A Day In the Woods Chapt 11, 12 and 13 by Cybrgigolo

Justin followed Mike and the van he was driving to the park he used to patrol. He still had his keys so as Mike parked in the lot with Troy’s and Chuck’s vehicles, Justin pulled in and unlocked the gate for park vehicles and parked up above the regular parking spots. He watched as Mike and Jean got out of the van, then he opened the back. As he did the rest of the pack got out, Tommy and Susan, Paul and Jess and then Ray and Jake; they all headed down the same path as Anne, Troy and Chuck.

Justin walked down the path to the parking area and then down the path. He had lost sight of the pack but was closing in to where Anne and Troy were. As he got closer he felt a hand over his mouth and himself being pulled into the bushes. He struggled in vain and then heard Chuck Connors voice telling him to be quiet. As Justin settled down the two men moved quietly towards Anne and Troy.

The two men could hear them arguing. Troy angry over not being able to get hold of Anne and wanting to know about the accident she had and where had she been all week long. Anne just smiled at him and then like flipping a switch her attitude changed. “Do you want to know happened? Do you really want to know what has happened to me this week Troy?!” As she spoke she moved towards Troy and for the first time in their relationship he was scared – and Anne could sense it.

She pulled her top off revealing her large breasts in the moonlight as she stepped closer to Troy. His back against the rock wall he couldn’t move back any farther and Anne told him what had happened to her. For a moment he was in disbelief. Then Anne grabbed his cock and demanded that he fuck her. Her blood was hot and just like a bitch in heat she needed to be fucked. Troy was excited; he had never seen Anne quite like this. Never seen her so aggressive and knowing what she wanted and demanding it.

Troy’s cock hardened in her hands as she pressed her lips to his. Anne dropped to her hands and knees practically begging to be taken. As Troy knelt behind her he plunged his shaft into her. Maybe it had been too long since he had been with Anne but it seemed as though she was hotter than he remembered. But then as he started to fuck her harder he heard grunting, no growling. Then it happened, what he knew was impossible and everything Anne had said rang out in his mind.

He watched as his now limp dick slid from a wolf, a wolf that just moments ago was his ex wife. Anne turned on all fours now, she glared at Troy, more animal than human but she knew what she wanted to do. She crouched and as she lunged at Troy she was knocked to the ground. Troy watched as a much larger, darker wolf pounced on Anne. His jaws locked at her throat and then he watched as her throat was torn from her body.

The blood from Anne sprayed over Troy’s face and body. As it did Justin stumbled and gasped. The large wolf looked over at the bushes and the part of Anne’s throat dropped from his fangs. Another large wolf appeared and charged towards bushes. Chuck and Justin turned and started to run. As they turned the corner towards the path Chuck heard Justin scream. He turned and looked back and saw the wolf that was chasing them on Justin’s back tearing at the back of his neck. Chuck started to head back to help Justin when another wolf appeared. He stopped as the animal charged towards him.

Just as it lunged towards him he side stepped and put his fist into the animals’ ribs, knocking him to the ground. Another wolf appeared and Chuck looked at Justin’s’ lifeless body and made a dash for the car. As he got in and started to close the door the other wolf jumped into the door forcing it closed. It growled at Chuck as he started the car and wildly drove out of the park.

Troy looked at the large wolf that had jumped Anne. He watched as the two strangers fled and the other wolf trailed after them. He started to get to his feet and tried to run but fell to the ground again. His ankles tangled in the pants around them. As he started to pull them up he looked back towards Anne that had now returned to her human form, as he did he felt another wolf at his throat. Just before it was pulled from his body he felt another wolf at his groin tearing his limp cock from him. Then he felt the jaws at his neck crush his throat. For the next hour the pack made sure that their secret was safe. When they finally left the only car in the lot was Troy’s. Justin’s car was overhead still and overlooked by the pack as well.

Eliot woke the next morning. Figuring this to be like most Sunday mornings he went through his normal routine, until he sat down with the morning paper and the headlines across the top about three gruesome murders in the park. As he read further his stomach hardened about the details of the condition of the bodies that are virtually unrecognizable as human any more.

Torn to shreds the reporter wrote and everyone wondered now what it was that did this to these people. Eliot knew though exactly what had happened. He called Mike to confirm his suspicions. He was told that it didn’t concern him or Beth or the work they were doing together. Mike also told him that it would be better if he knew less in case something happened and the police ended up speaking with him. He told Eliot to still be prepared to go through with everything that this didn’t have anything to do with the other.

Chuck Connors was a little more shaken than that Sunday morning. His hand was sore and he was tired as he hadn’t slept all night. He struggled with what to do about the information he had. Should he go to the police, the news? What would everyone think of his bizarre tale of werewolves? What would happen to him if they decided to come after him? He looked at the files he had on Eliot and the ones on the pack as well.

He threw them all into a metal trash can. He poured in a little charcoal fluid and then tossed in a match. As the flames swelled he went to his room. He quickly packed a bag and called a cab. He had the driver take him to the airport. His company had been begging him to take over an office in New York that was in complete disarray. He thought that maybe now was the time to take them up on that offer and an opportune time for a change of scenery. He would make arrangements for movers to pick up the rest of his belongings and put his house on the market. He wanted little evidence that he was ever there and even less of what he knew.

Jess woke the next morning next to Paul. They had washed up the night before and the smell of the kill was gone but the thoughts of what happened were there. Mike had told them all what he thought was going to have to happen. That if Anne betrayed the pack and told Troy everything that they would have to be killed. Jess hoped the entire evening that Anne realized what she had, but it was a hope that never came true. When she heard her tell Troy everything that had happened and then when she changed in front of him – she knew her fate was sealed. Anne was her best friend though.

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