From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City – Chap 4 by EdwardKalb

Edward took a sip of his cocktail and tried to placate his wife’s fears when answering her question, “If you want to, tomorrow that is, we can always find a quieter, more secluded area back a little against the dunes,” he said, offering a way to allow his wife to feel more comfortable.

But the reality was, he wanted to be in the middle of the ‘action’ in the swinger section of the beach. The atmosphere on the beach was unlike any other beach they had experienced – so full of sex and libertine thinking. He wanted to experience more in the short time they had; and he believed it might nudge his wife to fulfilling another of his fantasies; his perverted and selfish thoughts focused solely on the illusion of fucking his wife on a public beach in front of others.

Susan did not say a word, as she appeared to be in deep thought.

Edward perceived his wife was struggling with an internal debate. Wanting to mollify her fears, apprehension, and anxiety, “Let me ask you this…Do you regret what happened back in the room with the maintenance man?”

She played with her cocktail napkin as she spoke softly, “Well, I – I don’t know if that was appropriate. What if he reported me and we were thrown out of the Hotel?”

Edward smiled, “But he didn’t!”

Attempting to reassure her, Edward continued. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to be concerned about. I saw how he reacted. It was clear to me the man enjoyed it!”

Edward took a sip of his drink and added, “And you were so nonchalant about your state of undress. You were assured, enticing, and that confidence you exuded was so damned sexy! For those few moments, you were an entirely different woman! And I loved it!” He said as he tried to assure her that it was okay to behave, as she did.

“Were you as turned on as I was?” he asked excitedly. “I mean, it really seemed you enjoyed teasing him!”

Edward’s words caused Susan to blush, “Well…I…I guess it was fun.” she finally stammered her cheeks reddening but with a faint shy smile finally coming across her face.

“Well sweetheart, it was the hottest thing I had ever seen!” Edward proclaimed. “No porn scene in the world could come close to the pleasure I received from watching my wife act so naughty!”

Susan grinned proudly.

“And at the beach, I loved watching you tease that guy — opening and closing your legs…” Edward turned the discussion to the guy she teased on the beach.

“Oh, shit!” Susan blushed, embarrassed by the realization that her husband watched her lewd and sinful action.

“That man obviously appreciated your body. You gotta know it. So let me ask you, did you enjoy showing?”

Perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol, or the sexy atmosphere they were in. Whatever it was, she was feeling more relaxed and better about everything. But could she really admit to her husband that her actions had stimulated her in ways she never thought possible? She would be a hypocrite, right?

“Did The Game excite you?” Edward asked his flustered wife after some uncomfortable silence.

Reluctant to admit it to him, after a long pause Susan sheepishly answered, “Yes, I enjoyed playing your little game.”

“Did you enjoy showing him your pussy?” Edward inquired this time more sternly.

Susan laughed nervously. “I need to start having honest discussions with my husband. If I can tell him what turns me off, I need to be able to talk about what turns me on,” she thought.

She took another sip from her glass of chilled white wine and crossed her legs. She barely took notice that, sitting upon the tall stool, the hem on her black dress again rode up her thigh, easily exposing the laced tops of her black stockings. She was deep in deliberation and both unaware and unconcerned about any ‘wardrobe malfunction.’

After an even longer pause, Susan bashfully spoke in a soft voice, “Well…to be honest…I did kinda enjoy it, the teasing that is,” she admitted.

Edward smiled at his wife. His wife was experiencing a sexual re-awakening and he wanted to assure her that he was more than okay with everything. “I am so happy to hear you say that! I was hoping that you would allow yourself to let go and lose some of the psycho-emotional hang-ups you had with your body and sex. Once you are able to do that, your body and your mind will be free to enjoy…sex!”

Susan slapped her husband’s arm playfully.

He leaned in for a kiss. “Keep playing The Game, please!”

Susan took another sip of her drink and looked over “Well, I will consider it,” she softly replied.

“I love you so much!!!”

Although the conversation was disquieting, Susan actually felt more at ease now. With her husband giving her that warm feeling of closeness, that rare feeling you get when you are not only attracted to, but also connected with, your lover, she was relieved to finally be able to admit to her developing appetite to explore her sexuality further.

Edward leaned in, kissed her on the cheek, and whispered in her ear. “And admit it…watching that woman have live sex in right front of you was sexy as hell, wasn’t it?”

Susan bit her lower lip as she felt her body pulsing reminiscing of her behavior watching the public sex show in the dunes earlier.

“Okay, I’ll admit, it was…quite…erotic…and I did consider doing some naughty things to you at that time!” Susan admitted as she nervously circled her glass with her nails.

“Really? Like, having sex in front of other people?” Edward asked excitedly.

Susan smiled nervously at the suggestion. She knew that was Edward’s ultimate fantasy on this trip. Teasing other men with an occasional flash was one thing, but full-on intercourse in front of strangers, in the middle of a crowded beach, and with an audience? Would she? Could she?

She was not a performer. She never wanted to be the center of attention. She always preferred to remain reserved.

And yet, why was she not outright dismissing such a sordid act?

She knew that act would attract a crowd. Everything and every part of her would be out in the open. So how would she react with others so close, being able to ‘inspect’ every inch of her private, most intimate area? So many questions…

“Hold that thought,” Edward said rising from his stool. “I’ll be right back. I need to use the men’s room.”

As her husband made his way towards the rest rooms, Susan reflected on her own ruminations. She lamented the fact she was often too conservative and ‘introverted’ when in public. But the day’s events proved to her how much more fun she could have, if she allowed herself.

Sitting upon the tall bar stool she was more acutely aware of the hem on her black dress had ridden another 4″ up her leg, now not only showing off the lace tops of her stockings, but at least another inch of bare skin to boot. She looked down. Her breasts were bulging and practically hanging out of her immodest cocktail dress. With more than three-quarters of her body now exposed to everyone around her, she knew she had the look of a woman dressed for sex, repercussions of the ‘new’ woman she had become.

Still, her first instinct was to try pulling her dress back down. As she moved to pull the hem, she remembered the pearl thong. Any movement, particularly rocking side to side, increased the stimulation on her clit.

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