Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Diane now emptied the contents of the plastic bag onto his bed.
She had brought with her a pair of shorts and a top and also his dressing gown and a pair of slippers.
Diane now carefully helped him put on his shorts and top.
She now got down onto her knees and helped him to step into his slippers.

Diane was now level with his soft cock in his shorts.
She had missed it so much that she could not help giving it a few soft and gentle little kisses.
This made Danny moan with pleasure.
He was also a little nervous somebody would come in and see his mother kissing his cock.

Diane nearly did get caught, just as she was getting back up the curtain opened and the nurse came in with the medication she was to take home with her.
Danny could not help flush in his young face.
But the nurse did not notice anything odd.
25 minutes later Danny and his mother were in a taxi on their way home.
Diane had to use all herself control in the taxi, all she wanted to do was kiss and cuddle and fondled him.

Diane had to help Danny up the fire escape at the back of the flat.
Danny found it particularly hard.
Diane put her arm around his waist and helped him up the fire escape.
Soon he was stepping into the kitchen.
Joan was busy preparing dinner when they both came into the kitchen.
She smiled at him when he entered the kitchen.
Joan then came up to him wrapped her arms around him and pushed his head into her ample tits. Diane just smiled at her friend as she nearly suffocated the poor boy in her big bosom.

Joan and Diane now shared a couple of sneaky smiles with each other.
Diane now led Danny into the bedroom took off his dressing gown and made him get into bed Danny complained that he was not really that tired.
Diane smiled at him then said to him handing him the TV remote.
“Why don’t you watch a little TV in bed? I am going to help Joan with the dinner?
Danny had not noticed the TV on the little chest of drawers at the end of the bed.
Danny now turned on the TV and started to watch some sci-fi film which had only just started.

Diane could hear the TV from the kitchen; she knew he was watching some silly sci-fi thing.
He loved his sci-fi.
In some things even know he was 18, he still was also still a kid in her eyes.
However in the bedroom department he was more than any man she had been with.
And she was quite willing and eager to share his favours with her friend Joan.

The film had now finished and he was now flicking from channel to channel trying to find something he was interested in watching.
He then noticed on the remote control a button marked DVD.
He realized that this TV had a built in DVD player.
He wondered if there was a DVD in it.

Danny now pressed the DVD button on the remote control the screen went blank then it went blue and remained blue for a few seconds.
Danny was just about to turn the DVD off and go back to watching the normal TV when something came on the screen.

Danny watched in wonder as on the screen a very busty blonde lady of around 40 wearing a black Basque and fishnet stockings and high heels led a big black dog into a room on a lead.
Joan had deliberately put this DVD in the DVD player when she was setting up the TV.
She wanted to tease him a little bit and she also wanted to introduce Diane to this kind of sex which she was very interested in.
She was a member of a club which specialized in this kind of sex.

Danny was not stupid he realized that this was a sex DVD, he wondered if Joan had forgotten it was in the player.
He knew the TV belonged to her.
He quickly lowered the sound down a little bit as he did not want his mother or Joan to come in and see what he was watching.

Danny was watching the DVD intently.
He had not seen anything like this before the busty woman now had her big tits out of her Basque. She was underneath the dog giving it a blow job.
He did not even know that a woman could do that to a Dog.

Danny watched as this woman went through a lot of different sex acts with the dog.
She let the dog fuck her pussy and even fuck her in the ass too.
She finished off by sucking on the dog cock once again and letting it come all over her face then into her mouth.
Danny had to admit to himself that this was his favourite part of the DVD and he watched that bit over and over again.
He wondered if he could get his mother to do something like that for him.
Danny also realized that this DVD was a home-made movie and that this woman was someone’s wife or mother.

Danny now heard voices coming from the kitchen it sounded like they were heading towards the bedroom he quickly turned the DVD off and turned on some normal TV.
Only a few seconds after he turned the DVD off his mother and Joan entered the bedroom.
His mother was carrying a tray.
On the tray was some dinner that Joan had prepared for him and a glass of pop.

Joan and Diane sat down on the bed and talked to him while he ate his dinner after he had finished his dinner his mother gave him two painkillers which he took with the glass of pop. Danny realise that he was getting a little tired and said to his mother.
“That he would try and get some sleep.”
Joan and Diane remained with him until he fell asleep.
Now Joan and Diane went into the kitchen to have their own dinner after they had finished eating the two women washed up the pots and cleaned down the kitchen.
Then they both went down into the shop to get it ready for reopening tomorrow morning.

After the two women came back up from the shop they checked in on Danny. He was still sound asleep. Both of them took the opportunity to have a shower.
They had a shower one after the other as they did not want to start something which they may not have the time to finish off.
Now both of them were dressed in reasonable sensible nighties.
They both went into the bedroom to see how he was.
When they entered the bedroom Danny started to wake up.
He smiled at both of them he was then a little puzzled to see Joan who was also in her nightie.

Both women had decided on wearing sensible nighties as they did not want to excite him too soon as this was his first night out of hospital.
Danny now smiled at both Joan and Diane as they got into bed one on each side of him.
They now cuddled up next to him.
All free of them spent a pleasant night watching a little television and talking.
Joan and Diane however could not help but to tease him a little bit by lifting up his top and gently massaging his chest with their hands.
Which Danny liked very much.

Just after 10pm Joan turned off the TV.
Danny had already fallen asleep as had Diane.
Joan now got herself comfortable and was soon fast asleep as well.

Chapter 5

The next morning when Danny woke up he was alone in the bed.
He found a note on the bedside cabinet next to his bed.
The note said.
Me and Joan are in the shop. If you need anything ring me.
Love Mom xxx.

Danny wanted to go and have a shower, but he was still a bit unsteady on his feet as he was still having the odd dizzy turn.
He picked up his phone and called his mother Diane was busy serving a customer so Joan answered the phone.
Danny quickly explained to Joan.
“That he wanted to get a shower. But he was a little afraid he might go dizzy again and asked Joan to send his mother up to give him a hand.”

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