Bayonetta’s Abuse – Chapter 06 – Flames Of Passion by [James Bondage]

“Take my advice slut. Don’t count the strokes. Just think of it as something you’ll have to endure for the rest of the day.”

A wicked grin spread across her face as she held the end of the whip above her head and started twirling it over and around her body. “Then it might be a little easier TO BEAR!”


The first stroke lashed his ass cheeks harshly. James yelped into his gag, his body jolting. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but it wasn’t overwhelming… yet.

“This is what NAUGHY*CRACK* “little boys GET*CRACK* “when they MISBEHAVE!” *CRACK CRACK*

After only the fifth stroke the pain had already increased significantly. He quivered on the bed groaning fiercely into the rubber gag, his hands aching as he strained against the metal cuffs, his knees and legs bending upward reflexively, attempting to shield his bruised ass.

“Put those fucking legs down, NOW, or I will tie them down.”

He lowered his legs slowly, his whole body shaking, the action requiring every ounce of his will.

“Take it like a MAN!” *CRACK* “Even if you are just a sissy boy.”

The whipping stretched on for long minutes; perhaps even half an hour. James lost track of time as the blows rained down on his burning cheeks and his ass was welted nonstop. His muffled cries bellowed into the soft rubber ball every time the thick leather snapped into his skin, the pliable water filled mattress rocking with his convulsions. Thunder and lightning roared outside, the heavy rain sloshing down as his mistress chastised and belittled him, yelling obscenities and occasionally laughing like a maniac. Her sexual excitement seemed only to grow with every lash of the whip. Her thick cock stood at rigid attention, all 16 massive inches filled with blood, her left hand often stroking the fleshy length as her right hand took a break from its exertions. Dark stripes began appearing on the surface of his flesh, providing a stark contrast to the bright redness of the rest of his ass.

James wasn’t sure if it was mercy that stayed her hand or merely exhaustion, but the beating finally came to an end. He heard the whip clatter on the floor and the loud rapping of her booted heels as she approached the other end of the bed and came into view. She was sweating lightly, her dark hair a slick mass shooting in an upward arcing pony tail and cascading down behind her. Bayonetta stroked her thick, pulsating cock, the member fully engorged with copious amounts of pre-cum oozing out of the tip. Her generous breasts heaved and sighed, barely contained by the thick leather bustier, the rest of her body naked, glistening in the dim light. She jerked herself moistly in his face, looking down at him with a combination of lust and angry zeal as her left hand wetly slicked across her fat meat. Her expression, however, was the least troubling thing now to James. His eyes opened wide as he saw what could only be described as a red glow radiating from Bayonetta’s skin.

“That certainly was FUN, wasn’t it slut? But you don’t look like you’re having fun… Why is that?”

His terrified expression annoyed her greatly, her eyes becoming a pair of piercing daggers as she grabbed him by the collar and lowered her face down to meet his.


James whimpered into his gag, looking up at her pleadingly while shaking his head side to side. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing from the woman he’d grown to worship and adore. She released him roughly, the chain on his collar rattling as he fell back on the bed. Bayonetta sauntered back to the opposite side, her eyes closing as she fisted her greasy cock.

“You know what’s even more fun than whipping an ass raw? ….Fucking a raw ass.”

She swung her legs up onto the water bed one by one, getting into place behind his reddened butt as the liquid mattress parted and waved. She pushed his legs forward and set him up on his knees, placing her thick cock right between his well-whipped cheeks and positioning herself for a long, hard fuck. He hissed and bucked as she slid the foul length up and down his crack, her sticky cock passing through his burning flesh repeatedly.

“Buckle up slut!” was her only warning as she grasped his hips firmly and jammed the business end of her mega cock into his tight hole. She thrust it in violently, giving his asshole no time to stretch and loosen as she began fucking him hard and fast. He yelled into the red rubber gag, his groans and cries barely audible above the loud slurping of her penis as her heavy ball-sack came closer and closer to smacking his ass with every stroke. She gave his right ass cheek a strong swat before tossing her head back in uncontrollable desire.

OH YES!!! Give me that boy pussy!”

The red glow around Bayonetta’s skin strengthened and brightened, her hands digging even more greedily into his flanks. James screamed and bucked as she spanked his ass harshly again and again, the blows a hundred times more painful than usual on his welted skin. He struggled against her in futility, his hands bound behind his back, his pain and desperation turning her on even more. The enormous cock hilted in his ass, her swollen orbs pushing into the bottom of his ass cheeks. His whole body strained and his face turned increasingly red as she fucked him viciously, the end of her cock plunging through his anal walls and into the depths of his colon, her hunger for his submission never satisfied.

YEAH!!! TAKE IT! Learn to love the pain with that cock. That’s what sluts like you get… PAIN and COCK. And you LOVE IT!!!”

Her pace became even more rapid, her gargantuan penis passing in and out of his sloppy ass in a blur, pre-cum and anal juices squirting and dripping all over the bed. The red ring of his pucker was stretched wide as she plowed to the deepest reaches of his innards, snarling like an animal as her climax built. James’ eyes glazed over as his body was rocked back and forth, his mistress raping him even more enthusiastically than the day they had met.

Suddenly Bayonetta gasped and the wild rhythm of her fucking slowed to a crawl. James was yelling into his gag nonstop, his groans and pleas barely audible through his stuffed mouth. As she removed her fingers from his sides she saw, to her shock, that they were dripping in blood. She stared at her crison stained hands in disbelief for a few moments, a look of shame and fear spreading over her face as the red glow around her body promptly faded away.

“I… I didn’t….”

She pulled her rapidly deflating cock from his ass and slid off the bed hastily, running to the bathroom and washing her hands. She returned seconds later with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a box of bandages, her face cracking with intense sorrow. She poured some of the solution over the wound on his left side, the liquid burning and cleansing the area where her fingers had dug deeply into his skin. She held him down firmly as he yelled and thrashed, applying a bandage over the gashes with some medical tape. With a heavy heart she stepped over him and repeated the process on the other side of his body, disinfecting and dressing the wound. When she was done, she moved to the head of the bed and began detaching the chain from his collar.

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