Cadbury in Service by styxx
The love of a woman and her life long friend , “Cadbury in Service”
Jenny dangled her unadorned legs over the edge of the bed, her slippers had fallen off and landed on the carpeted floor silently, one across the other. Her thoughts raced and anticipation mounted with her heart as it quickened and hammered faster in her chest.
It wasn’t her first time with her lover, but she had decided that, this time, she wanted to take it to the next level and a Friday night would give her ample time to recover if she needed it. Just the thought of her long-term lover and the experience of him, caused her to breathe a little more rapidly and her pulse to quicken. The heat in her belly and sex rose like a furnace of desire. There would only be one way to quench the need, but she didn’t want to rush it, relishing the anticipation as a delicious torment.
She lay back on the bed and rested her head on the pillows that she had arranged to support her. Almost automatically, her fingers found her lips and parted the silken folds. Her fingertips told of the smouldering heat and her natural wetness. A slight touch with her index finger against her clit was like an electric shock. A buzz of intense feeling travelled through her stomach and produced a shivering thrill. Just the thought of what was to come had her on the precipice of a major orgasm that threatened to boil over and erupt like Vesuvius and all too soon.
She wanted to hold on though and share her climax with her partner. She pictured him in her minds eye, in a third person perception as if suspended on the ceiling. She replayed the scene she had been dreaming about for so long. The visual images playing behind her closed lids almost took her over the edge. She had to take her fingers away from the temptation of rubbing her clit and finger fucking her self to a crashing high. It was a supreme effort and Jenny contented herself with a taste of her moisture and female lubrication as she sucked off the wetness from her slick fingers.
She was ready, more than ready, but he hadn’t entered the room yet. Jenny knew he would come eventually, as he always did in the night. She tried to relax and calm down. The scenes continued to play in her imagination, she watched, as a voyeur might, the couple entwined on the bed and she couldn’t help but stroke her wanting lips again, bringing her to the edge once more. Once more though, she managed to control the natural urge to complete the action to a logical conclusion. It took her a little longer this time to return to anything like a controlled condition. Cadbury had better hurry up and come in from the back yard; otherwise, she would have lost complete control and frigged herself into a stupor.
She made a conscious effort to cap the threatening eruption and managed to snooze for a few minutes although she dreamed her plan, observing herself and Cadbury from a high vantage point as she had for some time now. It maintained her high of sexual anticipation and her heart rate diminished only a little.
The click of claws on the wooden floor woke her. Immediately, adrenalin coursed through her veins, raised her awareness and turned up the heat even more. She was sweating from the internal furnace that broiled and rampaged through her system.
Jenny couldn’t hear him now that he was on the carpeted floor of her bedroom, but she knew exactly where he was. Cadbury was sitting between her parted knees, just far enough away to not be touching her. In an empathetic communication, she felt his head cock to one side as her scent wafted to his sinuses. She heard his tail thump on the floor in a hollow tympanic tattoo that was in time with her own heart. Their empathetic communication relayed his mounting interest and they shared the excitement of the effects of her seminal fluid as it tripped over his olfactory nerve ends and signalled her need for him.
Silently, she asked him to come closer and was rewarded with the soft sound of his pads coming across the carpet. She observed from her third person dream position, how the dog raised his nose to get a better smell of her, she saw how close he was to her nerve centre and watched as he licked his muzzle, tasting the heavily scented air.
Her consciousness was brought back to her body with a sudden jolt. His cold wet nose just touched her clit in a passing exploratory nudge; she reacted as if she had been electrocuted. Her insides turned to water and her breathing came in shallow pants, making her heart rate rise even higher in the effort to oxygenate her blood and cope with the extra demands of her internal organs. But, this is what they shared on many occasions and her fingers lightly gripped her lips and opened her to him, exposing her inner womanhood for his inspection. Cadbury obliged, his nose took in her aroma, brushing lightly against her parted lips. Jenny almost came at that point, but somehow managed to control her need for release. His soft floppy ears brushed tantalisingly against her inner thighs and added to the confusion of sensorial information crowding her brain.
Then, in one heart stopping moment, Cadbury’s tongue flicked out and placed a most intimate caress to her sex. In one fluid motion, his taste and smell receptors signalled her condition of heightened arousal. In that one fluid motion, Jenny’s mind flew away and surrendered to the animalistic urge to mate. She was reduced to a primal state and reverted in that second to her most basic level. She grunted and managed to stop herself from clamping her knees together and trapping him in a suffocation embrace. Instead, her heels knocked against the side of the divan in spasmodic jerks. Cadbury, seemingly unaware of what his tongue had caused, repeated the act again and again and then was rewarded with a nose full of Jenny’s fluids as she crashed through her orgasm with a surprised shriek.
Her back arched almost throwing her off the bed; she had to bite her hand to stop from screaming. The anticipation and gradual build up to this point had overwhelmed her and the release was unstoppable.
Her come left her body in a gushing flood, instantly soaking the towel she had placed over the edge of the bed, it liberally coated Cadbury’s face and made him sneeze as it invaded his nose and splashed to the floor, pooling for a moment and then soaking into the carpet.
The suddenness and violence of her orgasm caused them to break and pause. Cadbury was still trying to clear his sinuses while Jenny calmed to a manageable level through mini after shocks that gradually receded.
“Oh my God! Cadbury…” He looked up at the mention of his name.
“…That was unbelievable.” As if in agreement, Cadbury nuzzled against her shaking legs and then rested his chin on her stomach, waiting for a command or something to tell him what to do. They had been lovers now for some time and on many occasions, he had brought her to a shuddering climax with his tongue, but this had been very different in the intensity of her reaction. It confused him a little, but at the same time, struck a base chord in his own instinctive responses.