How could this happen to me by stevestrong

How could this happen to me by stevestrong

Two delinquents target respectable mother. Part 1 , Dave springer and Tony Selby had been friends since infant school and have been a right couple of trouble making bastards ever since.
Living on the towns only council estate that was a blight on an otherwise lovely Essex town, the two fifteen year olds were the scourge of their comprehensive school and town.
Both the product of broken homes and families with a history of operating on the wrong side of law and order, they were never going to grow up to be leading lights in the community or captains of industry. Well, perhaps the drug industry.

The Wilson family had been forced to relocate to Essex due to the company their father Martin worked for merging with another Essex based fibre optic company.
Martin had been one of the few lucky ones to be offered the chance to relocate thanks to his highly specialised knowledge of fibre optic design. Eighty five percent of the workforce had been made redundant.

It was a big wrench for the three of them having lived in Shropshire all their lives, leaving behind friends and relatives.
Wife Debbie and son Brian would find it the hardest to adjust, Debbie being a housewife with only the turning of their new five bedroom house into a home to keep her occupied and fifteen year old Brian having to start a new school and try to make new friends.
Martin would be immersed in organising the specialist department he was heading, keeping him at work for long days as well as many late nights involved in conference calls with their parent companies in California and Japan.

It was Monday morning and Brian’s first day at his new school, he felt like a fish out of water. No one took any notice of him when he asked which way the office was and when he did find it and was given his timetable and introduced in his first class as the new boy nobody took him under their wing and showed him the ropes.

At break he sat on his own on a playground bench trying to phone his mates he’d been forced to leave behind.
He did however unbeknown to him attract the attention of Tony and Dave.
“Look over there, that’s that new kid Brian, looks like he’s got a nice new iphone for us”. Tony tells Dave.
“Yeah, and he looks kinda posh, reckon he’ll have a few quid he’d like to share with us too”. Dave says laughing.
“Lets follow him home after school, check out the lie of the land before we see what we can mug him for”. Tony smirked.

Brian bemoaned his shit new school to one of his old mates unaware he had become a target of the two baddest thugs in school.
Come the bell at three o c Tony and Dave were the first out of class and hanging about outside the gates as Brian left for home, unaware he was being followed, Brian made the ten minute walk thinking what a shit life he was going to have with no mates and nothing to do outside school.

Reaching his house he was met by his mum cutting back an overgrown rose bush in the front garden. Giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek she asked. “How was your first day love”.
“How do you think it was, it was shit. It was like i was invisible”. Brian told his mother angrily.
“There’s no need for that kind of language thank you very much. Just give it time, things will get better, you’ll just have to tough it out for a while, it’s hard for me and your father too”. His mum replied.

” Fuck me, is that his mum, she’s fit as fuck”. Dave proclaimed.
“Fucking hell, she looks like a model or film star”. Tony told Dave.

Both boys carried on walking past Brian’s house so as not to be noticed or raise suspicion, it was another twenty minutes to the council estate that they lived on and the Wilson family had no idea it even existed.
” She was beautiful, the only thing that could improve her looks would be my bollocks banging against her chin”. Laughed Dave.
“I’d fuck her so hard, she wouldn’t walk for a week “. Added Tony.

Both of them continued to exchange the ways they would fuck Brian’s mum all the way to Dave’s house.
“I think Brian has just found two, new best friends”. Said Dave with an evil grin on his face.
“I think you’re right and the best thing is, he has no idea what a couple of horrible cunts we are”. Said Tony bursting out laughing.

The Wilson family had no idea that their world would be torn apart by the decision the two delinquent friends had just made.

The following day at school had gone the same way as as the previous one up till break.
Brian was doing he’s best ‘Nobby no mates’ impression alone on a bench when Dave and Tony sat either side of him.
“You’re new round here ain’t ya?”. Said Dave.
“Yeah, only moved here on saturday “. Replied Brian.
” Well i’m Dave and he’s Tony, we’ll get you up and running with what’s what, anything you need to know, feel free to ask us”. Said Dave, putting him at ease and making Brian feel a bit better about his forced upheaval .

Over the two breaks and lunch time Dave and Tony found out everything they needed to know about the Wilson family. Brian only to willing to foster the chance of making two new friends. He was totally unaware he was supplying them with the ammunition they needed for their designs on his mother.

Being in different classes for the most part due to the gap between Brian’s academic brightness and Tony and Dave’s lack of interest in academic achievement suited Dave and Tony fine, not wanting to spend more time than necessary with the drippy new kid.
It wasn’t that they were thick, they were highly intelligent when it came to playing the system, both were street and worldly wise, they new all the angles. The pair of them were budding Al Capones.

For the whole of their last lesson they sat at the back of the class plotting ways of seeing more of Brian’s mum.

After school the three of them walked back together, arriving back at Brian’s house just in time to see his mum on all fours weeding a flower bed.
Dave nudged Tony and silently mouthed “Fuck me” unseen by Brian.
“Hi mum” greeted Brian.
Debbie got to her feet and turning to greet Brian was pleasantly surprised to see him accompanied by the two other boys.
” Hi love, looks like you’ve made a couple of friends, that’s nice “. Said Debbie, her beautiful face radiating a big smile.

“This is Dave and Tony”. Brian announced, pointing to each in turn.
“Hello boys, pleased to meet you both”. Greeted Debbie extending her hand.

“Hello Mrs Wilson”. Said Dave, shaking her dainty hand.
“Pleased to meet you Mrs Wilson”. Said Tony, taking his turn to shake her hand.

“Come into the house and i’ll get you all a drink and a snack “. Offered Debbie, eager to create a warm welcome and good impression on her sons new friends.

Dave and Tony followed her checking out her cute arse and sexy body.
Debbie was certainly a looker, 5ft 7in, long slender legs and tiny arse squeezed into her tight fitting faded jeans. A tight tee shirt hugging her medium sized tits and flat stomach.
Her face was truly beautiful in a soft natural way, no need for lots of makeup, her complexion was flawless. Her beauty was topped off by long shaggy, dirty blonde hair.
No way would you guess she was 38 years old, you would be hard pressed to book her down as anything older than late 20’s.


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