Jenna Marbles by truebutchanged

It was Saturday evening when she discussed a permanent residence with me over a game of Sorry!

“I know you’re still looking for a place, but I was thinking. You make plenty of money, and I think I could trust you with pulling your own weight. Maybe you could think about just staying here? I have a spare bedroom, and although it doesn’t have a bed, it’d be easy enough to convert it into your own room. We could go raid Max’s apartment and get your old bed back.”

“That… might work out perfectly!” I answered gratefully. Truth be told, I wasn’t having much luck finding another place. Sure, I was looking hard, but most places available were just too far away from my job. Jenna’s place wasn’t but a five minute drive. We talked it through, and I accepted. It would work out great.

We jested back and forth as we finished our game, picturing what her ex’s reaction would be to me moving in with her. Finally, after she defeated me at the board game, she announced that she would be retiring to bed. I packed up the game, returning it in the bin with the others, before I hugged her with a “thank you”. I then politely offered to take the dogs out, to which she accepted with a smile.

After the critters had finished outside, I rounded them up, herding them through the hallway into Jenna’s room. She was just coming out of her bathroom, wearing nothing but a loose t shirt and a lacy thong. As she saw me round the corner, she jumped into bed, covering her bottom half, but not before my eyes were able to register images of her sexy little panties. To make things even better, her braless t-shirt couldn’t hide her pointing nipples, which were still visible over the covers.

I pretended as though I hadn’t seen anything while she thanked me for letting the dogs out. The two mini-canines jumped up onto the bed, burrowing under the covers quickly. They laid down peacefully as I turned to leave, closing the door behind me. I had to stop myself, remembering that she slept with the door open so the dogs could see the hall light, although it seemed pointless to me, as they both were perfectly content under the dark covers. With a goodnight, I headed for the couch.

Truth was, I could sleep anywhere. Couches, cars, floors, it didn’t matter. Within 10 minutes, I was out. If I had been in my own bed, rest assured I would have been spanking it to the thought of Jenna’s sexy body, but beings I was a guest on her couch until my room was set up, I figured it wouldn’t be the best idea.

I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I was awoken very suddenly by a loud yipe. I grabbed my phone, as it displayed the time was only 11:30. It was bright enough to see, thanks to the hallway light being on, so I got up to check on the dogs and make sure everything was okay.

Stumbling down the hall in my half-sleeping stupor, I made it to Jenna’s room. Peering inside, as I was able to see perfectly with the added light, as my jaw hit the floor. The bed linings that had been covering her were now balled up at the foot of her bed, kicked off in her sleep. Jenna herself was on her back, whimpering as she snoozed. Marble’s, her older dog, was resting on her neck. Meanwhile the younger of the two, Kermit, had managed to nose her thong to the side, and was greedily lapping at the girl’s pussy while she slept.

My dick instantly hardened as I had to hold in laughter. Even in her sleep, she must have been dreaming some guy was going down on her, as she was cooing and moaning softly, unaware that her own dog was giving her this pleasure. Then an idea popped into my head.

I took my phone out of my pocket, focusing the camera lens on the scene before me. Zooming in as best I could, I was able to capture both Kermit’s oral assault, as well as Jenna’s reactions on video. I had to admit, from the camera, it was hard to tell if she was awake or not.

The recording went on for maybe 10 minutes before Jenna’s breaths started to increase. Her moaning gradually became louder as her body started to shake. Suddenly, she cried out, shooting up out of her sleep. I ducked back around the corner, hoping she missed sight of me before her eyes adjusted.

I could hear her catch her breath, then shoo away her dog, calling him a bad boy before turning over as her breathing slowly returning to normal. I took a chance, slowly peeking back around, to find the comforter was once again covering her body. Kermit was now on top of the covers, a physical barrier between him and his newly discovered snack. But as if nothing happened, Jenna reached her arm down and held him, making sure he still felt loved.

Growing bolder, I decided to tease her. Dropping my still-recording phone out of site, I walked into the room. “Jenna, are you okay? I heard a shout,” I played dumb, curious what her reaction would be.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I uh… I guess I was just having a bad dream or something. I’m alright now. Sorry I woke you up,” she thought up her story quickly.

“Oh, alright I was just checking up on you. Man, you’re sure breathing heavy. Are you sure you’re okay? It must have been one HELL of a dream,” I continued to tease. “You want to come sit out here for a bit and calm down?”

“No!” she said abruptly, not out of anger, but fear the real story would be uncovered. “I mean… no thanks. I’m still half asleep, so I think I’m just going to go back to bed. It was though,” she signed off.

“What do you mean, ‘it was though’,” I asked, confused.

“One hell of a dream….” she finished, her voice trailing off as she lost consciousness.


That was two months ago. I was now set up in her spare bedroom, happy as a clam. I beat off to that video nearly every night, loving the fact that she had been eaten out by her own dog.

Living with Jenna was even better than bunking with her for a few days. Her occasionally-worn towels turned into an every day occurrence, as she got her cup of coffee immediately after showering. The way she wore the towel, it was able to cover everything important, though just barely. Sometimes I would be able to catch half a nipple or a quick glimpse of her pussy as she shifted positions.

She was also no longer shy in underwear . Thongs, lace, bikini panties, boyshorts, you name it; she wore them proudly. She even asked me if I minded at first, as if I’d say “yes, please go cover yourself up more”.

Truth was, she didn’t mind showing off her body. If I was going to be a full time resident, and if I didn’t mind it, then she would continue on the way she had during her years of living alone.

Now that the bedroom was set up, it was working much better than the couch. When I went to sleep I too decided to leave the door open a crack. Sure, the light creeping in was a nuisance, but like I said, I could manage sleep under any circumstance. And I didn’t want to miss a chance of overhearing something happen in the bedroom opposite mine.

And it just so happened that that decision paid off. One night while I was laying in bed checking Facebook on my phone, I overheard moaning coming from Jenna’s room. Checking the clock on my phone, I learned it was quarter to twelve. I stealthily got out of bed, entering the hallway and peered in, hoping for the best.

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