Cuckold Confessions by DerekGrant

All musical analogies aside, I knew that what I was listening to was a huge change in my life. I had encouraged my best friend to seduce my own Wife knowing that it was almost certain that she would accept him into our bed, and the reality of that decision was now nearing its climax.

I heard Rachel’s final orgasm in those same moments that Jacko groaned loudly and ejaculated his hot semen deep into her. Their orgasms were so prolonged that it was clear to me that their ‘loving moment’ had been long in the making. After the noises of passion had ceased there was a merciful silence throughout the house which suddenly seemed so empty. I felt emotionally drained. Our marriage had changed and the risk I had taken suddenly felt very daunting.

There was little time for introspection because within a half an hour the bed squeaked again and the noise of their love-making drifted once again through the ceiling and down the stairs. He was having Rachel again and, judging by the loving noises coming from her, she was all in favour of his second orchestral movement.

For hours I sat in my newly decorated lounge smelling fresh paint and listening to my best friend and my Wife make love again and again. I had underestimated their passion for each other. To put it crudely, they were going at it like rabbits and it was a shock to me to discover the extent of Jacko’s virility and stamina. Equally shocking was the noisy and abandoned level of Rebecca’s desire for her new Lover. Little wonder that Nicky had been his Mistress for so long and had wanted his child and not her husband’s.

It was dark outside, and I had just turned the lights on in the lounge when I realised that there was silence from upstairs. I decided that maybe I should look in on them. ‘Just to make sure they’re okay,’ I thought – rather foolishly.

On the balls of my feet, I quietly climbed the stairs, turned off the landing lights and silently pushed open the bedroom door just enough to peek inside unobserved. Any doubts I had had were dispelled immediately and I suddenly felt like an intruder. I was intruding in a private moment between two people who were now in love. So like a good cuckold should, I backed out and went to our spare bedroom to sleep.

I woke early and, after making a large pot of coffee, I waited downstairs for the two Lovers to come down and face me.

Rebecca and Jacko walked hand in hand into the lounge approximately an hour later after another loud and lengthy ‘orchestral movement’. She was dressed in a short nightdress whereas he was wrapped around the waist in a large white bath towel.

“I have just one question,” I said to the two of them as she poured out two cups of coffee.

“Yes Nigel?” Rebecca responded, as she took the cups of coffee to where she and Jacko now sat closely together hand in hand.

“Was last night the first time?” I asked.

Rebecca’s face coloured but Jacko looked me directly in the eye as he replied, “Nigel, I swear to you I have never touched Rebecca before. You have my word.”

“But you have always wanted to, haven’t you?”

He was honest in his reply. “Hell yeah! I’ve wanted Rebecca since long before you were married.”

It was something I had known for a long time so I was not surprised at his honest answer; but I had a question for my Wife.

“And you Beccy,” I said, “have you been faithful to me?”

“Until last night – yes!”


“You know damn well,” she responded, “I’ve always been attracted to Jacko.”

“Even when he had made your sister his Mistress?”

“Even then!” she exclaimed emotionally, “I was so jealous of Nicky. She had a wonderful Lover and a hubby who knows his place.”

“A cuckold, you mean.”

She didn’t reply and let the implication of my own situation float in the air. There followed a few minutes of silence between the three of us while, I noticed, that Rebecca moved even closer to Jacko and placed her hand gently on his towel draped thigh close to his manhood.

It was Jacko who broke the silence as he placed a protective arm around Rebecca’s shoulders and cupped her right breast in his big dark hand. She responded by putting her own hand on his and pressing it gently against her soft warm flesh.

“Why Nige? Why send me upstairs last night? I’m forever grateful, but why?”

I knew that I needed to be clear on my motives for permitting (encouraging?) my best friend to bed my Wife. I had to get this right or I would be seen by them as a grubby little pervert. I took a deep breath and spoke.

“It has become, even before we married, obvious to me that Beccy has had a ‘thing ‘for you. Although she has done her best to hide her desire, I have always known and have accepted that I have been ‘second best’ in her affections. It is obvious that I am the Beta Male and it is a credit to Beccy that she has not…”

“Not what?” Rebecca asked sharply.

“Looked elsewhere!”

“I have looked,” she replied, “but my sister had what I wanted. Until cuckold David took her back and acknowledged the baby as his.”

“I know that Dear,” I replied, “but what do we do now?”

“We tell Jacko that we want him to stay.”

Jacko put his coffee down and, with a questioning look on his handsome brown face, said, “Is that what this has all been about? You don’t want me to go back home.”

“I want you to stay here and be my Lover,” Rebecca said as her hand eased it’s way along his dark muscular thigh under the towel, “and Nigel agrees. Don’t you Dear.”

I nodded, shaken by Rebecca’s directness.

“Okay,” Jacko responded, clearly enjoying Rebecca’s searching fingers as evidenced by a rising lump in his towel, “but I have already given notice to quit on my apartment and my job.”

The room was suddenly quiet but it was Rebecca who broke in with THE question that settled everything. “Would you have gone to St Lucia if I had been your Girlfriend?”

“No! Of course not. But Nicky and I had finished so I was on my own, I thought.”

Rebecca then asked him if he could cancel his notice on his job and his apartment. And it was now becoming apparent that Rebecca, while going along with my plan, had hatched one of her own – without my knowledge.

“My boss asked me to change my mind about leaving, so I guess I could keep my job. But my landlord already has a young couple moving in on a higher rent, so I couldn’t change that arrangement – even if I asked,” he replied.

Rebecca turned to me and with the sweetest of smiles said, “I think we need someone else to share this big house of ours. Don’t you think so Nigel?”

“Of…Of… course,” I managed to answer knowing very well that I was agreeing to another huge change in my life. “We’d be happy to have you stay with us.”

Jacko knew exactly what had just happened in Rebecca and my marriage, and precisely what was on offer – enjoying my naked Wife in my bed every night. And me as their compliant cuckold.

Rebecca had clearly taken charge of matters and I had little say other than agree to her plans.

“And you Nige, are you really happy with me staying here as a lodger? But before you answer I have to tell you something about Nicky and David.” Jacko said.

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