Gentle Baby Girl by GoatRavisher

I arrange for a concubine while on an extended business trip in Eastern Europe I handed the man a thick envelope of money. At this level it would have been rude to count it but it was a lot of money, a price we had agreed upon. “Very good sir. At this price she can


But those leggings! by GoatRavisher

A literotic sexstories: But those leggings! by GoatRavisher , I was spending Christmas holidays at my parent’s home in Chicago with the whole family, spouses, kids, old folks… everything. I’m the only single one so for a break from the chaos I claimed the need for a shopping trip and headed out for some day … Read more


Growing Up chapter 10 by GoatRavisher

A literotic sexstories: Growing Up chapter 10 by GoatRavisher , Spring quarter ended and Jan graduated along with some other sisters. Most people went home for the summer but I stayed and transferred into the only boys dorm that stayed open. There would have been absolutely nothing for me if I had gone home so … Read more


Growing Up Chapter 11 by GoatRavisher

Growing Up Chapter 11 by GoatRavisher ,Introduction: Introduction: Sophmore year. I move back into a shared room with the same roomate. His regular absence on weekends is convenient. Alexa stays in the apartment with Chelsea and another girl but Shelby comes back to campus and the dorms… and the trysting room. Sophomore year. I move … Read more