“To your wife?”
“My wife?” He said with surprise. “Who said I was married? I have to go home and pack so that I can fly to New York for business.”
At this news, Tiffany sat up. “Wait. You’re not married?”
“No I’m not. Whatever gave you that idea?”
“Because most of my clients are.” Including my “lover”, she thinks to herself. “I just assumed that you just wanted some black pussy before going home to the doting and unsuspecting spouse.”
“I never dreamed that you were this cynical Brenda.”
“It’s Tiffany.” She admitted.
“Who is Tiffany?”
“I’m Tiffany. Brenda is just my stage name and the name I give to the Tricks.”
“So, what are you saying, Tiffany? Am I no longer a “trick?”
“Not after tonight, you aren’t. That is, at least if you don’t want to be one.”
“Brenda…I mean Tiffany, I know that you and Tony Lino are a thing. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? I mean, I like you too, in fact, I like you a lot, but I don’t want to end up in cement shoes at the bottom of the lake.”
She laughed. “Oh they don’t have that kind of muscle anymore. Tony is running scared from someone right now.”
Chet’s ears perked up at that bit of information. “He is? Do tell.”
“I don’t know all the details. But someone has been killing close friends of his in the Family and he doesn’t have the means to fight back.
The killer is targeting Tony’s shooters. He isn’t going after the butterass businessmen in the organization.” She told him as she broke all sorts of mob associate etiquette.
Chet washed off and got dressed with the promise to see her again as soon as he got back into town.
After he was back inside of his car, he made a phone call.
“Hi Ms. Mary, I know it’s late, but can you please wake him up? He’s going to want to hear this.”
“Aaron? Aaron! Wake up! It’s Austin on the line.”
“Boss? I’m sorry to call so late. But man! Do I have a story for you!”
“Well don’t keep me in suspense Agent Sharp. What have you uncovered?”
“I had been trying to get information from some of the other dancers in Sassy yet Classy, but this one; Lisa didn’t really know too much. This one here that I bagged tonight though? Different story.”
“How so?”
FBI Agent Austin Sharp relays his earlier conversation with the unsuspecting Tiffany to his superior.
“This is exactly what I was afraid of.” AIC Aaron Banks admitted.
“What do you mean sir?”
“The Dellasondro’s have hired someone with military training. Elite military training. He could be from anywhere. Russia, Israel, Colombia, or…”
“From right here in the good old US of A.” Austin Sharp said.
“Fortunately and unfortunately, I think I might know who that “somebody” could be.”
“Fortunately and unfortunately?”
“Yes. Fortunately because it gives us the chance to stop him before he kills again. Unfortunately, because if it is who I think it is, stopping him could could leave this city a burned out husk.”
Chapter five.
Dennis Porter sat on his balcony overlooking a popular eatery that catered to the Millennial crowd. At this late hour, it was deserted except for the cleanup crew and a few managers who were still probably tallying up tonight’s haul.