Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 13 by jb_funn

As the ladies and the twins started to clean up lunch he told Janis to wait with him. She did as he said and when the others went in the kitchen he pulled her from her chair, bending her over the table, flipping her skirt up and slid his hard cock in her wet hot pussy. She moaned with pleasure as he plowed her cunt hard and deep. Her orgasm pushed to the edge and he reached for her clit pinching and rubbing it triggering her orgasm. She squealed as cum gushed down her legs. He fucked her until the orgasm started to diminish and pulled from her cunt turning her around. “Clean me.” She dropped to her knees taking him down her throat sucking and licking his cock clean of her pussy. He picked her up, hugged her close, kissed her deeply and patted her rump. She squealed and thanked him for his love.

She walked in the kitchen with a big smile as her cum trailed down the insides of her thighs. They all looked at her and giggled. Monique giggled. “Ass or pussy, sis?” Janis grinned. “Pussy and mouth.” Caylie groaned. “He has fucked and satisfied four of you today. Oh what an amazing, wonderful man.”

They laughed and Sandra said. “You are right little sis.” Caylie’s eyes flew open. “Little sis?” Sandra said. “Yes little sis, even if you are not a slave. You are still part of the family and little sis to us.” The twins rushed in to hug her and said “Thank you big sis.” They all pulled together for a group hug, giggling like a bunch of school girls.

Master walked in. “Sandra, you can rest this afternoon if you need.” She smiled. “Thank you,Master but I am alright and will help. The run-away slaves were used harder than I. If they want to rest I will take their place.”

They all said they recovered and wished to help the others. As they headed to the play room. Caylie turned to Cristin. “Did you notice what Master did when we requested to join the others as slaves?” Cristin grinned. “You mean when he showed more concern about giving all of us the attention we need and not a word about what he needs?” Caylie replied. “Exactly. How do we ever repay a man like that for his love?” Diann turned to them and said.

“We repay him by obeying, loving and doing our best not to disappoint him ever.”

As they entered the play room the twins froze in there tracks, eyes, and mouth flew open in awe of the bondage equipment, instruments of pain, and pleasure. They all started cleaning and organizing the play room. The twins picked up the flogger, cane, crop and zapper with amazement. They looked at Sandra and asks. “Did he use these on you this morning?” She smiled. “He sure did and it was great. I orgasmed multiple times when he did.” Cristine touched the dried cum on the mat. “Is this from you?” Sandra blushed. “Yes it is from my hot little pussy.” Cristin laughed. “Sis you are full of cum.” Sandra giggled. “Not any longer.” Caylie held the zapper up asking. “What is this?” Sandra took it from her and zapped her on the arm making her jump back and squeal. She rubbed her arm then said. “Feels like a pin prick but does not hurt too bad.” Sandra explained that it is used while you are blindfolded and not expecting it like you just reacted because you did not know what I was about to do. If it is used in rapid succession it can get more painful. Master is an expert using it for pain or psychological effect.

It is late afternoon when they finished cleaning, organizing and answering the twins questions. Janis told the twins they should go to their room and contemplate their decision to become sister slaves while the others prepare dinner. She told them someone will come for them for dinner. Elise showed them the elevator to their room floor. As they went to the elevator the seven ladies went to the kitchen. Angela asks. “What do you all think? Will the twins change their minds after the eye opening afternoon?”

Janis being the mother in the group said. “I don’t think so. They have seen how happy we are and even with the pain we ask for none of us are injured in anyway. Plus they crave the joy, happiness and love they know is here as a slave just like my three daughters wanted to experience the love and happiness that I had with Master .”

As the family had dinner Frank notice that the twins were happy, cheerful and a little excited. He said nothing about their request choosing to wait til morning to give him a chance to talk to his loving family of slaves first. Dinner finished and the kitchen cleaned they all retired to the entertainment room to relax. Sandra brought Master a cold beer from the wet bar. He took the cold brew and thanked her. Monique went to the wet bar and ask if anyone would like an ice lemonade telling them she made a couple pitcher earlier. They all helped and got lemonade.

After relaxing for a while Caylie asks to be excused and waited for a reply from Master. He smiled and gave her permission to leave. She looked at Angela and ask if she would help her in her room. Angela looked at Master and he nodded his approval. The two girls went down the hall hand in hand to Caylies room. Cristin suddenly remembered the bottle of liquor in her room that she intended to break the no drinking rule to get punished and asks to be excused also. He nodded and she rushed to her room, got the bottle, and returned to the family room. Master saw the bottle in her hand and ask why she had it. She told him the truth and put the bottle back.

He looked at her with a frightening expression. She thought I am in trouble any way. He patted the divan to his right and told her to sit. She swallowed a lump in her throat and sat nervously beside him. He ask “Did you drink any?” She replied “No, sir. With our decision to join the others as sister slaves if you agree, I do not need to be punished to experience what Caylie did.”

He asks. “You did not drink but you did take it without permission?” She gulped “Yes sir.” “So you betrayed my trust?” “Yes Sir.” “If one of my slaves did that I would punish her badly. I am going to punish you as a minor infraction of the rules. Are you willing to take your punishment or do you want to safe word?”

All the ladies held their breath waiting for Cristin’s response. She said.”Sir I betrayed your trust and deserve to be punished and hope for your forgiveness.” The ladies sighed and smiled as Master patted his lap and said.

“You know what to do.” She stood, pulled her skirt up, panties down, lay across his knees with her hands behind her like she had seen Angela do. She surprised the whole group and Master when she pulled her panties down to her knees. Master held her wrist in his strong hand making her moan and smile. She squealed, grunted and moaned as he beat her pretty little naked ass until she stiffened and moaned with the intense pleasure of the orgasm.

He stopped spanking her, picked her up holding her on his lap hugging her to his body with her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and cheek as he told her she is forgiven and that he does not like to punish her but feels it is his responsibility to teach her discipline, right from wrong and obedience because he loves her. He felt tears on his shoulder as she cried and cum on his legs as her pussy leaked. He drew back to look at her face as she cried to find a happy smile. He knew she was crying happy tears. He stood up cradling her in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed his cheek and thanked him for loving her. She had the others crying with her happiness.

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