A Day In the Woods Chapt 11, 12 and 13 by Cybrgigolo

She had been out a few times just as Jessica was when she was getting used to her new way of life. She had much the same results as well, just as they all did. Anne almost embraced it though, thought it as being neat or cool. She was getting better control of her emotions and urges, but no one thought her ready to be out on her own just yet, finish out the weekend and then see from there. No one was more concerned than Mike. As Anne practically hopped up the stairs Mike was standing in the kitchen, “You seem to be quite happy these days.” Anne turned to see him just standing there. She explained why not be happy. Things seem to be falling into place, not only for her but for the pack as well. Mike was relieved to hear her speak about the pack. Usually she was a little more self absorbed. Anne went upstairs to the bathroom and Mike headed to bed. She wondered if he had heard anything of meeting with dickhead, but she was sure he would have said something if he did.

Chapter 13

Justin met with Chuck to discuss his surveillance of the doctors. Nothing unusual though. They went to Mike and Jean’s house and met with the same group there as the first time. Then they left and returned to Eliot’s house where Beth stayed for awhile and then went home – alone. Justin stated his curiosities to Chuck who just smiled back at him. “And what do you think we should do? Break into her house and see if Ms. McCallister is up to something?” Maybe they should. It was strange that the couple that seemed so close never spent any time at her house. Even if Eliot’s was a little more centrally located you would think that at some point they would end up at her place. He never picks her up there or drops her off. It was a little strange and definitely warranted some investigation.

After the meeting at the house and after Beth had returned home, Eliot picked up the phone and called a number he had long forgotten and had distanced himself from. The voice on the other end was familiar; a doctor that Eliot knew years ago that he thought might be able to help for his quest in aiding the pack. The doctor recognized Eliot’s voice as well. The two men talked and Eliot told him that he needed the use of his house for awhile, no questions asked and that his fee wouldn’t be a problem. The doctor on the other end agreed and asked when Eliot would be there. Eliot simply told him that he would be in contact with him and arrange a time. As Eliot said good bye the doctor told him it was good to hear from him again, and to be working with him again.

Eliot went to Mike and Jean’s the next day. It was early Saturday morning and everyone was sleeping in as Eliot and Mike spoke. Eliot told Mike of his idea for doing the artificial insemination and Mike agreed that it seemed like an appropriate resolution and to let him know when and how much they would have to pay. Mike also told Eliot that he had some business that the pack needed to take care of tonight. He told him not to ask for the details but that he and Beth should be just fine. After all the years he had spent with them Eliot knew not to push boundaries and trusted Mike as well. He would take Beth out to dinner or something and just spend time with her then. Mike also told him that he would tell everyone else of his plan and let him know when they wanted to go forward with the insemination.

Justin had met with Chuck that morning as well. He told the eager young man to continue to follow the doctors, especially Dr. Crane. He had more the jaded past and seemed to be more likely to be into something. He also told him that come the next work week they would “investigate” Dr. McCallister a little more closely. Justin knew that by the inflection in his voice when he said investigate that it meant they would be breaking into her house and seeing if she was hiding anything. Chuck told him that he was going to tail Mike as he seemed to be at the center of things as it was always his house that everyone met at. He thought that a little odd and also that it should be looked into, so he was spending his weekend doing that.

The morning faded away into afternoon and that yielded to the evening. Chuck was parked where he was before watching over Mike and Jean’s house. It had been a busy day there. Paul and Jess showed up around noon and still hadn’t left then a couple of hours later Tommy and Susan showed up. After that Jake showed up and then finally Ray. Chuck thought maybe that everyone was over for a bar-b-que or something. He thought that until he saw Anne sneaking out of a back window. Inside the house everyone had quietly shown up throughout the day. Anne didn’t know why. No one had mentioned anything about something going on – dinner or anything else. That worked just fine for her though. Anne had other plans and the less the pack was involved for it the better she felt about it. Everyone seemed to have congregated in the basement. Anne made an appearance a couple of times through the day and then finally before she climbed out the window she told everyone she was tired and wanted to lay down and rest for a bit. Mike looked over at her and asked if everything was ok? She nodded and assured him that she was fine, and then she walked up the stairs to her room. She waited five minutes then climbed out the window.

Chuck watched as the young woman with large breasts hopped over the fence with relative ease and then jogged quickly around the corner. He definitely knew that something was up now. At the rate she was running he didn’t want to lose her. He started his car and drove around the corner slowly, as he did he saw Anne climbing into a cab at the top of the street. Chuck accelerated and also called his new associate Justin. He told him to immediately forget about Eliot and to get his ass over to Mike’s house and make sure that he follows him where ever he goes. Chuck followed the cab with Anne inside until it came to stop at a restaurant and she got out. Chuck waited outside for her to come back out.

As Justin turned onto the street where Mike and Jean’s house was he saw a van pulling out. No windows on it except for the front ones. Mike was driving and he noticed that the van was sitting a little low. He knew something had to be in the back of it weighing it down, maybe several people as that was the only vehicle leaving the house. As the van proceeded down the street Justin followed. Traffic slowed them and then the van started to follow a path that Justin remembered. Anne came out of the restaurant, closely followed by a frustrated Troy Johnson. Chuck watched as the man was obviously upset. Anne on the other hand was very collected and definitely seemed in control – not something she was used to with Troy.

Anne walked over to Troy’s car, “You going to let me in? I want to take you some where and finish this conversation.” Troy unlocked the car with the remote and Anne lowered herself in. Troy got in and slammed the door shut and then drove off. Chuck watched and then followed behind them. It was a short trip and Mr. Connors noticed the car was heading towards the park that his company patrols. It is also the park that Justin used to work in and where the drop of blood was found with Dr. Crane. Troy pulled in and parked and Anne quickly jumped out of the car and headed down the path that she and Jess jogged on. Troy got out and followed her, trying as best he could to keep up. Chuck pulled in and saw Troy disappear down the path. He took in his surroundings and then worked his way down the path to see what was going on.

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