Betty the All-American Cock Tease by RetroFan

“Hi Eric,” I said.

“Oh hi um, Betty, how are you, isn’t it a nice day?” Eric stammered awkwardly.

I smiled. “Eric, it’s raining and cold today.”

Eric blushed. “Um yeah, so it is, it is raining, I forgot,” he said, me feeling him looking at my breasts today encased in a blue sweater, a blue knee-length skirt on my lower half.

“So calculus first up,” I said. “Did you manage to work out question nine? I only guessed it, I couldn’t make head nor tail of it.”

“Um yes, I mean no, I mean I don’t know,” said Eric.

Again, I laughed. “You don’t seem very sure.”

Eric stared at his brown leather shoes. “Um yeah.”

Adjacent to these lockers was the high school’s main girls’ bathroom. It was a long bleak narrow room with 50 toilet cubicles, 30 along one wall, and 20 against the other, and a long row of sinks. The partitions and stall doors weren’t designed to give the girls maximum privacy, there was a fair bit of space underneath, but there was one toilet few girls dared to use.

This was the first cubicle in the row of 30, and the problem was that the external door of the girls’ toilet was always kept ajar during the day, and this first cubicle was visible to anyone passing by. Therefore if a girl was sitting on this toilet, any person who glanced in could see her feet and her lowered panties under the door and partition. Girls avoided it like the plague, and I don’t think the school would have had to change the toilet roll in there since 1918 due to lack of use.

I turned and indicted the female toilets. “I just need to go to the bathroom, so I’ll see you for calculus first period.”

“Yeah, see you then Betty,” Eric said, giving me a shy wave.

I went into the girls’ room. It wasn’t really a place I relished visiting. Peeing was okay, but if I needed to empty my bowels it wasn’t a nice experience. Reality dictated though that I had to do it once a day at least, often twice and more when I was on my period. Actually periods were another reason these girls bathrooms were not my favorite place, each stall contained an open bin in which menstruating girls placed their used sanitary pads when changing them. Therefore when you went in here to go to the toilet and looked into the bins, you could see the soiled napkins of girls who had been in here earlier in the day.

Another problem was the toilet paper, which was rough and scratchy and seemed to have been designed not to absorb anything, bad any day of the month, much worse for the girls having their monthlies. Even the school putting newspaper in the bathroom for us to use to wipe our bottoms would probably be better than our toilet paper.

Today of course wasn’t my ladies’ days but even if it had been, I wouldn’t have let it stop me from what I was going to do. I went into the first cubicle, the one the girls avoided at all cost, and closed and locked the door, knowing that Eric could see the lock change from the green vacant to the red engaged. I lifted my skirt, pulled my light blue panties down to my ankles and sat down on the toilet.

I looked down at my lowered panties as I urinated, my vulva getting damp not only from pee but from feminine excitement too as I thought about how Eric could see my panties under the stall door and partition. Getting toilet paper I wiped my damp and sticky pussy, then remained sitting on the toilet to have my poo, spending well over five minutes on the toilet.

Each time I got the school’s awful toilet paper and wiped my bottom, I would think about how Eric was looking at my panties right now. That this was happening at school was even sexier than his voyeurism at home. My toilet paper would stick to my aroused vagina, before I dragged it backwards to my anus.

Finally finished, I stood up and flushed the toilet, literally having to pull the chain as the school’s toilets were old fashioned and had chain-pull cisterns. I emerged from the toilet stall adjusting my panties through my skirt after pulling them up, then went to the sink and washed my hands. Not to my great surprise I saw Eric sitting on the bench opposite the girls’ room, and feigned surprise to see him.

“Hi Eric, what are you still doing here I thought you would have gone to math by now?” I asked, acting the mock innocent.

Eric blushed. “Oh hi, um Betty, I just um, ah, forgot to, I mean I dropped a file and had to pick up the papers,” he said, his face showing relief at thinking up a lie.

“That’s annoying when that happens,” I said. “So what say we walk to math class now?”

Eric went bright red and he looked most afraid. “Oh no, sorry Betty, I um, have a bit of a leg cramp and I can’t stand up. You head off without me.”

“Well, see you in class Eric, I hope your leg cramp feels better,” I said.

“Thanks Betty,” he managed to stammer.

I went to class, feeling more than satisfied with what I had done, and Eric arrived about two minutes later, his ‘leg cramp’ having cleared up. I sighed as I noticed that in the short distance between the lockers and the classroom that some idiots had stuck a ‘kick me’ sign to Eric’s back, and fortunately Bobby and Johnny noticed as he went into class, relieving him of the sign.

We all sat at our desks and seemed to be paying attention to our teacher as he wrote lots of complicated equations on the blackboard. But I kept feeling Eric’s eyes upon me, no doubt thinking about his unrequited crush upon me and how he saw so much more of me in the bathroom and my bedroom not to mention glimpses of my panties up my skirts or dresses and my underwear on the line than he ever could have dreamed of.

And under my skirt, the soft cotton saddle of the light blue panties I was wearing absorbed my feminine wetness between my legs as I thought about all the naughty displays I would put on for the voyeur boy next door. I couldn’t wait.


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