Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

She was starting to have serious doubts about herself and her son.
She did not mind Joan having sex with her son.
Infact she tried to make sure that they had sex a lot.
Diane was trying discreetly to step back a little bit from the sex with her son bit.
She wanted Joan to take over fully in that department.
Diane also felt very guilty because she had lied to her son for the first time ever. She was not going to have sex with the dog.
She just wanted the chance to have a night out and have a normal relationship with a man or too men as the case maybe.

The following day Diane and Joan were working in the shop as usual. Danny was up and about watching some television in the living room.
It was just a little after 12 when Dominic and Leeroy came in to the shop; Joan noticed that Diane’s face lit up when she saw both of them.
But she was trying her best to act like she had not noticed them.

Dominic and Leeroy went over to Diane as usual and ordered a couple of bacon sandwiches which Diane was only too happy to make for them.
They also ordered a couple of cups of coffee to take away.

Leeroy smiled at Diane and without thinking there was any chance that she would say yes he once again asked her.
“If she wanted to come out with them both one night for maybe a drink and a drive in the countryside.”

Diane now gave both of them a really big smile and she leant forward over the counter a little bit. In doing so she displayed a lot of her ample cleavage to both of them.
She then said to them.
“I would love to have a drink with you both. How about tonight.
Say around 7pm.”

Both Dominic and Leeroy were a little surprised that she had accepted the invitation.
However they were not stupid and just smiled back at her and told her.
“That they would pick her up outside the shop at 7pm.”
Diane’s smiled at them both warmly then said to them.
“She would be looking forward to it.”

Diane was a little nervous all that day she was like a schoolgirl preparing for her first proper date.
However Danny was having serious second thoughts about everything he did not want his mother to go she seemed too eager to go on this date.
It was only through Joan persuading him to keep quiet and that she would make it worth his while that he did not say a thing to his mother.

At 6pm Diane knocked off work and went to get a shower, she then started to get ready for her big date. Danny just sat on the bed watching as his naked mother went through her underwear draw trying to choose what to wear.
Diane now selected from her underwear draw a pair of black silk stockings. A white suspender belt, a white low cut push up bra and a pair of white see through panties.
She quickly put on the underwear and attached the stockings to the suspender belt.
She then looked at herself in the bedroom mirror.

Danny was getting hard just looking at his mother.
She looked really hot in her underwear and he now had a massive hardon.
He wanted her to come and suck him off before she went out.
He pulled his cock out of his shorts and started to play with it a little bit.
He then called her over and told her.
“To take his cock into her mouth like a good whore and suck him off and swallow all of his cum.”

Diane was just putting on a black knee length skirt.
She put on the skirt and fastened it, she then turned to her son and gave him such a big smile which Danny thought that she was going to come over and do what he had asked her to do.
She walked over to the bed and ruffled his hair like she used to do when he was a little boy.
She then said to him.
“You say the funniest things, now be quiet and let mummy get ready. She has a hot date tonight.”

Danny went instantly quiet and just looked at her in shock Diane was now fastening a blue silk blouse.
Now Diane sat down at her dressing table and started to apply some make up in particularly some very red lipstick.
Danny could not understand why she had said no to him.
She had never said no to him before.

Danny now got very angry he jumped off the bed grabbed her hand and Span her around.
He then said to her.
“That is it you have gone too far, now get those clothes off and get on that bed and get your fucking whore legs wide open. The only person who will be fucking you tonight is me.
Now do what you have been told.”
Diane now looked at her son and her eyes flashed with anger, she quickly slapped him so hard across his face that it sent him flying across the room.
Diane now looked at him and said with anger in her voice.
“You are right I will get my whore legs wide open tonight, but not for a silly little boy like you.
I will have two big black cocks inside me and satisfying me.
You are a little silly boy and you will never ever get inside of me again.
From now on you do what you are told; otherwise I will pack your bags and you can sleep on the fucking pavement for all I care.”
She then turned around picked up her handbag and stormed out of the bedroom and out of the flat.

Joan was just adjusting a display near the shop window when she saw Diane come around the corner her face looked like thunder.
However she suddenly started to smile when she saw the two men waiting for her outside of the shop. Leeroy opened the back passenger door and she soon got in.
He quickly got in next to her and put his arm around her.
Dominic was behind the wheel of the car.
And once Diane was in the car he sped off down the road.

Joan now got very worried about Diane and Danny she locked up the shop early and went up into the flat to see how Danny was.
She found him crying on the bed with a big red hand mark on his face.

Joan now asked Danny in a tender kind voice.
“What had happened between him and his mother?”
Danny through his tears explained everything that had happened between him and his mother.”

Joan had been fearing that something like this might happen. Diane was a very attractive woman and she knew that she might start to want to see other people.
Danny was still young and couldn’t understand why his mother may need to see other men.
Joan now tried to comfort him the best she could.

Joan now tried to comfort him by undoing her blouse and offering him her big breasts to suck on. But Danny was heartbroken all he wanted was his mother.
Joan wished that she could go find Diane and tell her how much she had truly hurt her poor son.
Joan did the only thing that she could do; she just held him close and tried her best to comfort him after about 25 minutes of crying he finally fell asleep.
Joan quietly left the bedroom so that she would not wake him up.
She now sat on the sofa in the living room lost in her thoughts.
Joan wondered to herself how she could get Diane to come back and look after her son.

As soon as the car sped off down the street Diane started to have second thoughts about how she had treated her son.
She had been very excited about her date, but now all she could think about was her slapping him. She had never hit him before.
Diane felt so guilty inside all she wanted to do was to go back home comfort her son.
And tell him she had made a terrible mistake and begged him to forgive her.

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