattooed skin, Asia next to Europe, shy next to outspoken…..
Zahra’s hand began to move in the water.
– I would play the song Dance Me to the End of Love with endless repeats on the computer….. I would put the two of you on the bed, side by side, hand in hand….. I would tell you first how beautiful you both look….. I would kiss you on the mouth, then I would kiss Karolina….. I would kiss your neck first, then I would kiss Karolina’s….. I would caress your boobs, yours with my right hand, Karolina’s with my left….. I would kiss your boobs, then I would kiss Karolina’s…..
By now, Zahra was already moaning softly. Her hand was moving slowly in a circular motion.
– I would tie your left leg to Karolina’s right leg….. I would start to eat your pussy, tipping your velvet, polishing your pearl, then eat Karolina’s pussy, tipping Karolina’s velvet, polishing Karolina’s pearl…..your pussy….., Karolina’s pussy…., your pussy….., Karolina’s pussy….., your pussy….., Karolina’s pussy…..
Zahra’s moaning became louder. She never stops rubbing herself.
– I would lie between your parted legs and put my dick all the way in your wet pussy and out again….., I would lie between Karolina’s parted legs and put my dick all the way in her wet pussy and out again….., I would again lie between your parted legs and put my dick all the way in your wet pussy and out again….., I would again lie between Karolina’s parted legs and put my dick all the way in her wet pussy and out again….., your pussy….., Karolina’s pussy….., your pussy ….., Karolina’s pussy….,
Zahra’s moans became so loud that I knew that her orgasm was close.
– I would untie your legs….. I would order Karolina to start sucking your clit….. I would fuck you once, in and out then put my dick in Karolina’s waiting mouth….., I would put my dick in your pussy, then put it in Karolina’s mouth….., your pussy….., Karolina’s mouth….., your pussy….., Karolina’s mouth….., your pussy….., Karolina mouth…..
– Fuck me, Damir! Fuck me!!!
Zahra began to rub herself vigorously and came with a scream while I squeezed her nipples. The water no longer felt warm, so I opened the hot water for a minute. We stayed like this, me leaning back and holding her in my lap, for ten long minutes.
– I think this is the first time you called my name. I loved it.
– When I’m so excited, I cannot control myself. Don’t say anything to Jill and Karolina.
– Are you afraid that they would want to make your fantasies come true?
– No. Would you like the girls to join us?
– In foursome? Like in porn, where a man gets to cum all over women’s faces? Not really. Or like in “Damir fucks Zahra while Jill fucks Karolina” kind of group sex scene.
– It would be nice if Jill and Karolina could become a couple. Do you think they are bisexual?
– I saw no signs which would support such a conclusion. Jill is dreaming about a big strong swimmer, not about a young woman like Karolina.