Southern Comfort by St. Bobo

The hottest days of summer came right on schedule, and our house became like an oven. I took the dogs and escaped the stifling closeness by going up the hills a little way until there were more trees and much-desired shade. I knew of a spring that fed a small hidden creek, and I figured that would probably be the coolest thing around. When we got there all any of us wanted to do was lie on the ground and pant. I pulled off all my clothes like the country bumpkin I am and got myself a good spot in the boll of a large tree. The breeze and the shade helped cool the air somewhat, and with the heat problem solved my mind turned to other pursuits. I had brought a magazine for just this activity, but I was hoping that the dogs would give me a show, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Old Po found a shady spot, flopped over, and was promptly snoring, but the other three dogs were happy to be free of the house and they sniffed the air and each other. When they remembered that Jinni was in heat (which took them some time) I got the show I wanted, but I pulled the bitch closer to me so I had front row seats. I’d never paid close attention to the dogs mounting Jinni; I always watched from a distance, but now I coaxed Fudd up over her back and saw his cock, still astonishing me with its length, drooping from its sheath as it slowly inflated. It stiffened and then he was jabbing it into the bitch’s backside, thrusting wildly until he finally slammed home and began to fuck for all he was worth. It didn’t take him long to finish, and the knot, when it popped from Jinni’s pussy, was not as large as I had expected.

I let TVZ do his own thing while I sat back and watched and stroked my cock in time with his thrusts. At almost the exact instant he came inside her, I spewed my load, careful to make sure it all landed on me so there would be something to clean up. Unlike the first time, Jinni smelled cum in the air and came right over, dragging poor TVZ behind her, his cock still stuck inside her. I didn’t even have to offer Jinni a taste; she dove right in, and her rasping tongue on my tender cock-head was like torture, but exquisite torture. I lay back and let the bitch clean me, my dick rising to full force without me doing a thing to help it along. This time my orgasm was longer in coming and Jinni seemed to be done licking me, so she turned and trotted away, leaving me on the edge of my seat. I could have wrung her neck right then if I hadn’t been so desperate for release.

I thought for a moment about finishing myself off, but seeing Jinni’s retreating rump waggle to and fro gave me another idea, one which I had to think about. I wondered if I could put my cock in Jinni somehow, obviously not to make puppies but just as a substitute for the real thing. Jinni was like my sister, almost human to me in many ways, and I had no problem with the idea of incest. It could be the southern blood, or it could be that no one ever taught me different, but for whatever reason, the only thing holding me back was the worry that either I would hurt her or she might hurt me.

All this time my cock, instead of slowly deflating, remained at a raging hardness, which finally made up my mind. I had to do something, and I would just be careful. I even went quickly and washed my cock in the spring, and the cold water, like ice from underground, finally caused my cock to retreat, though my balls were still bursting with juice. I whistled for the bitch, and she trotted up, tongue wagging. I could see her rump dripping from a recent ejaculation, and my limp cock came suddenly back to life.

I had no real idea what to do, so I just thought like a dog for a minute. Getting behind Jinni, who seemed willing to take me on, I knelt and tried to put my hard cock at the same level as her wet pussy. This was easier said than done, but I finally managed it by squatting rather than kneeling. My cock by this time was raging with the same fury it had held a few minutes ago, and looking down I realized that it was much smaller than Fudd’s cock, and I laughed at my worries. Jinni’s privates were putting out a lot of heat and her backside wiggled slightly as if inviting me in.

So I was just another dog to her, I guess, which was fine by me. Gingerly taking my cock in hand, I slowly pressed the head against her lips, feeling the warmth turn to fire on my turgid cock-head. I remembered the frenzy with which Fudd had slammed his home, so I figured I didn’t have to worry about style. With this out of my mind, I just pushed.

If that sounds anticlimactic, let me assure you it was not. The first time your cock enters a woman, or female animal of any kind, you know what you’ve been missing. It was better than I had imagined, hot and wet and soft, but moving at the same time. I was able to quite easily push my entire length, not very impressive compared to the dogs, into the bitch’s tight passage, and when I was in all the way, her tail up against my stomach and the fur of her legs tickling my balls, I just sat there on my haunches for a second, savoring that beautiful feeling of being inside. I don’t know what Jinni thought about all this, as she must have been used to rougher treatment, but she didn’t seem to mind.

Then, with all the skill of a pubescent boy in his first pussy, I started wildly thrusting and promptly popped out of her, pressing my cock into her leg. The fur was almost enough to tease me over the edge, but I concentrated all my strength on holding back and finally the threat subsided. Penetrating her the second time was just as nice as the first, something which I don’t think could ever get old. This time I was more careful, pumping my hips against the bitch’s rump with more control, until I couldn’t stop myself and I came.

God did I cum. It felt like my entire life force was pouring out of my balls, through my cock, and into Jinni’s doggy pussy, to mingle with the spunk of Fudd and TVZ and make some really weird puppies. I fired spurt after spurt of jism into her, clutching her rump to me hard, and for the first time I couldn’t help but moan in the throes of climax. All other orgasms to that point were wiped away, and only this one crowning climax remained.

Eventually I started breathing again, let go of my bitch’s rump with shaking hands, and sank to the ground, my now-spent cock flopping out of her, gooey and warm. I know she licked me clean, but I was already asleep, dreaming dreams of other pussies, some human, some not, into which I came again and again.

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