Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Joan now took the lead; she took hold of Diane’s hand and gently led her into the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom she slowly undressed her.
Once she was fully undressed both women climbed onto the bed.
That night was a new experience for both of them.
Both women had wondered; what it would be like to be with another woman.
Neither of them had actually done it before.
They spent the night making love to each other.
Nobody got a morning paper that morning.
They did not even open the shop.

The next morning Diane and Joan were sat in the living room of Diane’s small flat discussing what had happened yesterday.
The police had called just before 9am to tell Joan that both the brothers had been arrested trying to get on a train to London.
Both of them were going to be charged with rape plus some other charges.

Joan was now telling Diane.
“How relieved she was that the boys had been arrested.
She also still felt very guilty about Danny being in hospital.”
Diane moved closer to Joan on the sofa and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips.
She then said to Joan.
“Danny was doing what he wanted to do; he was a good boy and would not stand by and let you get hurt. It wasn’t your fault so stop feeling guilty.”
She then kissed her again harder and Joan responded to this kiss and kissed her back with as much passion.
The two women shared a few more tongue filled kisses and groped each other’s breasts.
Finally they broke off their kisses and just smiled at each other.
Diane now a little flushed in her face said to Joan.
“I think it’s time we went to the hospital and see how Danny is getting on?”

When Joan and Diane got to his ward, they were both relieved to see him sat up and looking like his old self. He looked tired and he still had a big bandage wrapped around his head.
But he did look a lot better than the last time they saw him.
When he saw both of them he gave them a really big smile which nearly melted both their hearts.

As the two women were sat alongside his bed talking to him, each of them held one of his hands.
A doctor and nurse came up to his bed.
The doctor gave Diane and Joan a big smile then said to them both.
“Well this young man is coming along quite nicely Infact if he promises to stay in bed for a few days and takes it really easy I can’t see why he cannot go home today.”

Both women were really pleased at the prospect of Danny coming home.
The doctor told them.
“To go home and come back in about 3 hours.
He should have the paperwork done and Danny ready to come home.
He would also have any medication he would need ready for him to take home with him.”

Both women gave him a little kiss on his cheek then left him to have a little sleep while they got the flat ready for him to come home to.
Both women caught the bus back to the flat as they were sat on the bus Joan turned to Diane and said to her.
“I think I’d better move back home you will need the room and you will have your hands full looking after Danny.”

Diane now turned to Joan and gave her a really big sweet smile.
Diane now said to Joan.
“I thought you would help me look after him, I am going to take a few days off work and I thought we could both look after him and run the shop together.”

Joan was now very happy and smiled back warmly at Diane.
She then said to her.
“I think that is a wonderful idea.”
And without waiting to see if anybody was looking, she put her hand on her knee and squeezed it hard.
This got a smile of approval from Diane.
Joan then said to Diane.
“I think I’m going to knock the morning paper deliveries on the head, we’ll just sell them in the shop.
I don’t want to hire any more paperboys.”

Diane now looked at Joan and for some strange reason her last remark started to make her giggle. Joan looked at her a little oddly.
But Diane could not help it and she started to laugh a little louder now.
Joan suddenly saw the funny side of her last remark and she too started to laugh.
The other people on the bus were looking at them strangely.
But the two women did not really care what anybody else thought about them.
They were both still laughing when they got off the bus.
The two women were busy sorting out the shop and flat ready for Danny to come home out of hospital. Joan suddenly said to Diane.
“There is only one bed.
You and Danny share it.
And while he has been in hospital; me and you have been sharing it.
Where are we all going to sleep?”

Diane smiled at Joan and then said back to her.
Don’t worry about it the bed is big enough for all three of us and I have a feeling Danny May have several hard problems arise during the night.
Which will need immediate action?
Both women now looked at each other then burst out laughing.

Diane looked around the bedroom apart from the wardrobes and the bed it was pretty bare.
Danny would get pretty bored.
The TV in the living room was old and too heavy to move.
Joan told Diane.
“She had a new TV with a built in DVD player at her house.”

Joan then said to Diane.
“That she had to go home to get a few bits and pieces anyway. So she would bring the TV back with her.”

Diane smiled lovingly at Joan and thanked her for her kindness.
She then said to her.
“Danny would really appreciate that, especially if he had to stay in bed for about a week or so.”
So the two women decided among themselves that Diane would go pick him up in a taxi and bring him home.
Joan would go to her house pick up what she needed and also pick up a few things for tea and she would meet her back at the flat later on.

A couple of hours later Diane walked back onto her son’s ward carrying a plastic bag with a few clothes in it for her son to put on.
The doctor made Diane wait for about 20 minutes while he gave Danny a further check-up he wanted to make sure everything was OK before he discharged him.

Finally she was allowed to go see her son.
The doctor explained to her.
“That he might suffer from headaches and dizziness for a few days and he really should not go any further than the toilet and back.
He really needed to rest up.”

The doctor told her.
“That he was giving her a supply of strong painkillers and some sleeping tablets just in case he was in pain and needed to sleep.”
He also explained to her.
“That he had arranged for a nurse to pop in and see him every two days, just to make sure that everything was OK.”

Diane now.
“Thanked the doctor and nurses for all they had done for him.”
She then promised them both.
“That he would be staying in bed and she would be paying particular attention to make sure that all his needs were taken care of.”
Danny flushed a bit at his mother’s statement however the doctor and nurse did not pick up on it.

Now that Danny and his mother were left alone, she pulled the curtains around his bed and told him. “He had better strip off that hospital gown which he was wearing.”
Danny suddenly went very bashful which made her smile a little bit.
She carefully helped him pull the hospital gown up over his head now he was completely naked.

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