Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

She had stammered as she spoke and Helmut could tell the memories were still fresh and vivid.She had a beautiful mouth and white teeth.He wanted her mouth.

”You sixteen right?Ever had a boyfriend or been with a man?”…..She felt her cheeks grow red and swallowed audibly.Anke suddenly felt hot and felt her sweat dripping down her sides.Feeling uncomforatable she fidgeted with her coat.She took awhile and then answered him….”Is that not a private matter,Herr Officer?”

Helmut laughed he was feeling anything but a gentleman.Her answer angered him and he slapped her hard.The blondes head knocked solidly against the window.As he watched the side of her face turned an angry red.Anke in slow motion raised her hand to her jaw and turned her head to face him,fearing another blow.Shocked she felt tears brimming in her eyes.Helmut lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply,ignoring her.He sat quietly for half a minute allowing her to gather herself….”SOOO?” he asked sharply as he exhaled.Anke hated him.She could tell life had been easy for him.He had never tasted the deepths of sorrow and despair like she had.Beside everything the SS man terrified her to her wits end.Anke licked her dry lips…..”The answer is NO”

Helmut casually stubbed out his fag,reaching down he unzipped his trousers.Feeling around he took his manhood and freed it,exposing it to the girl.Anke stared down at his penis open mouthed.She looked comical and Helmut laughed aloud……”Suck and play with it or you die and get buried here”Helmut rasped as his organ began to fill and flower.

Anke struggled to fight back her stinging tears she had a swelling tender bump on her head from the window.His dick alarmed her,bulging and growing right before her eyes.Her basic instincts rang out a warning not to disobey.With a heavy heart she reached out her hand and enshrouded his thing.The organ felt hot,twitchy and large.As she held him the man closed his eyes and moaned.

Helmut savoured the moment.The power was delicious !It was all encompassing.He held the girls life in his hands the way she held his cock.The thought made it twitch violently and the girl gasped.He looked down at the little hand that held him……”Put it in your mouth,Anke.I want you to suck me dry”

Anke groaned dispairingly and bent over.It was a horrid looking thing,hard and ugly ! The head peeped out of it’s thick foreskin at her like a one eyed tormentor,it was the most unsavoury thing she had ever laid eyes on.Anke forced herself to do it but as his crown touched her lips.Her tongue involuntarily recoiled violently.Inadvertently swipeing his knob erotically and wetly.Helmut raised his butt off the seat with the sensation,mashing his knob against her lips.Anke cried out ”Naaaah !”He grabbed her by the hair,viciously twisting her blonde locks in his hand.Ignoring her protests he shoved her head down into his lap.Anke breathed heavily through her nose as his prick banged against the back of her throat.The girl felt her bile rising,he tasted vile and sweaty.Helmut pulled her head back,fearful she was going to hurl all over his groin.Anke’s body spasmed and she started to sob again.

”Shut up bitch !Suck on it,NOW !”.His tone was full of menace.Scaring Anke so badly that she farted loudly.Resulting in the SS officer bursting out with laughter.Having never experienced oral sex,Anke tried her best but her technique was clumsy.Helmut shouted out ”SHIT !” when she knicked him with her teeth.It was enough of a warning for her not to do it again.Anke encircled the Obersturmbannfuhrer’s knob with her lips and went to work.Her cheeks were flating and deflating with the effort.Anke imagined that his organ was one of the big round rainbow coloured candys the nuns sometimes gave the girls as a treat.Helmut held onto her hair,basking at being the subject of her first sexual encounter.

After about ten minutes just as Anke’s jaw started to ache.The man spurted violently,raising his hips and forcing his penis even deeper down her oral cavity.His crown twitched sharply between her lips.Then all hell broke loose.His cock slammed against her already bruised palate and then moved to the back of her throat.The next thing Anke knew it was spraying hotly.She was forced to swallow the jets or choke.She gulped it down and the jism burnt her throat.She pulled back when he released her head and the awful thing exited her mouth.Still shooting it’s final salvos.She raced to open the door and without a moment to spare,hurled her bile mixed with semen into the snow.

Helmut arrived at the villa just before dark.It was his familys country retreat.At this time of year he was the only one in residence besides the servants.His family were in the steel business and one of the wealthiest in Germany.They had been ardent Nazis since the early days of National Socialism.His fathers connections kept him away from the front and for that Helmut was thankful.

His butler took his coat whilst Olga,who had served the family for years lead the young lady off to a hot bath.She would find Anke some warm clothes and Helmut watched the girl walk up the stairs.The night held much promise.

The study was adorned with hunting trophies and Anke found the staring dead eyes of the animals eerie.A fire raged in the huge fireplace.It’s light flickered over the Officers face,making him look even more cruel and evil.She was huddled in the chair wearing longjohns,lengthy socks and a thick furry coat.Anke had smelt the man’s scent on the longjohns,they were obviously his and miles to big for her.Helmut sat with his tunic unbuttoned and his boots on the antique desk.If the old man were here he would have a fit at those boots.

Helmut filled the two small glasses with schnapps and motioned her to take one…..”I don’t drink” the girl said without emotion.Helmut eyed her she looked exquisite…..”You are a rare beauty Anke.Undoubtedly the most gorgeous young lady I have ever seen…….Believe me I don’t give compliments often.Under that coat I’m sure is hidden the most perfect female anatomy.Right now Anke,you drink !’It made her eyes bulge and stung her mouth.Anke fought to get her breath back,wipeing the strong remnants of the alcohol from her lips.

”Silly,girl !Don’t keep it in your mouth and savour it.Swallow it down quickly,here have another !”

Helmut puffed on the cigar and blew a cloud of smoke at her.Anke was unsteady in her chair.Helmut clicked his tongue and looked up at the mural adorned ceiling as he exhaled.He chuckled and turned in his chair……”Six glasses of schnapps and you my dear,are dead drunk !”

Anke felt so warm and was finding it difficult to focus.She hadn’t understood what he had said…..”Huh?” she asked dazed.

Helmut went to the study door and yelled…..”Kommen,Max !”He heard the German Shephard’s approach by his nails clicking against the floor.Max the 4yr old,greeted his master with a doleful look and a waging tail….”Sit Max,sit!”The dog dutifully sat down panting and watching his master.

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