CEO Slut: A Day of Good Vibrations by Oldbroad76


Kim sat in her office, her head in her hands, knowing how ruinous the last meeting almost became. Her office door was closed, and now she was left to her thoughts, at least for 15 minutes until the next meeting was scheduled to start at 9 AM.

The executive team had decided to reschedule the rest of the previous budget review meeting for another day, and then Ted and the chief operating officer insisted on assisting her back to her office. Kim swore she was fine, but they refused to let her walk alone, so they held her arms to support her as she made her way to her office. She felt dismay and embarrassment from the looks of the office workers seeing their young vibrant CEO in a weakened state.

“It’s ok. I’m fine, really, I am,” she tried to reassure folks as she passed by. “I just had some momentary lightheadedness. There’s no cause for concern.”

She saw her reflection in her idle computer screen. Everything looked in place, yet she knew what a thin façade it represented. Outwardly, she still looked like the professional businesswoman who had graced the cover of the Cleveland Business Journal a few months ago, but inwardly she felt like her life was a house of cards on the verge of collapse.

Nick, a new hire in the procurement department had forced her to wear the remote vibrator. He had threatened to reveal naked pictures of her if she didn’t comply with his demands. At first, she thought it might be fun to wear the vibrator, but now she doubted she would survive the day. She picked up her phone to text him.

Kim: Please. I can’t do this. It’s too much.

Nick responded immediately.

Nick: You want to use one of your two saves?

Kim: No. I had an orgasm in front of the entire senior leadership team earlier. Everyone saw I wasn’t right, although they all assumed I was under the weather.

Nick: You’re such a fucking slut.

The brute, thought Kim.

Kim: I’ve got meetings scheduled for most of the day. I’ll never make it through.

Nick: It’s your choice. I thought you might enjoy this challenge. Think long and hard before deciding, though. Once the pics are released, I can’t undo things.

Kim groaned in frustration. He’s a prick, she thought to herself. And yet, she thought back to how easily she climaxed while seated in front of a room full of men less than an hour earlier. She told herself that the vibrator was responsible for her orgasm, yet, she remembered how her heart raced as she realized she would cum in front of their watchful eyes, even if they were unaware of her true dilemma. She couldn’t help but wonder how much the risk of exposure amplified her arousal. Nick said he thought she’d enjoy the challenge, and she was left to wonder if he wasn’t right. She was scared to admit it, but she knew that he was right. She did secretly enjoy it.

Kim: I’ll play along.


On the other side of the facility, Nick sat at his desk, sneaking glances at his personal cell phone and the text responses coming from Kim.

He opened his Outlook computer program and checked Kim Barnes’ calendar schedule. He remembered earlier in the week during orientation how the HR manager mentioned that all the senior leaders made their calendars publicly available to all employees at the site. This was intended as a gesture toward full transparency on their schedules and availability, but this also unwittingly enabled Nick to track Kim’s expected whereabouts throughout the workday.

He knew she had a meeting with senior leadership at 8 AM, and it was no accident he played with the vibrator’s settings during that meeting. He saw she had a personal meeting with someone at 9 AM, and he thought that sounded like another lovely opportunity to test her resistance.

“How’s my newest employee coming along,” his boss, Marcia, asked as she walked down the aisle toward him, catching him unaware.

Nick immediately sat up straight and answered, “Fine, ma’am.”

Marcia stayed for a few minutes to make small talk with her newest hire before returning to her office. Nick eyed her as she strode back, admiring her from behind.

“Hey, don’t let her catch you looking like that at her,” Bob, a co-worker across the aisle warned him.

“Oh yeah?” Nick replied.

“She don’t take kindly to that kind of attention.”

Still, Nick couldn’t help but wish that he could get her to take orders from him the same way he had the CEO following his commands.


It was 9 AM, and Kim heard a soft knock at her door.

“Come in,” she called out.

Lilly Banner, the Documentation Room Supervisor nervously poked her head in. “Do you still have time to meet, Ms. Barnes?”

“Of course, please, have a seat,” Kim indicated, pointing to a chair in front of her desk. In an effort to encourage female leadership development, Kim had taken on a mentor role for Lilly, one of the more promising but still junior female employees at the company.

“So, tell me, how are things going in the world of Document Control? How did performance review go with your team?” Kim asked.

Lilly was a shy 29-year-old woman, somewhat mousey in manner and appearance. She was an introvert, but she knew their document management system better than anyone else, so promoting her to a supervisor role late last year was an easy decision.

As Lilly talked thru her experiences giving performance reviews for the first time, Kim felt the vibrator start buzzing again.

“Is something the matter? You look startled. Should I not have handled Harold’s performance review that way?” Lilly asked, worried she had somehow offended Kim.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kim apologized. “A random thought just occurred to me, completely unrelated to our conversation here. Please just continue.”

So, Lilly continued recounting how some people groused at their reviews while others seemed genuinely pleased, but Kim quickly felt her body betraying her again as the vibrator continued whirring away.

“Oh my,” Kim exclaimed, although she wondered if she said it just a little too enthusiastically. The words were in response to Lilly’s story, but the emotion was in response to the vibrator in her pussy.

Kim was turned on, and she looked at Lilly for the first time in a different light. She looked younger than her 29 years with her short brunette bob and slight build. She looked professional, but she gave a quiet loner vibe, as if she spent her college years reading books while listening to indie music. Lilly was quiet, but now Kim saw her introversion as giving her a mysterious allure. She wasn’t pretty like a magazine model, but she had a soft, slight, hesitating beauty to her. Kim had never been attracted to women, but in her heightened state of arousal, Lilly shone in a new light. For the first time; Kim didn’t look at her as a co-worker; she saw Lilly as a sexual being.

This was only Lilly’s second mentoring session with Kim, and she was still nervous around the CEO. Lilly was originally intimidated when told she would be mentored by the CEO. Naturally shy, she spent most of the first mentoring session just listening, too afraid to say something wrong in front of Kim. Today, though, Kim’s seeming interest in her own work experiences drew Lilly out of her shell. Now Lilly was running through her whole team, listing each person’s strengths and weaknesses.

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