A TOUCH OF SILK by tenorman

“God, I want this,” she wheezed. Her body began lifting and then dropping, up and down and up and down and harder and harder. “I want to feel it, I need to feel it. Fuck me Baby, fuck me hard. I’ve been waiting for this.”

Brad grabbed her tits firmly with both hands and twisted her hard-rubber nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He raised his groin as forcefully as he could, matching her movements, giving her the hard fuck she, they both, wanted. He wanted to again feel the warm rush of her cum surround his cock and flow onto his body, and to fill her with his sperm.

They kept their moans and groans on low volume as best they could but the bed was rocking. Springs stretched and screeched with their thrusts. Brad tried to slow and ease their movements to lessen the noise, but Maggie wasn’t going along with that, she amped up even more. Oh well, he thought, if they hear us downstairs, so be it. They’re gonna find out anyway, sooner or later.

They each came, seconds apart, with huge grins on their faces. Brad shot her the kind of load that feels like lava rising up, like an overloaded fuse, and burns its way out. Maggie had an orgasm to match. Her body quaked when she erupted, she hissed like a cornered cougar, and released her liquid love, a fat, healthy, saved-up dose, soaking the cock inside her and her lover beneath.

They slept late. Christmas morning, what’s the rush? They were still lying arm-in-arm when they heard Kate and Ethan leave the house, heading out for a day of visiting the aunts and uncles and cousins, as they did every Christmas. They had the place to themselves. They took turns in the bathroom and were soon back in bed. They kissed, they fondled, he got hard, she got wet, he fingered her, she stroked him. He noticed her hands were slick.

“Fuck me from behind,” she said. Her greasy fingers wrapped around his cock. She rolled over and took his cock with her and he spooned her from behind. She pushed and jiggled his cock between her buttocks and pressed the head to her asshole. “Fuck me.”

What a Christmas gift, Brad thought. He spread her open with his thumbs and pushed, and watched her asshole widen as her fingers guided him in. Her ass was well-lubed and muscled, and widened quickly to adjust to his cock as it entered her. This was a new experience for Bra, but he knew right away it was not new to Maggie. She was giving him her ass. New territory. He knew it was no small gesture and he would make the most of it, he would fuck the shit out of it. Well, hopefully not that.

He was halfway in when he really started slinging it. Maggie groaned loudly but with three lunges his dick was buried. Brad started banging that bottom, thinking: I love this woman, she’s amazing, but right now her ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower.

He sucked her earlobe while he pounded her butt and held her tits in his hands as if she might get away. God, it felt good, so tight but so smooth, the perfect fit, something he could get used to, if not addicted. It wasn’t long before he came, growling like a Grizzly and dropping his weight on top of her. He felt the squishiness of his cum surround the head of his cock.

He held her for a minute or two, his arms around her, his dick in her ass.

“You can take it out, now,” Maggie said, after it had lost some of its girth.

“Oh, sorry,” Brad mumbled. He removed his cock slowly and a rivulet of his cum came with it.

They held each other in bedded bliss. But Brad wanted to please her the way she’d pleased him, so he ate her until she came. Of course by then he’d been hard again for a while so he got on top and fucked her.

When they finally dragged their asses out of bed it was after noon, and they were starving. They went down to the kitchen and fried up some eggs and leftover ham and ate a big breakfast. They figured they’d both probably lost ten pounds overnight and needed it. They cleaned up the kitchen together, then went upstairs and got into the shower and cleaned each other. Maggie washed Brad’s cock really well, but soon had to have it in her mouth. And damn if they didn’t fuck again, right up against the tile wall.

Maggie went home after that. They knew Mom and Dad would be back soon. Sure enough, less than an hour later Kate and Ethan came home. The three of them had dinner together. Leftover ham and potatoes. After dinner Brad retired to his room upstairs. He would be leaving early in the morning. But before he went to bed he talked to Maggie for an hour on the phone.

“I miss you already,” he said.

“I miss you too,” she said. “I want to be with you.”

“I want to be with you, too. Are we falling in love?”

“I think we already fell. I know I have.”

“So have I. We have to do something.”

“I know. What can we do?”

“Get a divorce.”

“Yes, right,” she said. “I need to do that. I will. I promise.”


A few days later, Ethan and Maggie had a meeting at the store with a new vendor making a sales pitch. After the sales rep left, they talked about a couple other issues, then Ethan changed the subject.

“What’s up with you and Brad?” her father asked nonchalantly, taking Maggie by surprise.

“Huh? Why do you ask?” Maggie said.

“Well, I don’t want to pry, but Kate and I have noticed that you two have become quite chummy over the last year or so. And this past Christmas Eve, well, it was quite noticeable. We heard noises in the night that were, shall we say, ahem, unmistakable.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, turning red. “We’ve been working up the nerve to tell you. Is Kate okay? We sure didn’t want to upset her, or you.”

“She’s not upset by it, at least not anymore. It was more of a shock, him being your younger stepbrother, and all. We just hope you both know what you’re doing.”

“I’m in love with him, Daddy.”

“Huh. I see.”

“I know it sounds crazy. All those years we never really connected, I never really knew him, but the last few… I don’t know. We’ve gotten closer, gotten to know each other. I know he’s younger, but, he’s so cool, we’re on the same wavelength, like it’s meant to be. Like you and Kate after Mom died.”

This struck a nerve with Ethan. He’d never thought he’d get married again after Rosa died and he raised Maggie the rest of the way on his own. But that changed when he met Kate.

“How’s Brad feel about it?” he asked.

“The same.” She was relieved that her father seemed to be taking it all in stride.

“So, what are you going to do?” he said. “You’re still technically married. And you are living in different time zones.”

“I know. We have to work that out.”

“Well,” Ethan said, rising up from his desk. “Sounds like you two have your work to do on this relationship. If there is any way I can help, let me know.”

“Sure, thanks Dad. Know a good divorce lawyer?”


He didn’t, but his attorney recommended someone. Agatha Mann.

“She’s the best, I’m told,” Ethan said. “A real Alpha Female, she’s brutal, goes for the throat. Only represents women. They call her the Mann Eater.”

“Dad, I don’t know if I need a man eater. We have no kids or assets to fight over. I just want to get out without a lot of hassles.”

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