At Whorey’s Piers by EmilyMiller

The initiation ceremony was in the women’s staff changing room. Management must have been aware and at least tolerated the gathering. Caleb, me, and four other newbies were arrayed in front of the rest. We had been told to wear our Whorey’s swim costumes and nothing else.

Beth was presiding. She sat in a chair, which had been wrapped in aluminum foil to mimic a throne. On her head was a plastic crown; one of the prizes for whack-a-mole on Seafarer’s Pier. This was going to be perfect.

A scroll was brought to her. Well it looked more like two pieces of paper Scotch Taped together and with the cardboard tubes from two paper towels at each end. She looked at the scroll and returned it to the guy, Matt was his name.

“Please read the charges.”

How corny could this be?

“The charges are that these new Whorey’s employees are virginal and inexperienced in our customs.”

Beth continued.

“Guilty all, now let me mete out their punishments.”

It was the same old same old. First we were all required to chug a bottle of beer. Then, the first two, painfully straight and God-fearing, guys were told to kiss. The next girl seemed to enjoy flashing her breasts more than was intended; she even did it twice. The guy before us had to drop his swim shorts while the crowd bayed. That left me and Caleb. I spoke up before Beth could allocate a forfeit to us.

“I claim my right to suggest my own punishment.”

Beth looked at me quizzically. There was recognition in that look. Maybe there was a little fear on her part.

“Your wish is granted, Eden. Though I reserve the right to approve or disapprove your submission.”

“Only if this covers Caleb too, agreed?”

She paused and then responded. Again I got a slight feeling of trepidation wafting off of her.


“Good. Then I demand my punishment to be that I go down on Queen Beth in front of the assembled staff of Whorey’s Piers.”

There was utter silence. Beth’s face contorted into what I could only describe as a blend of terror and desire. Then uproar broke out. At first cacophonous, but resolving into a chant of:

“Eat — her — out! Eat — her — out!”

I looked straight into Beth’s eyes.

“Well, your majesty? What do you say? Surely you don’t object to a little public exhibition do you?”

The warning in my words was clear, to Beth at least. But there was something else in how she regarded me. A hunger, a yearning maybe. Not for me, even I am not that self-centered, but for what I proposed. Add to that the fear of exposure and peer-pressure from the volatile crowd. It was no surprise when Beth acceded.

I looked back at Caleb, I could see the doubt and worry in his eyes. But I knew now I wanted to do this. Again, perhaps I’m a bad person, but my own desire was greater than any worry about hurting him. I smiled in a way I hoped was reassuring, but which didn’t seem to wholly fulfill its objective.

I approached Beth’s chair and the crowd erupted again, cheering me on, probably not really believing I would go through with it. Beth moved to stand and I motioned her to stay seated. The floor was concrete and I called out.

“Does anyone have a towel?”

There was a rustle and a Whorey’s emblazoned towel was thrown my way. I folded it in front of Beth and knelt down. Suddenly, the raucous din abated. People seemed to collectively hold their breath. I inserted my fingers into the waistband of Beth’s board-shorts and pulled them down her legs. A gasp rang out as the audience finally realized that I was serious; something Beth had known all along.

She moved to stand again and I let her. She pulled her T off and unclasped her bra. Her breasts were full and soft. With triangular tan lines showing her choice of bikini. One guy attempted a ribald comment, but he fell silent half way through. I grasped the sides of her panties and dragged them down, her Brazilian waxing displayed to all. Then, not un-tenderly, I pushed her down onto her throne. Beth raised her legs and hooked her hands around her thighs, opening herself to both me and the assembled onlookers. Looking at me, she silently nodded.

Her vulva was puffy and her skin already flushed. Parting her labia, I was unsurprised by her wetness. Feeling her solo nudity was unfair, I stood and eased my costume off each shoulder and then down over my hips. I knelt again, placing a hand on each of her thighs, then moved my knees apart and dipped my abdomen, ensuring that it was not just Beth who was totally exposed. I knew my wetness mirrored hers. I felt the uncontrollable excitement of dozens of eyes on my naked form. I knew I wanted this and guessed that Beth had also dreamt of the same thing.

Aware of appearances, I extended my tongue and ran just the tip of it between her engorged lips. I’d been with girls before, something I had explained to Caleb when I outlined my plan. I felt his heart break a little at the time. But he needed to know, and it wasn’t like I was searching for a life partner at nineteen. He was in my thoughts and I hoped he understood, but the aroma and taste of Beth, combined with the gaze of the crowd, switched something on in me. Not being able to hold back any longer, I buried my face against her crotch and my tongue inside her moist opening.

Our colleagues found their voices again. There was quite a din. Their presence excited me, but I focussed on Beth. Her pleasure, her smell and taste. The way she responded. Something seemed to change in her too, she let go, she abandoned any restraint, and she grabbed my head and pulled it hard against her flesh. I needed no further encouragement and used tongue and fingers to send her into paroxysms.

As Beth’s excitement built, I felt fingers grip my waist and a pressure against my opening. I had no need to look round. Only one person would have known what I wanted, needed, to make the experience whole. As Caleb thrust into me, Beth began to writhe and the room fell away for me. I knew I was watched, I knew that people were sharing my most intimate acts. It multiplied my sensations, but my world also became the pussy I was licking and the cock that was impaling me. A simple world, but one over-brimming with peerless pleasures.

Beth was reaching the summit of sensations. Caleb seemed like a man possessed and was pounding me as if Beth and I were vying for position in the Orgasm Olympics. The room had been gray and ethereal; there, but not really. As I felt Beth’s juices in my mouth and down my chin, and as her fevered yelping rang in my ears, it came back into focus. Eyes everywhere. Eyes on me. Eyes on me being fucked. Unprecedented feelings rose as Caleb thumped deeply into my body.

I lifted my head, dripping with Beth’s ejaculate. I arched my back and howled like a she wolf as my nerve endings overloaded, stars burst in my brain, and a furnace ignited in my pussy and clit.

Shaken by the intensity of my climax, I panted eyes closed on all fours. Dimly I was aware of Caleb withdrawing. Withdrawing and repositioning. Gently he lifted me onto my knees. I saw his cock pointed straight at me, his fist moving rhythmically back and forth. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes. As the warm sticky fluid splashed onto my face, I could hear applause begin to ring out. Opening my eyes, and wiping Caleb’s cum out of them, I acknowledged the clapping with a wave of my hand and a smile.

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