Compartments by Mojavejoe420

Her testicle kisses were a surprise indeed, but they were child’s play compared to her next surprise. She kissed between my balls on the hard underside of my cock. Her hands pushed my legs apart wider as she kissed further down.

“Pillow please,” she requested. “Up!” And she slid it under my lower back. I felt a little silly as she pushed my legs into the air. I mean, this was getting ridiculous! I was about to put a stop to all of this monkey business when her tongue touched my asshole.



Sparks ran though my body, starting and stopping at my asshole and cock. Her expert tongue slathered saliva all over the area and in a few moments she surprised me again with her stiff tongue, pushing insistently. Making her tongue as stiff as she could, she pushed and pushed.

“Relax, big boy. It’s okay.”

She gripped my cock and resumed her assault, and this time she succeeded. Her tongue sank inside my ass. The exquisite pleasure derived from her sultry tongue was beyond anything I had experienced up to that point in my vast twenty five years of earthly existence. Combined with her grip on my cock, I knew I only had a few seconds.

“Maggie! I’m gonna… oh fuck!”

She quickly jumped up and managed to get her mouth on me just as I began to cum. I watched in amazement as her head went lower and lower until her face pushed against my stomach. She swallowed every drop of cum.

She snuggled up to me and we kissed as I came down from the clouds.

“I don’t know how you do that! Nobody has ever gotten half of my cock in my mouth. You look like you could take more. Where did you learn that!”

“West Virginia. You don’t wanna know.”

Fair enough. And no, I didn’t really want to know.

We drank a couple beers and talked quietly in the dark room. We both drifted off for a little while, but were awakened by a pounding on my door and several voices hollering for the “Old Man” to come out. I looked at my Omega, it was after midnight.

“Go get in the shower. I’ll get rid of these assholes.” Maggie wasn’t happy but she slunk off to hide. I opened the door, stark naked, and told the guys to fuck off.

“Hey fuck you, McMahon! I outrank you!”

“Yeah,” I retorted. “By three days!”

At this point the light came on in the manager’s office and a few guest doors opened, heads peeking out.

“Guys, let’s not get kicked out on our first night, huh?” I was trying to be the voice of reason.

They broke up and threw a few more fuck you’s around but headed off to their rooms.

Maggie and I fell into each other’s arms again, we made quiet love two more times that night. She slipped out of the room around 1:30 in the morning, unbeknownst to all.

Or, so I thought.


“Hello, my love!” I was so happy to talk to Jeanine on the phone, even if it was only for three minutes. Long Distance calls were expensive back in the olden days.

I got the quick rundown of all the goings on and I told her how the boys are all wacky youngsters but I was staying home in my room. We made kissy noises and told each other how much we loved each other, then the operator cut in and asked for another $1.80 in coins, so we hung up.

I then called the Golf Course, only ten cents, and explained to Maggie that tonight I had to go out with the boys or face some real consequences as the instructors were having a to-do for us. She seemed okay as the course re-opened today and she was pretty busy. But I told her to pick out a steakhouse and we would go Wednesday night.


We were gathering up our stacks of binders and I began begging off for the night; I had an aunt and uncle in town and I had promised to visit them. Some of the guys went to chat with the engineers and I was left alone with Don Jacobson for a while.

“Aunt and uncle, huh?”

I was going to start my spiel about how they were so special when I was younger when he blindsided me.

“Was that your aunt leaving your room the other night? She looked pretty young for an old lady.”

Without even thinking I moved quickly, pinning Don against the wall with my forearm on his neck.

“What… did you just say… to me…” My voice and actions put quite a bit of fear in Don.

“Hey buddy, it’s cool man. I didn’t say nothin’ to the other guys. I’m just jealous, that’s all. Fascinated, really. You’re known as Mister Square, and, well… you know.”

I was terrified. The only way to really keep a secret is to kill everyone who knows it. That seemed extreme for this situation, but I considered it, briefly. I relaxed my hold on old Don.

“Don. We’re friends.” We had been in the same squadron a couple years ago on the Hancock. “You can’t say anything–”

“Johnny, it’s covered. I’m only talking to you now cuz all the other guys are gone. Hey, you saved my ass there in Po City. I haven’t forgotten.”

I did save his ass. He would’ve gotten drummed out of the Navy after what happened in Olangapo. The Navy frowns upon their officers committing lewd acts in public. And they frown even deeper when said officer gets arrested and was going to miss his boat’s departure. Enlisted men get busted down a rank. Officers get asked to resign.

“You damn right I saved your ass. Don, if this ever got out…”


“I mean ever. So help me…”

“I know, Johnny. I know. Don’t worry. How’d you meet her?”

While I told him the story of the golf outing, he sat, enthralled. “Why doesn’t this shit happen to me?”

“Probably because you’re a fairy.” The thing that got him in trouble in Po City was a ladyboy.

“Hey shut up! I like girls! I like women!”

“Keep it down tiger, or I won’t have any leverage over you.”

He half-heartedly punched me in the shoulder and gathered up his books. “We’re equally fucked, right? If any of this ever got out, we’re both dead.”

“Yeah, so keep it zipped, Jacobson.”

“You too, Old Man. Hey, can I meet her?”

Hmmm. I hadn’t thought about that. I told him I would let him know.


“Will there be anything else, sir?” The waitresses in this place were stunning, every one of them. Including ours, Cheryl.

“Couple more drinks, darlin’. Thank you.”

Maggie lit up a cigarette and I cozied up to her in the leather booth.

“You know how to show a girl a fine time, Lieutenant. That’s the best steak I’ve ever had.”

She looked ravishing in her little black dress. I took her Parliament from her and took a nice long drag, blowing the smoke off to the side.

“I’m just trying to spread your legs, ma’am.”

“They are already spread, touch me.”

I handed the cigarette back to her and slid my hand up her dress. Unsurprisingly, she wore no panties. I spoke in very low tones as I nibbled her earlobe.

“Why, Miss Maggie. I do believe you are being very scandalous tonight. Is this… ohhhh yess you are so wet aren’t you? Is this for me?”

“Sorry Lieutenant. But that little busboy over there has caught my eye.” Cheeky.

I slid two fingers inside her and she gasped just as the waitress returned with another Dirty Martini and a Sidecar.

“Are you… alright, miss?”

“Talk to her,” I whispered.

“Oh… yes, I’m fine. My date is just being, ohhhh… you know… a little romantic. Has anyone told you how pretty you look tonight?”

I nibbled on Maggie’s ear as the waitress swooned a little.

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