New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

“MMm, Will, I haven’t slept so well. Thanks.” She moved her hand along his chest. When she moved her leg she felt him, firm and sticking up. “Oh, hmm, ok.”

“Sorry, it does that.”

“Yep, they do. When it does for the right reason and a girl feels appreciated.” Now her hand moved down to where her leg had been. “And when a girl feels appreciated she sometimes does things to show that. Kelly pulled off her shirt. Will sucked in his breath when he saw her bare breasts. “Go ahead. Explore. Kissing and licking and light squeezing is nice. Kelly la back as Will had his first go at real live tits. She rubbed his head in encouragement as he kissed and sucked at her breasts, feeling their softness, and the hard nipples. She knew this would be making him even harder, if possible. After a good long while she pulled his head back and kissed him. “Thanks. Now let me show you my appreciation.” Kelly kissed him on the lips, then worked her way down his chest, flicking her tongue over his nipples, then down across his stomach, following the line of hair from his navel down, across his patch of hair, and finding his hard cock. Kelly took a long time getting to know his member. Kissing around, down to his balls, and up across the cut head, the thick glans, licking at the fluid beginning to leak from the opening near the tip. Then letting her tongue run, down and up, over and around. She took the head into her mouth, letting him in, pushing a little further, holding his balls while her mouth worked on him. Will was soon warning,

“Kelly I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna.” She felt his balls contract in her hand, felt the cock in her mouth throbbing. She pulled back so that only the head was between her lips, stroked him once, twice, then accepted his cum, swallowing as necessary. Taking all he had, sucking at the last bits, licking him clean. Satisfied she snaked her body up over him. She smiled at Will,

“I felt very appreciated.”

“Uh, me too?”

“I hope to keep you that way. I don’t know what we’ll find out there, but I’d be happy to face it, with you.”

“Ok. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything Will. I can tell by your actions. And reactions. I can make you very happy too.” He nodded. He wasn’t sure what a woman wanted to hear, but he was determined to make her happy. And he would defend her with his life. This he was sure of.

They broke camp and continued south/southwest. One day became much like another. Will was always able to find and prepare fresh meat, though the woods were more sparse as more and more people trudged south. They would occasionally stop and wait when Will became aware of a group moving along the trails. They would stay out of sight and watch. Some were groups much like Kelly had been in, men herding, there was no other word for it, women. Kelly would look at Will, but he reasonably explained, “I can’t be the law by myself.” Other times the groups would be more carefree as if on a fun adventure. Will would shake his head knowing that hard times were ahead for some of them.

Will kept them moving in a business like manner, taking all precautions, ensuring they were well supplied. Some of these supplies were becoming more scare as they passed by towns that had been ransacked by numerous groups. They found a large sporting goods store that was mostly out of weapons and ammunition. Will said to Kelly,

“It’s going to get more dangerous. More weapons and fewer people knowing how to use them. We need to look to your safety.”

“I’m with you. I’m safe.”

“Something could happen to me. You never want to find yourself in the position you were.”

“I’d kill myself first.”

“Or defend yourself. It looks like they’ve taken all the larger hand guns. You’d be better off with something smaller anyway. Maybe a rifle too?”

“I’ve never fired a gun.”

“I’ll teach you. It would be better for both of us to cover our backs in an emergency.” Kelly just nodded. Will found what he was looking for and boxes of ammo. “We’ll add target practice to our evening routine. Gunshots will blend in with sounds of people hunting game. ” So they added something new to their days.

Many nights Kelly woke from a nightmare. Dark dreams of her days with Hank’s group. She’d wake with a start and only settle when she felt Will tighten his hold on her. She had been enjoying making him feel good, either stroking him or giving him head. Kelly was feeling more comfortable with his touch, his hands roaming over her body. She had endured it at first, feeling that the kid needed to learn, but still nervous at a man’s touch. So many bad memories. But none of that was Will’s fault. Fortunately he was too inexperienced to know that her shivers and other reactions were not the usual reactions. She wanted to do nothing that would offend him or put him off of his discoveries. She also knew that what she really wanted, and what Will deserved as her partner, she wasn’t quite ready to share. Kelly was thankful that Will didn’t know any better. Or at least she hoped he didn’t.

Sitting beside their campfire on a cool evening, after target practice, after dinner, they looked at the stars filling the sky.

“Will, what do you believe in?” It was a simple, but maybe unnecessarily deep question. Their night usually involved a little reading, he’d enjoyed Call of the Wild, and maybe some time working on recognizing words. So this question came out before Kelly realized she would ask it. Will looked over at her,

“You mean like God and heaven and hell and all that? Nothing like that. I’m not sure what I would’ve said a year ago. Now, I believe in me and mine. That’s all that matters. The world is different.” Wow, Kelly thought, that was a lot from Will at one time. “You?”

“I want to keep believing in God and someplace better and all those things I learned in Sunday school. But yes times have changed. I think I’ve lost those beliefs. I’m trying to keep putting one foot before the other and get through each day.”

“That’s fair.”



“When you said ‘me and mine’ did that include me?” Will sat up and turned towards Kelly. He held her hands in his looking into her eyes.

“Kelly, I promise to stay with you and protect you and try to be a good man even though I don’t know how completely for as long as you’ll have me by our side. I promise this with the only thing I have to give. My life.”

This was well more than Kelly was prepared for. This serious kid, still high school age was promising to take on the world if necessary, for her. Just a few months ago she’d have laughed it off as the grandiose proclamations of a high school doofus trying to get in her pants. Times had changed, he was sincere. And she needed to believe every word. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She kissed him and sobbed on his shoulder.

“Are you ok? Is something wrong?”

“No, that’s the most important thing anyone had said to me. I want nothing more than to have you by my side.”

The next day as they crossed over into New York following their own more difficult path to avoid the crush on the Appalachian Trail Kelly spent the day debating with herself. It had been weeks now. Day after day they travelled. The woke, they ate, they walked, they camped. Throw in foraging for food and supplies and reading at night and the days rolled on. Will asked for nothing, eagerly accepted what was offered and worked as hard either way. Kelly wondered how it might change. Like a genie being let out of a bottle she’d seen kids at school change once they’d had a taste of the goods, had reached the promised land. She was sure Will was different. Her nightmares had abated for the most part. Her body felt healed and refreshed. She’d had her period. She was early in a three year program so she expected that, but still. Hank and his crew were behind her. Physically she was ok. Now it was all mental. She felt stimulated enough by Will’s fumbling touches. Her early feelings of putting up with a man caressing her had passed. It was time. It seemd so strange to her. In college, if she felt attracted to a guy she’d go for it if in the mood. She wasn’t easy, exactly, but she enjoyed sexual relations. Now, she’d been making the most caring young man she’d ever met wait. She wasn’t sure if he new exactly that he was waiting. He took each day as it came. That night, after they had target practice and after dinner, Will asked,

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