Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Danny quickly pulled back the bed covers and climbed into the bed.
He then pulled the bed covers back over him.
The bedroom was quite cold now.
Diane smiled at her son as he climbed into the bed.
She was wondering what his reaction would be, when he saw what she was wearing or not wearing as the case may be.

Diane now turned her back on her son.
She could see out of the corner of her eye in a mirror that he was watching her intently from under the bed covers.
Diane smiled to herself knowing that he was watching her.
She now started to untie her robe belt.
She then let the robe dropped to the floor.
Diane could feel her nipples harden with excitement and her pussy get a little wetter now.

Danny was watching his mother intently from under the bed covers; he could clearly see her naked ass cheeks through the thin material of her night gown.
It was some kind of black thing.
He noticed it was very thin and he could clearly see her back.

Diane now took a deep breath and turned a round.
Danny could not help but make a little moaning sound from under the covers.
He could clearly see through his mother’s nightie.
He could clearly see her big tits and her mass of pubic hair.
It was like she was wearing absolutely nothing apart from this black very thin nightie.
He felt himself get instantly hard looking at her

Diane tried to hide her smile when she heard him gasp out loud when she turned around.
Her nipples were now rock hard and badly needed sucking on.
However she was going to play her seduction of her son nice and slow.
She wanted him to make the first move.
Dianne was prepared to tease him until he fucked her.

Diane now climbed into bed next to her son.
She was going to tease him a little bit more but suddenly felt very tired and she knew that she had to be up at 5am.
Dianne decided she had better get some sleep.
She would start her plan tomorrow.

However before she did go to sleep she leant over her son so her breasts rubbed his chest and she felt his cock through his shorts and gave it a squeeze.
She then kissed him Goodnight turned over and was instantly asleep.
Leaving him layed on his back with a massive hardon in his shorts.

Danny suddenly felt a funny tingling in his shorts.
He knew that he had just come in his pants.
He had just experienced his first orgasm not by his own hand.
Danny smiled to himself then cuddled up next to his mother wrapped his arms around her waist and was soon fast asleep.

Chapter 2

Diane was a woken by her mobile phone vibrating; she had set the alarm to vibrate as she did not want to wake her son before he was due to get up for college.
As she was just about to get out of bed.
She noticed that her son had his hand on her breast and was sleeping peacefully.
She smiled to herself and very gently as not to wake him moved his hand off her breast.

It was very cold and Diane quickly put on a pair of jeans and a warm jumper, she then found her thick coat and quickly put it on.
She now left the flat went down the fire escape and let herself into the shop.
Once she had disarmed the alarm and turned on the lights and heating, she opened the front of the shop.
The papers were on the pavement already it took her about 10 minutes to get all of them in.
She now spent the next 30 minutes marking up the papers as Joan had showed her the night before.

Luckily for Diane there were only two rounds delivered by two paper boys.
People started to pop in for a paper on their way to work just before 7am.
Diane had both paperboys out of the shop and on their rounds for 7:10am.
Diane only had to serve customers who came into the shop; she worked from 6am to 9am in the morning. Joan would come in to relieve her just after 9am.

Danny was up for just after 7am he got a shower and quickly got ready for college.
He then made his mother a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich just the way she liked it.
Danny now through his bag over his shoulder picked up the bacon sandwich and cup of coffee, and locking the flat behind him went into the shop.
His mother was reading a paper stood behind the counter when he came up behind her.
He placed the coffee and sandwich down on the counter next to her.
She jumped a little bit at his presence as he had taken her completely by surprise.

Diane gave her son a kiss and a cuddle for being so thoughtful and bringing her a coffee and a sandwich. They talked for a little bit then around 7:45 Danny set off for college.
He had to be at college for 8:30 as class started at 8:45.

Danny gave her a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky pat on the bottom which made her smile he then said to her.
“He would see her after he finished college.”

Diane was fairly busy until just before 9am.
At 8:50 there was a delivery of magazines which she needed to sort out and put out on the shelves and get those which had been reserved ready to be delivered that night by the paper boys after school with the night papers.

Diane now started to work through the pile of magazines.
The first dozen magazines where a mixture of car magazines and gardening magazines.
The next lot of magazines where women’s magazines like Women’s Own and craft type magazines.
The next magazines where men’s magazines like Zoo and some soft porn magazines like Mayfair and Playboy.

Diane now came to the last few magazines there were five magazines, these magazines where all in black plastic covers with only numbers on them.
Diane looked at the magazine’s a little puzzled.
She then looked in the paper register and saw that all five magazines were due to be picked up by the same customer.

Just then the shop door opened and in came Joan with a bright smile on her face.
Joan now asked Diane.
“How her first morning had gone?”
Diane explained to Joan.
“That everything had gone okay.”
Diane then said to Joan.
“I am a little puzzled by these magazines.”

Joan smiled at Diane then with a big grin on her face told her.
“To open one of them if she wanted to and have a look at it.”

Diane’s curiosity was getting the better of her, so she picked one of the magazines and carefully using a little pair of scissors opened it very carefully so she could easily reseal the magazine so nobody would know it had been opened.

Joan now watched her intently with a big sarcastic smile on her face. She knew what was in the magazines because she ordered them every month for a particular customer. He was very weird and perverted. But he would pay a lot and these magazines were very expensive and extremely illegal.

Diane now carefully took the magazine out of its plastic protective cover.
Diane looked at the cover of the magazine with her hand to her face in shock.
The title of the magazine was. Housewife’s Afternoon Dog Fun.
The picture on the cover showed a pretty woman around 30 and a big black powerful built dog.
Joan now came up to stand next to Diane and quickly started to turn the pages of the magazine.
Both women were now looking at the magazine intently.
Joan had seen this kind of magazine before Infact she was quite interested in this kind of subject and had a lot of this kind of magazines and DVDS at home.
But for Diane she was seeing it for the first time.
Diane had heard of this but never believed it was real.

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