The Agony of Choice

The Agony of Choice

My wife Fran had been caught out. Was it just a little misdemeanour, a lack of judgement, alcohol muddying the waters of reasonable behaviour or perhaps a combination of all three? Perhaps, but I suppose it also depends on your perspective. She wasn’t the first, and almost certainly won’t be the last, to get drunk and get carried away with a work mate or someone at a work’s function. Groping and snogging is one thing, although that too would need addressing, but shagging is another and she crossed the line. This matter had come to my attention and I confronted Fran. She was certainly surprised and embarrassed to have been caught out, but didn’t seem as contrite as I thought she should have been.

‘So that’s it, you shag some bloke at a work’s do and it’s all fine?’ I gestured puzzlement.

‘Yes, really that’s it. It happened, I can’t undo it.’ She sounded so matter of fact.

‘And the small matter that you didn’t tell me, I had to find out from someone else, is of no consequence I suppose?’ again I gestured amazement at this lack of character and honesty.

She paused ‘yes, it was a shame you found out that way,’ Fran replied.

‘Not sorry you did it though?’ I retorted.

‘What difference does it make? Like I said, it happened, get over it. I have’ and she turned away.

‘There will be consequences’ I said as she left the room.

She stuck her head back round the door, ‘Like smacking my bottom?’ she laughed.

‘That’s one possibility’ I replied as she disappeared again.

Fran came back into the room. She gave me a condescending glance and continued doing whatever it was she was doing.

‘There is of course another possibility?’ I said quite calmly.

‘And that is?’ she was being really blasé.

‘You haven’t even said you’re sorry?’ I gave her a chance.

‘Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry. Ok?’ she was so dismissive or maybe uncomfortable.

‘Like I said, there is a consequence to your actions. The way I see it, there are two possibilities?’ I tried to sound emotionless, almost business like, to make the point.

‘Such as?’ there was that faux arrogance again or was she now a little concerned?

‘Marriage is about give and take etc etc. Having sex outside the marriage, without your spouse being aware or consenting, crosses the line of what’s acceptable. Don’t you think?’ I looked at Fran.

‘Don’t give me a lecture, get to the point?’ Fran said.

‘Well the trust has disappeared, and your condescending arrogance about the matter suggests to me that you are now out of your depth in how to deal with this, or you really don’t give a damn. Like I said, one of two things can happen next.’

‘And they are?’ she was really fronting this out.

‘I leave the house, now, and make preparations for a divorce, adultery is good cause. Your cushy little number is about to come to an end, and the upheaval it will lead to…. Well, I can only hope that matey was the best shag you’ve ever had or ever likely to have.’

‘Or?’ she was giving that ‘So what’ act again. Was she really this impervious to this or was she a great actress?

I paused for a moment.

‘I decide what punishment you receive. No questions asked. Any defiance or non-compliance means an immediate return to divorce proceedings. With no chance of a reprieve.’

‘So it’s a divorce or something else of your choice?’ Fran asked.

I just nodded.

‘Fancy giving me a clue as to what the ‘something else’ might be?’ Fran asked this without any side.

‘You get a spanking. A proper, over the knee, bare bottom spanking. You get spanked for the following: What you did, adultery. Your deceit in not owning up. Your disgusting and condescending attitude today and you get the spanking to outline what our relationship will now involve. I want you to show me you are genuinely sorry. Not just the words but genuine contrition for damaging our marriage, possibly beyond repair.’ I looked right at her and although it’s a cliché, her jaw did drop, perhaps almost imperceptibly, but drop it did.

Fran gathered herself enough to say ‘You’re kidding, right? I was joking when I said about smacking my bottom’ This woman had some sass, that’s for sure.

‘No, I’m deadly serious.’ I said with a dead pan look on my face.

‘I get to choose between a divorce or a spanking?’

‘The agony of choice darling,’ I said calmly.

There was a silence between us. I could see her mentally sifting through this.

‘What gives you the right to spank me?’ I wasn’t sure if she was trying rationalise this or trying to get me to justify it, or perhaps she was playing for time. Either way she wasn’t dismissing the idea any more.

‘The right of a husband whose wife has broken an absolute. The right of a husband to give his wife a chance to make reparations for what she has damaged. The right of a husband to give, the woman he loves, a chance to not throw everything away and show some responsibility for her actions. Finally the right of a husband to instigate some, long overdue, changes that will be made to our marriage.’ I just looked at Fran.

‘I’m not sure. How will this work, when does it happen, where will it happen? She asked nervously, stammering almost and showing emotion for virtually the first time.

‘It’ll happen here, in the house. Probably in the lounge. In private.’ I said, having already thought this through. ‘The children need to be out of the house for a few hours as well, ideally on a sleep over at your parent’s house so we have no time constraints.’ I laid it all out for her.

‘And you will you spank me with what, exactly?’ was curiosity getting the better of her?

‘I haven’t decided completely, but it will involve my hand, a slipper and a hairbrush at the very least’ I was very matter of fact. I had given some thought to this. I was also rather pleased it looked like she would choose a spanking, I couldn’t have hacked the whole divorce thing.

‘You said about making some changes in our marriage, what changes?’ Fran asked.

‘Spanking will now be part of our marriage. You will be responsible for your conduct, attitude, actions and inactions’ I was very clear.

Fran was thoughtful for a moment, processing everything that had been put in front of her. She rubbed her hand over her chin. She turned away slightly and stamped her foot in frustration.

‘Damn it!’ she said abruptly, then ‘Alright, agreed.’

‘To all of it?’ I replied, not entirely sure it was as clear cut as it looked.

She took a deep breath, ‘Yes, all of it.’

I tried to suppress my surprise, and delight, but agreeing to be spanked for what she had done was one thing, but agreeing for spanking to be a part of our marriage moving forward was something else. Perhaps she thought that her ‘conduct’ would be beyond reproach and that this would be her only spanking. Time would tell with that one.

Within a day or two Fran had arranged everything, so this Saturday would be the day she would get her spanking. She’d wasted no time in arranging matters with her parents. I thought she would drag her feet and I’d have to do it, but not a bit of it. I guess she was just keen to get it over with.

Saturday came around in no time at all, I dropped the kids off and got back to the house around 3.00pm. Fran was in the kitchen. She was at the sink and drying her hands, she turned and looked at me.

‘When are we going to do this then?’ she asked.

‘Any time is fine with me.’ I replied.

‘Now?’ she said almost timidly.

‘Certainly, why not?’

Fran took a deep breath and asked ‘Do I need to wear something or dress a particular way?’

‘Just bra, knickers and probably your dressing gown or kimono wrap.’ I said.

Knowing full well that the only thing she would probably have on by the end of the spanking would be her bra, and even then that could come off, she could hold them in place with her hands. There wasn’t any upside to having her breasts bouncing around as a distraction, but being totally naked would be the ultimate humiliation for her, and this is what it was about.

‘I’ll be down in a minute’ Fran said and disappeared upstairs.

I went into the lounge. I had done a bit of prep and had a slipper and a hair brush in the top drawer of the sideboard, both bought specifically for today. I got one of the dining room chairs and brought it into the lounge, placing it by the end of the sofa, so I could reach the slipper and brush when the time came. I’d also put a bamboo cane behind the sofa. When she was thoroughly spanked, she would be over the end of the sofa for the cane. How many of which I wasn’t sure.

Fran came into the lounge, she was wearing her stripey kimono wrap and presumably her bra and knickers underneath. The underwear I would find out about in short order but I doubt she was naked underneath. Her kimono was mid-thigh in length and she looked gorgeous in it, but that wasn’t why we were here. Fran stood about 5′ 7 or 8″ and was about a size 12, so had all the right curves in all the right places and had, what I thought was, a great body.

As she came in I made my way to chair and sat down, she came over and stood in front of me.

‘We both know why we’re here, take off your top please,’ I requested and she did as she was asked, lobbing it onto the settee.

She stood there in a delightful pair of white, lacey, bra and knickers. She stood with her hands crossed in front of her. I just looked and paused to take in the moment.

I gestured and said ‘Come and lay over my knee.’

Fran did as she was told and lay over my knees. I got her into the right position, not that she was far out, and I admired this gorgeous bottom I would be spanking very soon. I then slipped my fingers under the elastic of her knickers and slowly wiggled them down so they were just below the cheeks of her magnificent bottom.

I heard Fran mumble ‘Oh my god!’ as I pulled her knickers down and the reality of her situation became apparent.

‘This spanking is for past indiscretions and to show how our marriage will be moving forward. Is that clear sweetie?’ I tried not to sound condescending.

‘Yes dear, very clear’ I heard Fran reply.

I placed my hand on Fran’s bottom and said ‘Be under no illusion, this is going to be a long, hard spanking. Not a few smacks and then up you get. Your bottom will be very hot and very sore when I’ve finished. Do you understand?’

‘Yes’ was all she said, all she could have said really.

‘Why are you being spanked?’ I asked, I needed to hear her to say something appropriate.

There was a pause before Fran said ‘Because I let you, and myself, down and I deserve a spanking’.

There was some contrition there after all, ‘Very well.’ Was all I said.

I brough my hand down hard on her bottom, each cheek in turn.


Even at this early stage Fran was gasping a bit with each spank.


I continued spanking for about 10 minutes. By my reckoning that would be about 300 smacks. Judging by the wiggling, kicking and sounds Fran was making she was feeling every spank.

I stopped for a moment. Fran was panting. I smoothed my hand over her bottom, and then continued.


Fran was squirming with each smack, letting out ‘Ooos’ and ‘Arghs’ and other such noises. Her feet starting to kick out or drum on the floor.

‘Naughty girls get their bottoms spanked hard, don’t they?’ I was teasing.

‘Oh yes, yes they do’ Fran was a bit breathless.

I stopped spanking with my hand, Fran was breathing hard. I reached behind me for the slipper.

‘Now for part two’ I said as I raised the slipper above my shoulder and brough it down hard on her nicely pink bottom.


‘Oooohhhh!!!!’ Fran let out a howl. She was kicking and squirming more with each spank.


‘OOHHH!!!!, I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ Fran mumbled

‘I know you are darling’ I said calmly.


‘Pleeaassee!!!!! No More!!!! It Hurts!!!! My bum!!!!!!!’ Fran was twisting and bucking as I continued to spank her hard, she deserved this I thought.


I stopped the slipper. She was gasping and panting and now sobbing. I’m not entirely sure if the tears were because of what I was doing to her bottom or what was in her head, but it didn’t really matter.

‘Will I ever have to do this again as a response to your indiscretions?’ I asked as I again smoothed my hand over her bottom.

‘No darling, no you won’t’ Fran managed through her tears.

‘Good, I’m glad to hear it’ I responded as I brought the slipper down, even harder, on her bottom.


I paused again, Fran was shaking and sobbing even more.

‘I’m so sorry darling, it won’t happen again’ she pleaded.

I reached behind for my hairbrush, ‘No I don’t suppose it will’ I replied calmly


‘Noooo, no more, please!!!!!’ Fran was still pleading.

Before the hairbrush I quickly reached to her bra strap and flipped the catch, making it fall around her shoulders. I assumed Fran gathered her breasts in her hands.

I brough the hairbrush down hard on her red and sore bottom.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

‘OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ she let out a continual howl as I spanked her bottom with the hairbrush. I had to hold her very tight as she bucked and squirmed and twisted and writhed with each spank.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

She would think twice before she let anybody else in her knickers.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

Fran was in an uncontrollable state, her reaction to each spank a reflex, her howls and sobs proof of the effect of being soundly spanked. She had no control over herself. I was almost surprised she hadn’t wet herself.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

I stopped spanking, She was shaking, sobbing and breathless. I let her stay where she was for a while so she could gather herself enough to get up.

‘Up you get’ I said as I partially lifted, helped, her of my lap.

She stepped out of her knickers, which were round her ankles, and let go of her bra, which also ended up on the floor. She stood in front of me naked and looked an absolute mess. Flushed face, crying, hair all over the place, mascara and tears streaked her cheeks.

‘One last thing to do’ I said, much to her surprise.

‘No more please!!!’ she begged.

‘You have no say in this’ I stated firmly and stared at her.’

‘No darling’ Fran replied, quietly and contritely through her tears.

She stood there rubbing her bottom, not that it would make a whole lot of difference.

‘Go and lay over the arm of the settee’ I pointed to it.

‘What?’ Fran was either mystified or horrified.

‘The arm of the settee please’ I said again.

Fran did as she was told. Her upper body supported by cushions on the sofa, her mid-section by the arm of the settee and her legs splayed out behind. Goodness me her bottom looked sore I thought.

‘The final part of your punishment will be the cane’ I said.

‘Oh god no!’ howled Fran ‘You’re not serious?’

She started to try getting up but I applied weight to her back and pushed her firmly back down.

‘Perfectly serious, and you will count how many’ I commanded, my hand still on her back.

‘For god’s sake!!!’ was she being defiant or just at her limit?

I brought my hand down on her bare bottom as she lay over the arm of the settee.


‘OOOWWWW!!!!!’ she kicked her legs and squirmed in place.

‘That attitude of yours really does need correcting!’ I said as I gave her a short, supplementary hand spanking for arguing.

I stopped spanking her bottom and reached behind the settee to get the bamboo cane. I stood to the side of her, lined myself up, and brought the cane down on her bottom without warning.


‘OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW’ her legs kicked out, she was trying to rub her bottom again.

‘How many?’ I asked casually.

‘Jesus!!!’ was all Fran said.

‘How many?’ I asked again.

‘ONE! One’ Fran said, spitting the words out.


‘FFFUUCCKKKKK!!!!!!’ Fran howled again.

‘What a potty mouth you have! Now, how many was that?’ I asked politely.

Her feet were drumming on the floor and she was squirming over the arm of the settee. I tapped her bottom with the end of the cane.

‘How many?’




‘CCCCHHHRRRRIIIISSSTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!’ Fran yelled out loud. I could see her grabbing the cushions of the sofa as she wiggled and toe tapped the floor.


‘Three, three, three….’ Fran sounded exasperated and exhausted, ‘Is this really necessary, I’m sorry for what I did, but isn’t this a bit over the top? Fran beseeched me.

‘I don’t think so. A spanking will give you a sore bottom for the rest of the day and you may have some tender bits tomorrow, depending on the spanking and your bottom’s resilience. The cane will give you tender bits that will last a few days, a chance to imprint on your memory that if this happens again, this is the least you will get.’ I finished talking and raised the cane.


‘OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!….FOUR!!!!’ Fran was compliant without prompting. Acceptance perhaps?


‘OOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!…..Five!’ Fran was squirming and sobbing but again responded in a timely fashion.


OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!…Six!!! Oh jesus!’ Fran could barely breath or speak, nor was she hoping for divine intervention, but she counted the final stroke of the cane, not that she knew that at that time.

I decided that was enough. She probably merited more strokes but there was a balance to be had between punishment, and an investment for future spankings. I didn’t want to frighten her off with a savage beating. Fran had just had the spanking of her life, certainly her first spanking from me, followed by six of the cane, probably enough for her first spanking. It’s highly unlikely she’ll ever forget this moment and she’ll either keep her knickers on in future or I’ve turned her into a spanko and she won’t know how to keep them on, I pondered hopefully.

I let Fran lay over the arm of the sofa while she composed herself before getting up, somewhat gingerly. She stood naked in front of me, again, rubbing her bottom with both hands. Unsurprisingly she still looked an absolute mess, red face, tears on her cheeks, hair looking like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.

‘Are spankings always that hard?’ Fran asked trembling.

‘Depends what you’re being spanked for’ I said, somewhat surprised at the question, but maybe she was asking for future reference?

Fran grabbed her wrap and put it on. She gathered her bra and knickers from the floor, realising that stretching her bottom to do things would be painful, as she winced as she bent over. Fran came over to me, put her hand on my arm, and kissed me on the cheek.

‘Go and sort yourself out’ I said, resisting giving her a slap on the bottom. With her underwear in her hand she left the lounge and went upstairs, rubbing her bottom as she went. We had the house to ourselves, would this lead to anything later? Who knows? But more importantly whether this be the first, last and only time I’d have Fran over my knee or not, only time would tell?

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