At Whorey’s Piers by EmilyMiller

– – -Friday at work was a bit of a blur. It was good that no lives needed saving, as I was a little distracted. Caleb and I had both got physical with each other over the previous two days, despite the interruptions, but it felt like tonight would be the main event. I felt the tingle of anticipation. It’s not like it would be my first time, but there was something about Caleb, something I really liked.

But I had finally also acknowledged that there was something else I really liked. Being watched. How weird was that?

A voice punctured my thoughts.

“The restrooms? Sure. The nearest are over there, behind you. Enjoy your day at Whorey’s.”

Time passed slowly, but at last I was in Caleb’s truck and heading for the Smelawake Bay on the other side of the peninsular. As this faced west, his idea was to watch the sunset together. The bay was a muddy, tidal estuary, not as good for swimming as the beaches on the Atlantic, but also — for that very reason — less busy. Caleb had brought a beach blanket and we both knew what use we would put it to.

We parked and walked to the beach. The upper section was covered in debris from high tides, with a less than attractive aroma of rotting vegetation, laced with dead fish. Horseshoe crab molts and carcasses made for a primordial vibe. But the orange orb of the sun was beautiful and, with the breeze coming off the water, the lower beach was kinder on the nose.

Despite the beauty of the impending sunset, the place was deserted. I scanned the environs, whether in fear or hope, I was unclear. But there was no sign of life beyond the accurately-named laughing gulls and the constantly scampering sandpipers. We spread the blanket and weighted the corners with our shoes.

Caleb had already laid down and I joined him, rolling him onto his back and straddling his body on all fours. Our kissing was beautifully poised between a little familiarity, and the experience still being new. Soon, I found myself not thinking too much about onlookers. Or anything else bar getting Caleb’s shorts and boxers off.

Having succeeded and still clothed myself, I settled between his legs. There was no need for preliminaries, he was more than ready. And yes, he had nothing to be ashamed of size-wise. I got to work, my slurping and moaning was probably a little too theatrical, but I heard no complaints from my audience.

And then a slight noise. Caleb hadn’t heard it. His eyes were tight closed and his brow furrowed as I glided up and down him. But it was distinct. A slight rustling and the snap of a twig under foot. I didn’t break my rhythm, but swung an eye towards the upper beach. The dying rays of the sun caught a now familiar figure. But they did more than that. The angle illuminated their face, a face I knew. Beth, a Whorey’s veteran, and a senior at an Ivy League college. She was there on a scholarship and Whorey’s helped to pay her other bills. Beth!

I knew she had seen me. I knew that she saw I had recognized her. I sensed her body tighten as if to flee. Kneeling up, I looked directly at her and slowly peeled my T-shirt off, exposing my breasts. Sensing my complicity, Beth settled down. Tugging on Caleb with one hand, I wriggled out of my other garments and knelt across him.

Caleb, unaware of what was going on, opened his eyes and, seeing what I intended, grabbed his shorts and extracted a condom. I took it and eased it onto him, looking briefly at Beth as I rolled it down. Was I mistaken, or did she have a hand down her pants?

I kissed Caleb, knelt across him, and positioned myself. I really wanted to look at Beth as I sank down, but didn’t want to spoil the moment for Caleb. Aware of what was more important, I locked eyes with him as I lowered myself, giving a short exhalation as he parted my lips, and a low groan as I drove his full length deep into me. I leaned forward and kissed him again, whispering in his ear.

“You feel so good inside me, Caleb.”

Only when I started to fuck Caleb did I allow myself a confirmatory sideways glance, which I disguised as a toss of my head. It was enough to verify that it was not just me and Caleb who were getting off on this.

I focused on my lover and myself, but the knowledge that Beth was there and taking pleasure from our pleasure added a frisson I had never felt before. I found myself energetically bucking and riding Caleb, the sensations of opening and fullness and increasing heat overwhelming me so quickly. I also became vocal, more than aware that my voice would carry.

“Oh fuck, Caleb! You are so good inside me. You are stretching me out. Oh, Caleb, I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m…”

I normally groan and murmur, but today I threw back my head and screamed as my orgasm thundered through me. As I ground myself hard onto Caleb’s pubic bone, he grabbed my waist, thrust upwards hard, and roared as he too released, our explosions overlapping.

I fell forward, embracing Caleb, kissing his face and lips repeatedly.

“Lover, that was amazing. Thank you.”

I was out of breath and my voice was a whisper, almost drowned out by the thudding of my heart in my ears.

“Fuck, Eden. You’re the best. Really.”

I flicked my eyes sideways and saw Beth’s back as she made her retreat, staying low to the ground as she headed for the road above. I wondered whether she had cum as hard as us.

Putting these thoughts temporarily out of my mind, I gripped the bottom of the latex tube and eased it off of Caleb. Sometimes I was a bad girl and drank the cum from the condom, but it felt like a cheap trick after what we had both experienced. So I rolled it up and put it to one side for later disposal. Then I snuggled against Caleb’s chest.

I gave us both a few minutes of post-coital closeness to recover. I also used the time to debate what to do about Beth. I was in two minds, but at least partial honesty won out.

“Our friend was here again. I only noticed right at the end. And frankly I wasn’t going to stop for anything then.”

Caleb’s face darkened and he looked very concerned.

“Did you see his face? Maybe we can give a description of him to the cops. I bet he does this crap all the time.”

“The cops? And tell them what, exactly? That we were fucking on a public beach and someone saw us?”

Caleb seemed embarrassed, but acknowledged that I had a point. I got back to the main issue.

“Anyway, I did get a glimpse. But it wasn’t a he.”

I paused and again went with honesty.

“It was Beth. Beth Kilpatrick. From Whorey’s.”

Caleb could not have looked more astonished if I had claimed our voyeur was the ghost of Elvis.

“Beth? Really? Are you sure?”

“I’m 100% sure, yes.”

“So, what do we do? Report her to management?”

“I think I have another idea. You may not like it. But let me explain.”

I was right, Caleb hated my plan. But I am nothing if not persuasive. A little further oral stimulation seemed to tip the scales in my favor. Does that make me a bad person? It probably does, right? Reluctantly, Caleb agreed. I kissed him, traces of his cum still in my mouth.

– – -As it happened, Caleb and I were both assigned to the Blunderbuss Cascades on Saturday. Beth worked in scheduling and I wondered if I discerned her hand. Possibly her sticky hand. Either way, it was nice to steal a few surreptitious kisses, despite the PDA prohibition. My mind wandered frequently to later that evening. I shocked even myself a little with what I had planned.

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