8- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 8 (Practicing with Stacy / Poolside) by JadeGrey

Stacy looked back up at Cindy, “There! Does that hurt?”

“Jesus, Stace… no… not yet. But it’s still a little dry… be gentle.”

Stacy pulled the carrot out and put it in her mouth, spit on it, and moved it back between Cindy’s legs. She then moved her head down between Cindy’s legs. I couldn’t tell if she was just spitting on Cindy’s pussy to add more lube, or was actually licking her, but Cindy looked like she was enjoying it. Stacy pulled her head back, and it looked like she was rubbing Cindy’s pussy with her free hand. Cindy closed her eyes and laid back in the chaise.

“Is that okay? Any pain yet?”

“No… not… that feels good… I can’t believe… you are…”

“Okay. Let’s try the next one.” Stacy pulled out the small carrot and grabbed a different one from the tray. She leaned back, spread her knees apart and guided the carrot down into her own pussy. Cindy raised her head and was closely watching her friend. Stacy pulled the carrot from her crotch and leaned forward again between Cindy’s legs. This time Cindy willingly spread her knees further apart.

“How are you doin? Am I hurting you?”

“Doing okay… you are definitely NOT hurting me…” Cindy said then laid her head back again.

I was rock hard watching this and started rubbing my dick through my pants before I realized it. I looked down and there was already a large wet spot at the head. I was also getting really overheated in the heat in my long pants and shirt I wore to work. My momentary distraction was pulled back quickly when I heard Cindy; “I want to see you do that… with one of the larger ones.”

Stacy pulled back from between Cindy’s legs and grabbed one of the carrots from the tray and stood up. She handed the carrot to Cindy and shuffled over closer to her. Her bikini bottoms had dropped to her ankles and her little bubble butt was in clear view. She squatted a little and I could see she was spreading her pussy with both hands right in front of Cindy’s face, “You do it”

Cindy looked shocked, but slowly held the carrot up closer to Stacy. “Go ahead… that’s about the size of my hairbrush… I mean the HANDLE of my hairbrush!”

Cindy leaned forward and worked it into Stacy’s spread pussy. “Yeah…that feels good. Start pushing it in and out…” Cindy looked up at her friend, then back at her crotch. I could see her arm moving back and forth and Stacy squatting down on it.

I couldn’t handle it anymore… I had to get closer. I scooted back from the corner and stood up. I pulled off my shirt and tied it around my waist to hide my hard-on and the wet spot in my pants. Tip-toeing back to the gate, I opened and closed the gate rather loudly, and yelled, “Hello! Anybody home?”

I heard a shriek, and some scuffling sounds as I walked closer to the backyard. As I came around the corner Stacy was just pulling up her bikini bottoms. Cindy looked scared and surprised as hell as she faked a “Hi Jeff!”

“I didn’t think you were going to be here for another hour or so!” Stacy stammered, and nervously reached for her drink.

“I finished a little early. I hope it was okay to come over.”

“Of course! We were waiting for you!” Cindy said, trying to be calm. I could see she was breathing heavily and her chest was heaving from her excited state.

“Sorry for the way I’m dressed. It’s hot as hell, and I didn’t get a chance to change. A pitcher of margaritas? Can I grab a glass?”

Stacy pointed to the house, “Sure, the glasses are on the shelf in the bar.”

I walked to the house and could hear them whispering and laughing when I went inside. I grabbed a glass and walked back outside. They were still whispering and both burst out laughing over something Cindy said.

I walked over and poured myself a margarita from the pitcher, and pulled a patio chair close to them and sat down. Taking a sip, I looked over at the platter of carrots, and reached out and picked up a smaller one that was obviously one that Stacy had been using on Cindy… it was shiny and wet. They both shot glances at each other and Stacy covered her mouth with her hands and gasped.

I raised the carrot to my mouth and took a bite. I ran the carrot under my nose and inhaled. “These are great! What’s that glaze on them?”, then I sucked the ‘glaze’ off the rest of the carrot. Cindy had been taking a sip from her drink, and spit it all over when I did this.

I feigned ignorance, “What? What did I do? What are you two up to…”

Stacy spit out, “Nothing! It’s just that… that glaze is… I found it in my sister’s bedroom. I think it might be hash oil?”

“Well it tastes really good. Do you mind?”, and I picked up another ‘wet’ carrot. They giggled and looked at each other. Cindy was laughing, “Help yourself!”

I sucked off the glaze from the second carrot and ate it, then reached out for the one large one that had Cindy had been fucking Stacy with. The larger carrot was very wet on one end with a thicker ‘glaze’ that dripped down when I picked it up. I raised it up and hung it over my head so it dripped into my mouth, then licked it off.

Stacy’s eyes went wide and she covered her mouth again and gasped, “Oh my god… I mean.. does it taste nasty?”

“Not at all. I really like it. Do you have anymore?”

They looked at each other and laughed again. Cindy said, “Maybe…”,which made them laugh even harder.

“By the way you two are acting, I think that must be hash oil. How much have you had?”

Stacy popped off, “Not a lot… but the night is still young!” Cindy laughed at the comment and shoved her friend.

Stacy took a gulp from her drink and asked me, “Did you bring swim trunks?”

I shook my head, “No.. I came straight from work. Are my boxers okay? I mean they can’t be any more revealing than those suits you two have on.”

“You don’t like our new bikinis?”, Stacy said with a huff. “We took the bus out to the mall early this morning to buy these just for you.”

“On the contrary… you two look absolutely… I can’t keep my eyes off of you. In fact, I really need to cool down.” I stood up and pulled off my shoes. I turned away from them and untied my shirt, and dropped my pants, holding onto my boxers. My dick was about half-mast, but I don’t think they could tell from behind me. I dove into the pool and swam around long enough for my erection to fade and crawled back up out of the pool.

Both girls stared at my boxers as I rose up out of the water. I no longer had an erection, but my dick was hanging large down my leg, and the wet material was thin enough to see everything clearly as my boxers clung to me. I walked over and grabbed a towel to dry off, then sat by them and sipped my drink.

Stacy lay back on her chaise and stretched out to show off her body, barely covered by her string bikini. Cindy was reclining beside her in an even tinier bikini. Looking at these two young girls, their bodies barely covered, all oiled up… and after listening to what they were saying; Stacy wanting to deepthroat me and Cindy wanting to fuck me; I couldn’t help it when my dick started to get hard.


————————— Poolside —————————

I tried to think of different things to calm my growing erection, but their petite bodies were right there, glistening in the sun.

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