A star is born by Story Teller 101

I never did know the client’s name. I guess he wanted to remain anonymous like me. But the dog was called Rusty. The client explained that he was fully trained and while his wife wasn’t into being a bitch she got off watching dogs with other women. It sounded dodgy to me. I imagined him sitting there jerking off while he watched it. It didn’t matter. I was just doing it for the money. I could see Peter drooling as he looked at me practically naked. I smiled and he smiled back. Little did he know I was thinking “it would cost a lot of money if you want to fuck me”. “So let’s get started” said Tony. Telling the client to stand out of the way he and Peter picked up their cameras. “Action” cried Peter. “My God he thinks he is a Hollywood director” I mused.

Rusty had been fairly quiet. I guess all the strangers were freaking him out. But as soon as I began to pat him he came alive. Either that or he smelt my already soaked pussy. Like in many videos I walked over to the couch and sat down. “Hello boy” I said “aren’t you a lovely doggy. Would you like to lick my pussy?” Now I don’t know what triggered him but he immediately pushed his nose into my crotch. I squealed as I felt his wide, rough tongue come in contact with me. It felt so weirdly wonderful. I opened my legs wider and he seemed to be trying to push his tongue inside me. I forgot about the cameras, Tony, Peter and the client. I moaned as my body started to shake. God am I cumming? “Yes Rusty” I wailed and came with a rush.

I knew that just being licked was not what was wanted. I had entered this to pay bills. Now I wanted sex. The bills would be paid. I quickly knelt down as I had witnessed on the videos. Rusty immediately mounted me. Some of those videos I had watched the dog didn’t seem to know what to do. Not Rusty. He knew exactly what to do. Make this woman his bitch. He began to thrust and found his target. The squeals and moans of those videos may or may not have been real but my response was 100% real. “Oh Fuck” I screamed as Rusty drove his growing cock deep into me. No man had ever fucked me so hard and so deep. All too soon he slowly drove his knot into me enlisting another scream. Then he stopped moving. I, however, was rocking back and forth. I knew what came next and his cock twitched as he pumped doggy cum into his bitch. It was maybe only minutes, but felt like hours, when he pulled out. I rolled onto my back and began to rub my clit. I came with a groan and then heard “cut” and realised where I was.

“Oh sit Amanda” yelled Tony “that was the most amazing thing I have even seen. I have watched videos but you put them to shame. You are a natural”. “Yes” added Peter “I had trouble holding the camera steady. I am so horny right now”. I smiled sweetly. “Well maybe we can discuss my pay rise next week darling” I said. The smile left his face. He would have to save his hard-on until he got home. My pussy wasn’t going to be free anymore. Tony, Peter and client and his dog headed off. My pussy was oozing doggy cum down my thighs. I took of the suit and wiped myself down. I got dressed and went to the office. “I made a mess on this” I said holding the suit “I will take it home and a wash for next time”. “Next time?” said Tony. “Yes, didn’t you say you had two clients looking for bestiality videos?” “Well yes” they said together. “Well next time” I said. Tony handed me an envelope. I put it in my bag. “Aren’t you going to count it honey?” Tony asked. “Of course not Tony. I trust you” I said, kissed him on the cheek and went home. I took a long hot shower, masturbated again and slept like a baby.

Since that first time I have made three more bestiality videos, two threesome videos (one with two guys and one with a married couple) and a lesbian video which I particularly enjoyed. I got my pay rise and fucked Peter once. The rise was that much. I will never have bill trouble again. My next project Tony has planned is a gangbang. You are wondering about Tony? Yes. I have fucked him several times for free. A girl has needs and his cock is so nice.

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