Not so little brother: Chapter 3 by Freudian Slip

Not so little brother: Chapter 3 by Freudian Slip

Dive into the tantalizing world of “Not So Little Brother: Chapter 3” by Freudian Slip, where passion ignites and boundaries blur in an intoxicating tale of forbidden desire. Join the characters as they navigate their deepest fantasies and explore the thrilling dynamics of their relationship. Immerse yourself in this adult erotic story that promises to leave you breathless and craving more.

Chapter 3 – Fun In the Sun


“Charlie? Steven?”

Huh? What’s going on? I awoke in a daze to knocking at the door to Steven and my hotel room. What a night last night was. My brother had fucked my ass hard and it was still sore from the ride.

“You two awake?”



I got up, naked. Odd. I usually sleep in my boxers. I put on some underwear and went to the door, unlocked it, and cracked it.

“Yeah?” I asked, groggily.

“I guess that answers that. Is Steven up?” she asked?


“Ok. Well get him up. Put your bathing suits on. We’re going to the beach to get some sun. Be downstairs in 15 minutes.”


Mom walked away, back to her room and I closed the door. Some fun in the sun huh? Sounds like it was going to be a good day. I walked back towards the bed with the intent of waking up Steven when I had a better idea. In my haste to answer the door I had uncovered both of us. Steven was lying on his back in bed, naked, hot. His large cock resting to the side of his large balls, the foreskin covering the head.

I walked over to his side of his bed and kneeled at the edge. For a second I stared at his cock. No matter how many times I’d seen his cock in the last 48 hours I couldn’t get over how beautiful it is. I reached out my hand and gently grabbed his cock in the middle of the shaft; it was heavy in my hand. I started to slowly pump his dick, feeling it grow larger and harder with each passing second. Before long it was stand proud and tall at its full length.

Now the fun could begin. I scooted up a bit and slowly moved my head towards his cock. Slowly, and gently, I licked up the length of his cock, wetting in down. I licked it again, and again, savoring the feeling of his hard cock against my tongue. My tongue traced one of the veins up his cock and to the head. His foreskin rested just behind the head revealing his smooth glans. I pumped his cock sending his foreskin up over the ridge to partially cover his head before sliding it back down again. His cock twitched gently in my hand.

Out of his piss slit leaked a drop of precum; it looked so delicious. I gently placed my lips on the tip of his cock and gently sucked as I once again pumped his cock, sucking out the sweet nectar. It was so good, sweet and slippery. I couldn’t get enough of my brother’s delicious precum; I craved it. I backed off just for just a second to lip my lips before returning to his cock and taking the full head in my mouth. I ran my tongue along the underside of the head, flicking his frenulum.


I let his cockhead slide out of my mouth *Pop*. I looked up at Steven. He was wide awake and looking at me with a big grin on my face.

“You just can’t get enough of my big cock can you?”

Steven grabbed his cock and moved it close to my mouth. I accepted the head back into my mouth. I swirled my head around it gently.

“You are a slut,” Steven said with a slight laugh.

I let his cock fall out of his mouth again and patted it with my hand.

“Mom told me to get you up,” I glanced at his cock, “I did that. Good thing you’re awake too.”

Steven smirked at my joke.

“Get up,” I said, “We’re going to the beach. Put on your bathing suit.”

“But we’re so pale!”

“Well, we can change that today.”

Being from upstate New York really left one at a disadvantage when it came to the beach. We didn’t get much sun so we were both really, really pale. I’m pretty sure my ass and my chest were the same color. I was almost transparent at some places.

Steven and I got dressed in our bathing suits though we had to wait for his erection to go down before we could leave the room. It was actually incredibly how big of a tent his cock made in his bathing suit. I could only imagine what it must be like trying to hide a random boner with a dick that big. Score one for my small penis.

“Guess it’s a good thing we stopped wearing speedos huh?” I joked.

“Jesus, I can only imagine the looks I’d get wearing one.”

Steven looked at me. A huge grin spread across his face.

“I’d get a lot of phone numbers.”

I rolled my eyes and we headed out the door. When we got downstairs our parents were waiting for us. Shit… how long had we taken?

“Took you guys long enough,” my mom said, looking at me.

“Sorry, I had to use the bathroom,” Steven responded.

“Ok. Let’s go, the cab is waiting.”

Steven glanced at me as if to say, “You’re welcome” and we followed our parents to the cab.

The beach was beautiful. It had been a very long time since I had been to a beach; we didn’t get to Florida much. The sun was beating down, making for a very hot day. The sand was beautiful and soft. It was hot under my feet as we walked to find a spot to set up base. The water was a dark blue and it sparkled for as far as the eye could see. There was a light breeze coming from the ocean, carrying the scent of salt water with it. The beach was packed with people in all directions.

We laid out for a little while, soaking up the sun. It was so wonderful to just lay there in the heat and feel the sun’s rays beating down on us. Mom fell asleep while dad read his book and looked up now and then to survey the beach. I poked Steven in the side.

“Let’s go for a walk, I’m bored.”

Steven opened his eyes and turned his head to look at me.

“Ok. Let’s go.”

We got up and told our dad that we were gonna head off down the beach. He nodded and we set off down the beach. We walked at a leisurely pace enjoying the feel of the sand under our feet and the sun shining on our backs. We didn’t say much, we just walked down the beach watching people as we went. Every now and then we’d see something interesting and comment on it, but for the most part we were silent. The farther away from the entrance to beach we went the less people there were. After we had walked for about 10 minutes there were very few people around as at all and the beach seemed much more pleasant.

Eventually Steven pointed up the beach, towards the dunes, and suggested we go up there. He nudged me in the direction of the dunes and I obliged. Not like I had anything else to do. When we got closer I noticed something that I hadn’t when we were closer to the water. The seagrape trees here arched over the beach for a couple feet and created a shaded area which was difficult to see. Steven shoved me in to the enclosure and followed after me, his bathing suit starting to tent.

“Here? People can see us.”

“No they can’t. Look around, we can barely see out of here. Just don’t make too much noise.”

Steven was right. Looking out, the trees did block the majority of the view. There were small gaps that we could see out of but it would be hard to see in. Behind me Steven had already stripped off his bathing suit and was standing with his cock fully erect.

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